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Gardener is implemented using the operator pattern: It uses custom controllers that act on our own custom resources, and apply Kubernetes principles to manage clusters instead of containers. Following this analogy, you can recognize components of the Gardener architecture as well-known Kubernetes components, for example, shoot clusters can be compared with pods, and seed clusters can be seen as worker nodes.

The following Gardener components play a similar role as the corresponding components in the Kubernetes architecture:

Gardener Component Kubernetes Component
gardener-apiserver kube-apiserver
gardener-controller-manager kube-controller-manager
gardener-scheduler kube-scheduler
gardenlet kubelet

Similar to how the kube-scheduler of Kubernetes finds an appropriate node for newly created pods, the gardener-scheduler of Gardener finds an appropriate seed cluster to host the control plane for newly ordered clusters. By providing multiple seed clusters for a region or provider, and distributing the workload, Gardener also reduces the blast radius of potential issues.

Kubernetes runs a primary "agent" on every node, the kubelet, which is responsible for managing pods and containers on its particular node. Decentralizing the responsibility to the kubelet has the advantage that the overall system is scalable. Gardener achieves the same for cluster management by using a gardenlet as а primary "agent" on every seed cluster, and is only responsible for shoot clusters located in its particular seed cluster:

Counterparts in the Gardener Architecture and the Kubernetes Architecture

The gardener-controller-manager has controllers to manage resources of the Gardener API. However, instead of letting the gardener-controller-manager talk directly to seed clusters or shoot clusters, the responsibility isn’t only delegated to the gardenlet, but also managed using a reversed control flow: It's up to the gardenlet to contact the Gardener API server, for example, to share a status for its managed seed clusters.

Reversing the control flow allows placing seed clusters or shoot clusters behind firewalls without the necessity of direct access via VPN tunnels anymore.

Reversed Control Flow Using a gardenlet

TLS Bootstrapping

Kubernetes doesn’t manage worker nodes itself, and it’s also not responsible for the lifecycle of the kubelet running on the workers. Similarly, Gardener doesn’t manage seed clusters itself, so it is also not responsible for the lifecycle of the gardenlet running on the seeds. As a consequence, both the gardenlet and the kubelet need to prepare a trusted connection to the Gardener API server and the Kubernetes API server correspondingly.

To prepare a trusted connection between the gardenlet and the Gardener API server, the gardenlet initializes a bootstrapping process after you deployed it into your seed clusters:

  1. The gardenlet starts up with a bootstrap kubeconfig having a bootstrap token that allows to create CertificateSigningRequest (CSR) resources.

  2. After the CSR is signed, the gardenlet downloads the created client certificate, creates a new kubeconfig with it, and stores it inside a Secret in the seed cluster.

  3. The gardenlet deletes the bootstrap kubeconfig secret, and starts up with its new kubeconfig.

  4. The gardenlet starts normal operation.

The gardener-controller-manager runs a control loop that automatically signs CSRs created by gardenlets.

The gardenlet bootstrapping process is based on the kubelet bootstrapping process. More information: Kubelet's TLS bootstrapping.

If you don't want to run this bootstrap process, you can create a kubeconfig pointing to the garden cluster for the gardenlet yourself, and use the field gardenClientConnection.kubeconfig in the gardenlet configuration to share it with the gardenlet.

gardenlet Certificate Rotation

The certificate used to authenticate the gardenlet against the API server has a certain validity based on the configuration of the garden cluster (--cluster-signing-duration flag of the kube-controller-manager (default 1y)).

If your garden cluster is of at least Kubernetes v1.22, then you can also configure the validity for the client certificate by specifying .gardenClientConnection.kubeconfigValidity.validity in the gardenlet's component configuration. Note that changing this value will only take effect when the kubeconfig is rotated again (it is not picked up immediately). The minimum validity is 10m (that's what is enforced by the CertificateSigningRequest API in Kubernetes which is used by the gardenlet).

By default, after about 70-90% of the validity has expired, the gardenlet tries to automatically replace the current certificate with a new one (certificate rotation).

You can change these boundaries by specifying .gardenClientConnection.kubeconfigValidity.autoRotationJitterPercentage{Min,Max} in the gardenlet's component configuration.

