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Sriikk SriAndayani
live everything with a happy heart
Rafiii Ryuuutaaa
try something and another something || Fullstack web developer

Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia Denpasar

Adi Aryasuta adiiaryasutaa
Web & Mobile Developer Informatics Student at Primakara University

@ceceply Bali, Indonesia

Satya Wikananda satyawikananda
Click on this account and you will get more information about me

Bali, Indonesia

Rio Arya rioarya01
Web Developer | Computer Science Student

Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia Bali, Indonesia.

Yogs YogsPrabaswara
Beginner who want to learn code
Dionanda Sutrisna Dionanda
"There are only two pains in the world: pain of discipline or pain of regret."
Natura NaturaAdnyana
My dream is to hack nasa with html.

Freelancer Bali, Indonesia

Yudik YudiaArtana
Heyo, i'am an simple ordinary man that interest with tech industry