- Add License
- Improve documentation (./cluster/README.md redirecting to docs) :
- Integration :
- ArgoCD
- Namespace configurator operator
- Namespace configuration
- Logging :
- Loki
- Promtail
- Monitoring :
- Blackbox exporter
- Fio
- Goldpinger
- Grafana
- Helm exporter
- Prometheus MsTeams
- Prometheus
- Networking :
- Traefik
- Nginx
- Cert-manager
- General :
- Url constructor
- Ingress constructor
- Security :
- User management
- Vault
- Improve custom charts Readme docs (w/ helm docs) :
- OLM (Official documentation)
- Namespace Configuration Operator (Official documentation)
- Namespace configuration
- User management
- Fio
- Integration :
- Themes :
- Integration :
- Argocd:
- Handle repositories loop
- Argocd:
- Monitoring :
- Prometheus & Others :
- Need to work on Prometheus auth
- Add Blackbox-exporter configuration w/ url scraping
- Grafana :
- Need to work on Grafana auth
- Prometheus & Others :
- Logging :
- Loki / Promtail templates
- Security :
- AVP envs
- Integration :
- Improve custom charts Readme docs (w/ helm docs)
- Add ArgoCD project folder for each theme :
- Provide real namespace isolation
- Set sync waves to avoid sync errors
- Add lefthook support
- Create deployment script
- Update deploy documentation
- Documentation :
- Add Contribute.md documentation
- Migrate
to cluster readme w/ helm-docs
- Themes :
- Integration :
- Gitlab runners (add first)
- Default :
- Work on PVC access modes (RWO/RWX)
- Work on priority classes
- Work on QoS
- Backup :
- Add backup solutions (Velero)
- Monitoring :
- Prometheus & Others :
- Configure enablePrometheusRules
- Configure enableGrafanaDashboard
- Enable Grafana customDashboards & customDashboardsGNET functionatility
- Prometheus & Others :
- Networking :
- Traefik:
- Add strict TLS annotations auto
- Nginx:
- Work on Nginx strict TLS
- Traefik:
- Logging :
- Add ECK Operator, need to detect Kube version in order to perform All-in-one install (https://github.com/hashicorp/vault-helm/blob/main/templates/server-clusterrolebinding.yaml#L4)
- Storage :
- Add MinIO
- Integration :
- Add CI file
- Themes :
- Default:
- Work on proxies
- General :
- Enable VPA support
- Integration :
- Argocd:
- Take a look on Argocd notifications & Argo Config
- Argocd:
- Monitoring :
- Prometheus & Others :
- Add the possibility to add custom rules
- Take a look at Prometheus Operator
- Prometheus & Others :
- Security :
- Security :
- Add in-cluster audit tool => Starboard :
- Add cluster campain policies on Starboard
- Add Kyverno
- Storage :
- Add in-cluster storage solutions (Rook)
- Default: