diff --git a/assets/src/components/cd/clusters/ClusterHealthChip.tsx b/assets/src/components/cd/clusters/ClusterHealthChip.tsx
index 5cd7bfe58..7dd9e812f 100644
--- a/assets/src/components/cd/clusters/ClusterHealthChip.tsx
+++ b/assets/src/components/cd/clusters/ClusterHealthChip.tsx
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ export function ClusterHealth({
return (
@@ -33,9 +34,11 @@ export function ClusterHealth({
function ClusterHealthChip({
+ cluster,
size = 'medium',
}: {
+ cluster?: ClustersRowFragment
pingedAt?: string | null
size?: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'
}) {
@@ -49,7 +52,8 @@ function ClusterHealthChip({
const pinged = pingedAt !== null
const healthy =
- pingedAt && now.clone().subtract(10, 'minutes').isBefore(pingedAt)
+ cluster?.healthy ||
+ (pingedAt && now.clone().subtract(10, 'minutes').isBefore(pingedAt))
return (
node, {
-export const columns = [ColDeployment, ColCluster, ColLastActivity, ColStatus]
+export const columns = [
+ ColDeployment,
+ ColCluster,
+ ColRepo,
+ ColRef,
+ ColLastActivity,
+ ColStatus,
+ ColErrors,
diff --git a/assets/src/generated/graphql.ts b/assets/src/generated/graphql.ts
index 8b045642e..34dff20ba 100644
--- a/assets/src/generated/graphql.ts
+++ b/assets/src/generated/graphql.ts
@@ -1071,6 +1071,8 @@ export type Cluster = {
editable?: Maybe;
/** a short, unique human readable name used to identify this cluster and does not necessarily map to the cloud resource name */
handle?: Maybe;
+ /** Whether this cluster was recently pinged */
+ healthy?: Maybe;
/** internal id of this cluster */
id: Scalars['ID']['output'];
insertedAt?: Maybe;
@@ -10227,13 +10229,13 @@ export type AddonVersionFragment = { __typename?: 'AddonVersion', version?: stri
export type AddonVersionBlockingFragment = { __typename?: 'AddonVersion', blocking?: boolean | null };
-export type ClustersRowFragment = { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null };
+export type ClustersRowFragment = { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null };
export type ClusterMetricsFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'Cluster', clusterMetrics?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetrics', cpu?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResponse', metric?: Record | null, values?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResult', timestamp?: any | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null } | null> | null, cpuUsage?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResponse', metric?: Record | null, values?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResult', timestamp?: any | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null } | null> | null, cpuRequests?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResponse', metric?: Record | null, values?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResult', timestamp?: any | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null } | null> | null, cpuLimits?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResponse', metric?: Record | null, values?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResult', timestamp?: any | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null } | null> | null, memory?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResponse', metric?: Record | null, values?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResult', timestamp?: any | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null } | null> | null, memoryUsage?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResponse', metric?: Record | null, values?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResult', timestamp?: any | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null } | null> | null, memoryRequests?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResponse', metric?: Record | null, values?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResult', timestamp?: any | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null } | null> | null, memoryLimits?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResponse', metric?: Record | null, values?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResult', timestamp?: any | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null } | null> | null, pods?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResponse', metric?: Record | null, values?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResult', timestamp?: any | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null } | null> | null } | null };
export type ClusterNodeMetricsFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'Cluster', clusterNodeMetrics?: { __typename?: 'ClusterNodeMetrics', cpu?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResponse', metric?: Record | null, values?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResult', timestamp?: any | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null } | null> | null, cpuUsage?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResponse', metric?: Record | null, values?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResult', timestamp?: any | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null } | null> | null, memory?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResponse', metric?: Record | null, values?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResult', timestamp?: any | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null } | null> | null, memoryUsage?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResponse', metric?: Record | null, values?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MetricResult', timestamp?: any | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null } | null> | null } | null };
-export type ClusterFragment = { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, name: string, handle?: string | null, metadata?: Record | null, pingedAt?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, version?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, apiDeprecations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ApiDeprecation', availableIn?: string | null, blocking?: boolean | null, deprecatedIn?: string | null, removedIn?: string | null, replacement?: string | null, component?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', group?: string | null, version?: string | null, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', git?: { __typename?: 'GitRef', ref: string, folder: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', httpsPath?: string | null, urlFormat?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, nodePools?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodePool', id: string, name: string, minSize: number, maxSize: number, instanceType: string, spot?: boolean | null, labels?: Record | null, taints?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Taint', effect: string, key: string, value: string } | null> | null } | null> | null, nodes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Node', metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, status: { __typename?: 'NodeStatus', phase?: string | null, allocatable?: Record | null, capacity?: Record | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeCondition', type?: string | null, status?: string | null, message?: string | null } | null> | null }, spec: { __typename?: 'NodeSpec', podCidr?: string | null, providerId?: string | null } } | null> | null, nodeMetrics?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeMetric', timestamp?: string | null, window?: string | null, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, usage?: { __typename?: 'NodeUsage', cpu?: string | null, memory?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, status?: { __typename?: 'ClusterStatus', controlPlaneReady?: boolean | null, failureMessage?: string | null, failureReason?: string | null, phase?: string | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterCondition', lastTransitionTime?: string | null, message?: string | null, reason?: string | null, severity?: string | null, status?: string | null, type?: string | null } | null> | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, parentCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, insightComponents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, group?: string | null, version: string, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null };
