All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed error starting up Collect control panel;
- XML data export: fixed filtering using expression;
- XML data export (Collect format): show records count before generation; added filter;
- CE surveys: random grid generation;
- Fixed cannot demote record in analysis step;
- CSV data export: added filter condition (expression);
- CSV data export: added option to always evaluate calculated attributes (useful for CE surveys);
- Coordinate attribute: get current location from browser;
- Code lists batch import: allow importing zip files generated with MacOS;
- Code lists batch import: allow importing zip files containing Excel files;
- Cannot add more rows in tables where taxon attribute is defined as key;
- Record attribute validator: fixed non-relevant attributes considered as required;
- Taxonomy import: export errors list to Excel;
- Survey export: fixed error exporting survey to Collect Mobile;
- File attribute: generate file name using an expression (optional);
- Fixed dependent calculated attributes evaluation (Collect Earth surveys);
- Fixed cannot add more than one multiple entity when key attributes are not defined;
- Fixed Collect Earth surveys nested calculated attributes evaluation;
- Optimized record validator (species data loading);
- Optimized record validator (species data loading);
- Avoiding loops in record validation with nested depending entities;
- Optimized record validator (species data loading);
- Bug fixes;
- Bug fixes (table add button);
- Data entry: prevent adding multiple empty entities (in forms and tables);
- Survey editor: fixed Collect Earth surveys preview (dependent calculated attributes evaluation);
- Survey editor: layout adjustments for Collect Earth surveys;
- Survey editor: layout adjustments;
- Survey editor: updated bottom button bar's layout;
- Expressions: evaluation of calculated attributes inside single entities;
- Updated third party libraries;
- Survey Designer: simplifications for Collect Earth surveys;
- Data export (Excel): added option in Additional Options to include images;
- Collect Earth: calculated attribute sending EXTRA_attrName values;
- Data export: include sampling design item label (if defined);
- Removed dependency on deprecated Apache Commons DDLUtils;
- Fix for Collect Earth: dependent code attributes not refreshed on parent update;
- Fix for Collect Earth: dependent code attributes not refreshed on parent update;
- Sampling point data: use extra info columns label_XX as labels;
- Fixed attribute conversion;
- Fixed error in code attribute autocomplete with long list of items;
- Error importing species list;
- Error starting Collect Earth;
- Layout adjustments (enumerated entities);
- Fixed errors in survey designer (editing sampling unit);
- Fixed error importing survey file;
- Validation report: include only owned record for data cleansing limited user role;
- Error importing survey;
- Fixed errors editing code lists;
- Updated dependencies;
- Fix in collect-core for Collect Mobile;
- Improved Survey Designer UI
- Fixed error exporting surveys to Collect Mobile;
- Bug fixes (Data grids);
- Websockets not working properly when Collect runs in a server under https with load balancing;
- Blank screen starting Saiku when Collect runs in a server under https with load balancing;
- Error uploading data from Collect Mobile;
- Validation feedback not showing properly inside tables;
- Improved data tables layout;
- Updated dependencies;
- Data Cleaner Limited user role;
- Bug fixes;
- Fixed error exporting Collect Earth survey from Survey Designer;
- Bug fixes;
- Support latest version of PostgreSQL JDBC drivers;
- Fixed error importing collect-data files;
- Bug fixes; Fixed blank page opening Data Management and Survey Designer;
- Bug fixes;
- Prevent runtime errors importing records with "null" keys;
- Error importing big records using in SQLite DB;
- Error importing big records using in SQLite DB;
- Updated dependencies;
- Survey Designer / Survey files: fixed error adding CE area_per_attribute.csv file;
- Data management / Single record export: fixed exported record files filter;
- Data management / Record edit: added current record "Export to Collect format" button;
- Survey Designer / Survey files: allow importing multiple files;
- Data Management / Data Import Summary: added record import warnings icon;
- Data Management / Data Import Summary: added Filled Values column and importability tooltips;
- Internal changes: removed dependencies giving conflicts;
