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Swedbank Pay Developer Portal

{% assign design_guide_base_url = design_guide_version_url | default: '' %} {% assign design_guide_version = site.design_guide.version | default: '4.1.0' %} {% assign design_guide_version_url = design_guide_base_url | append: '/v/' | append: design_guide_version %}

{% include %}

Welcome to the Swedbank Pay Developer Portal. Please make your choice of product to integrate below or read on for more general information about Swedbank Pay's API platform. If you are new to Swedbank Pay's API Platform, you are strongly advised to read this entire page to the end.

Swedbank Pay


Speed up checkout by allowing your customers to check-in with Swedbank Pay, and pay with their favorite payment instruments through our payment menu.

Checkout Documentation
Swedbank Pay


Identify your customer, while we take care of the payment. Choose from our uniform and wide selection of payment instruments.

Payments Documentation

{% include jumbotron.html body="Swedbank Pay's API Platform is built using the REST architectural style and the request and responses come in the JSON format. The API has predictable, resource-oriented URIs and use default HTTP features, like HTTP authentication (using OAuth 2), HTTP methods and headers. These techniques are widely used and understood by most HTTP client libraries." %}

Connection and Protocol

All requests towards Swedbank Pay API Platform are made with HTTP/1.1 over a secure a TLS 1.2 (or higher) connection. Older HTTP clients running on older operating systems and frameworks might receive connection errors when connecting to Swedbank Pay's APIs. This is most likely due to the connection being made from the client with TLS 1.0 or even SSL, which are all insecure and deprecated. If such is the case, ensure that you are able to connect over a TLS 1.2 connection by reading information regarding your programming languages and environments (Java, PHP Curl, PHP Zend, Ruby, Python, Node.js Request).

You can inspect Swedbank Pay's TLS and cipher suite support at SSL Labs. Support for HTTP/2 in our APIs is being investigated.


All requests against the API Platform should have a few common headers:

{:.code-header} HTTP request

POST /some/resource HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept: application/problem+json; q=1.0, application/json; q=0.9
Authorization: "Bearer 123456781234123412341234567890AB"
Session-Id: 779da454399742248f2942bb064c4707
Forwarded: for=;; proto=https

{:.table .table-striped}

Required Header Description
✔︎ Content-Type The content type of the body of the HTTP request. Usually set to application/json.
✔︎ Accept The content type accepted by the client. Usually set to application/json and application/problem+json so both regular responses as well as errors can be received properly.
✔︎ Authorization The OAuth 2 Access Token is generated in Swedbank Pay Admin. See the admin guide on how to get started.
Session-Id A trace identifier used to trace calls through the API Platform (ref RFC 7329). Each request must mint a new GUID/UUID. If no Session-Id is provided, Swedbank Pay will generate one for the request.
Forwarded The IP address of the consumer as well as the host and protocol of the consumer-facing web page. When the header is present, only the for parameter containing the consumer IP address is required, the other parameters are optional. See RFC 7239 for details.

URI Usage

The base URIs of the API Platform are:

{:.table .table-striped}

Environment Base URL
[Test][external-integration] {{ page.apiUrl }}/

An important part of REST is its use of hypermedia. Instead of having to perform complex state management and hard coding URIs and the availability of different operations in the client, this task is moved to the server. The client simply follows links and performs operations provided by the API, given the current state of the resource. The server controls the state and lets the client know through hypermedia what's possible in the current state of the resource. To get an [introduction to hypermedia, please watch this 20 minute video][the-rest-and-then-some].

{% include alert.html type="warning" icon="warning" header="Don't build URIs" body=" It is very important that only the base URIs of Swedbank Pay's APIs are stored in your system. All other URIs are returned dynamically in the response. Swedbank Pay cannot guarantee that your implementation will remain working if you store any other URIs in your system. When performing requests, please make sure to use the complete URIs that are returned in the response. Do not attempt to parse or build upon the returned data – you should not put any special significance to the information you might glean from an URI. URIs should be treated as opaque identifiers you can use to retrieve the identified resource – nothing more, nothing less. If you don't follow this advice, your integration most assuredly will break when Swedbank Pay makes updates in the future. " %}

Uniform Responses

When a POST or PATCH request is performed, the whole target resource representation is returned in the response, as when performing a GET request on the resource URI. This is an economic approach that limits the number of necessary GET requests.


The payment resource contain the ID of related sub-resources in its response properties. These sub-resources can be expanded inline by using the request parameter expand. This is an effective way to limit the number of necessary calls to the API, as you return several properties related to a Payment resource in a single request.

Note that the expand parameter is available to all API requests but only applies to the request response. This means that you can use the expand parameter on a POST or PATCHrequest to get a response containing the target resource including expanded properties.

This example below add the urls and authorizations property inlines to the response, enabling you to access information from these sub-resources.

{:.code-header} HTTP request with expansion

GET /psp/creditcard/payments/{{ page.paymentId }}?$expand=urls,authorizations HTTP/1.1
Host: {{ page.apiHost }}

To avoid unnecessary overhead, you should only expand the nodes you need info about.

