Chris: Updated for Express 3.x compatibility!
Tuio.js is a JavaScript implementation of the TUIO library for multitouch and tangible interaction in the web browser. It brings a 1:1 port of the original TUIO Java library.
TUIO is based on the OSC protocol and usually transferred via UDP. Tuio.js uses node.js and Websockets (Socket.IO) to push OSC/TUIO messages to the browser. TUIO.js converts the messages to events that applications can register with.
Install the server via npm:
npm install tuio
(or put the node_modules/tuio folder into your node_modules folder)
Start the example server:
node src/server.js
(Modify server port in server.js if necessary. You also need to npm install express for the example server to work.)
Include dist/Tuio.min.js in your HTML page.
var client = new Tuio.Client({
host: "http://localhost:5000"
onAddTuioCursor = function(addCursor) {
onUpdateTuioCursor = function(updateCursor) {
onRemoveTuioCursor = function(removeCursor) {
onAddTuioObject = function(addObject) {
onUpdateTuioObject = function(updateObject) {
onRemoveTuioObject = function(removeObject) {
onRefresh = function(time) {
client.on("addTuioCursor", onAddTuioCursor);
client.on("updateTuioCursor", onUpdateTuioCursor);
client.on("removeTuioCursor", onRemoveTuioCursor);
client.on("addTuioObject", onAddTuioObject);
client.on("updateTuioObject", onUpdateTuioObject);
client.on("removeTuioObject", onRemoveTuioObject);
client.on("refresh", onRefresh);
The API is modeled after the TUIO Java library. Also see the source and examples on how to use the library. In most cases, you probably only need some events (addTuioCursor, removeTuioObject, etc.) or the methods client.getTuioCursors() and client.getTuioObjects().
See examples folder
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.
Licensed under the GPL license.