+export type ClusterFragment = { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, name: string, handle?: string | null, metadata?: Record | null, pingedAt?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, version?: string | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, apiDeprecations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ApiDeprecation', availableIn?: string | null, blocking?: boolean | null, deprecatedIn?: string | null, removedIn?: string | null, replacement?: string | null, component?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', group?: string | null, version?: string | null, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', git?: { __typename?: 'GitRef', ref: string, folder: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', httpsPath?: string | null, urlFormat?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, nodePools?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodePool', id: string, name: string, minSize: number, maxSize: number, instanceType: string, spot?: boolean | null, labels?: Record | null, taints?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Taint', effect: string, key: string, value: string } | null> | null } | null> | null, nodes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Node', metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, status: { __typename?: 'NodeStatus', phase?: string | null, allocatable?: Record | null, capacity?: Record | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeCondition', type?: string | null, status?: string | null, message?: string | null } | null> | null }, spec: { __typename?: 'NodeSpec', podCidr?: string | null, providerId?: string | null } } | null> | null, nodeMetrics?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeMetric', timestamp?: string | null, window?: string | null, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, usage?: { __typename?: 'NodeUsage', cpu?: string | null, memory?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, status?: { __typename?: 'ClusterStatus', controlPlaneReady?: boolean | null, failureMessage?: string | null, failureReason?: string | null, phase?: string | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterCondition', lastTransitionTime?: string | null, message?: string | null, reason?: string | null, severity?: string | null, status?: string | null, type?: string | null } | null> | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, parentCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, insightComponents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, group?: string | null, version: string, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null };
export type ClustersQueryVariables = Exact<{
first?: InputMaybe;
@@ -10245,7 +10247,7 @@ export type ClustersQueryVariables = Exact<{
-export type ClustersQuery = { __typename?: 'RootQueryType', tags?: Array | null, clusters?: { __typename?: 'ClusterConnection', pageInfo: { __typename?: 'PageInfo', hasNextPage: boolean, endCursor?: string | null, hasPreviousPage: boolean, startCursor?: string | null }, edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterEdge', node?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null } | null, clusterStatuses?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterStatusInfo', count?: number | null, healthy?: boolean | null } | null> | null };
+export type ClustersQuery = { __typename?: 'RootQueryType', tags?: Array | null, clusters?: { __typename?: 'ClusterConnection', pageInfo: { __typename?: 'PageInfo', hasNextPage: boolean, endCursor?: string | null, hasPreviousPage: boolean, startCursor?: string | null }, edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterEdge', node?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null } | null, clusterStatuses?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterStatusInfo', count?: number | null, healthy?: boolean | null } | null> | null };
export type ClusterMinimalFragment = { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null };
@@ -10271,7 +10273,7 @@ export type VClustersQueryVariables = Exact<{
-export type VClustersQuery = { __typename?: 'RootQueryType', tags?: Array | null, clusters?: { __typename?: 'ClusterConnection', pageInfo: { __typename?: 'PageInfo', hasNextPage: boolean, endCursor?: string | null, hasPreviousPage: boolean, startCursor?: string | null }, edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterEdge', node?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null } | null };
+export type VClustersQuery = { __typename?: 'RootQueryType', tags?: Array | null, clusters?: { __typename?: 'ClusterConnection', pageInfo: { __typename?: 'PageInfo', hasNextPage: boolean, endCursor?: string | null, hasPreviousPage: boolean, startCursor?: string | null }, edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterEdge', node?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null } | null };
export type ClusterSelectorQueryVariables = Exact<{
first?: InputMaybe;
@@ -10289,7 +10291,7 @@ export type ClusterQueryVariables = Exact<{
-export type ClusterQuery = { __typename?: 'RootQueryType', cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, name: string, handle?: string | null, metadata?: Record | null, pingedAt?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, version?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, apiDeprecations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ApiDeprecation', availableIn?: string | null, blocking?: boolean | null, deprecatedIn?: string | null, removedIn?: string | null, replacement?: string | null, component?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', group?: string | null, version?: string | null, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', git?: { __typename?: 'GitRef', ref: string, folder: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', httpsPath?: string | null, urlFormat?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, nodePools?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodePool', id: string, name: string, minSize: number, maxSize: number, instanceType: string, spot?: boolean | null, labels?: Record | null, taints?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Taint', effect: string, key: string, value: string } | null> | null } | null> | null, nodes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Node', metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, status: { __typename?: 'NodeStatus', phase?: string | null, allocatable?: Record | null, capacity?: Record | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeCondition', type?: string | null, status?: string | null, message?: string | null } | null> | null }, spec: { __typename?: 'NodeSpec', podCidr?: string | null, providerId?: string | null } } | null> | null, nodeMetrics?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeMetric', timestamp?: string | null, window?: string | null, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, usage?: { __typename?: 'NodeUsage', cpu?: string | null, memory?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, status?: { __typename?: 'ClusterStatus', controlPlaneReady?: boolean | null, failureMessage?: string | null, failureReason?: string | null, phase?: string | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterCondition', lastTransitionTime?: string | null, message?: string | null, reason?: string | null, severity?: string | null, status?: string | null, type?: string | null } | null> | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, parentCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, insightComponents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, group?: string | null, version: string, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null } | null };
