diff --git a/docs/hooks/events.rst b/docs/hooks/events.rst
index 2a7561df24e1..bccb98e56a42 100644
--- a/docs/hooks/events.rst
+++ b/docs/hooks/events.rst
@@ -244,10 +244,6 @@ Content Authoring Events
      - org.openedx.content_authoring.library_block.deleted.v1
      - 2023-07-20
-   * - `CONTENT_OBJECT_TAGS_CHANGED <https://github.com/openedx/openedx-events/blob/c0eb4ba1a3d7d066d58e5c87920b8ccb0645f769/openedx_events/content_authoring/signals.py#L207>`_
-     - org.openedx.content_authoring.content.object.tags.changed.v1
-     - 2024-03-31
    * - `LIBRARY_COLLECTION_CREATED <https://github.com/openedx/openedx-events/blob/main/openedx_events/content_authoring/signals.py#L219>`_
      - org.openedx.content_authoring.content_library.collection.created.v1
      - 2024-08-23
@@ -259,3 +255,7 @@ Content Authoring Events
    * - `LIBRARY_COLLECTION_DELETED <https://github.com/openedx/openedx-events/blob/main/openedx_events/content_authoring/signals.py#L241>`_
      - org.openedx.content_authoring.content_library.collection.deleted.v1
      - 2024-08-23
+   * - `CONTENT_OBJECT_ASSOCIATIONS_CHANGED <https://github.com/openedx/openedx-events/blob/eb17e03f075b272ad8a29e8435d6a514f8884131/openedx_events/content_authoring/signals.py#L205-L214>`_
+     - org.openedx.content_authoring.content.object.associations.changed.v1
+     - 2024-09-06
diff --git a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/api.py b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/api.py
index 76bb5eb3f4a4..4a775a710da6 100644
--- a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/api.py
+++ b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/api.py
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
+    searchable_doc_collections,
@@ -322,6 +323,9 @@ def rebuild_index(status_cb: Callable[[str], None] | None = None) -> None:
             Fields.tags + "." + Fields.tags_level1,
             Fields.tags + "." + Fields.tags_level2,
             Fields.tags + "." + Fields.tags_level3,
+            Fields.collections,
+            Fields.collections + "." + Fields.collections_display_name,
+            Fields.collections + "." + Fields.collections_key,
@@ -333,8 +337,9 @@ def rebuild_index(status_cb: Callable[[str], None] | None = None) -> None:
-            Fields.tags,
+            Fields.tags,
+            Fields.collections,
             # If we don't list the following sub-fields _explicitly_, they're only sometimes searchable - that is, they
             # are searchable only if at least one document in the index has a value. If we didn't list them here and,
             # say, there were no tags.level3 tags in the index, the client would get an error if trying to search for
@@ -344,6 +349,8 @@ def rebuild_index(status_cb: Callable[[str], None] | None = None) -> None:
             Fields.tags + "." + Fields.tags_level1,
             Fields.tags + "." + Fields.tags_level2,
             Fields.tags + "." + Fields.tags_level3,
+            Fields.collections + "." + Fields.collections_display_name,
+            Fields.collections + "." + Fields.collections_key,
         # Mark which attributes can be used for sorting search results:
@@ -375,6 +382,7 @@ def index_library(lib_key: str) -> list:
                     doc = {}
+                    doc.update(searchable_doc_collections(metadata.usage_key))
                 except Exception as err:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                     status_cb(f"Error indexing library component {component}: {err}")
@@ -549,6 +557,22 @@ def upsert_library_block_index_doc(usage_key: UsageKey) -> None:
+def upsert_library_collection_index_doc(library_key: LibraryLocatorV2, collection_key: str) -> None:
+    """
+    Creates or updates the document for the given Library Collection in the search index
+    """
+    content_library = lib_api.ContentLibrary.objects.get_by_key(library_key)
+    collection = authoring_api.get_collection(
+        learning_package_id=content_library.learning_package_id,
+        collection_key=collection_key,
+    )
+    docs = [
+        searchable_doc_for_collection(collection)
+    ]
+    _update_index_docs(docs)
 def upsert_content_library_index_docs(library_key: LibraryLocatorV2) -> None:
     Creates or updates the documents for the given Content Library in the search index
@@ -571,6 +595,15 @@ def upsert_block_tags_index_docs(usage_key: UsageKey):
+def upsert_block_collections_index_docs(usage_key: UsageKey):
+    """
+    Updates the collections data in documents for the given Course/Library block
+    """
+    doc = {Fields.id: meili_id_from_opaque_key(usage_key)}
+    doc.update(searchable_doc_collections(usage_key))
+    _update_index_docs([doc])
 def _get_user_orgs(request: Request) -> list[str]:
     Get the org.short_names for the organizations that the requesting user has OrgStaffRole or OrgInstructorRole.
