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Advanced Configuration

Table of Contents

Upgrade License

On-premises environments may require a license upgrade to renew, extend an expiration date, enable new features, add a service (Sysdig Secure), or change the number of licensed agents.

  license: XYZ
  • Rerun Installer

SMTP Configs for Email Notifications

The available fields for SMTP configuration are documented in the Each includes SMTP in its name. For example:

  smtpServerPort: 587
  #User,Password can be empty if the server does not require authentication
  smtpUser: apikey
  smtpPassword: XY.abcdefghijk
  smtpProtocolTLS: true
  smtpProtocolSSL: false
  #Optional Email Header
  smtpFromAddress: [email protected]

To configure email settings to be used for a notification channel, copy the parameters and appropriate values into your values.yaml

Configure AWS Credentials Using the Installer

The available fields for AWS credentials are documented in the

  accessKey: my_awesome_aws_access_key
  secretKey: my_super_secret_secret_key

Use hostPath for Static Storage of Sysdig Components

As described in the Installation Storage Requirements, the Installer assumes usage of a dynamic storage provider (AWS or GKE). In case these are not used in your environment, add the entries below to the values.yaml to configure static storage.

Based on the size entered in the values.yaml file (small/medium/large), the Installer assumes a minimum number of replicas and nodes to be provided. You will enter the names of the nodes on which you will run the Cassandra, ElasticSearch, mySQL and Postgres components of Sysdig in the values.yaml, as in the parameters and example below.


storageClassProvisioner: hostPath.
sysdig.cassandra.hostPathNodes: The number of nodes configured here needs to be at minimum 1 when configured size is small, 3 when configured size is medium and 6 when configured size is large.
elasticsearch.hostPathNodes: The number of nodes configured here needs to be be at minimum 1 when configured size is small, 3 when configured size is medium and 6 when configured size is large.
sysdig.mysql.hostPathNodes: When sysdig.mysqlHa is configured to true this has to be at least 3 nodes and when sysdig.mysqlHa is not configured it should be at least one node.
sysdig.postgresql.hostPathNodes: This can be ignored if Sysdig Secure is not licensed or used on this environment. If Secure is used, then the parameter should be set to 1, regardless of the environment size setting.


storageClassProvisioner: hostPath

Run Only Sysdig Pods on a Node Using Taints and Tolerations

If you have a large shared Kubernetes cluster and want to dedicate a few nodes for just the Sysdig backend component installation, you can use the Kubernetes concept of taints and tolerations.

The basic process is:

  1. Assign labels and taints to the relevant nodes.
  2. Review the sample node-labels-and-taints values.yaml in the Sysdig github repo.
  3. Copy that section to your own values.yaml file and edit with labels and taints you assigned.

Example from the sample file:

# To make the ‘tolerations’ code sample below functional, assign nodes the taint
# dedicated=sysdig:NoSchedule. E.g:
# kubectl taint my-awesome-node01 dedicated=sysdig:NoSchedule
    - key: "dedicated"
      operator: "Equal"
      value: sysdig
      effect: "NoSchedule"
# To make the Label code sample below functional, assign nodes the label
# role=sysdig.
# e.g: kubectl label nodes my-awesome-node01 role=sysdig
    key: role
    value: sysdig

Replace a Self-Signed Cert with Custom Cert

Installer automatically generates a self-signed certificate during install. To use a custom certificate you would

  • Add your cert and key to the /certs directory ex: (server.crt, server.key) ​

  • Update values.yaml:

        crt: certs/server.crt    
        key: certs/server.key
  • Rerun Installer

The gives full details on sysdig.certificate.crt and sysdig.certificate.key

Optional: Custom Self-Signed Certificate

Sysdig Monitor/Cloud/etc uses a self-signed SSL/TLS security certificate, unless a custom certificate is provided.

The example command below creates a custom, unsigned certificate called MyCert.pem; the certificate has a private key called MyCert.key, and is valid for five years ​

sudo openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -days 1825 -nodes -out ./MyCert.pem -keyout ./MyCert.key

Patching Process

Patching can be used to customize or "tweak" the default behavior of the Installer to accommodate the unique requirements of a specific environment. Use patching to modify the parameters that are not exposed by thevalues.yaml. Refer to the for more detail about various parameters.  

The most common use case for patching is during updates. When generating the differences between an existing installation and the upgrade, you may see previously customized configurations that the upgrade would overwrite, but that you want to preserve.

About Patching Process

If you have run  generate diff  and found a configuration that you need to tweak (e.g. the installer will delete something you want to keep, or you need to add something that isn't there), then follow these general steps:

  • Create an overlays directory in the same location as the values.yaml.

Note This directory, and the patch.yaml you create for it, must be kept. The installer will use it during future upgrades of Sysdig.

  • Create a .yaml file to be used for patching. You can name it whatever you want; we will call it patch.yaml for this example.

  • Patch files must include, at a minimum:

    -   `apiVersion`

    -   `kind`

    -   ``

Then you add the specific configuration required for your needs. See one example below.

You will need this patch definition for every Kubernetes object you want to patch.

  • Run generate diff again and check that the outcome will be what you want.

  • When satisfied, complete the update by changing the scripts value to deploy and running the installer. If you want to add another patch, you can either add a separate .yaml file or a new YAML document separated by ---

The recommended practice is to use a single patch per Kubernetes object.


