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Place python TeamPlacePython

Place Python La-Roquette-sur-Siagne

Laurent LaurentJouron
J'ai décidé de me réorienter vers un monde qui a toujours suscité en moi un profond intérêt : l'informatique et plus précisément le développement.

DSI Méditerranée La Roquette sur Siagne

Mahmoud_El-kariouny mahmoudessam820
I am strongly interested in web development and possess intermediate experience in front-end and back-end development.

Code_Stark Egypt

DEEPAK LALWANI deepaklalwani07
web developer at your service
Dev Mukherjee devraj

@anomaly Canberra, ACT Australia

Emmy EmmyRecent
Frontend | Web Dev

London, England

Aditia A. Pratama aditiapratama
I help Animation Studio deliver the works by streamline production pipeline | Animation Producer and CG Technical Director.

@Warnakala Studios Cyberjaya, Malaysia

amen allah naamen johnson115
a Full stack developer work with defferent programming languages
Mahesh Kushwaha mahesh0702
MERN Stack Developer || Web Developer || C++ || JavaScript || SQL || React,js || MySQL || MongoDB.

Shobhit University Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India

Abhishek A aabhi02
Exploring the AI world | AIML Freelancer


Larry R lrudemm
I teach Front End Web Development to high school students.

Frank H Peterson Academy Jacksonville, FL

anum-dev an-um
Dedicated Front-end developer intern with a passion for creating responsive and complex websites that meet the need of companies.
Mohammed Naveed Uddin basednav
full stack web developer

The Odin Project Hyderabad

Christopher Carvalho carvalhochris
Founder of Songcards — Making digital music collectable

Songcards London

Kyle Gray Gray-Kyle

Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Ash M. Lett Asha504
Creative Producer, Project/Program Manager, Development

San Antonio, TX