diff --git a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/documents.py b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/documents.py
index a45b37ab2ad2..6f19b610fe86 100644
--- a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/documents.py
+++ b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/documents.py
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
 from hashlib import blake2b
 from django.utils.text import slugify
+from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
 from opaque_keys.edx.keys import LearningContextKey, UsageKey
+from openedx_learning.api import authoring as authoring_api
 from openedx.core.djangoapps.content.search.models import SearchAccess
 from openedx.core.djangoapps.content_libraries import api as lib_api
@@ -26,7 +28,11 @@ class Fields:
     id = "id"
     usage_key = "usage_key"
     type = "type"  # DocType.course_block or DocType.library_block (see below)
-    block_id = "block_id"  # The block_id part of the usage key. Sometimes human-readable, sometimes a random hex ID
+    # The block_id part of the usage key for course or library blocks.
+    # If it's a collection, the collection.key is stored here.
+    # Sometimes human-readable, sometimes a random hex ID
+    # Is only unique within the given context_key.
+    block_id = "block_id"
     display_name = "display_name"
     description = "description"
     modified = "modified"
@@ -52,11 +58,21 @@ class Fields:
     tags_level1 = "level1"
     tags_level2 = "level2"
     tags_level3 = "level3"
+    # Collections (dictionary) that this object belongs to.
+    # Similarly to tags above, we collect the collection.titles and collection.keys into hierarchical facets.
+    collections = "collections"
+    collections_display_name = "display_name"
+    collections_key = "key"
     # The "content" field is a dictionary of arbitrary data, depending on the block_type.
     # It comes from each XBlock's index_dictionary() method (if present) plus some processing.
     # Text (html) blocks have an "html_content" key in here, capa has "capa_content" and "problem_types", and so on.
     content = "content"
+    # Collections use this field to communicate how many entities/components they contain.
+    # Structural XBlocks may use this one day to indicate how many child blocks they ocntain.
+    num_children = "num_children"
     # Note: new fields or values can be added at any time, but if they need to be indexed for filtering or keyword
     # search, the index configuration will need to be changed, which is only done as part of the 'reindex_studio'
     # command (changing those settings on an large active index is not recommended).
@@ -223,6 +239,51 @@ def _tags_for_content_object(object_id: UsageKey | LearningContextKey) -> dict:
     return {Fields.tags: result}
+def _collections_for_content_object(object_id: UsageKey | LearningContextKey) -> dict:
+    """
+    Given an XBlock, course, library, etc., get the collections for its index doc.
+    e.g. for something in Collections "COL_A" and "COL_B", this would return:
+        {
+            "collections":  {
+                "display_name": ["Collection A", "Collection B"],
+                "key": ["COL_A", "COL_B"],
+            }
+        }
+    If the object is in no collections, returns:
+        {
+            "collections":  {},
+        }
+    """
+    # Gather the collections associated with this object
+    collections = None
+    try:
+        component = lib_api.get_component_from_usage_key(object_id)
+        collections = authoring_api.get_entity_collections(
+            component.learning_package_id,
+            component.key,
+        )
+    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
+        log.warning(f"No component found for {object_id}")
+    if not collections:
+        return {Fields.collections: {}}
+    result = {
+        Fields.collections: {
+            Fields.collections_display_name: [],
+            Fields.collections_key: [],
+        }
+    }
+    for collection in collections:
+        result[Fields.collections][Fields.collections_display_name].append(collection.title)
+        result[Fields.collections][Fields.collections_key].append(collection.key)
+    return result
 def searchable_doc_for_library_block(xblock_metadata: lib_api.LibraryXBlockMetadata) -> dict:
     Generate a dictionary document suitable for ingestion into a search engine
@@ -265,6 +326,19 @@ def searchable_doc_tags(usage_key: UsageKey) -> dict:
     return doc
+def searchable_doc_collections(usage_key: UsageKey) -> dict:
+    """
+    Generate a dictionary document suitable for ingestion into a search engine
+    like Meilisearch or Elasticsearch, with the collections data for the given content object.
