diff --git a/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/experimental_features/index.md b/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/experimental_features/index.md
index e0d3f372d6c972e..d2015dcceacb308 100644
--- a/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/experimental_features/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/experimental_features/index.md
@@ -1483,6 +1483,22 @@ It is disabled by default on all builds [Firefox bug 1750902](https://bugzil.la/
+#### Shadow DOM
+Firefox now supports the `clonable` option and property for shadow DOM.
+- The {{domxref("Element.attachShadow()")}} method's `clonable` boolean option specifies whether the created shadow root is clonable: when set to `true`, the shadow host cloned with {{domxref("Node.cloneNode()")}} or {{domxref("Document.importNode()")}} will include shadow root in the copy. ([Firefox bug 1712140](https://bugzil.la/1868428))
+- The {{domxref("ShadowRoot")}} interface's {{domxref("ShadowRoot.clonable", "clonable")}} read-only property returns `true` if the shadow root is clonable, and `false` otherwise. ([Firefox bug 1868428](https://bugzil.la/1868428))
+When shadow root is created via declarative shadow DOM, the `clonable` option is set to `true` by default, and the `clonable` property returns `true`.
+| Release channel | Version added | Enabled by default? |
+| ----------------- | ------------- | ------------------- |
+| Nightly | 122 | Yes |
+| Developer Edition | NA | No |
+| Beta | NA | No |
+| Release | NA | No |
#### Popover API
Firefox now supports the [Popover API](/en-US/docs/Web/API/Popover_API).
diff --git a/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/122/index.md b/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/122/index.md
index 9065c9c8bce64fc..78effaad0488232 100644
--- a/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/122/index.md
+++ b/files/en-us/mozilla/firefox/releases/122/index.md
@@ -10,15 +10,11 @@ This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 122 that affect d
## Changes for web developers
-### Developer Tools
### HTML
- {{HTMLElement("hr")}} elements are now allowed as children of {{HTMLElement("select")}} elements. This is a new feature that improves the readability of select lists with many options. ([Firefox bug 1830909](https://bugzil.la/1830909)).
- The `type` HTML attribute no longer has an effect if set to `none`, `disc`, `circle` or `square` in {{HTMLElement("ol")}} and no longer has an effect if set to `1`, `a`, `A`, `i` or `I` in {{HTMLElement("ul")}}. As `type` is a deprecated attribute for `
` and `` lists, these should be styled with {{CSSxref("list-style-type")}} CSS property instead. ([Firefox bug 1868087](https://bugzil.la/1868087)).
-#### Removals
### CSS
- The CSS {{cssxref("offset-position")}} property is now available by default. It defines the initial position of an element on a path. ([Firefox bug 1598152](https://bugzil.la/1598152))
@@ -29,14 +25,10 @@ This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 122 that affect d
- The {{CSSxref("clip-path")}} and {{CSSxref("offset-path")}} properties now accept [`rect()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/basic-shape/rect) and [`xywh()`](/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/basic-shape/xywh) shape functions. These {{CSSXref("basic-shape")}} values allow the clipping and offsetting of elements with a rectangle defined by distance from the edge of the element (`rect()`) or coordinates and size (`xywh()`). ([Firefox bug 1868722](https://bugzil.la/1868722)).
-#### Removals
### JavaScript
- The {{jsxref("ArrayBuffer.prototype.transfer()")}} and {{jsxref("ArrayBuffer.prototype.transferToFixedLength()")}} methods can now be used to [transfer ownership](/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer#transferring_arraybuffers) of memory from one {{jsxref("ArrayBuffer")}} to another. After transfer, the original buffer is detached from its original memory and hence unusable; the state can be checked using {{jsxref("ArrayBuffer.prototype.detached")}}. (See [Firefox bug 1865103](https://bugzil.la/1865103) for more details.)
-#### Removals
### SVG
#### Removals
@@ -44,14 +36,6 @@ This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 122 that affect d
- Removed support for `data:` URLs in SVG `