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miniproject: viral epidemics and disease

Lakshmi Devi Priya edited this page Aug 8, 2020 · 34 revisions

What diseases co-occur with viral epidemics?




Dheeraj kumar

miniproject summary

proposed activities

  • Use the communal corpus epidemic50noCov consisting of 50 articles. #f0b215 CREATED
  • Scrutinizing the 50 articles to know the true positives and false positives, that is, whether the articles are about viral epidemic or not. #C5F015 FINISHED
  • Using ami search to find whether the articles mentioned any comorbidity in a viral epidemic or not, annotating with dictionaries to create ami DataTables. #C5F015 FINISHED
  • Sectioning the articles using ami:section to extract the relevant information on comorbidity. #C5F015 FINISHED
  • Refining and rerunning the query to get a corpus of 950 articles. #f0b215 CREATED
  • Scrutinizing the 950 articles for true positives and false positives and creating a spreadsheet. #1589F0 PROGRESSING
  • Using ami search to create DataTables and ami section for sectioning the 950 articles. #C5F015 FINISHED
  • Using relevant ML technique for the classification of data whether the articles are based on viral epidemic and the diseases/disorders that co-occur. #1589F0 PROGRESSING
  • Creating a dashboard of knowledge, especially with an annotated map. #F03C15 NOT STARTED


  • A spreadsheet will be developed based on the comorbidity during a viral epidemic and their count;
  1. for 50 articles in epidemic50noCov. #C5F015 FINISHED
  2. for 950 articles in disease corpus. #1589F0 PROGRESSING
  • Development of the ML model for data classification on accuracy. #1589F0 PROGRESSING
  • Annotated map with the obtained data. #F03C15 NOT STARTED

corpora #f0b215 CREATED

  • Initially the communal corpus epidemic50noCov will be used. (A small test corpus for using the large corpus disease)
  • Later a corpus of 950 articles created in disease corpus, using the syntax getpapers -q "viral epidemics AND human NOT COVID NOT corona virus NOT SARS-Cov-2" -o disease -f disease/log.txt -k 950 -x -p, will be used.



  • getpapers to create the corpus of 950 articles from EuPMC.
  • AMI for creating DataTables, creating and using dictionaries, sectioning.
  • SPARQL for creating dictionaries.
  • KNIME for workflow and analytics.
  • keras for binary classification.


Respective pages #f0b215

  1. 50 articles corpus epidemic50noCov at -
  2. for getpapers -
  3. for installing & updating ami -
  4. for ami search -
  5. for ami section -
  6. for SPARQL -
  7. 950 articles corpus disease at -

Initial Summary

(by collaborator Dheeraj)

The aim of the mini-project

What is our aim first of all, that if we recognize diseases, then we will be able to give medicines for it. In this mini project, we will be able to find diseases with the help of disease dictionary in times of "viral epidemic" by using ContentMine software ( getpapers and ami)



  • The names of all diseases are updated in the dictionary of diseases which are helpful in searching particular diseases' words in the articles, just like the dictionary contains a store of words.
  • It's source is ICD-10(by WHO) and Wikidata and it was created using ami.

Corpus 950

  • This is a group of articles which is based on viral epidemics and diseases. These articles contain information regarding diseases which are to be simplified.
  • This is a group of 950 articles that have been downloaded from EuPMC via getpapers.


This is a Pub Med Central website with a lot of scientific research knowledge articles. We are analyzing some of these articles for our mini-project, which are downloaded using getpapers.




  • It is also a ContentMine software. It is used in creating a dictionary. It is useful for searching particular diseases' words that are updated in dictionary, sectioning downloaded articles and gathering information from them.
  • Like in this, we have created a dictionary of disease.

Work done #C5F015

  • I have read about getpapers and EuPMC and also I have read about advanced search in EuPMC and Reading its articles too.
  • I am reading wikidata and learning how to update the dictionary.

My goal #1589F0

  • As we said that if diseases are known, then we can give medicines accordingly. Therefore, our main goal will be to find out the names of diseases that co-occur during viral epidemics.
  • In this mini-project my main goal is that updating dictionary with ICD-10 using Wikidata.
  • Also to create a disease dictionary in Hindi.

Blocking #F03C15

  1. Learning KNIME for workflow and analytics.
  2. Learning Keras to use in binary classification.

Issue Rectification #C5F015

Splitting 950 corpus for ami search

  1. The 950 article corpus was large in size and hence using ami search popped the OutOfMemoryError.
  2. Hence, the disease corpus (Cproject) was split into 4-parts consisting of 200-250 Ctrees.
  3. Then, ami search was used in each parts successfully, which created DataTables.

_cooccurence folder

  1. Primarily in Windows amisearch created an empty _cooccurence folder.
  2. After debugging, AMI was updated which gave the desired result in _cooccurence folder.
  3. Thus the error was rectified.

Update #C5F015

Uploading corpus to GitHub

(Reference from Ambreen's update )

  1. Download VS code and clone the openVirus repository into your system.
  2. Open the openVirus folder in VS code (don't close it).
  3. Now open your openVirus folder in your directory and make your changes in it.
  4. Reopen the VS code that was minimized. Now commit the changes by selecting the commit symbol. It might take time with respect to your size of uploading files.
  5. After adding the remote repository, push the changes to GitHub. See this video for other clarification.

NOTE : If already had cloned the repository, first pull the repo and then push the changes.

Clone this wiki locally