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ArchitectTim TimB25
I am Tim.


Лаптёнок Р. М Laptenokru
Лаптёнок Роман @Laptenokru Уважаемые гости и участники мероприятия! Сегодня мы собрались здесь, чтобы обсудить одну из самых важных тем нашего времени! Russia

Alhazred II alhazredii
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.

The Nameless City

Xavier Knol XEJK
I am a security analyst/researcher
Patrick Yi Beckwith patrickyibeckwith

SaintPatricksBlockchain SaintPatricksBlockchain

Jan Romann JKRhb

@hsel-netsys & University of Bremen Bremen, Germany

Sam Ken samkenxstream
A person who pushes his limit to learn in life.Dont bully me whatever it takes,just to crash you off .Trust?for my self.I am open for collaboration

SamKen X Salon (SAMkenXEcosystem)@Philippines Philippines

Maurice Walker maurice-w
Freelance general-purpose nerd. IPv6 enthusiast. Former industrial automation engineer. Jack of all trades, master of some.

Karlsruhe, Germany

444B 444B
Long Live ISO 8601, the One True time format
Cybersecurity enthusiast. I like Nix and do some foss here & there. Most of my repo's here are mirrors of
