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What is an Extension?

Extensions are custom actions or commands that can be passed in via the extensions option to medium-editor. They can replace existing buttons if they share the same name, or can add additional custom functionality into the editor. Extensions can be implemented in any way, and just provide a way to hook into medium-editor. New extensions can be created by extending the exposed MediumEditor.Extension object via MediumEditor.Extension.extend().

Examples of functionality that are implemented via built-in extensions:

Examples of custom built external extensions:

What is a Button?

Buttons are a specific type of Extension which have a contract with the MediumEditor toolbar. Buttons have specific lifecycle methods that MediumEditor and the toolbar use to interact with these specific types of Extensions. These contract create easy hooks, allowing custom buttons to:

  • Display an element in the toolbar (ie a clickable button/link)
  • Execute an action on the editor text when clicked (ie bold, underline, blockquote, etc.)
  • Update the appearance of the element based on the user selection (ie the bold button looks 'active' if the selected text is already bold, 'inactive' if the text is not bold)

All of the built-in MediumEditor buttons are just Button Extensions with different configuration:

  • bold, italic, underline, strikethrough
  • subscript, superscript
  • image
  • quote, pre
  • orderedlist, unorderedlist
  • indent, outdent
  • justifyLeft, justifyCenter, justifyRight, justifyFull
  • h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
  • removeFormat

Examples of custom built external buttons:

What is a Form Extension?

Form Extensions are a specific type of Button Extension which collect input from the user via the toolbar. Form Extensions extend from Button, and thus inherit all of the lifecycle methods of a Button. In addition, Form Extensions have some additional methods exposed to interact with MediumEditor and provide some common functionality.

Built-in Form Extensions

  • Anchor Button
    • The 'anchor' Button is actually a form extension, which when clicked, prompts the the user for a url (as well as some optional checkboxes) via a control in the toolbar and converts the selected text into a link. If the selection is already a link, clicking the button unwraps text within the anchor tag.
  • FontSize Button (beta)
    • The 'fontsize' Button is a form extension, which when clicked, allows the user to modify the size of the existing text via a control in the toolbar.


Extension Interface

The following are properties and method that MediumEditor will attempt to use / call to interact with the extension internally.

name (string)

The name to identify the extension by. This is used for calls to MediumEditor.getExtensionByName(name) to retrieve the extension. If not defined, this will be set to whatever identifier was used when passing the extension into MediumEditor via the extensions option.

var MyExtension = MediumEditor.Extension.extend({
  name: 'myextension'

var myExt = new MyExtension();

var editor = new MediumEditor('.editor', {
  extensions: {
    'myextension': myExt

editor.getExtensionByName(`myextension`) === myExt //true


Called by MediumEditor during initialization. The .base property will already have been set to current instance of MediumEditor when this is called. All helper methods will exist as well.


If implemented, this method will be called one or more times after the state of the editor & toolbar are updated. When the state is updated, the editor does the following:

  1. Find the parent node containing the current selection
  2. Call checkState(node) on each extension, passing the node as an argument
  3. Get the parent node of the previous node
  4. Repeat steps #2 and #3 until we move outside the parent contenteditable


  1. node (Node):
  • Current node, within the ancestors of the selection, that is being checked whenever a selection change occurred.

Here's an example of an extension that will add/remove a class to editor elements depending on whether or the current selection is within an element with a custom data attribute:

var EditedExtension = MediumEditor.Extension.extend({
  name: 'edited',
  checkState: function (node) {
    // checkState is called multiple times for each selection change
    // so only store a value if the attribute was found
    if (!this.foundAttribute && node.getAttribute('data-edited')) {
      this.foundAttribute = true;

    // Once we've moved up the ancestors to the container element
    // we know we're done iterating up and can add/remove the css class
    if (MediumEditor.util.isMediumEditorElement(node)) {
      if (this.foundAttribute) {
      } else {
      // Make sure the property is not persisted for the next time
      // selection is updated
      delete this.foundAttribute;

var editedExt = new EditedExtension();

var editor = new MediumEditor('.editor', {
  extensions: {
    'edited': editedExt


If implemented, this method will be called whenever the MediumEditor is being destroyed (via a call to MediumEditor.destroy()).