To use a certificate rotation, you need to specify the secret to store the kubeconfig with the rotated certificate in the field .gardenClientConnection.kubeconfigSecret of the gardenlet component configuration.

Rotate Certificates Using Bootstrap kubeconfig

If the gardenlet created the certificate during the initial TLS Bootstrapping using the Bootstrap kubeconfig, certificates can be rotated automatically. The same control loop in the gardener-controller-manager that signs the CSRs during the initial TLS Bootstrapping also automatically signs the CSR during a certificate rotation.

ℹ️ You can trigger an immediate renewal by annotating the Secret in the seed cluster stated in the .gardenClientConnection.kubeconfigSecret field with and restarting the gardenlet. After it has booted up again, gardenlet will issue a new certificate independent of the remaining validity of the existing one.

Rotate Certificates Using Custom kubeconfig

When trying to rotate a custom certificate that wasn’t created by gardenlet as part of the TLS Bootstrap, the x509 certificate's Subject field needs to conform to the following:

  • the Common Name (CN) is prefixed with
  • the Organization (O) equals

Otherwise, the gardener-controller-manager doesn’t automatically sign the CSR. In this case, an external component or user needs to approve the CSR manually, for example, using the command kubectl certificate approve seed-csr-<...>). If that doesn’t happen within 15 minutes, the gardenlet repeats the process and creates another CSR.

Configuring the Seed to Work with gardenlet

The gardenlet works with a single seed, which must be configured in the GardenletConfiguration under .seedConfig. This must be a copy of the Seed resource, for example:

kind: GardenletConfiguration
    name: my-seed
      type: aws
    # ...
      name: my-seed-secret
      namespace: garden

(see this yaml file for a more complete example)

When using make start-gardenlet, the corresponding script will automatically fetch the seed cluster's kubeconfig based on the seedConfig.spec.secretRef and set the environment accordingly.

On startup, gardenlet registers a Seed resource using the given template in the seedConfig if it's not present already.

Component Configuration

In the component configuration for the gardenlet, it’s possible to define:

  • settings for the Kubernetes clients interacting with the various clusters
  • settings for the controllers inside the gardenlet
  • settings for leader election and log levels, feature gates, and seed selection or seed configuration.

More information: Example gardenlet Component Configuration.


Similar to how Kubernetes uses Lease objects for node heart beats (see KEP), the gardenlet is using Lease objects for heart beats of the seed cluster. Every two seconds, the gardenlet checks that the seed cluster's /healthz endpoint returns HTTP status code 200. If that is the case, the gardenlet renews the lease in the Garden cluster in the gardener-system-seed-lease namespace and updates the GardenletReady condition in the status.conditions field of the Seed resource. For more information, see this section.

Similar to the node-lifecycle-controller inside the kube-controller-manager, the gardener-controller-manager features a seed-lifecycle-controller that sets the GardenletReady condition to Unknown in case the gardenlet fails to renew the lease. As a consequence, the gardener-scheduler doesn’t consider this seed cluster for newly created shoot clusters anymore.

/healthz Endpoint

The gardenlet includes an HTTP server that serves a /healthz endpoint. It’s used as a liveness probe in the Deployment of the gardenlet. If the gardenlet fails to renew its lease, then the endpoint returns 500 Internal Server Error, otherwise it returns 200 OK.

Please note that the /healthz only indicates whether the gardenlet could successfully probe the Seed's API server and renew the lease with the Garden cluster. It does not show that the Gardener extension API server (with the Gardener resource groups) is available. However, the gardenlet is designed to withstand such connection outages and retries until the connection is reestablished.


The gardenlet consists out of several controllers which are now described in more detail.

The BackupBucket controller reconciles those resources whose .spec.seedName value is equal to the name of the Seed the respective gardenlet is responsible for. A resource is created by the Seed controller if .spec.backup is defined in the Seed.

