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Ira Winder irawinder

MIT Media Lab Cambridge, MA

Jennifer Turliuk jtwirly
Technology professional passionate about software development, prompt engineering, and creating innovative AI solutions. Experience with NextJS, Python & more.


Janelle Glanville projectgreencameroon
Founder of Project Green Cameroon. I'm actively recruiting developers/co founders to build an app on blockchain.

Project Green Cameroon worldwide

Jonathan Pezzino softwareengineerprogrammer
Geothermal & Decarbonization Open Source | Founder, SWS: Geothermal Energy Analysis Platform

Scientific Web Services LLC

Christoph Proeschel chrismatix
Senior SWE at BinIt. Focused on having a positive impact on society. Interested in distributed systems and machine learning.

Senior Software Engineer at Binit Berlin

Marc Los Huertos marclos
I teach Environmental Science at Pomona College and am interested in how we can use biogeochemical processes and policy tools to improve environmental outcomes.

Pomona College Claremont, CA