+    """
+    doc = {
+        Fields.id: meili_id_from_opaque_key(usage_key),
+    }
+    doc.update(_collections_for_content_object(usage_key))
+    return doc
 def searchable_doc_for_course_block(block) -> dict:
     Generate a dictionary document suitable for ingestion into a search engine
@@ -289,6 +363,7 @@ def searchable_doc_for_collection(collection) -> dict:
     doc = {
         Fields.id: collection.id,
+        Fields.block_id: collection.key,
         Fields.type: DocType.collection,
         Fields.display_name: collection.title,
         Fields.description: collection.description,
@@ -298,6 +373,7 @@ def searchable_doc_for_collection(collection) -> dict:
         # If related contentlibrary is found, it will override this value below.
         # Mostly contentlibrary.library_key == learning_package.key
         Fields.context_key: collection.learning_package.key,
+        Fields.num_children: collection.entities.count(),
     # Just in case learning_package is not related to a library
diff --git a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/handlers.py b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/handlers.py
index 94ac02ea1606..6a341c92ed2b 100644
--- a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/handlers.py
+++ b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/handlers.py
@@ -6,30 +6,40 @@
 from django.db.models.signals import post_delete
 from django.dispatch import receiver
-from openedx_events.content_authoring.data import ContentLibraryData, ContentObjectData, LibraryBlockData, XBlockData
+from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError
+from opaque_keys.edx.keys import UsageKey
+from openedx_events.content_authoring.data import (
+    ContentLibraryData,
+    ContentObjectChangedData,
+    LibraryBlockData,
+    LibraryCollectionData,
+    XBlockData,
 from openedx_events.content_authoring.signals import (
-from openedx.core.djangoapps.content_tagging.utils import get_content_key_from_string
 from openedx.core.djangoapps.content.course_overviews.models import CourseOverview
 from openedx.core.djangoapps.content.search.models import SearchAccess
-from .api import only_if_meilisearch_enabled, upsert_block_tags_index_docs
+from .api import only_if_meilisearch_enabled, upsert_block_collections_index_docs, upsert_block_tags_index_docs
 from .tasks import (
+    update_library_collection_index_doc,
-    upsert_xblock_index_doc
+    upsert_xblock_index_doc,
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -145,22 +155,48 @@ def content_library_updated_handler(**kwargs) -> None:
+def library_collection_updated_handler(**kwargs) -> None:
+    """
+    Create or update the index for the content library collection
+    """
+    library_collection = kwargs.get("library_collection", None)
+    if not library_collection or not isinstance(library_collection, LibraryCollectionData):  # pragma: no cover
+        log.error("Received null or incorrect data for event")
+        return
+    # Update collection index synchronously to make sure that search index is updated before
+    # the frontend invalidates/refetches index.
+    # See content_library_updated_handler for more details.
+    update_library_collection_index_doc.apply(args=[
+        str(library_collection.library_key),
+        library_collection.collection_key,
+    ])
-def content_object_tags_changed_handler(**kwargs) -> None:
+def content_object_associations_changed_handler(**kwargs) -> None:
-    Update the tags data in the index for the Content Object
+    Update the collections/tags data in the index for the Content Object
-    content_object_tags = kwargs.get("content_object", None)
-    if not content_object_tags or not isinstance(content_object_tags, ContentObjectData):
+    content_object = kwargs.get("content_object", None)
+    if not content_object or not isinstance(content_object, ContentObjectChangedData):
         log.error("Received null or incorrect data for event")
         # Check if valid if course or library block
-        get_content_key_from_string(content_object_tags.object_id)
-    except ValueError:
+        usage_key = UsageKey.from_string(str(content_object.object_id))
+    except InvalidKeyError:
         log.error("Received invalid content object id")
-    upsert_block_tags_index_docs(content_object_tags.object_id)
+    # This event's changes may contain both "tags" and "collections", but this will happen rarely, if ever.
+    # So we allow a potential double "upsert" here.