The controller adds finalizers to the BackupBucket and the secret mentioned in the .spec.secretRef of the BackupBucket. The controller also copies this secret to the seed cluster. Additionally, it creates an resource (non-namespaced) in the seed cluster and waits until the responsible extension controller reconciles it (see Contract: BackupBucket Resource for more details). The status from the reconciliation is reported in the .status.lastOperation field. Once the extension resource is ready and the .status.generatedSecretRef is set by the extension controller, the gardenlet copies the referenced secret to the garden namespace in the garden cluster. An owner reference to the is added to this secret.

If the is deleted, the controller deletes the generated secret in the garden cluster and the resource in the seed cluster and it waits for the respective extension controller to remove its finalizers from the Then it deletes the secret in the seed cluster and finally removes the finalizers from the and the referred secret.

The BackupEntry controller reconciles those resources whose .spec.seedName value is equal to the name of a Seed the respective gardenlet is responsible for. Those resources are created by the Shoot controller (only if backup is enabled for the respective Seed) and there is exactly one BackupEntry per Shoot.

The controller creates an resource (non-namespaced) in the seed cluster and waits until the responsible extension controller reconciled it (see Contract: BackupEntry Resource for more details). The status is populated in the .status.lastOperation field.

The resource has an owner reference pointing to the corresponding Shoot. Hence, if the Shoot is deleted, the BackupEntry resource also gets deleted. In this case, the controller deletes the resource in the seed cluster and waits until the responsible extension controller has deleted it. Afterwards, the finalizer of the resource is released so that it finally disappears from the system.

If the spec.seedName and .status.seedName of the are different, the controller will migrate it by annotating the in the Source Seed with migrate, waiting for it to be migrated successfully and eventually deleting it from the Source Seed cluster. Afterwards, the controller will recreate the in the Destination Seed, annotate it with restore and wait for the restore operation to finish. For more details about control plane migration, please read Shoot Control Plane Migration.

Keep Backup for Deleted Shoots

In some scenarios it might be beneficial to not immediately delete the BackupEntrys (and with them, the etcd backup) for deleted Shoots.

In this case you can configure the .controllers.backupEntry.deletionGracePeriodHours field in the component configuration of the gardenlet. For example, if you set it to 48, then the BackupEntrys for deleted Shoots will only be deleted 48 hours after the Shoot was deleted.

Additionally, you can limit the shoot purposes for which this applies by setting .controllers.backupEntry.deletionGracePeriodShootPurposes[]. For example, if you set it to [production] then only the BackupEntrys for Shoots with .spec.purpose=production will be deleted after the configured grace period. All others will be deleted immediately after the Shoot deletion.

The Bastion controller reconciles those resources whose .spec.seedName value is equal to the name of a Seed the respective gardenlet is responsible for.

The controller creates an resource in the seed cluster in the shoot namespace with the same name as Then it waits until the responsible extension controller has reconciled it (see Contract: Bastion Resource for more details). The status is populated in the .status.conditions and .status.ingress fields.

During the deletion of resources, the controller first sets the Ready condition to False and then deletes the resource in the seed cluster. Once this resource is gone, the finalizer of the resource is released, so it finally disappears from the system.

The ControllerInstallation controller in the gardenlet reconciles ControllerInstallation objects with the help of the following reconcilers.

"Main" Reconciler

This reconciler is responsible for ControllerInstallations referencing a ControllerDeployment whose type=helm. It is responsible for unpacking the Helm chart tarball in the ControllerDeployments .providerConfig.chart field and deploying the rendered resources to the seed cluster. The Helm chart values in .providerConfig.values will be used and extended with some information about the Gardener environment and the seed cluster:

  version: <gardenlet-version>
    clusterIdentity: <identity-of-garden-cluster>
    identity: <seed-name>
    clusterIdentity: <identity-of-seed-cluster>
    annotations: <seed-annotations>
    labels: <seed-labels>
    spec: <seed-specification>

As of today, there are a few more fields in .gardener.seed, but it is recommended to use the .gardener.seed.spec if the Helm chart needs more information about the seed configuration.

The rendered chart will be deployed via a ManagedResource created in the garden namespace of the seed cluster. It is labeled with controllerinstallation-name=<name> so that one can easily find the owning ControllerInstallation for an existing ManagedResource.

