This project is built using mkdocs.
It uses the material theme, and this page in their docs includes lots of very nice customisations for formatting documentation.
Use just run
to run the MkDocs server.
This should install everything required.
There is also a dev container setup that allows running the site in Codespaces or locally with VSCode and Docker.
The ehrQL documentation is imported from the
ehrQL repo using the
mkdocs-multirepo-plugin and built alongside the docs in this repo. By default it uses the main branch. This can
be configured with the EHRQL_BRANCH
environment variable:
EHRQL_BRANCH=my-branch just run
cohort-extractor is a documentation dependency. We use the cohort-extractor docstrings to generate some content here.
cohort-extractor is currently a Git submodule instead, for installation simplicity (see #832). We currently do not install cohort-extractor into a virtualenv because we are only using the docstrings
You can update the cohort-extractor submodule via Dependabot.
Dependabot runs daily and will create a new pull request to update cohort-extractor if a newer version is available.
If you don't want to wait, you can also trigger a Dependabot check manually via the "Dependency graph" section of this repository.
Alternatively, you can pull in the latest version of the cohortextractor
docstrings, for local development or to update the requirements entirely
by hand: just update-cohort-extractor