Non-spatial attribute data are entities (e.g., tuples or rows) of observations that may not have an explicit geometry property. In GeoPackage, this data is stored in user-defined attribute tables. These tables may contain properties such as an ID or geo-locatable address that allow them to be relationally linkable to rows in other attribute, feature or tile tables.
Examples of attribute data include:
meteorological readings from a weather station
flow readings from a stream gauge
traffic volumes from embedded highway sensors
lists of customers
delivery stops
work orders
Non-spatial attribute data is stored in user-defined Attribute tables. Attribute sets are rows in an Attribute table. The attributes are columns in a Attribute table. (A GeoPackage is not required to contain any Attribute data tables. Attribute data tables in a GeoPackage may be empty.)
A GeoPackage MAY contain tables containing attribute sets. Every such attribute table SHALL be structured consistently with Table 1 and [example_attributes_table_sql].
A table SHALL have a primary key column of type INTEGER and that column SHALL act as a rowid
The integer primary key of an attributes table allows features to be linked to row level metadata records in the |
A GeoPackage MAY contain views containing attributes. Every such attributes view SHALL have a first column of type INTEGER and that column SHALL contain unique values for each row.
Since the concept of primary keys does not exist for views in SQLite, this requirement provides a way to produce a compliant attributes view with a discoverable key-like column[K17]. |
Column Name | Col Type | Column Description | Null | Key |
Autoincrement[K6a] primary key |
N/A[K6b] |
PK |
Text attribute of feature |
yes |
Real attribute of feature |
yes |
Boolean attribute of feature |
yes |
Photo of the area |
yes |