Data Types

Some datatypes, like currency, dates and amounts, are managed in a coherent manner across the entire API Platform.


All currencies are expressed according to the ISO 4217 standard, e.g SEK, EUR, NOK.


All dates are expressed according to the ISO 8601 standard that combine dates, time and timezone data into a string, e.g. 2018-09-14T13:21:57.6627579Z.


When defining locale, we use the combination of language (ISO 639-1) and country codes (ISO 3166), e.g. nb-NO, sv-SE, en-US.

Monetary Amounts

All monetary amounts are entered in the lowest momentary units of the selected currency. The amount of SEK and NOK are in ören/ører, and EUR is in cents. Another way to put it is that the code amount is expressed as if the true amount is multiplied by 100.

{:.table .table-striped}

True amount Code amount
NOK 100.00 10000
SEK 50.00 5000
€ 10.00 1000


When a resource is created and during its lifetime, it will have a set of operations that can be performed on it. Which operations that are available in a given state varies depending on payment instrument used, what the access token is authorized to do, etc. A subset of possible operations are described below. Visit the technical reference page of a payment instrument for instrument specific operations.

{:.code-header} JSON with Operations

    "payment": {},
    "operations": [
            "href": "http://{{ page.apiHost }}/psp/creditcard/payments/{{ page.paymentId }}",
            "rel": "update-payment-abort",
            "method": "PATCH"
            "href": "{{ page.frontEndUrl }}/creditcard/payments/authorize/{{ page.paymentToken }}",
            "rel": "redirect-authorization",
            "method": "GET"
            "href": "{{ page.frontEndUrl }}/swish/core/scripts/client/px.swish.client.js?token={{ page.paymentToken }}",
            "rel": "view-payment",
            "method": "GET",
            "contentType": "application/javascript"
            "href": "{{ page.apiUrl }}/psp/creditcard/payments/{{ page.paymentId }}/captures",
            "rel": "create-capture",
            "method": "POST"

{:.table .table-striped}

Property Description
href The target URI to perform the operation against.
rel The name of the relation the operation has to the current resource.
method The HTTP method to use when performing the operation.

The operations should be performed as described in each response and not as described here in the documentation. Always use the href and method as specified in the response by finding the appropriate operation based on its rel value.


{% include %}

[Read more about the settlement process here][settlement].

{% include payment-instrument="creditcard" %}


When performing operations against the API, it will respond with a problem message that contain details of the error type if the request could not be successfully performed. Regardless of why the error occurred, the problem message will follow the same structure as specified in the Problem Details for HTTP APIs (RFC 7807) specification.

The structure of a problem message will look like this:

{:.code-header} Problem Example

    "type": "",
    "title": "There was an input error",
    "detail": "Please correct the errors and retry the request",
    "instance": "{{ page.transactionId }}",
    "status": 400,
    "action": "RetryNewData",
    "problems": [{
        "name": "CreditCardParameters.Issuer",
        "description": "minimum one issuer must be enabled"

{:.table .table-striped}

Property Type Description
type string The URI that identifies the error type. This is the only property usable for programmatic identification of the type of error! When dereferenced, it might lead you to a human readable description of the error and how it can be recovered from.
title string The title contains a human readable description of the error.
detail string A detailed, human readable description of the error and how you can recover from it.
instance string The identifier of the error instance. This might be of use to Swedbank Pay support personnel in order to find the exact error and the context it occurred in.
status integer The HTTP status code that the problem was served with.
action string The action indicates how the error can be recovered from.
problems array The array of problem detail objects.
└➔ name string The name of the property, header, object, entity or likewise that was erroneous.
└➔ description string The human readable description of what was wrong with the property, header, object, entity or likewise identified by name.

Common Problems

All common problem types will have a URI in the format<payment-instrument>/<error-type>. The URI is an identifier that you can hard-code and implement logic around. It is currently not not possible to dereference this URI, although that might be possible in the future.

{:.table .table-striped}

Type Status Description
inputerror 400 The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error (e.g. malformed request syntax, size to large, invalid request).
forbidden 403 The request was valid, but the server is refusing the action. The necessary permissions to access the resource might be lacking.
notfound 404 The requested resource could not be found, but may be available in the future. Subsequent requests are permissible.
systemerror 500 A generic error message.
configurationerror 500 A error relating to configuration issues.

Payment Instrument Specific Problems

Problem types for a specific payment instrument will have a URI in the format<payment-instrument>/<error-type>. You can read more about the payment instrument specific problem messages below:

  • [Card Payments][card-problems]

  • [Invoice Payments][invoice-problems]

  • [Swish Payments][swish-problems]

  • [Vipps Payments][vipps-problems]

    [external-integration]: {{ page.apiUrl }}/ [production]: [the-rest-and-then-some]: [settlement]: # [card-problems]: # [invoice-problems]: # [swish-problems]: # [vipps-problems]: #