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Camilla Avila avilacamilla
Software Engineer

TerraMagna | TM Digital Volta Redonda - RJ

ParisiBR parisi18
Software Developer // Computer Engineering student at Intitute of Science and Technology of Federal University of São Paulo State - UNIFES

ICT UNIFESP São José dos Campos

Raphael Fagundes fagundesraphael
Passionate about coding, open source, and technology. 🚀


Gustavo Dias de Aguiar gustavodiasag
Deeply interested in highly performant systems and languages

Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Marcio Ordonez MarcioOrdonez
Full Stack developer

Praso São josé dos campos - SP

Gabriel Andrade asGabriel

@terramagna São José dos Campos SP

Guilherme de S. Vieira Beira guibeira

Lurelin village, Hyrule kingdom.

Rafael Rezende Costa rrcosta
Developer passionate about innovations, music, cars and philosophy. "I only know that I know nothing". "What we do in life echoes in eternity ...."

São Paulo e a Capital do Pão de Queijo..

Etore Marcari Jr. emarcari
Father of Miguel, Software Engineer, and, since 10, Software Developer (or trying to be lol)


they see me rollin


Beatriz Lopes Almeida Beloppes17
Quality Assurance Analyst

TerraMagna São José dos Campos

Luiz Felipe Gonçalves lffg

Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Israel hernandez Gatito1010
Hola mi nombre Israel y soy de Morelos México espero poder aportar mucho ala compañía.. Cuernavaca Morelos

João Junqueira junque1r4
Wasup Lisboa, Portugal

Luiz Carvalho saiintbrisson
He/him. Interests are networks, distributed systems, and microkernels.

@terramagna Brazil, São Paulo

Fabio Rodrigues fabiordrig
Senior Software Engineer

São José dos Campos, SP