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Jennie jieshi1010
AI Specialist, Google Cloud

Google Munich

Piotr Mikulski pmikulski Kraków, Poland

Andrew Kornilov frutik
sad and fury

Amsterdam area

Bruno Morais brunomoraisnc
Data Scientist & MetaData Team Founder

POUPEX Brasília, Federal District, Brazil

Luca Casali lucacasaliOnTg
Director of Engineering @technogym | +20 year of Dev Experience/SW Architecture | +10 year of AWS knowledge and use | +10 year of GCP knowledge and use

Technogym Cesena

Magnus Jurdal Magnus6803
Hi to the world

MJ Kontorsservice Johan Printz väg 18B

Yash yash-tatvic

Tatvic Ahmedabad

Brian Abbott briancabbott
Software Engineer. I currently live in Bellevue, WA. My focuses are on Systems Programming, Mathematics and Deep Learning.

Bellevue, WA

Taro potatopotaro

Cooksto Austin, TX

Evgeny Tolkachev etolk
Technical Web Analyst

FELD M Munich

Adam Ruaux Ruaux
Data Scientist

WeDiscover, Deliveroo, carwow London, England.

Mustafa A. Elghrib maelghrib
Machine Learning Engineer - I build LLMs to speak human languages!
Mario Filho ledmaster
Self-taught machine learning geek that somehow became a Kaggle Competitions Grandmaster
PINYI-CHANG 20240906book
Read once, read forever Software Engineering Aim to join the world's largest technology company I must start a software company

pinyi-chang taiwan

Mohamed Hafez Mida-netizen
Data Science enthusiast


Nicolas Raoul nicolas-raoul
Manager of many open source projects and organizations | GSoC/GCI/Outreachy mentor

Google Tokyo

Abhishek chaudhary Abhishek-2307
Web Analytics professional with Implementation and reporting Experience in Google Analytics , Tag Manager, Adobe Analytics, Data Science,Machine learning

nagarro Gurgaon

Tech, Media & AI @ dentsu Denmark