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Dillenhub github-world192
我是dillen 我寫軟體


KaiYi Oschangkai
Student from NTUST, Member of YZU ITAC

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Student Taoyuan, Taiwan

Fanlan fanlan1210
a Web develooper, which is also participated in the open source community. @TCSSHCSC 24th @mcuosc 3th @yzu-student-association 30th


Gianni Hong kkpan11
Coder. Book lover. Enthusiastic cyclist. T1D.

Taipei, Taiwan

KennethOng KennethOng02

National Taiwan Normal University Taipei, Taiwan

James Kuo-Ping Lo Misawai
A senior student major in Learning Sciences and Computer Science and Information Engineering in NTNU. GDSC NTNU Lead 2021-2023

National Taiwan Normal University Taipei

Yukai Huang Yukaii
會在網路上喵喵叫的都是男孩子; 留長髮這種麻煩事就交給男孩子吧! Co-founded @hackmdio. I use t̶a̶b̶s̶ ꜱᴘᴀᴄᴇꜱ, meow. I use kakoune, btw.

@hackmdio Taipei, Taiwan

Danny Hsu Dannygod


菘菘 SiongSng
I'm a high school student from Taiwan who loves learning, caring about social issues, and using technology to make a positive impact. ♥️ Love open source.

@LIpoic, @RPMTW, @g0v, @daodaoedu, @Open-Edu-Tw Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

JacobLinCool JacobLinCool
4th @ NTNU CSIE | GDG on Campus (GDSC) NTNU Lead | Open source enthusiast

@NTNU-CSIE Taipei, Taiwan

Sky Hong skyhong2002
A psychopath fallen from the sky.