For general information about installation see the installation guide in the docs repository.
When working with os2display together with the vagrant provided, you have to visit screen.os2display.vm, search.os2display.vm, middleware.os2display.vm, admin.os2display.vm and accept the self-sign certificates. If you don't open a tab for each in Chrome, it will not work.
We have defined a couple of commands for os2display.
To push content:
php app/console ik:push
To reindex search:
php app/console ik:reindex
This does not include deletion of records that are removed from symfony but not search.
To clear cache:
php app/console cache:clear
To brute force clear cache:
rm -rf app/cache/*
Clear out the acceptance test cache and set up the database:
app/console --env=acceptance cache:clear
app/console --env=acceptance doctrine:database:create
Run API tests:
./vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat --suite=api_features
Run only tests with a specific tag:
./vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat --suite=api_features --tags=group