- Support for new OCI Regions which are not yet supported through OCI Ruby SDK by default.
- Support for timezone override for logs where timezone identifier is missing
- Support for Workload Identity based authorization
- Support for endpoint override for instance principal auth mode.
- Prometheus metrics support for multi worker configuration.
- 'FAQ' section to help customers in triaging issues when encountered.
- Supporting both 'memory' and 'file' buffer types. The recommended and default buffer type is still 'file'.
- Using Yajl over default JSON library for handling multi byte character logs gracefully.
- Plugin log defaults to STDOUT
- 'oci-logging-analytics.log' file will no longer be created when 'plugin_log_location' in match block section is not provided explicitly.
- 'tag' field not mandatory in filter block.
- Updated prometheus-client dependency to v4.0.0.
- Added Prometheus-client Api based internal metrics functionality.
- Fixing minimum required version for OCI Ruby SDK (oci) runtime dependency
- Added required ruby version in gemspec.
- Added spec metadata (Documentation, Source code and Change log) details.
- Added README.md.
- Added CHANGELOG.md.
- Added examples folder with sample config files for reference.
- Optimized import of OCI modules to improve load times and memory usage.
- Initial Release.