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Frano Sincic mandryllo

Tobogan Split, Croatia

jash jash13desai
twenty-two. undergrad-IITG. sde-FICO.


Danijel Radomiljac danijel-radomiljac Split, Croatia

Zhe zhe-t
Core @ SolWorks

Solana Beach

beeman beeman
Bram Borggreve Nomad. Polyglot. Dev. Ops. Building @pubkeyapp 🅿️ Founder @BeeSoftLabs 🇨🇴. I ❤️ my girl, Open Source Software and education!


Adarsh Mamgain adarsh-mamgain
Software Engineer | SRM'24

@ChameliEventHQ Bangalore, India

Karthik Pariti karthik-pepperdex
bllok chains

PepperDEX Hyderabad, India

OK Bear 0xbear9999
All in One


Miguel Ângelo Alves de Freitas MrNameless10
Developer - @NECC | Mentor @coderdojobraga | Studying Computer Science @ Uminho

DTx Caldas das Taipas, Guimarães, Portugal

Pratik 0xPratik
Build. Full Stack Engineer
Moksh Mahajan moksh-mahajan
Flutter Developer | Web 3 Enthusiast

@pravegak Jammu

Darren Cooper Deecoop157
An artsy fartsy creative developer! Who graduated from the Artistic school of hard knocks... the nyc subway yards & a Parsons Graduate. Extensive success in biz

soundsugar New York City

Filip Vidak fvidak00
Currently employed so I'm focused on getting better with work-related stacks.

Split, Croatia

Bartol Deak bdeak4

@dump-hr / @solbound-dev Split, Croatia

©anDOS anyDroidzOS
find all my posted stuff (in#AG), here: ※Unlimited△Everything*√

@rey0S-v43 CL0UD/ONLiNE

Avidlearner Avidlearner001
Constructive Avidness

@PrestigeDAO web3

Yudha YudhaESap
Previously on digital health. Currently learning R, Python, Rust, Solidity, prompting with AGI, and NFT. Love walking, art, food, nature, and animals.


Andrija Radica 0xApeToshi
Smart contract developer & Web3 geek.
Matija Luketin m-luketin
Croatian Solana maxi that used to do .NET and JS, now JS and web3. CTO @ LongwoodLabs, playtheheist Ex President @ DUMP Association of Young Programmer

@dump-hr @TheRemnantsNFT Split,Croatia

Nino Borović nborovic
Web3 Developer @solbound-dev Split

Brand branddesade
Goose0x Goose0x
Explorer by heart. Learning to code and share my art with the web3 community.

Danger Close Labs Earth

Alexey Elizarov beautyfree
Fullstack developer
