بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
Check the Code of Cunduct and Contribution Guideline on how the community can get involved?
Check out Setheum Commons for common libraries, repos and other resources used in Setheum Labs.
We love languages. and we love Lanzhou Beef Noodles.
🔭 Currently working on the Setheum Network and Setheum Ecosystem...
🌱 Love learning Languages... love People... environmentally friendly... love Cats and Horses...
👯 Happy to collaborate on Web3, IoT and DeFi Building Blocks... especially Ethical Web3 in the Setheum Ecosystem...
🤔 You are welcome to contribute...
A collection of Setheum's Native Projects, Protocols et al. by Setheum Labs.
- Setheum: Powering Scalable Web3 Solutions. Setheum's EVM compatible Turing Complete L1 blockchain.
- OpenWeb3 Cloud: Setheum's Decentralized Cloud Computing Subchain, a Layer-2 Blockchain Network.
- EthicalDeFi: Setheum's Ethical DeFi Suite of Protocols.
- Setheum: The Setheum.
- Setheum: Setheum Network Project Website.
- SetheumJS: Setheum.JS Project Website.
- Setheum LinkTree: Setheum's LinkTree to find website links, socials and community Links.
- Wiki: Docs for Setheum.
- Runtime Review Guidelines: Collection of advice on how to review and write Substrate.
- Setheum.XYZ Website: Setheum Network Project Website.based runtimes.
- Setheum Faucet Bot: This is a nodejs bot for Substrate based faucets - Setheum.
- Whitepapers: Papers for Setheum Projects.
- Wiki: Docs for Setheum.