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Rohith Srinivaas M rohithsrinivaas
Graduate Student Researcher @ UC Berkeley, Ex-Data Scientist. B.Tech & M.Tech, IIT Madras.

Berkeley Lab Berkeley, California, United States

Irfan Ghat lexara-prime-ai
An individual, driven by a passion for innovation and a vision to contribute to the space industry.

Griffin Global Technologies Nyeri, Kenya

Felipe S. S. Schneider schneiderfelipe
A PhD chemist (computational chemistry) and (scientific) software engineer.

Cellertz Bio 27°35'20.2"S 48°31'12.5"W

Shabbir Hasan ShabbirHasan1
Electrical Engineer


Aki aki-ph-chem
graduate school student in Kobe-University Japan. My interest: Laser Spectroscopy/ molecular motion/

Kobe University

Jay Pratt Cypher1
Software engineer with an interest in programming language design and formal methods. I love my dog Peanut, Rust, VS Code, Sushi and, most of all, my partner.

@skfltech Sydney