+    if not content_object.changes or "tags" in content_object.changes:
+        upsert_block_tags_index_docs(usage_key)
+    if not content_object.changes or "collections" in content_object.changes:
+        upsert_block_collections_index_docs(usage_key)
diff --git a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/tasks.py b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/tasks.py
index dfd603776981..d9dad834db29 100644
--- a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/tasks.py
+++ b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/tasks.py
@@ -84,3 +84,16 @@ def update_content_library_index_docs(library_key_str: str) -> None:
     # Delete all documents in this library that were not published by above function
     # as this task is also triggered on discard event.
+@shared_task(base=LoggedTask, autoretry_for=(MeilisearchError, ConnectionError))
+def update_library_collection_index_doc(library_key_str: str, collection_key: str) -> None:
+    """
+    Celery task to update the content index documents for a library collection
+    """
+    library_key = LibraryLocatorV2.from_string(library_key_str)
+    log.info("Updating content index documents for collection %s in library%s", collection_key, library_key)
+    api.upsert_library_collection_index_doc(library_key, collection_key)
diff --git a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/tests/test_api.py b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/tests/test_api.py
index d6b58674f5ec..023265f4d0f5 100644
--- a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/tests/test_api.py
+++ b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/tests/test_api.py
@@ -186,16 +186,18 @@ def setUp(self):
                 description="my collection description"
         self.collection_dict = {
-            'id': self.collection.id,
-            'type': 'collection',
-            'display_name': 'my_collection',
-            'description': 'my collection description',
-            'context_key': 'lib:org1:lib',
-            'org': 'org1',
-            'created': created_date.timestamp(),
-            'modified': created_date.timestamp(),
+            "id": self.collection.id,
+            "block_id": self.collection.key,
+            "type": "collection",
+            "display_name": "my_collection",
+            "description": "my collection description",
+            "num_children": 0,
+            "context_key": "lib:org1:lib",
+            "org": "org1",
+            "created": created_date.timestamp(),
+            "modified": created_date.timestamp(),
             "access_id": lib_access.id,
-            'breadcrumbs': [{'display_name': 'Library'}]
+            "breadcrumbs": [{"display_name": "Library"}],
@@ -215,10 +217,13 @@ def test_reindex_meilisearch(self, mock_meilisearch):
         doc_vertical["tags"] = {}
         doc_problem1 = copy.deepcopy(self.doc_problem1)
         doc_problem1["tags"] = {}
+        doc_problem1["collections"] = {}
         doc_problem2 = copy.deepcopy(self.doc_problem2)
         doc_problem2["tags"] = {}
+        doc_problem2["collections"] = {}
+        assert mock_meilisearch.return_value.index.return_value.add_documents.call_count == 3
                 call([doc_sequential, doc_vertical]),
@@ -254,6 +259,7 @@ def test_reindex_meilisearch_library_block_error(self, mock_meilisearch):
         doc_vertical["tags"] = {}
         doc_problem2 = copy.deepcopy(self.doc_problem2)
         doc_problem2["tags"] = {}
+        doc_problem2["collections"] = {}
         orig_from_component = library_api.LibraryXBlockMetadata.from_component
@@ -346,6 +352,7 @@ def test_index_xblock_tags(self, mock_meilisearch):
+        assert mock_meilisearch.return_value.index.return_value.update_documents.call_count == 2
@@ -400,6 +407,7 @@ def test_index_library_block_tags(self, mock_meilisearch):
+        assert mock_meilisearch.return_value.index.return_value.update_documents.call_count == 2
@@ -408,6 +416,130 @@ def test_index_library_block_tags(self, mock_meilisearch):
+    @override_settings(MEILISEARCH_ENABLED=True)
+    def test_index_library_block_and_collections(self, mock_meilisearch):
+        """
+        Test indexing an Library Block and the Collections it's in.
