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Biopig virologist
Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.


Ali GUNCAN Aguncan
Entomologist, Associate Professor at the Department of Plant Protection, Ordu University, Turkey

Ordu University Ordu/Turkey

Fabian Romero Fromeros
Forestry Engineer and PhD Botanist focused on Filogeography and Evolution.
Antonio Canepa ajcanepa
Assistant profesor at University of Burgos (Health Engineering), working in Citizen & Open Science, Data Mining, DataScience and Global (Planet) Health.

University of Burgos Burgos, Spain

N. Frerebeau nfrerebeau
Archaeologist, research engineer at @crp2a

CNRS - Université Bordeaux Montaigne France

Amy Hatton amyhatton
PhD student in the Extreme Events Research Group at the Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology. Studying beads, stone tools and stone structures.

MPI GEA Jena, Germany

Kirk Gosik kdgosik
Postdoctorate Associate at the Broad Institute

Broad Institute

Michela Leonardi mikleonardi
Postdoc at @NaturalHistoryMuseum, London. Visitor at @EvolEcolGroup, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge,

@EvolEcolGroup Cambridge. UK