This app allows you to upload images, add filters to them and share on facebook.It consists of a django Rest API and a frontend built with react.
###Backend dependencies: Django - The backbone upon which this REST API is built upon. It's a Python web framework that features models, views, url routes and user management among many other features.
Django REST framework - This is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building browsable REST APIs. It includes support for model serialization, permissions (default and custom) and viewsets among other features.
Pillow - Python Image Manipulation Library
###Frontend dependencies:
Materialize CSS - The front end framework from which all the elements and controls on the front end have been created.
React - React makes it painless to create interactive UIs.
- A user can log in with facebook.
- A user is authenticated.
- A user can Upload images.
- A user can apply filters to the images.
- A user download the edited image.
- A user can logout.
Clone the repo: [email protected]:andela-pwanjiru/Photogenic.git
Install requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the project's database. PostgreSQL was used for this checkpoint.
Install frontend dependencies as described in the package.json file.
After installation, create a database on PostgreSQL for this app.
Perform database migrations.
python makemigrations
python migrate
Run the application
python runserver
To run tests:
python test