+        """
+        # Create collections (these internally call `upsert_library_collection_index_doc`)
+        created_date = datetime(2023, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+        with freeze_time(created_date):
+            collection1 = library_api.create_library_collection(
+                self.library.key,
+                collection_key="COL1",
+                title="Collection 1",
+                created_by=None,
+                description="First Collection",
+            )
+            collection2 = library_api.create_library_collection(
+                self.library.key,
+                collection_key="COL2",
+                title="Collection 2",
+                created_by=None,
+                description="Second Collection",
+            )
+        # Add Problem1 to both Collections (these internally call `upsert_block_collections_index_docs` and
+        # `upsert_library_collection_index_doc`)
+        # (adding in reverse order to test sorting of collection tag)
+        updated_date = datetime(2023, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+        with freeze_time(updated_date):
+            for collection in (collection2, collection1):
+                library_api.update_library_collection_components(
+                    self.library.key,
+                    collection_key=collection.key,
+                    usage_keys=[
+                        self.problem1.usage_key,
+                    ],
+                )
+        # Build expected docs at each stage
+        lib_access, _ = SearchAccess.objects.get_or_create(context_key=self.library.key)
+        doc_collection1_created = {
+            "id": collection1.id,
+            "block_id": collection1.key,
+            "type": "collection",
+            "display_name": "Collection 1",
+            "description": "First Collection",
+            "num_children": 0,
+            "context_key": "lib:org1:lib",
+            "org": "org1",
+            "created": created_date.timestamp(),
+            "modified": created_date.timestamp(),
+            "access_id": lib_access.id,
+            "breadcrumbs": [{"display_name": "Library"}],
+        }
+        doc_collection2_created = {
+            "id": collection2.id,
+            "block_id": collection2.key,
+            "type": "collection",
+            "display_name": "Collection 2",
+            "description": "Second Collection",
+            "num_children": 0,
+            "context_key": "lib:org1:lib",
+            "org": "org1",
+            "created": created_date.timestamp(),
+            "modified": created_date.timestamp(),
+            "access_id": lib_access.id,
+            "breadcrumbs": [{"display_name": "Library"}],
+        }
+        doc_collection2_updated = {
+            "id": collection2.id,
+            "block_id": collection2.key,
+            "type": "collection",
+            "display_name": "Collection 2",
+            "description": "Second Collection",
+            "num_children": 1,
+            "context_key": "lib:org1:lib",
+            "org": "org1",
+            "created": created_date.timestamp(),
+            "modified": updated_date.timestamp(),
+            "access_id": lib_access.id,
+            "breadcrumbs": [{"display_name": "Library"}],
+        }
+        doc_collection1_updated = {
+            "id": collection1.id,
+            "block_id": collection1.key,
+            "type": "collection",
+            "display_name": "Collection 1",
+            "description": "First Collection",
+            "num_children": 1,
+            "context_key": "lib:org1:lib",
+            "org": "org1",
+            "created": created_date.timestamp(),
+            "modified": updated_date.timestamp(),
+            "access_id": lib_access.id,
+            "breadcrumbs": [{"display_name": "Library"}],
+        }
+        doc_problem_with_collection1 = {
+            "id": self.doc_problem1["id"],
+            "collections": {
+                "display_name": ["Collection 2"],
+                "key": ["COL2"],
+            },
+        }
+        doc_problem_with_collection2 = {
+            "id": self.doc_problem1["id"],
+            "collections": {
+                "display_name": ["Collection 1", "Collection 2"],
+                "key": ["COL1", "COL2"],
+            },
+        }
+        assert mock_meilisearch.return_value.index.return_value.update_documents.call_count == 6
+        mock_meilisearch.return_value.index.return_value.update_documents.assert_has_calls(
+            [
+                call([doc_collection1_created]),
+                call([doc_collection2_created]),
+                call([doc_collection2_updated]),
+                call([doc_collection1_updated]),
+                call([doc_problem_with_collection1]),
+                call([doc_problem_with_collection2]),
+            ],
+            any_order=True,
+        )
     def test_delete_index_library_block(self, mock_meilisearch):
diff --git a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/tests/test_documents.py b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/tests/test_documents.py
index 1f10fc3c988f..7ff330c0b491 100644
--- a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/tests/test_documents.py
+++ b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content/search/tests/test_documents.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 from openedx_learning.api import authoring as authoring_api
 from openedx.core.djangoapps.content_tagging import api as tagging_api
+from openedx.core.djangoapps.content_libraries import api as library_api
 from openedx.core.djangolib.testing.utils import skip_unless_cms
 from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
 from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import SharedModuleStoreTestCase
