- Use TrackTotalHits in SearchRequestBuilder
- Use SynchronizedList in BulkRequestBuilder
- Return Response Json in BulkRequestBuilder for Logging
Set type attribute optional in DeleteActionBuilder
Set type attribute optional in DeleteRequestBuilder
- Rebuild with JDK8
- Add IndexSettingsBuilder
- Support for ElasticSearch 8.x ** _type isn't supported in ES8, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/migrating-8.0.html#breaking-changes-8.0
- add support for authorization header - previous upload did not include flummi authorization constructor
- add support for authorization header
- Previous upload did accidentally not include the merge for ES7
- Support for ElasticSearch 7
- Support for ElasticSearch 6
- use async-http-client 2.4.4
- use version of async-http-client 2.0.37
- add support for min_doc_count
- add support for index mapping
- add support for nested aggregations
- remove deprecated in IndexRequestBuilder
- Add support for geo_distance queries
- don't perform http request when no indices are given for deletion, throw Exception instead
- add support for _analyze API
- add forcemerge request to IndicesAdminClient
- add ForceMergeRequestBuilder
- Add query string as message to execution exception
- Replace filtered query with bool query because filtered is removed in ES 5.0.
- add simple query to query builders
- make BoolQueryBuilder.isEmpty to not throw NPE
- Add boosting query builder
- Implement boosting for term queries
- Implement "should" filter for bool queries
- Fix NPE in SearchRequestBuilder #9
- prevent NPE in FieldSortBuilder if no sort order exists
- SumAggregationBuilder introduced
- update gson dependency
- refactor TermsQuery api
- use new version schema, 5 is for es 5.x support
- Upgrade dependencies
- Add term query builder for types other than string
- Add support for Elasticsearch 5.x stored fields and source filters
- rolling indexing behaviour introduced.
- Added regex and wildcard query builders
- Implemented Pair object to get rid of JavaFX dependency
- Improve TermsQueryBuilder, so that it is easy to specify multiple terms
- Add possibility to build an and-query from a list of queries
- Use gradle-wrapper 2.0 from public repository
- initial public version