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Cognicity cards

Front-end code   Build Status
Project description

This platform is built using the Aurelia framework, which has a few prerequisites. To get started, follow the machine & application setup steps.

Machine setup

  • Install NodeJS >= 4.x
  • Install NPM 3.x
    • Even though you may have the latest NodeJS, that doesn't mean you have the latest version of NPM. You can check your version with npm -v. If you need to update, run npm install npm -g.
  • Install Aurelia CLI
    • npm install aurelia-cli -g

Application setup

  • Install the project dependencies
    • npm install

Project Structure

The project structure is as follows:

  • assets: Static assets such as fonts, images, vector graphics, and icons
  • aurelia_project: Aurelia generated folder containing config (Check Configuration section for more details) and framework specific libraries
  • scripts: Generated scripts from the build process
  • src: The main application code with the following files and subfolders
    • components: Contains custom-elements to be used in routes (Read more about Aurelia Custom Elements here)
    • resources: Contains globally available resource files
      • locales: translation files for supported locales (en and id currently)
      • style_sheets: contains the parent .less files that get imported in the .less files accompanying all HTML templates
      • config.js: Check Configuration section for more details
      • reportCard.js: singleton class shared across all cards
    • routes: Read more about how Aurelia Routing works here
      • cards: Contains card decks for GRASP interface (View and view model for each card. Read Card decks section for more information.)
      • landing: Contains template route for maps
  • test: The tests to run (Check Testing section for more details)

Card Decks

  • Refer assets/card-decks/


  • App router is configured in /src/app.js
    • '/:deck/:id' query parameter (card deck & one time card id): Deck specifies which card-deck to load, card id is the link to access report cards, (use test123 as card id in dev & stage environments


  • Environments

    • to run in local, update the following values in /aurelia_project/environments/dev.js
    • debug : (true/false) enable aurelia router logs in browser console
    • testing : (true/false) enable aurelia-testing plugin
    • enable_test_cardid: set to false to disable cardid=test123 in prod environments (Default is true for local and dev environments)
    • environment specific parameters
    • title : set project title to display in browser tabs
    • supported_languages: set it to an array of languages you support (Default is ['en', 'id']. In case you add more languages, update the array and add corresponding locale information in /src/resources/locales/TWO_LETTER_LANGUAGE_CODE.js)
    • default_language: set it to one of the languages in supported_languages (Default is 'en')
    • tile_layer : set map tile source url (allows using multiple tileLayers for development, staging, production, etc)
    • data_server : set url of cognicity server (Default value is http://localhost:8001/ if using cognicity-server)
    • app : set it to map landing page url (Default value is http://localhost:9000/ if using this platform)
  • Map Configuration

    • to support cities & regions, update the instance_regions in /aurelia_project/deployments/:dep.js > map
    • Default supported cities are Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung for (Refer here for updates)
    • Default supported city is Chennai for
    • For every new instance region (city) added, set a three letter region code. And set the bounds to have southwest and northeast bounds of the city in sw and ne respectively.
    • The value set in default_region sets the initial map view in http://localhost:9000/flood/test123 > location card

To build

  • Start the development server
    • DEP=$dep npm start This will start a dev server on http://localhost:9000
    • Note: A deployment parameter (currently supports pb : petabencana or rm : riskmap) must be provided
  • To generate a production build
    • Run DEP=$dep npm run build
    • This will generate new scripts in scripts/ and also auto increment the reference numbers in index.html. Upload the following to the deployment destination (e.g. S3 bucket) protecting the structure:


Testing environment supported by BrowserStack

Do ('npm test') to build the project and run the tests.

If you want to run BrowserStack, you need to provide environment variables with your username and password. Put export BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME=yourUsername and export BROWSERSTACK_KEY=yourAccessKey into your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile in order for karma to pick up the browserstack credentials. Now run source ~/bash_profile and npm test in order to build the bundle and run karama unit tests against it.

##e2e testing:

End to end testing is implemented using protractor, webdriver, and browserstack. First install protractor: npm install -g protractor then download the webdriver binaries: webdriver-manager update. In order to run the tests, the front end must be being served. Run au run in a separate terminal, and then run protractor protractor.conf.js which will start the tests. Protractor can be a little finicky, so you should let it run without interacting with other browser windows.

Mockapi to be used in the future.

Contribution Guidelines

  • Issues are tracked on github.


The release procedure is as follows:

  • Update the file with the newly released version, date, and a high-level overview of changes. Commit the change.
  • Update JSDoc documentation if required (see above).
  • Create a tag in git from the current head of master. The tag version should be the same as the version specified in the package.json file - this is the release version.
  • Update the version in the package.json file and commit the change.
  • Further development is now on the updated version number until the release process begins again.