Presume you have the following generated configuration:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      annotations: {}
        app: sysdigcloud
        role: api
      name: sysdigcloud-api
      namespace: sysdigcloud
      clusterIP: None
      - name: api
        port: 8080
        protocol: TCP
        targetPort: 8080
        app: sysdigcloud
        role: api
      sessionAffinity: None
      type: ClusterIP

To Add to the Generated Configuration

Suppose you want to add an extra label my-awesome-label: my-awesome-value to the Service object. Then in the patch.yaml, you would put the following:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: sysdigcloud-api
        my-awesome-label: my-awesome-value

Run the installer again, and the configuration would be as follows:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      annotations: {}
        app: sysdigcloud
        role: api
        my-awesome-label: my-awesome-value
      name: sysdigcloud-api
      namespace: sysdigcloud
      clusterIP: None
      - name: api
        port: 8080
        protocol: TCP
        targetPort: 8080
        app: sysdigcloud
        role: api
      sessionAffinity: None
      type: ClusterIP

To Remove from the Generated Configuration

Supposed you wanted to remove all the labels. Then in the patch.yaml, you would put the following:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: sysdigcloud-api

Run the installer again, and the configuration would be as follows:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      annotations: {}
      name: sysdigcloud-api
      namespace: sysdigcloud
      clusterIP: None
      - name: api
        port: 8080
        protocol: TCP
        targetPort: 8080
        app: sysdigcloud
        role: api
      sessionAffinity: None
      type: ClusterIP

Airgapped Installations

Automatically Updating the Feeds Database in Airgapped Environments

This is a procedure that can be used to automatically update the feeds database:

  1. download the image file from Sysdig registry to the jumpbox server and save it locally
  2. move the file from the jumpbox server to the customer airgapped environment (optional)
  3. load the image file and push it to the customer's airgapped image registry
  4. restart the pod sysdigcloud-feeds-db
  5. restart the pod feeds-api

Finally, steps 1 to 5 will be performed periodically once a day.

This is an example script that contains all the steps:


# Download image
docker login -u ${QUAY_USERNAME} -p ${QUAY_PASSWORD}
docker image pull
# Save image
docker image save -o vuln-feed-database.tar
# Optionally move image
mv vuln-feed-database.tar /var/shared-folder
# Load image remotely
ssh -t user@airgapped-host "docker image load -i /var/shared-folder/vuln-feed-database.tar"
# Push image remotely
ssh -t user@airgapped-host "docker tag vuln-feed-database:latest airgapped-registry/vuln-feed-database:latest"
ssh -t user@airgapped-host "docker image push airgapped-registry/vuln-feed-database:latest"
# Restart database pod
ssh -t user@airgapped-host "kubectl -n sysdigcloud scale deploy sysdigcloud-feeds-db --replicas=0"
ssh -t user@airgapped-host "kubectl -n sysdigcloud scale deploy sysdigcloud-feeds-db --replicas=1"
# Restart feeds-api pod
ssh -t user@airgapped-host "kubectl -n sysdigcloud scale deploy sysdigcloud-feeds-api --replicas=0"
ssh -t user@airgapped-host "kubectl -n sysdigcloud scale deploy sysdigcloud-feeds-api --replicas=1"

The script can be scheduled using a cron job that run every day

0 8 * * * >/dev/null 2>&1

Updating Vulnerability Feed


Sysdig Secure users who install in an airgapped environment do not have internet access to the continuous checks of vulnerability databases that are used in image scanning. (See also: /document/preview/117822#UUIDc24a6ed8cdde754219092e4b32b6fd79.)How Sysdig Image Scanning Works

As of installer version 3.2.0-9, airgapped environments can also receive periodic vulnerability database updates.

When you install with the "airgapped_" parameters enabled (see /document/preview/206196#UUIDc198e7424136aa205f91d28f1495bfaf instructions), the installer will automatically push the latest vulnerability database to your environment. Follow the steps below to reinstall/refresh the vuln db, or use the script and chron job to schedule automated updates (daily, weekly, etc.).Full Airgap Install

To automatically update the vulnerability database, you can:

  1. Download the image file from the Sysdig registry to the jump box server and save it locally.
  2. Move the file from the jump box server to the airgapped environment (if needed)
  3. Load the image file and push it to the airgapped image registry.
  4. Restart the pod sysdigcloud-feeds-db
  5. Restart the pod feeds-api

The following script ( performs the five steps:


    # Download image
    docker login -u ${QUAY_USERNAME} -p ${QUAY_PASSWORD}
    docker image pull
    # Save image
    docker image save -o vuln-feed-database.tar
    # Optionally move image
    mv vuln-feed-database.tar /var/shared-folder
    # Load image remotely
    ssh -t user@airgapped-host "docker image load -i /var/shared-folder/vuln-feed-database.tar"
    # Push image remotely
    ssh -t user@airgapped-host "docker tag vuln-feed-database:latest airgapped-registry/vuln-feed-database:latest"
    ssh -t user@airgapped-host "docker image push airgapped-registry/vuln-feed-database:latest"
    # Restart database pod
    ssh -t user@airgapped-host "kubectl -n sysdigcloud scale deploy sysdigcloud-feeds-db --replicas=0"
    ssh -t user@airgapped-host "kubectl -n sysdigcloud scale deploy sysdigcloud-feeds-db --replicas=1"
    # Restart feeds-api pod
    ssh -t user@airgapped-host "kubectl -n sysdigcloud scale deploy sysdigcloud-feeds-api --replicas=0"
    ssh -t user@airgapped-host "kubectl -n sysdigcloud scale deploy sysdigcloud-feeds-api --replicas=1"

Schedule a chron job to run the script on a chosen schedule (e.g. every day):

0 8 * * * >/dev/null 2>&1