- Corban Brook @corban
- Bobby Richter @secretrobotron
- Charles J. Cliffe @ccliffe
This project aims to be a complete port of the Canvas2D API implemented in a WebGL context. WebGL-2D is a proof of concept and attempts to ascertain performance improvements over Canvas2D.
It should allow most Canvas2D applications to be switched to a WebGL context.
Check out a LIVE DEMO!
Switching your Canvas2D sketch to a WebGL2D is very simple and only requires one additional line of code:
var cvs = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
WebGL2D.enable(cvs); // adds "webgl-2d" context to cvs
var ctx = cvs.getContext("webgl-2d"); // easily switch between "webgl-2d" and "2d" contexts
WebGL-2D is a work in progress and currently supports a very small subset of the Canvas2D API.
- strokeStyle
- fillStyle
- strokeRect
- fillRect
- translate
- rotate
- scale
- save
- restore
- lineWidth
- drawImage (cropping params not implemented yet)
- beginPath
- closePath
- moveTo
- lineTo
- rect
- createImageData
- getImageData
- putImageData
Properties stubbed but currently not working
- lineCap
- lineJoin
- miterLimit
- shadowOffsetX
- shadowOffsetY
- shadowBlur
- shadowColor
- font
- textAlign
- textBaseline
- globalAlpha
- globalCompositeOp