@@ -15,12 +16,19 @@
     # This import errors in the lms because content.search is not an installed app there.
-    from ..documents import searchable_doc_for_course_block, searchable_doc_tags, searchable_doc_for_collection
+    from ..documents import (
+        searchable_doc_for_course_block,
+        searchable_doc_tags,
+        searchable_doc_collections,
+        searchable_doc_for_collection,
+        searchable_doc_for_library_block,
+    )
     from ..models import SearchAccess
 except RuntimeError:
     searchable_doc_for_course_block = lambda x: x
     searchable_doc_tags = lambda x: x
     searchable_doc_for_collection = lambda x: x
+    searchable_doc_for_library_block = lambda x: x
     SearchAccess = {}
@@ -38,12 +46,13 @@ class StudioDocumentsTest(SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
     def setUpClass(cls):
         cls.store = modulestore()
+        cls.org = Organization.objects.create(name="edX", short_name="edX")
         cls.toy_course = ToyCourseFactory.create()  # See xmodule/modulestore/tests/sample_courses.py
         cls.toy_course_key = cls.toy_course.id
         # Get references to some blocks in the toy course
         cls.html_block_key = cls.toy_course_key.make_usage_key("html", "toyjumpto")
-        # Create a problem in library
+        # Create a problem in course
         cls.problem_block = BlockFactory.create(
             parent_location=cls.toy_course_key.make_usage_key("vertical", "vertical_test"),
@@ -51,8 +60,38 @@ def setUpClass(cls):
             data="<problem>What is a test?<multiplechoiceresponse></multiplechoiceresponse></problem>",
+        # Create a library and collection with a block
+        created_date = datetime(2023, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+        with freeze_time(created_date):
+            cls.library = library_api.create_library(
+                org=cls.org,
+                slug="2012_Fall",
+                title="some content_library",
+                description="some description",
+            )
+            cls.collection = library_api.create_library_collection(
+                cls.library.key,
+                collection_key="TOY_COLLECTION",
+                title="Toy Collection",
+                created_by=None,
+                description="my toy collection description"
+            )
+            cls.library_block = library_api.create_library_block(
+                cls.library.key,
+                "html",
+                "text2",
+            )
+            # Add the problem block to the collection
+            library_api.update_library_collection_components(
+                cls.library.key,
+                collection_key="TOY_COLLECTION",
+                usage_keys=[
+                    cls.library_block.usage_key,
+                ]
+            )
         # Create a couple taxonomies and some tags
-        cls.org = Organization.objects.create(name="edX", short_name="edX")
         cls.difficulty_tags = tagging_api.create_taxonomy(name="Difficulty", orgs=[cls.org], allow_multiple=False)
         tagging_api.add_tag_to_taxonomy(cls.difficulty_tags, tag="Easy")
         tagging_api.add_tag_to_taxonomy(cls.difficulty_tags, tag="Normal")
@@ -69,6 +108,7 @@ def setUpClass(cls):
         tagging_api.tag_object(str(cls.problem_block.usage_key), cls.difficulty_tags, tags=["Easy"])
         tagging_api.tag_object(str(cls.html_block_key), cls.subject_tags, tags=["Chinese", "Jump Links"])
         tagging_api.tag_object(str(cls.html_block_key), cls.difficulty_tags, tags=["Normal"])
+        tagging_api.tag_object(str(cls.library_block.usage_key), cls.difficulty_tags, tags=["Normal"])
     def toy_course_access_id(self):
@@ -80,6 +120,16 @@ def toy_course_access_id(self):
         return SearchAccess.objects.get(context_key=self.toy_course_key).id
+    @property
+    def library_access_id(self):
+        """
+        Returns the SearchAccess.id created for the library.
+        This SearchAccess object is created when documents are added to the search index, so this method must be called
+        after this step, or risk a DoesNotExist error.
+        """
+        return SearchAccess.objects.get(context_key=self.library.key).id
     def test_problem_block(self):
         Test how a problem block gets represented in the search index
@@ -205,6 +255,62 @@ def test_video_block_untagged(self):
