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Ron Wolf ron-wolf
Recent grad & software engineer. Passionate about improving people's lives and worldly knowledge using open source software and scientific computing.

Washington, DC Metropolitan Area

Selman seruman

@peak Istanbul, Turkey

Empress Anna Purple-Fox-Coder
Hello! I am Anna Robinson, I am a c#/JS programmer and artist!


Ell in-my-ellement
clemson cs + math, undergraduate teaching assistant


andrew blinn disconcision

@hazelgrove @fplab

Margret Riegert nobodywasishere
Developer @kagisearch &

@KagiSearch Boston, MA

Albin Otterhäll a12l
CompSci student at the University of Gothenburg. Spending my free time on student associations, and open source projects and communities.

Gothenburg, Sweden

Montez m-005


Kevin Damm kevindamm
maker, tinkerer, designer of languages, force multiplier on computational scalability, puzzle enthusiast, music lover

Symbol Not Found NYC, New York

Conrad Buck conartist6
Looking for the program that wants to write itself

Boulder, CO

Adrian Sieber ad-si
CEO @Airsequel | Haskell, Elm, PureScript, Rust

@Airsequel Frankfurt am Main

Gerardo Lisboa gvlx
Data Integration Programming discovery BPMN enthusiast Open Source advocate

INFO-CARE Lisboa, Portugal

Chris McGrane notchris
developer interested in art, music, and open source

@notcorp Connecticut

J. Ryan Stinnett jryans
Exploring how to make programs more malleable and computing more humane | My communities: @malleable-systems, @matrix-org, @mozilla

London, UK

Alejandro Garcia elviejo79
Developer, teacher and entrepreneur experienced creating small tech companies. I love leading small focused teams to achieve success. Accredited Kanban Trainner

@input-output-hk Zacatecas, Mexico