- Add option to publish digital input data separately (#128)
- Contributors: Seiga Kiribayashi
- Add option to stop control on system time jump (#125)
- Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe
- Add option to wait convergence of joint trajectory angle and velocity (#122)
- Use control simulation in yp-spur instead of ypspur_ros (#120)
- Fix code format (#121)
- Update assets to v0.6.4 (#119)
- Update assets to v0.6.3 (#118)
- Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Kazuki Takahashi
- Avoid publishing joint messages with duplicate stamps (#115)
- Update assets to v0.6.2 (#114)
- Update assets to v0.6.1 (#113)
- Update assets to v0.6.0 (#112)
- Update assets to v0.5.2 (#111)
- Update assets to v0.5.1 (#110)
- Update assets to v0.5.0 (#109)
- Update assets to v0.4.2 (#108)
- Update assets to v0.4.1 (#107)
- Update assets to v0.4.0 (#106)
- Update assets to v0.3.4 (#102)
- Update assets to v0.3.3 (#101)
- Update assets to v0.3.2 (#100)
- Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Mark Hedley Jones
- Avoid publishing duplicated odometry (#97)
- Update assets to v0.3.1 (#96)
- Update assets to v0.3.0 (#95)
- Update assets to v0.2.0 (#94)
- Migrate to tf2 (#93)
- Update assets to v0.1.5 (#92)
- Add LICENSE file (#91)
- Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Naotaka Hatao, f-fl0
- Update assets to v0.1.4 (#86)
- Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe
- Update ypspur version (#83)
- Update assets to v0.1.3 (#82)
- Update assets to v0.1.2 (#81)
- Migrate to GitHub Actions (#79)
- Update assets to v0.0.10 (#78)
- Update assets to v0.0.9 (#76)
- Update CI scripts (#77)
- Update cmake version of cmake_minimum_required() from 2.8.3 to 3.0.2 (#75)
- Update assets to v0.0.8 (#72)
- Add Noetic CI job and pre-release test jobs (#69)
- Update assets to v0.0.7 (#68)
- Update assets to v0.0.6 (#67)
- Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Kazuki Takahashi, Seiga Kiribayashi
- Fix communication error handling (#64)
- Drop support for yp-spur<1.17.0 to simplify the code (#63)
- Add sleep to ensure publishing rosout before exit (#61)
- Fix coding style (#62)
- Add post-release test script (#58)
- Disable CI build on indigo (#59)
- Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe
- Add parameter to set expire duration of cmd_vel (#55)
- Ignore outdated JointTrajectory command (#54)
- Fix exception type (#52)
- Fix subprocess handling (#48)
- Add device error status diagnostic output (#46)
- Fix test dependencies and update manifest (#42)
- Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe
- Add CI build for melodic (#37)
- Also rename ci script directory
- Add encrypted token for image caching (#35)
- Migrate to ROS recommended namespace model (#31)
- Fix --enable-get-digital-io arg to ypspur-coordinator (#33)
- Fix installation of nodes (#30)
- Fix variable and class naming styles (#29)
- Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe
- Update CI settings (#25)
- Use docker hub as a cache
- Fix build dependencies (#24)
- Fix cmake target build deps
- Fix package deps
- Fix joint state timestamp coherency (#23)
- Fix joint state timestamp coherency
- Use system time if yp-spur didn't provide stamp
- Add build test on indigo. (#20)
- Fix coding style. (#19)
- Fix timestamp in simulation mode. (#18)
- Add build test. (#17)
- Add build test.
- Fix indent in CMakeFile.
- Fix package deps.
- Support running ypspur-coordinator by using PATH env. (#14)
- Use find_package(ypspur) instead of catkin_package. (#12)
- Use CMake version of ypspur. (#10)
- Also, fix dummy dependency to system_lib.
- adds README (#9)
- publishes digital input port state (#8)
- fixes to compile with old versions of YP-Spur which does not have joint_ang_vel command
- adds error handling on joint trajectory control
- joint_position_to_joint_trajectory: temporary removes time to accelerate
- joint_position_to_joint_trajectory: skips duplicated joint command
- joint_position_to_joint_trajectory: takes care of the current joint position
- adds joint_position_to_joint_trajectory converter
- fixes uncleared joint trajectory command cache
- increases cmd_joint input buffer
- allows divided joint trajectory command
- adds joint trajectory control
- fixes DIO default status parameter setting
- supports joint effort output (#4)
- This also fixes a bug that joint effort field was filled by velocity value on the version of YP-Spur without joint control support.
- changes default vel/acc settings to use values defined in the parameter file
- fixes ypspur-coordinator process monitoring
- adds vehicle control mode interface
- fixes digital IO control
- adds param to set tf timestamp offset
- adds simple simulation of robot control and joint angle control
- adds ros::shutdown before quiting the main loop
- fixes A/D output message type
- joint_tf_publisher: adds node to generate tf messages from joint topic
- adds combined joint position control input
- adds parameters to specify A/D port name in the output message
- adds digital I/O port output
- changes A/D related parameter names (ad_enable0 to ad0_enable)
- changes names of the joint control inputs according to the specified joint names
- supports more than two joint control
- adds retry and error handling in getID script
- improves ypspur-coordinator availability check
- ROS interface of the mobile robot control platform "YP-Spur"
- Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe