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MiniProject:Testing and tracing in viral epidemics

vanishaarora881 edited this page Jul 6, 2020 · 39 revisions


Testing and tracing in viral epidemics


Vanisha Arora


Om Prakash


The project aims to extract the information about various "Tests" to diagnose the viral infections during the epidemic and also to encircle the ways to prevent its further spread.


This miniproject is based on extracting information about testing and tracing done in the viral epidemics.


1.Conduct binary classification on communal corpus "EpidemicnoCov50" and create a spreadsheet.

2.Creating dictionaries for the project using AMI . Searching for the test names for disease diagnosis in the scientific literature.

3.Dictionary:Testing and tracing Dictionary ( )

4.Downloading a corpus of 950 articles using getpapers and using the ami section for the Sectioning of the papers.

Softwares used:

1.AMI for creating dictionary and sectioning the corpus.

2.KNIME for data extraction and Binary classification.

3.KNIME, R for analysis.

Not started :

Usage of knime and R


Ami section for sectioning of corpus and Ami search for searching the tests in the corpus.


  1. Ami search , The Testing and tracing being very rarely mentioned in the papers, so it is not searching the tests, hence, not getting the data tables. But trying the same in the corpus and searching for funders or countries is giving the results.


  1. Binary classification for EpidemicnoCov50

2.Creating a Corpus of 950 papers

3.Dictionary for the Miniproject :

4.AMI sectioning

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