             # This video has no tags.
+    def test_html_library_block(self):
+        """
+        Test how a library block gets represented in the search index
+        """
+        doc = {}
+        doc.update(searchable_doc_for_library_block(self.library_block))
+        doc.update(searchable_doc_tags(self.library_block.usage_key))
+        doc.update(searchable_doc_collections(self.library_block.usage_key))
+        assert doc == {
+            "id": "lbedx2012_fallhtmltext2-4bb47d67",
+            "type": "library_block",
+            "block_type": "html",
+            "usage_key": "lb:edX:2012_Fall:html:text2",
+            "block_id": "text2",
+            "context_key": "lib:edX:2012_Fall",
+            "org": "edX",
+            "access_id": self.library_access_id,
+            "display_name": "Text",
+            "breadcrumbs": [
+                {
+                    "display_name": "some content_library",
+                },
+            ],
+            "last_published": None,
+            "created": 1680674828.0,
+            "modified": 1680674828.0,
+            "content": {
+                "html_content": "",
+            },
+            "collections": {
+                "key": ["TOY_COLLECTION"],
+                "display_name": ["Toy Collection"],
+            },
+            "tags": {
+                "taxonomy": ["Difficulty"],
+                "level0": ["Difficulty > Normal"],
+            },
+        }
+    def test_collection_with_library(self):
+        doc = searchable_doc_for_collection(self.collection)
+        assert doc == {
+            "id": self.collection.id,
+            "block_id": self.collection.key,
+            "type": "collection",
+            "org": "edX",
+            "display_name": "Toy Collection",
+            "description": "my toy collection description",
+            "num_children": 1,
+            "context_key": "lib:edX:2012_Fall",
+            "access_id": self.library_access_id,
+            "breadcrumbs": [{"display_name": "some content_library"}],
+            "created": 1680674828.0,
+            "modified": 1680674828.0,
+        }
     def test_collection_with_no_library(self):
         created_date = datetime(2023, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
         with freeze_time(created_date):
@@ -223,9 +329,11 @@ def test_collection_with_no_library(self):
         doc = searchable_doc_for_collection(collection)
         assert doc == {
             "id": collection.id,
+            "block_id": collection.key,
             "type": "collection",
             "display_name": "my_collection",
             "description": "my collection description",
+            "num_children": 0,
             "context_key": learning_package.key,
             "access_id": self.toy_course_access_id,
             "breadcrumbs": [{"display_name": "some learning_package"}],
diff --git a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content_libraries/api.py b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content_libraries/api.py
index 00110143456a..c19c9bf880d0 100644
--- a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content_libraries/api.py
+++ b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content_libraries/api.py
@@ -78,12 +78,12 @@
 from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError
 from openedx_events.content_authoring.data import (
-    ContentObjectData,
+    ContentObjectChangedData,
 from openedx_events.content_authoring.signals import (
@@ -1235,10 +1235,13 @@ def update_library_collection_components(
-    # Emit a CONTENT_OBJECT_TAGS_CHANGED event for each of the objects added/removed
+    # Emit a CONTENT_OBJECT_ASSOCIATIONS_CHANGED event for each of the objects added/removed
     for usage_key in usage_keys:
-        CONTENT_OBJECT_TAGS_CHANGED.send_event(
-            content_object=ContentObjectData(object_id=usage_key),
+            content_object=ContentObjectChangedData(
+                object_id=str(usage_key),
+                changes=["collections"],
+            ),
     return collection
diff --git a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content_libraries/tests/test_api.py b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content_libraries/tests/test_api.py
index b7b646acac56..b02e71b002a3 100644
--- a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content_libraries/tests/test_api.py
+++ b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content_libraries/tests/test_api.py
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
 from opaque_keys.edx.locator import LibraryLocatorV2
 from openedx_events.content_authoring.data import (
-    ContentObjectData,
+    ContentObjectChangedData,
 from openedx_events.content_authoring.signals import (
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ class ContentLibraryCollectionsTest(ContentLibrariesRestApiTest, OpenEdxEventsTe
     Same guidelines as ContentLibrariesTestCase.
-        CONTENT_OBJECT_TAGS_CHANGED.event_type,
@@ -411,10 +411,10 @@ def test_update_library_collection_components(self):
     def test_update_library_collection_components_event(self):
-        Check that a CONTENT_OBJECT_TAGS_CHANGED event is raised for each added/removed component.