- Records validation: fixed error validating hierarchical code attributes using sampling point data in PostgreSQL;
- Survey Designer: fixed Boolean attribute type label not visible in Add Attribute dropdown;
- CSV data export: fixed date and time values formatting;
- Survey Designer: fixed error importing labels' translation file;
- Species import: validate extra info column names (cannot use reserved words);
- Survey export: validate that multiple attribute is supported before exporting to Collect Mobile;
- Survey designer: labels export/import - include tooltip texts;
- Map: polygon text attribute not selectable in map;
- Data entry: key code attribute label not appearing in enumerated entities;
- Data entry: min/max not recalculated properly when expression is used;
- Validation report not including missing values;
- Data entry: multiple entities (forms) selector showing "empty" for key attributes with value '0';
- Survey Designer: avoid marking file attribute definitions as "key";
- Layout adjustments (sidebar)
- Fixed Control Panel not responding;
- Updated dependencies (prepare new Collect Mobile release);
- Internal update: removed dependencies from Open Foris Repository (prepare new Collect Mobile release);
- Allow adding new items in enumerating code list of published surveys;
- Installer fails to install embedded JRE in Windows;
- Allow usage of calculated key attributes with "only one time" option;
- Control Panel: updated to work with OpenJDK;
- Auto-updater: cleanup previous backup folder before updating;
- Tables: relevant multiple attribute column not shown;
- Tables: column grouping layout when inner columns are not visible;
- Error generating polygon (geometry) in Collect Mobile
- Schema labels export;
- Schema labels import: validate input file before import;
- Taxon attribute: when "show family" is specified, always include family in CSV export and in data entry form;
- Error after logout;
- Multiple entities with form layout: show position in selector if keys are missing;
- Error loading code list items in table when column visibility changes;
- Schema labels import;
- Filtering of code items in code attribute autocomplete;
- Made qualifier attributes read-only in UI (for data entry users);
- Page reload when saving survey from Survey Designer;
- Improved multiple entity form selector layout;
- Hide not visible fields from taxon autocomplete;
- Record edit for users with ENTRY_LIMITED role;
- Issue with special characters in Portuguese
- Error exporting Collect Earth survey with multiple code attribute inside multiple entity;
- Data Management list of records not updated after import;
- Record editor: go back to data management page on survey change;
- Code attribute: selected item label not shown in autocomplete;
- Code attribute: allow clear selection;
- Support form item multiple columns layout;
- Truncate enumerator label (key code attribute item label) in enumerated entities (table);
- Clear record cache on survey publish/delete/update
- Keep selected survey after browser page reload;
- Error exporting survey to Collect Mobile;
- Removed client side depending on Flash Player!
- Data entry new UI: show number label (if any); use label width specified in survey designer; handle system errors; export edited record to Excel; hide calculated attributes from UI (if specified); numeric attributes: limit decimal places;
- Data entry new UI: fixed value deleted from Taxon attribute after focusing into field without selection;
- Data entry new UI: layout adjustments; fixed hierarchical code list items loading;
- Data entry new UI: promote/demote record; support qualifiable code attributes in tables; hide non-relevant tabs;
- Data entry new UI: record validation report; show records as read-only if in analysis phase;
- Data entry new UI: show labels in selected survey language; show warnings feedback; show node definition tooltips (descriptions) and info icons; numeric attributes: do not show unit selector when only one unit is defined;
- Data Management: fixed error selecting survey with versions.
- Data entry new UI / numeric fields: avoid scroll on input fields.
- CE: fixed hierarchical code attribute not working in enumerated entities
- Dashboard: fixed error writing dates in period fields.
- Data entry new UI: fixed cannot enter 0 into numeric fields;
- Fixed evaluation of relevancy when default value is applied.
- Data entry new UI: layout improvements; support Range attributes, Boolean attributes with text mode, form versions.
