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2023 09 27

Chris Little edited this page Oct 19, 2023 · 3 revisions


Welcome, Introduction and Technology struggles, Chris Little (5 min)

Current plans:

  • Part 2: PubSub
  • Part 3: Summary/Aggregation Stats
  • Part 1: Core V1.2
    • Restrictive profiles of API-EDR services, including data limits
    • Indicating data completeness
    • Specifying resolution of retrieved data
    • Other


Cross-API topics

Implementation News: demos in Met Ocean DWG

Any Other Business?

Dates/Days of Next Meetings?



~20 attendees: 14 online, physically in room 6??.

Recording in the Portal

Strong agreement on need for cross-API PubSub.

Specific GitHub repo set up, decided to re-purpose existing PubSub SWG with revised Charter

EDR API SWG can pursue faster deadline, whether via another conformance class (as written by Tom Kralidis( or separate Part to be decided

API EDR Part 1: core, V1.2 progressing as master branch in repo

API EDR Part 2: Pub/Sub progressing with demos from Mark, Tom and Shane

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