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Sven Harazim landrix

Landrix Software Dresden, Germany

Patrick Prémartin DeveloppeurPascal
Formateur et développeur freelance. MVP Embarcadero. Langages : Delphi, PHP, JS, HTML, CSS.

Orléans, France

Ramon Souza RamonSouza96
Just an ordinary developer
Bruno Silva silv4b
Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação pela UFRN & Professor no IFRN — Campus Caicó.

IFRN - Campus Caicó (Based) Caicó, RN, Brasil

Full Stack Developer - Delphi/Pascal | C# | SQL | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | ReactJS

Americana, SP - Brazil

Vinícius Felipe Botelho Barbosa viniciusfbb
Senior Software Engineer | Delphi, C/C++, MySQL, Python

iPub Brazil

Linces Marques linces
Specialized in: Delphi | C# | Dart/Flutter | Python | Oracle | Firebird | MySQL | Math | Cracking |


Marco Breveglieri marcobreveglieri
👨‍💻 Software Developer at @ablsteam | 👨‍🏫 Trainer and Consultant | 🎥 Tech Content Creator | 💜 Community lover

ABLS Team Snc (@ablsteam) Reggio Emilia