+        Check that a CONTENT_OBJECT_ASSOCIATIONS_CHANGED event is raised for each added/removed component.
         event_receiver = mock.Mock()
-        CONTENT_OBJECT_TAGS_CHANGED.connect(event_receiver)
+        CONTENT_OBJECT_ASSOCIATIONS_CHANGED.connect(event_receiver)
@@ -440,20 +440,22 @@ def test_update_library_collection_components_event(self):
-                "signal": CONTENT_OBJECT_TAGS_CHANGED,
                 "sender": None,
-                "content_object": ContentObjectData(
-                    object_id=UsageKey.from_string(self.lib1_problem_block["id"]),
+                "content_object": ContentObjectChangedData(
+                    object_id=self.lib1_problem_block["id"],
+                    changes=["collections"],
-                "signal": CONTENT_OBJECT_TAGS_CHANGED,
                 "sender": None,
-                "content_object": ContentObjectData(
-                    object_id=UsageKey.from_string(self.lib1_html_block["id"]),
+                "content_object": ContentObjectChangedData(
+                    object_id=self.lib1_html_block["id"],
+                    changes=["collections"],
diff --git a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content_tagging/api.py b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content_tagging/api.py
index 47b157c1a34e..b63c70c5f0b8 100644
--- a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content_tagging/api.py
+++ b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content_tagging/api.py
@@ -18,8 +18,11 @@
 from openedx_tagging.core.tagging.models.utils import TAGS_CSV_SEPARATOR
 from organizations.models import Organization
 from .helpers.objecttag_export_helpers import build_object_tree_with_objecttags, iterate_with_level
-from openedx_events.content_authoring.data import ContentObjectData
-from openedx_events.content_authoring.signals import CONTENT_OBJECT_TAGS_CHANGED
+from openedx_events.content_authoring.data import ContentObjectData, ContentObjectChangedData
+from openedx_events.content_authoring.signals import (
 from .models import TaxonomyOrg
 from .types import ContentKey, TagValuesByObjectIdDict, TagValuesByTaxonomyIdDict, TaxonomyDict
@@ -301,6 +304,16 @@ def set_exported_object_tags(
+            time=now(),
+            content_object=ContentObjectChangedData(
+                object_id=content_key_str,
+                changes=["tags"],
+            )
+        )
+        # Emit a (deprecated) CONTENT_OBJECT_TAGS_CHANGED event too
@@ -378,7 +391,7 @@ def tag_object(
     Replaces the existing ObjectTag entries for the given taxonomy + object_id
     with the given list of tags, if the taxonomy can be used by the given object_id.
-    This is a wrapper around oel_tagging.tag_object that adds emitting the `CONTENT_OBJECT_TAGS_CHANGED` event
+    This is a wrapper around oel_tagging.tag_object that adds emitting the `CONTENT_OBJECT_ASSOCIATIONS_CHANGED` event
     when tagging an object.
     tags: A list of the values of the tags from this taxonomy to apply.
@@ -399,6 +412,15 @@ def tag_object(
+            time=now(),
+            content_object=ContentObjectChangedData(
+                object_id=object_id,
+                changes=["tags"],
+            )
+        )
+        # Emit a (deprecated) CONTENT_OBJECT_TAGS_CHANGED event too
diff --git a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content_tagging/rest_api/v1/views.py b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content_tagging/rest_api/v1/views.py
index 71b210b9e561..3fc99736bae9 100644
--- a/openedx/core/djangoapps/content_tagging/rest_api/v1/views.py
+++ b/openedx/core/djangoapps/content_tagging/rest_api/v1/views.py
@@ -13,8 +13,11 @@
 from rest_framework.request import Request
 from rest_framework.response import Response
 from rest_framework.views import APIView
-from openedx_events.content_authoring.data import ContentObjectData
-from openedx_events.content_authoring.signals import CONTENT_OBJECT_TAGS_CHANGED
+from openedx_events.content_authoring.data import ContentObjectData, ContentObjectChangedData
+from openedx_events.content_authoring.signals import (
 from ...auth import has_view_object_tags_access
 from ...api import (
@@ -149,14 +152,24 @@ class ObjectTagOrgView(ObjectTagView):
     def update(self, request, *args, **kwargs) -> Response:
-        Extend the update method to fire CONTENT_OBJECT_TAGS_CHANGED event
+        Extend the update method to fire CONTENT_OBJECT_ASSOCIATIONS_CHANGED event
         response = super().update(request, *args, **kwargs)
         if response.status_code == 200:
             object_id = kwargs.get('object_id')
+                content_object=ContentObjectChangedData(
+                    object_id=object_id,
+                    changes=["tags"],
+                )
+            )
+            # Emit a (deprecated) CONTENT_OBJECT_TAGS_CHANGED event too
         return response