The reconciler maintains the Installed condition of the ControllerInstallation and sets it to False if the rendering or deployment fails.

"Care" Reconciler

This reconciler reconciles ControllerInstallation objects and checks whether they are in a healthy state. It checks the .status.conditions of the backing ManagedResource created in the garden namespace of the seed cluster.

  • If the ResourcesApplied condition of the ManagedResource is True, then the Installed condition of the ControllerInstallation will be set to True.
  • If the ResourcesHealthy condition of the ManagedResource is True, then the Healthy condition of the ControllerInstallation will be set to True.
  • If the ResourcesProgressing condition of the ManagedResource is True, then the Progressing condition of the ControllerInstallation will be set to True.

A ControllerInstallation is considered "healthy" if Applied=Healthy=True and Progressing=False.

"Required" Reconciler

This reconciler watches all resources in the API group in the seed cluster. It is responsible for maintaining the Required condition on ControllerInstallations. Concretely, when there is at least one extension resource in the seed cluster a ControllerInstallation is responsible for, then the status of the Required condition will be True. If there are no extension resources anymore, its status will be False.

This condition is taken into account by the ControllerRegistration controller part of gardener-controller-manager when it computes which extensions have to be deployed to which seed cluster. See Gardener Controller Manager for more details.

The NetworkPolicy controller reconciles NetworkPolicys in shoot namespaces in order to ensure access to the Kubernetes API server.

The controller resolves the IP address of the Kubernetes service in the default namespace and creates an egress NetworkPolicys for it.

For more details about NetworkPolicys in Gardener, please see Network Policies in Gardener.

The Seed controller in the gardenlet reconciles Seed objects with the help of the following reconcilers.

"Main Reconciler"

This reconciler is responsible for managing the seed's system components. Those comprise CA certificates, the various CustomResourceDefinitions, the logging and monitoring stacks, and few central components like gardener-resource-manager, etcd-druid, istio, etc.

The reconciler also deploys a BackupBucket resource in the garden cluster in case the Seed's .spec.backup is set. It also checks whether the seed cluster's Kubernetes version is at least the minimum supported version and errors in case this constraint is not met.

This reconciler maintains the Bootstrapped condition, i.e. it sets it:

  • to Progressing before it executes its reconciliation flow.
  • to False in case an error occurs.
  • to True in case the reconciliation succeeded.

"Care" Reconciler

This reconciler checks whether the seed system components (deployed by the "main" reconciler) are healthy. It checks the .status.conditions of the backing ManagedResource created in the garden namespace of the seed cluster. A ManagedResource is considered "healthy" if the conditions ResourcesApplied=ResourcesHealthy=True and ResourcesProgressing=False.

If all ManagedResources are healthy, then the SeedSystemComponentsHealthy condition of the Seed will be set to True. Otherwise, it will be set to False.

If at least one ManagedResource is unhealthy and there is threshold configuration for the conditions (in .controllers.seedCare.conditionThresholds), then the status of the SeedSystemComponentsHealthy condition will be set:

  • to Progressing if it was True before.
  • to Progressing if it was Progressing before and the lastUpdateTime of the condition does not exceed the configured threshold duration yet.
  • to False if it was Progressing before and the lastUpdateTime of the condition exceeds the configured threshold duration.

The condition thresholds can be used to prevent reporting issues too early just because there is a rollout or a short disruption. Only if the unhealthiness persists for at least the configured threshold duration, then the issues will be reported (by setting the status to False).

"Lease" Reconciler

This reconciler checks whether the connection to the seed cluster's /healthz endpoint works. If this succeeds, then it renews a Lease resource in the garden cluster's gardener-system-seed-lease namespace. This indicates a heartbeat to the external world, and internally the gardenlet sets its health status to true. In addition, the GardenletReady condition in the status of the Seed is set to True. The whole process is similar to what the kubelet does to report heartbeats for its Node resource and its KubeletReady condition. For more information, see this section.

If the connection to the /healthz endpoint or the update of the Lease fails, then the internal health status of gardenlet is set to false. Also, this internal health status is set to false automatically after some time, in case the controller gets stuck for whatever reason. This internal health status is available via the gardenlet's /healthz endpoint and is used for the livenessProbe in the gardenlet pod.

