This README is for the user who
- Want to develop application with LIPS 3D depth camera.
- Already has a LIPS camera module on hand.
- The target platform is Windows
- Develop application with OpenNI 2
If you don't have one and are interesting with it, please contact with us by e-mail [email protected]
- Windows 7 or later
Download SDK from [LIPS SDK] (
Install wizard will notify to install OpenNI2 if OpenNI2 is not installed well.
- Please refer Git-SCM to install Git client for Windows platform.
Clone the project in a git-bash console. (or GIT GUI client depends on you)
git clone LIPS_Sample
- Launch Visual Studio IDE by clicking Ni2Recorder.sln.
- The example is created with Visual Studio 2012. You might be hinted that Visual Studio would like to update some files to adapt the new tool set if your Visual Studio version is higher than Visual Studio 2012.
- Copy content in Redist folder to the folder where execution is. The Redist folder is C:\Program Files\OpenNI2\Redist or C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenNI2\Redist depends on your target platform.
- Copy LIPS modules DeviceModules2.dll and RvcLib.dll from C:\Program Files\LIPSToF\x64\ (or C:\Program Files\LIPSToF\x86, depends on your target platform) to OpenNI2\Drivers
- Install OpenCV 2.4.11 (or later). (Refer [] ( ). Assume you downloaded and extracted to C:\opencv
- Launch Visual Studio IDE by clicking Ni2SimpleViewer\Ni2SimpleViewer.sln.
- The example is created with Visual Studio 2012. You might be hinted that Visual Studio would like to update some files to adapt the new tool set if your Visual Studio version is higher than Visual Studio 2012.
You can base the samples we provided to develop your own application. What you need to know to create a new project are:
- After the new project was created, you should add OpenNI2 headers and library path in project configuration property. That is,
Right click the project in Solution Explorer and choose Properties
Expand "VC++ Directories", add "C:\Program Files\OpenNI2\Include" to "Include Directories" and add "C:\Program Files\OpenNI2\Lib" to "Library Directories"
If you are developing a 32-bit application in a 64-bit machine, the paths might modified to "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenNI2\Include" and "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenNI2\Lib"
Then, expand "Linker" in "Configuration Properties", add "OpenNI2.lib" to "Input->Additional Dependencies".
Develop your application.
Before test your application, copy content in Redist folder to the folder where execution is. The Redist folder is C:\Program Files\OpenNI2\Redist or C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenNI2\Redist depends on your target platform.
And copy LIPS modules DeviceModules2.dll and RvcLib.dll from C:\Program Files\LIPSToF\x64\ (or C:\Program Files\LIPSToF\x86, depends on your target platform) to OpenNI2\Drivers