Add the following line to your Podfile
pod 'PapcornsAnalytics'
import PapcornsAnalytics
Initialize PapcornsAnalytics in the didFinishLaunching
or didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
method of your AppDelegate file
var appVersion = ""
if let versionString = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as? String {
appVersion = versionString
PapcornsAnalytics.configure(appId: "INSERT YOUR APP ID HERE", appVersion: appVersion)
Replace "INSERT YOUR APP ID HERE" string with id given to you
Before calling logEvent or logScreen you need to set PapcornsAnalytics.setUserId
because everytime you log and event or screen we are adding your userId to it so if you dont have one that may cause some unidenified data in our logs.
PapcornsAnalytics.setUserId(userId : "", tools : [.Adjust(adId:Adjust.adid())] )
If you are using Revenuecat and Firebase as a receipt validation then you need also set Revenuecat userId because we are also getting logs from Revenuecat webhook .
So checking authentication everytime user goes into app might be a good idea with this function
func checkAuth(){
let cUser = Auth.auth().currentUser
if(cUser != nil){
PapcornsAnalytics.setUserId(userId: cUser!.uid)
Purchases.shared.identify(cUser!.uid, { (info, error) in
if let e = error {
print("Sign in error: \(e.localizedDescription)")
Auth.auth().signInAnonymously { (result, err) in
PapcornsAnalytics.setUserId(userId: (result?.user.uid)!)
Purchases.shared.identify((result?.user.uid)!, { (info, error) in
if let e = error {
print("Sign in error: \(e.localizedDescription)")
In viewDidAppear
function of your viewcontroller call PapcornsAnalytics.logScreen
with parameters [String:Any] , if there is no parameter then leave it with blank dictionary which is [:]
Setting a screenName parameter has a naming convention which is to put you context name first and then put "Screen" on top of it . For example if i am in HomeViewController log screen with name "HomeScreen". In log screen event naming start with uppercase letter
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
PapcornsAnalytics.logScreen(screenName: "XScreen", screenParameters: [:])
Call PapcornsAnalytics.logEvent
with parameters [String:Any] whenever you need to trigger an event like in app purchases or signups etc.. , if there is no parameter then leave it with blank dictionary which is [:] .In event naming convension start with lowercased letter
PapcornsAnalytics.logEvent(eventName: "effectTapped", eventParameters:
"effectName" : "Harry Potter",
"effectId" : "1sae1123asgasr"
PapcornsAnalytics.logEvent(eventName: "weekly_trial_bought", eventParameters: [:])
- Check if every in app purchase is declared in backend script
- Add backend webhook to revenuecat's webhook part for receipt validation logs
- Check app id is true for project
- Check userId is set before log events or log screens