Releases: opentibia/yatc
v0.3.2: YATC - Yet Another Tibia Client 0.3.2 released!
YATC - Yet Another Tibia Client, a client compatible with Tibia 8.0-8.54,
developed under the umbrella of OpenTibia project, has been released.
Check out our video (embedded video)
Our forum:
Report bugs:
Here is a short overview of the features we have done for this release:
- protocol 8.50 and 8.53 (by ivucica, nfries88 and others)
- protocol 8.54 (by fightingelf and others)
- basic and advanced lighting systems (by adelae)
- better icon on mac (by ivucica)
- public messages in game area (by kilouco)
- invisible players and their animation (by nfries88)
- clipboard on windows and mac os x (by nfries88)
- better console (by kilouco and nfries88)
- visual improvements for healthbars and names (by nfries88)
- shortening of long names (by kilouco)
- logout hotkey ctrl+l (by nfries88)
- better npc messages (by kilouco)
- support for looking like items (by kilouco)
- support for 0x92 (passability of creatures) (by nfries88)
- broadcast support (by kilouco and nfries88)
- rendering received pm in game area (by nfries88)
- vip list (by ivucica and nfries88)
- pz icon (by nfries88)
- alt+f4 support (by nfries88)
- remembering collapsed, closed and opened skills, battle etc window (by nfries88)
- libtommath support (by nfries88)
- client-side check if tile is blocking (by ormin/apitis)
- console history (by ivucica)
- record and replay capability - atm for debugging only (by ivucica)
- black skull and other icons from 8.5 (by nfries88)
And many many other bugfixes and small changes.
Whew, that one was long. But still short for something that took 8 months to release. We planned to do it anyway, but since Adelae contributed lighting code that was a kickstart. We want user input and we'll be working on fixing more stuff for another release soon.
This release is untested and we already have some fixes ready to be released ASAP, but which didn't make it into 0.3.2.
Notice how lazy I personally was for this release -- all credit for continuing this project goes to nfries88, and other occasional contributors such as Ormin, Kilouco, FightingElf, and especially Adelae whose lighting system gave us a kick in our collective asses.
Extra thanks go to Thomac for figuring out parts of hardware info data being transmitted by the client. We currently hardcode his data.
Please try out the client and report issues using the bugtracker! Also, post your comments and reports for this release in this thread.
If you have any suggestions for future development please use the YATC forum and of course post them on bug tracker.
Notes for this release have not been archived at either or
Recovered from (there was a rerelease for mac at
YATC - Yet Another Tibia Client 0.3.1
YATC - Yet Another Tibia Client, a client compatible with Tibia 8.0-8.42, developed under the umbrella of OpenTibia project, has just had it's newest version released!
Our forum:
Report bugs:
Here is a short overview of the features we have done for this release:
- protocol 8.41 and 8.42 (by ivucica)
- keyboard selection of character on mainmenu (by ivucica)
- properly coded minimap - yay! (courtesy of mips_act)
- patched source code with vc9 patch (courtesy of fike, sadly not maintained)
- automap now in sidebar (by nfries88)
- fixes in font rendering (char width now analyzed from spr) (by ivucica)
- logout button (by nfries88)
- options window in gameworld gamemode (by ivucica because of apitis)
- collapsing sidebar windows (by nfries88)
- shop and trade window in sidebar (by nfries88)
- graphical fixes for sidebar (by ivucica)
- statusmessages/osd (by ivucica, fixes by nfries88)
- map scaling (by ivucica)
- #yelling (by ivucica)
- some graphical buttons for sidebar -- zoomin/zoomout (by ivucica)
- shielding, scrollbar bugfixes (by nfries88)
- characters visible while moving diagonally (by nfries88)
- win32 fixes with window sizing (by nfries88)
- black attack squares (by nfries88)
- thicker squares (by nfries88)
- advanced graphics options window completed (by nfries88)
- text hotkeys (by nfries88)
- item hotkeys (by nfries88)
- death notification window (by nfries88)
- exit warning window (by nfries88)
- skill bars fixes (by nfries88)
- closing skills window (by nfries88)
- panel with skills/battle/vip buttons (by nfries88)
- capacity and soul panel (by nfries88)
- fight modes, safe mode, chase modes (by nfries88)
- condition icons (by nfries88)
- battle window (by nfries88)
- win32 clipboard, internal clipboard for non windows systems (by nfries88)
- focusing on console fixes (by nfries88)
- visual improvements - popup skins, sunken checkboxes, rightside panel (by nfries88)
- healthbars nicer (by nfries88)
- window skin fixes (by nfries88)
- resizing limit of window (by nfries88)
- inventory collapsable (by nfries88)
- copy name, copy messages functionality (by nfries88)
- fully skinned console (by nfries88)
- empty tiles black instead of transparent (by nfries88)
- look and drag items at other floors (by nfries88)
- console switching with tab/shifttab (by nfries88)
- sending changes for addons back to server (by nfries88)
- saving chats to text file (by nfries88)
- displaying levels and timestamp in console (by nfries88)
- party options (by nfries88)
Thanks for doing so much work while I'm busy with other stuff.
Your dedication is inspiring and keeps this project alive.
Thanks again!
Please try out the client and report issues using the bugtracker! Also, post your comments and reports for this release in this thread.
If you have any suggestions for future development please use the YATC forum and of course post them on bug tracker.
Above text comes from the archive on
Prerelease: 0.3.1-svn4336-alpha
Prerelease: 0.3.1-svn4336-alpha
YATC - Yet Another Tibia Client 0.3
YATC - Yet Another Tibia Client, a client compatible with Tibia 8.0-8.40, developed under the umbrella of OpenTibia project, has just had it's newest version released!
Our forum:
Report bugs:
Here is a short overview of the features we have done for this release:
- protocol 8.4
- rightside stackpanel
- fixed bug with connecting to TFS 0.3+
- inventory popups
- added more functionality on popup menu on main map - attacking, following, using, looking-at, message to
- bug with moving items corrected by mips
- spanish translation
- some strings are corrected to be more similar to original client
- highlighting of inventory/container slots when dragging
- login status window gets correct size upon updates
- fixes for automap, including optimizations to save every 250 tiles (decreases lag when moving)
- fixed console clipping
- skinned separators
And other bugfixes.
Please try out the client and report issues using the bugtracker! Also, post your comments and reports for this release in this thread.
If you have any suggestions for future development please use the YATC forum and of course post them on bug tracker.
archived from
Prerelease: yatc-0.2.4SVN-20081210
Prerelease: yatc-0.2.4SVN-20081208
YATC - Yet Another Tibia Client 0.2.3
YATC - Yet Another Tibia Client, a client compatible with Tibia 8.0-8.31, developed under the umbrella of OpenTibia project, has just had it's newest version released!
Development discussion thread:
Report bugs:
TFS 0.3+ fix, protocol 8.4 patch:
Available on our downloads page! (Link above)
Here is a short overview of the features we have done for this release:
- popups on inventory fixed and functional
- creature names correctly colorized
- translations
- using sdl_gfx's fps manager
- skinned console tab bar
- msgbox corrections
- fixes in creature appearance in case of lag
- movement via numeric keys
- diagonal movement (but buggy)
- automap
And many bugfixes.
Please try out the client and report issues using the bugtracker! You don't even have to register, but please do so we can contact you for further information! Also, post your comments and reports for this release in this thread.
If you have any suggestions for future development please use the development thread and of course post them on bug tracker.