The Shoot controller in the gardenlet reconciles Shoot objects with the help of the following reconcilers.

"Main" Reconciler

This reconciler is responsible for managing all shoot cluster components and implements the core logic for creating, updating, hibernating, deleting, and migrating shoot clusters. It is also responsible for syncing the Cluster cluster to the seed cluster before and after each successful shoot reconciliation.

The main reconciliation logic is performed in 3 different task flows dedicated to specific operation types:

  • reconcile (operations: create, reconcile, restore): this is the main flow responsible for creation and regular reconciliation of shoots. Hibernating a shoot also triggers this flow. It is also used for restoration of the shoot control plane on the new seed (second half of a Control Plane Migration)
  • migrate: this flow is triggered when spec.seedName specifies a different seed than status.seedName. It performs the first half of the Control Plane Migration, i.e., a backup (migrate operation) of all control plane components followed by a "shallow delete".
  • delete: this flow is triggered when the shoot's deletionTimestamp is set, i.e., when it is deleted.

The gardenlet takes special care to prevent unnecessary shoot reconciliations. This is important for several reasons, e.g., to not overload the seed API servers and to not exhaust infrastructure rate limits too fast. The gardenlet performs shoot reconciliations according to the following rules:

  • If status.observedGeneration is less than metadata.generation: this is the case, e.g., when the spec was changed, a manual reconciliation operation was triggered, or the shoot was deleted.
  • If the last operation was not successful.
  • If the shoot is in a failed state, the gardenlet does not perform any reconciliation on the shoot (unless the retry operation was triggered). However, it syncs the Cluster resource to the seed in order to inform the extension controllers about the failed state.
  • Regular reconciliations are performed with every GardenletConfiguration.controllers.shoot.syncPeriod (defaults to 1h).
  • Shoot reconciliations are not performed if the assigned seed cluster is not healthy or has not been reconciled by the current gardenlet version yet (determined by the Seed.status.gardener section). This is done to make sure that shoots are reconciled with fully rolled out seed system components after a Gardener upgrade. Otherwise, the gardenlet might perform operations of the new version that doesn't match the old version of the deployed seed system components, which might lead to unspecified behavior.

There are a few special cases that overwrite or confine how often and under which circumstances periodic shoot reconciliations are performed:

  • In case the gardenlet config allows it (controllers.shoot.respectSyncPeriodOverwrite, disabled by default), the sync period for a shoot can be increased individually by setting the annotation. This is always allowed for shoots in the garden namespace. Shoots are not reconciled with a higher frequency than specified in GardenletConfiguration.controllers.shoot.syncPeriod.
  • In case the gardenlet config allows it (controllers.shoot.respectSyncPeriodOverwrite, disabled by default), shoots can be marked as "ignored" by setting the annotation. In this case, the gardenlet does not perform any reconciliation for the shoot.
  • In case GardenletConfiguration.controllers.shoot.reconcileInMaintenanceOnly is enabled (disabled by default), the gardenlet performs regular shoot reconciliations only once in the respective maintenance time window (GardenletConfiguration.controllers.shoot.syncPeriod is ignored). The gardenlet randomly distributes shoot reconciliations over the maintenance time window to avoid high bursts of reconciliations (see Shoot Maintenance).
  • In case Shoot.spec.maintenance.confineSpecUpdateRollout is enabled (disabled by default), changes to the shoot specification are not rolled out immediately but only during the respective maintenance time window (see Shoot Maintenance).

"Care" Reconciler

This reconciler performs three "care" actions related to Shoots.


It maintains five conditions and performs the following checks:

  • APIServerAvailable: The /healthz endpoint of the shoot's kube-apiserver is called and considered healthy when it responds with 200 OK.
  • ControlPlaneHealthy: The control plane is considered healthy when the respective Deployments (for example kube-apiserver,kube-controller-manager), and Etcds (for example etcd-main) exist and are healthy.
  • ObservabilityComponentsHealthy: This condition is considered healthy when the respective Deployments (for example grafana), StatefulSets (for example prometheus,loki), exist and are healthy.
  • EveryNodyReady: The conditions of the worker nodes are checked (e.g., Ready, MemoryPressure). Also, it's checked whether the Kubernetes version of the installed kubelet matches the desired version specified in the Shoot resource.
  • SystemComponentsHealthy: The conditions of the ManagedResources are checked (e.g., ResourcesApplied). Also, it is verified whether the VPN tunnel connection is established (which is required for the kube-apiserver to communicate with the worker nodes).