This gives the extensions the chance to remove any created html, custom event handlers or execute any other cleanup tasks that should be performed.


If implemented, this method will be called once on each extension when the state of the editor/toolbar is being updated.

If this method returns a non-null value, the extension will be ignored as the code climbs the dom tree.

If this method returns true, and the setActive() method is defined on the extension, the setActive() method will be called by MediumEditor.

Returns: boolean OR null


If the extension renders any elements that the user can interact with, this method should be implemented and return the root element or an array containing all of the root elements.

MediumEditor will call this function during interaction to see if the user clicked on something outside of the editor. The elements are used to check if the target element of a click or other user event is a descendant of any extension elements. This way, the editor can also count user interaction within editor elements as interactions with the editor, and thus not trigger 'blur'


If implemented, this method will be called from MediumEditor to determine whether the button has already been set as 'active'.

If it returns true, this extension/button will be skipped for checking its active state as MediumEditor responds to the change in selection.

If it returns false, isAlreadyApplied() will still be passed each ancestor element as the MediumEditor code climbs the DOM hierarchy to respond to the change in selection.

Returns: boolean


If implemented, this method is similar to checkState() in that it will be called repeatedly as MediumEditor moves up the DOM to update the editor & toolbar after a state change.


  • This method will NOT be called if checkState() has been implemented.
  • This method will NOT be called if queryCommandState() is implemented and returns a non-null value when called.


  1. node (Node):
  • Node to check for whether the current extension has already been applied.

Returns: boolean


If implemented, this method is called when MediumEditor knows that this extension is currently enabled.

Currently, this method is called when updating the editor & toolbar, and if queryCommandState() or isAlreadyApplied(node) return true when called.


If implemented, this method is called when MediumEditor knows that this extension has not been applied to the current selection. Curently, this is called at the beginning of each state change for the editor & toolbar.

After calling this, MediumEditor will attempt to update the extension, either via checkState() or the combination of queryCommandState(), isAlreadyApplied(node), isActive(), and setActive()

Extension Helpers

The following are helpers that are either set by MediumEditor during initialization, or are helper methods which either route calls to the MediumEditor instance or provide common functionality for all extensions.

base (MediumEditor)

A reference to the instance of MediumEditor that this extension is part of.

For example, if you wanted to save the current selection within MediumEditor to be used later, you could call the following within your extension:


window (Window)

A reference to the content window to be used by this instance of MediumEditor. This maps to the value of the contentWindow option that is passed into MediumEditor.

For example, if you wanted to get the width of the window that contains this instance of MediumEditor, you could call the following within your extension:

var windowWidth = this.window.innerWidth;

document (Document)

A reference to the owner document to be used by this instance of MediumEditor. This maps to the value of the ownerDocument option that is passed into MediumEditor.

For example, to create an element in the current document corresponding to this instance of MediumEditor, you would call the following within your extension:

var button = this.document.createElement('button');


Returns a reference to the array of elements monitored by this instance of MediumEditor.

Returns: Array of HTMLElements

For example, the following is the destroy method of the Placeholder Extension, which removes an attribute from all editor elements:

MediumEditor.extensions.placeholder = MediumEditor.Extension.extend({
  // ...
  destroy: function () {
    this.getEditorElements().forEach(function (el) {
      if (el.getAttribute('data-placeholder') === this.text) {
    }, this);
  // ...


Returns the unique identifier for this instance of MediumEditor

Returns: Number

For example, the following is an excerpt from the createToolbar() method of the Toolbar extension, which creates the toolbar element and gives it a unique id tied to the editor's unique id:

MediumEditor.extensions.placeholder = MediumEditor.Extension.extend({
  // ...
  createToolbar: function () {
    var toolbar = this.document.createElement('div'); = 'medium-editor-toolbar-' + this.getEditorId();
    toolbar.className = 'medium-editor-toolbar';

    // ...

    return toolbar;
  // ...


Returns the value of a specific option used to initialize the MediumEditor object.


  1. option ('String')
  • Name of the MediumEditor option to retrieve.

