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qdqd qd-qd
bullish on “room-temperature superconductors” for finance | solidity is modern COBOL | product engineer prev. @get-smooth & @LedgerHQ | e(u)/acc


ewan hey-ewan
trustless co-founder @0xZeroLabs, @aristole-ai


Oscar Byrne osbyrne
exercise agency

Credit Agricole Corporate Investment Bank Paris

Liam Zebedee liamzebedee
based and lindy // research engineering


0xTitan 0xTitan
Blockchain dev contributing on Starknet & Ethereum.
Abhijeet Anil Rathod Abhijrathod
Developer Network Admin


Alex Sirac alexture
French marketer with internationalisation (i18n) experience (and enthusiasm). Open source enjoyer.

@Hyle-org Grenoble, France

Poulav Bhowmick PoulavBhowmick03
founder @midofinance. fullstack @invisiblestudios. blockchain dev. os contributor @keep-starknet-strange

Invisible Studios

GITSRC gitsrc
CloudNative | Blockchain | Security practitioner, Web3.0 researcher and builder, co-founder of @IceFireLabs

@IceFireDB @FlowShield @wasmate @IceGiant-Project @IceFireLabs Decentralized

Abbey Dabiri abbeydabiri
i love building, breaking and securing systems
Théo Madzou madztheo
Front End (React.js/Next.js), Back End (Node.js), Blockchain (Solidity) & Zero Knowledge Proofs (Noir)


Kenneth Njoroge kenkomu
Kamilimu 7.0 mentee || Software Engineer
Phoebe Lartisant pivilartisant
decentralization, digital democracy and net art <3
Okoli Evans OkoliEvans
Blockchain Developer

Web3Bridge Lagos, Nigeria

Luis Diego Mora Aguilar LuisDi98
Computer Sciences Engineer, Web Developer, AI enthusiastic, UI/UX lover, I always seek to learn new skills and technologies, recently entering to the Web3 world


sukrucildirr sukrucildirr
discord : sukrucildirr