The contents of this directory are obsolete; content has been moved to the MOZI.AI/knowlege-import git repo. That repo contains all the various scripts used to import various biomic knowledge bases into the AtomSpace. These are used by the MOZI.AI (SingularityNet) gene annotation service and other biomic datamining/analysis tools. See the README in that repo for details.
Scripts for converting published knowledge bases into Atomese files, for import into the AtomSpace. [obsolete]
Script for converting Molecular signatures database (MSigDB) from msigdb_v6.1.xml to Atomese (the scheme AtomSpace representation file format). [obsolete]
experimental script to convert PathwayCommons v9 sif files to scheme Atomese.
is an accessory file with the definitions.
(IN-COMPLEX-WITH not yet implemented)