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Sepehr Bakhshi sepehrbakhshi
CS @ Bilkent University Information Retrieval Group

Ankara, Turkey

David Austin davaus80
University of Waterloo Computer Science 2023
Ebrahim Pichka ebrahimpichka
Machine Learning Research Assistant/MSc Engineering Student.

Ontario, Canada

Danjie Tang DanjieTang
Computer Engineering Undergrad at University of Toronto
Ethan Baron baronet2
CS PhD Student @ NYU Courant | UofT EngSci '24 | Sports analytics (ex-Zelus)

NYU Courant New York

George Saad gkysaad
Master's @ U of T

@D3Mlab Toronto

Mohammad Mahdi Abdollahpour mahdiabdollahpour
Graduate Student at University of Toronto


parsa farinnia parsafarinnia
A graduate student interested in NLP and Recommender systems and IR

University of Toronto