Sometimes, ManagedResources can have both Healthy and Progressing conditions set to True (e.g., when a DaemonSet rolls out one-by-one on a large cluster with many nodes) while this is not reflected in the Shoot status. In order to catch issues where the rollout gets stuck, one can set .controllers.shootCare.managedResourceProgressingThreshold in the gardenlet's component configuration. If the Progressing condition is still True for more than the configured duration, the SystemComponentsHealthy condition in the Shoot is set to False, eventually.

Each condition can optionally also have error codes in order to indicate which type of issue was detected (see Shoot Status for more details).

Apart from the above, extension controllers can also contribute to the status or error codes of these conditions (see Contributing to Shoot Health Status Conditions for more details).

If all checks for a certain conditions are succeeded, then its status will be set to True. Otherwise, it will be set to False.

If at least one check fails and there is threshold configuration for the conditions (in .controllers.seedCare.conditionThresholds), then the status will be set:

  • to Progressing if it was True before.
  • to Progressing if it was Progressing before and the lastUpdateTime of the condition does not exceed the configured threshold duration yet.
  • to False if it was Progressing before and the lastUpdateTime of the condition exceeds the configured threshold duration.

The condition thresholds can be used to prevent reporting issues too early just because there is a rollout or a short disruption. Only if the unhealthiness persists for at least the configured threshold duration, then the issues will be reported (by setting the status to False).

Constraints And Automatic Webhook Remediation

Please see Shoot Status for more details.

Garbage Collection

Stale pods in the shoot namespace in the seed cluster and in the kube-system namespace in the shoot cluster are deleted. A pod is considered stale when:

  • it was terminated with reason Evicted.
  • it was terminated with reason starting with OutOf (e.g., OutOfCpu).
  • it is stuck in termination (i.e., if its deletionTimestamp is more than 5m ago).

The ShootState controller in the gardenlet reconciles resources containing information that has to be synced to the ShootState. This information is used when a control plane migration is performed.

"Extensions" Reconciler

This reconciler watches resources in the API group in the seed cluster which contain a Shoot-specific state or data. Those are BackupEntrys, ContainerRuntimes, ControlPlanes, DNSRecords, Extensions, Infrastructures, Networks, OperatingSystemConfigs, and Workers.

When there is a change in the .status.state or .status.resources[] fields of these resources, then this information is synced into the ShootState resource in the garden cluster.

"Secret" Reconciler

This reconciler reconciles Secrets having labels managed-by=secrets-manager and persist=true in the shoot namespaces in the seed cluster. It syncs them to the ShootState so that the secrets can be restored from there in case a shoot control plane has to be restored to another seed cluster (in case of migration).

Managed Seeds

Gardener users can use shoot clusters as seed clusters, so-called "managed seeds" (aka "shooted seeds"), by creating ManagedSeed resources. By default, the gardenlet that manages this shoot cluster then automatically creates a clone of itself with the same version and the same configuration that it currently has. Then it deploys the gardenlet clone into the managed seed cluster.

For more information, see Register Shoot as Seed.

Migrating from Previous Gardener Versions

If your Gardener version doesn’t support gardenlets yet, no special migration is required, but the following prerequisites must be met:

  • Your Gardener version is at least 0.31 before upgrading to v1.
  • You have to make sure that your garden cluster is exposed in a way that it’s reachable from all your seed clusters.

With previous Gardener versions, you had deployed the Gardener Helm chart (incorporating the API server, controller-manager, and scheduler). With v1, this stays the same, but you now have to deploy the gardenlet Helm chart as well into all of your seeds (if they aren’t managed, as mentioned earlier).

See Deploy a gardenlet for all instructions.

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