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Levi Beach levibeach
Exploring the intersection between technology and the human condition through craft and experimentation.

Grand Rapids, MI

Pavlo Pashtika
I break things at Bastl Instruments

Bastl Instruments Brno, Czech Republic

Danny Ayers danja
Half-Full Stack Developer Mozzanella

Majkel tenmajkl
just another php / synths hacker; random music and software

@Lemon-Framework @MineHubCZ

Patrick Robert paradiddle16
Drummer-samplist-sound designer and occasional coder.

Montreal, Canadadada

Lukáš Kubiš lukaskubis
Technical Team Lead @

@kiwicom Brno, Czech Republic

HyperHacker hprhkr
Exploring the exciting world of diy electronics, 3D printing, hardware design and development.
Pavlo Shelemba xshele01
Audio Engineering student at Brno University of Technology

@bastl-instruments Brno, Czech Republic

Buanderie Buanderie

@MonadicLabs Aix-en-Provence, France

Nic Newdigate newdigate
software engineer and digital audio / microcontroller enthusiast United Kingdom

ijnekenamay ijnekenamay
I like synthesizer very much. [email protected]


F113X F113X
Eurorack & other synthesizer designs along with some school projects


Marek Mach machmar
I make synths - mostly eurorack modules. If you have a suggestion or just want to chat

Bastl Instruments Czechia

Wes Leggo-Morrell WesDaMooch
Making Analog and Digital Synth Stuff


Bruno Babic aesqe
web developer / musician / science fiction fan

Zagreb, Croatia

Sid Rockett SidRockett
My name is Sid Rockett and I create experimental synthesizers and noise makers.
