A preliminary study on constructing concept maps with prerequisite structure from textbooks. Topic recognition, extraction and disambiguation are performed with DBpedia Spotlight, and the prerequisite structure is identified through the location of the occurrence of each concept in the text. This study shows that the simple use of DBpedia is a viable method for automatically creating a concept map from a corpus of textbooks.
docker build -t tcm .
docker run -d -p 8888:8888 --name tcm
-v /tcm:/tcm -w /tcm tcm
docker run -i -p 2222:80 --name spotlight dbpedia/spotlight-english spotlight.sh
--data-urlencode "text=President Obama called Wednesday on Congress to extend a tax break
for students included in last year's economic stimulus package, arguing
that the policy provides more generous assistance."
--data "confidence=0.35"
-H "Accept: application/json"
contains the adjacency list for the full concept map