- Fixed error showing/downloading uploaded images
- Data entry new UI: support calculated attributes (shown as disabled)
- Data entry new UI / code attributes: support hierarchical code list; show code item description (as tooltip); support qualifiable code list attributes (specify text)
- Fixed automatic login with "admin" user
- Fixed error starting up Control Panel
- Upgraded libraries
- Removed Planet API key field from CE surveys
- Activated Planet imagery by default when creating new project
- Data entry new UI: support column groupings in table (single entities inside multiple entities with table layout), Coordinate, Taxon, "memo" (large) Text, Time attributes
- Error selecting survey from Data Management
- Updated default password for admin user
- Data entry new UI: support multiple entities with table layout / coordinate attributes
- Fixed check available updates
- Fixed species list name uniqueness validation
- Deployment of updaters to Maven Central Repository
- Survey preview not working properly
- Layout adjustments
- Survey preview with new UI (without Flash Player) proof of concept
- Improved loading of species list items (for Collect Mobile)
- Fixed sampling point data table not refreshed after import when it was empty
- Fixed compatibility of collect-core with Collect Mobile
- Removed need for Flash Player from Survey Designer Sampling Point Data and Species List editors.
- Allow exporting survey to SQL format from Survey Designer / List of Surveys.
- Fixed error when exporting to CEP in case there is ancillary data shown in the headers.
- Code attribute (text): allow inserting codes containing "-" character.
- Fixed error exporting Collect Earth projects from Survey Designer.
- Collect Earth 'Open Earth Map' option to survey designer
- Map tool: show record data layer on top of sampling point data layer.
- 'idm:contains' function with numeric values
- 'Add node from another survey': copy code list items in correct target survey languages
- 'Schema summary' export / 'Required when' expression
- Record edit from Map module
- File dropzone not highlighted on file drop
- Error "You are editing another record" in survey preview
- Coordinate attribute: altitude and accuracy in data export
- Fixed hierarchical code list export to Excel
- Removed Flash Player requirement in Survey Designer / Code List import
- Added Collect Earth 'Open Secure Watch' and 'Open GEE App' options to survey designer
- Fixed error publishing survey with Coordinate attributes with altitude/accuracy
- Fixed Map component projection
- Added altitude and accuracy fields (optional) to Coordinate attributes
- Added Reporting label (Saiku) to Schema summary export; changed exported type to Excel
- Added math:random() function to expression language
- Added support for Collect Earth integration with Planet Maps
- Fixed error uploading pictures with invalid characters in file name
- Support filter by summary attributes in Collect Earth data export
- MacOS installer: support latest version of OSx
- Fixed error editing surveys in PostgreSQL (id column exceeding maximum value)
- CSV Data Import: fixed error importing CSV file (record not found) on surveys with Date record key attributes
- Excel data import: fixed error importing file with blank column headings
- Saiku: add Coordinate attributes to Dimensions
- CSV data export: fixed blank values in ancestor columns
- Collect Earth: Turkish translation
- Fixed new survey form issues (loose focus on text input)
- CSV data export option to avoid prepending grouping (single entity) name to column name
- Fixed survey schema attributes import (error uploading CSV file)
- Include all "enumerable" entities in CSV export when selecting "Include enumerated entities" option
- Confirm on shutdown
- Added "Include enumerated entities" additional option to CSV/Excel export
- Fixed user manager bugs
- Surveys list sort by "Published" column
- Included severity (Error or Warning) in records validation report
- Fixed error importing sampling point data
- Allow importing data generated with a survey where node definition cardinality was "single" and became "multiple"
- Fixed Saiku DB generation in PostgreSQL (coordinate attributes)
- Fixed bug: Collect Earth survey export error
- Fixed bug: code list items not showing properly in hierarchical code lists (sampling point data)
- Fixed bug: cannot publish survey with missing virtual entity node definitions
- Added support to Extra Map URL (Collect Earth)
- Default language not set properly in Collect Earth project export
- Survey Guide survey file type
- Fixed bug preventing survey publishing when there are only warnings in the survey
- Collect Earth: edited plot not opening at last edited tab
- Calculated attributes chain evaluation