- LCD usb serial backpack connected
- volumio latest version installed on x86 motherboard
- Dev mode activated to enable ssh access (it can be removed once the setup phase is performed)
- See the following url for details on how to enble ssh: https://volumio.github.io/docs/User_Manual/SSH.html
In addition to the installer, a configuration file is now available to customize additionnal settings related to LCDs
The file ROSELCDd.conf allows you to select the color, the brightness and the constrast of the LCD
Defaults are the following:
- color = 255, 255, 255
- brightness = 220
- contrast = 200
Color Values are the following:
- red 255,0,0
- blue 0,0,255
- green 0,255,0
- white 255,255,255 (default)
Brightness sets the brightness of the LCD backlight:param brightness: integer value from 0 - 255
Contrast sets the contrast of the lcd character text:param contrast: integer value from 0 - 255
- Connect through ssh to volumio (using putty client for instance)
- launch from the current shell the git clone command to clone the current repo. It will create a vlub directory in which all necessary files are present. the command is the following one: git clone https://github.com/pattdepanick/vlub
- Enter the vlub directory by issuing the cd command: cd vlub
- Install vi : sudo apt install vim
- Enter volumio password for sudo command
- Edit the ROSELCDd.conf to adapt your display type (adafruit, LCD2USB, or Matrix Orbital)
- vi ROSELCDd.conf
- launch install.sh using sudo: sudo ./install.sh
- Enter volumio password for sudo command
- Basics on vi can be found here: http://www.lagmonster.org/docs/vi.html
- reboot
- Done !
if using python3 (to be done later):
- pip install pip3
- pip3 install python-mpd2