This R' package aim to ease the work with XML sitemap and SEO related tasks. Tutorials will come later
#Github (dev version)
load xsitemap package
This is the main function. Add domain hostname or an XML URL as a parameter
xsitemap_urls <- xsitemapGet("")
Will check if sitemap urls are sending 200 http code.Beware it can take some time depending on the number of URLs
xsitemap_urls_http <- xsitemapCheckHTTP(xsitemap_urls)
Will try to guess XML Urls in this order:
sitemap_index.xml, sitemaps.xml, sitemap.xml, sitemap-index.xml", sitemap.xml.gz
Will search for xml sitemap URL inside robots.txt
Will check classic Wordpress sitemap urls
/!\ Work in progress /!\
English :
French :
Questions and feedbacks welcome!
You want to contribute ? Open a pull request ;-) If you encounter a bug or want to suggest an enhancement, please open an issue.
- François