Returns: Value of the MediumEditor option

For example, the following is an excerpt from the getTemplate() method of the Anchor extension, which checks the buttonLabels option MediumEditor to decide the appearance of the 'save' button in the form:

MediumEditor.extensions.anchor = MediumEditor.extensions.form.extend({
  // ...
  getTemplate: function () {
    var template = [
      '<input type="text" class="medium-editor-toolbar-input" placeholder="', this.placeholderText, '">'

      '<a href="#" class="medium-editor-toolbar-save">',
      this.getEditorOption('buttonLabels') === 'fontawesome' ? '<i class="fa fa-check"></i>' : this.formSaveLabel,

    // ...
  // ...

Extension Proxy Methods

  • These are methods that are just proxied calls into existing MediumEditor functions:

execAction(action, opts)

Calls MediumEditor.execAction(action, opts)

For example, the Button Extension will - by default - call execAction() each time a button is clicked, to trigger a command:

MediumEditor.extensions.button = MediumEditor.Extension.extend({
  // ...
  handleClick: function (event) {

    var action = this.getAction(); // 'bold', 'italic', etc.

    if (action) {
  // ...

on(target, event, listener, useCapture)

Calls MediumEditor.on(target, event, listener, useCapture)

This allows extensions to easily attach event handlers to the DOM which will automatically be detached when MediumEditor is destroyed.

For example, when the Anchor Preview Extension detects a mouseover event for a link, it will attach to the mouseout event for the same link so it can hide the anchor preview:

MediumEditor.extensions.anchorPreview = MediumEditor.Extension.extend({
  // ...
  handleEditableMouseover: function (event) {
    // ...
    this.instanceHandleAnchorMouseout = this.handleAnchorMouseout.bind(this);
    this.on(this.anchorToPreview, 'mouseout', this.instanceHandleAnchorMouseout);
    // ...
  // ...

off(target, event, listener, useCapture)

Calls, event, listener, useCapture)

To compliment the above example for on(target, event, listener, useCapture), when the Anchor Preview Extension detects a mouseout event for a link, it will detach the the event handler for mouseout until the next time the mouse hovers over the link:

MediumEditor.extensions.anchorPreview = MediumEditor.Extension.extend({
  // ...
  handleAnchorMouseout: function () {
    this.anchorToPreview = null;, 'mouseout', this.instanceHandleAnchorMouseout);
    this.instanceHandleAnchorMouseout = null;
  // ...

subscribe(name, listener)

Calls MediumEditor.subscribe(name, listener)

For example, the Keyboard Commands Extension will subscribe to the editableKeydown custom event during init(), to monitor when keys are pressed while any of the editor elements are focused:

MediumEditor.extensions.keyboardCommands = MediumEditor.Extension.extend({
  // ...
  init: function () {
    MediumEditor.Extension.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);

    this.subscribe('editableKeydown', this.handleKeydown.bind(this));
    // ...
  // ...

trigger(name, data, editable)

Calls MediumEditor.trigger(name, data, editable)

For example, the Toolbar Extension triggers the hideToolbar custom event whenever the toolbar is being hidden:

MediumEditor.extensions.toolbar = MediumEditor.Extension.extend({
  // ...
  hideToolbar: function () {
    if (this.isDisplayed()) {
      this.trigger('hideToolbar', {}, this.base.getFocusedElement());
  // ...


Buttons are a specific type of extension which will render a button into the toolbar, allowing for custom logic to run whenever the button is clicked. The extension framework also allows the button extension to respond to the user's selection each time the selection changes to do things such as 'activate/deactivate' the button. This allows for things like having the Bold button be 'activated' whenever the user's selection includes already bold text, or 'inactive' if the selection is not already bold.

Button Interface

The only method that defines an extension as a Button Extension is the getButton() method. As long as the name of the Button Extension is passed via the toolbar.buttons option, and the getButton() method is implemented, then the toolbar will treat the extension as a Button Extension


If the name of an extension appears in the toolbar.buttons option, the MediumEditor toolbar will attempt to call this getButton() method on the extension. The HTMLElement returned by this method will be appended to the toolbar.

The getButton() method on each button will be called and appended to the toolbar in the order that they were specified in the toolbar.buttons option.

Button Helpers

The following are properties and methods of the built-in button extension implementation (MediumEditor.extensions.button) that can be reused and/or overriden to make custom button extensions easier to create.

action (string)

By default, the action argument to pass to MediumEditor.execAction() when the button is clicked.

The value of this will also be set as the value of the data-action attribute which will be set on the button.


The following would create a custom button extension which would 'bold' text via the built-in 'bold' support in the browser:

var CustomButtonExtension = MediumEditor.extensions.button.extend({
  name: 'custom-button-extension',

  action: 'bold'

  // ... other properties/methods ...

aria (string)

The value to add as both the aria-label and title attributes of the button.


The following would create a custom button extension which would have 'bold text' as both the aria-label and the title attribute of the button in the toolbar:

var CustomButtonExtension = MediumEditor.extensions.button.extend({
  name: 'custom-button-extension',

  aria: 'bold text'

  // ... other properties/methods ...

tagNames (Array)

Array of element tag names that would indicate that this button has already been applied. If this action has already been applied, the button will be displayed as 'active' in the toolbar.


tagNames is not used if useQueryState is set to true.


The following would create a custom button extension which would be 'active' in the toolbar if the selection is within a <b> or a <strong> tag:

var CustomButtonExtension = MediumEditor.extensions.button.extend({
  name: 'custom-button-extension',

  useQueryState: false,

  tagNames: ['b', 'strong'],

  // ... other properties/methods ...

style (Object)

A pair of css property & value(s) that indicate that this button has already been applied. If this action has already been applied, the button will be displayed as 'active' in the toolbar.

Properties of this object:

  • prop [String]: name of the css property
  • value [String]: value(s) of the css property (multiple values can be separated by a '|')


style is not used if useQueryState is set to true.


The following would create a custom button extension which would be 'active' in the toolbar if the font-weight was either 700 of 'bold':

var CustomButtonExtension = MediumEditor.extensions.button.extend({
  name: 'custom-button-extension',

  useQueryState: false,

  style: {
    prop: 'font-weight',
    value: '700|bold'

  // ... other properties/methods ...

useQueryState (boolean)

Enables/disables whether this button should use the built-in document.queryCommandState() method to determine whether the action has already been applied. If the action has already been applied, the button will be displayed as 'active' in the toolbar.


The following would create a custom button extension which would be enabled if the browser decided the text was 'bold':

var CustomButtonExtension = MediumEditor.extensions.button.extend({
  name: 'custom-button-extension',

  action: 'bold',
  useQueryState: true,

  // ... other properties/methods ...

For Example: For 'bold', if this is set to true, the code will call document.queryCommandState('bold') which will return true if the browser thinks the text is already bold, and false otherwise.

contentDefault (string)

Default innerHTML to put inside the button

contentFA (string)

The innerHTML to use for the content of the button if the buttonLabels option for MediumEditor is set to 'fontawesome'


The following is pulled from the HighlightButton example, which defines a button for both the default case, and when fontawesome icons are being used.

var CustomButtonExtension = MediumEditor.extensions.button.extend({
  name: 'custom-button-extension',

  contentDefault: '<b>H</b>',
  contentFA: '<i class="fa fa-paint-brush"></i>',

  // ... other properties/methods ...

classList (Array)

An array of classNames (strings) to be added to the button.


The following would create a custom button extension where the button element in the toolbar would have both a custom-button and a custom-extension class:

var CustomButtonExtension = MediumEditor.extensions.button.extend({
  name: 'custom-button-extension',

  classList: ['custom-button', 'custom-extension'],

  // ... other properties/methods ...

attrs (Object)

A set of key-value pairs to add to the button as custom attributes.


The following would create a custom button extension where the button element in the toolbar would have a data-is-custom attribute set to true:

var CustomButtonExtension = MediumEditor.extensions.button.extend({
  name: 'custom-button-extension',

  attrs: {
    'data-is-custom': 'true'

  // ... other properties/methods ...

handleClick(event) (function)

The event listener called when the button is clicked. The default built-in button will call this.execAction(action) when the button is clicked.


The following would create a custom button extension where the button would prompt the user for an action to execute:

var CustomButtonExtension = MediumEditor.extensions.button.extend({
  name: 'custom-button-extension',

  handleClick: function (event) {
    var action = prompt("Please enter an action", "bold");
    if (action) {

  // ... other properties/methods ...

Form Button

Form Button Interface

Form Button Helpers