+export type ClusterQuery = { __typename?: 'RootQueryType', cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, name: string, handle?: string | null, metadata?: Record | null, pingedAt?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, version?: string | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, apiDeprecations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ApiDeprecation', availableIn?: string | null, blocking?: boolean | null, deprecatedIn?: string | null, removedIn?: string | null, replacement?: string | null, component?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', group?: string | null, version?: string | null, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', git?: { __typename?: 'GitRef', ref: string, folder: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', httpsPath?: string | null, urlFormat?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, nodePools?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodePool', id: string, name: string, minSize: number, maxSize: number, instanceType: string, spot?: boolean | null, labels?: Record | null, taints?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Taint', effect: string, key: string, value: string } | null> | null } | null> | null, nodes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Node', metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, status: { __typename?: 'NodeStatus', phase?: string | null, allocatable?: Record | null, capacity?: Record | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeCondition', type?: string | null, status?: string | null, message?: string | null } | null> | null }, spec: { __typename?: 'NodeSpec', podCidr?: string | null, providerId?: string | null } } | null> | null, nodeMetrics?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeMetric', timestamp?: string | null, window?: string | null, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, usage?: { __typename?: 'NodeUsage', cpu?: string | null, memory?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, status?: { __typename?: 'ClusterStatus', controlPlaneReady?: boolean | null, failureMessage?: string | null, failureReason?: string | null, phase?: string | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterCondition', lastTransitionTime?: string | null, message?: string | null, reason?: string | null, severity?: string | null, status?: string | null, type?: string | null } | null> | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, parentCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, insightComponents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, group?: string | null, version: string, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null } | null };
export type ClusterBasicQueryVariables = Exact<{
id: Scalars['ID']['input'];
@@ -10361,28 +10363,28 @@ export type UpdateClusterMutationVariables = Exact<{
-export type UpdateClusterMutation = { __typename?: 'RootMutationType', updateCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, name: string, handle?: string | null, metadata?: Record | null, pingedAt?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, version?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, apiDeprecations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ApiDeprecation', availableIn?: string | null, blocking?: boolean | null, deprecatedIn?: string | null, removedIn?: string | null, replacement?: string | null, component?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', group?: string | null, version?: string | null, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', git?: { __typename?: 'GitRef', ref: string, folder: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', httpsPath?: string | null, urlFormat?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, nodePools?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodePool', id: string, name: string, minSize: number, maxSize: number, instanceType: string, spot?: boolean | null, labels?: Record | null, taints?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Taint', effect: string, key: string, value: string } | null> | null } | null> | null, nodes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Node', metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, status: { __typename?: 'NodeStatus', phase?: string | null, allocatable?: Record | null, capacity?: Record | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeCondition', type?: string | null, status?: string | null, message?: string | null } | null> | null }, spec: { __typename?: 'NodeSpec', podCidr?: string | null, providerId?: string | null } } | null> | null, nodeMetrics?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeMetric', timestamp?: string | null, window?: string | null, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, usage?: { __typename?: 'NodeUsage', cpu?: string | null, memory?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, status?: { __typename?: 'ClusterStatus', controlPlaneReady?: boolean | null, failureMessage?: string | null, failureReason?: string | null, phase?: string | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterCondition', lastTransitionTime?: string | null, message?: string | null, reason?: string | null, severity?: string | null, status?: string | null, type?: string | null } | null> | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, parentCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, insightComponents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, group?: string | null, version: string, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null } | null };
+export type UpdateClusterMutation = { __typename?: 'RootMutationType', updateCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, name: string, handle?: string | null, metadata?: Record | null, pingedAt?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, version?: string | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, apiDeprecations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ApiDeprecation', availableIn?: string | null, blocking?: boolean | null, deprecatedIn?: string | null, removedIn?: string | null, replacement?: string | null, component?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', group?: string | null, version?: string | null, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', git?: { __typename?: 'GitRef', ref: string, folder: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', httpsPath?: string | null, urlFormat?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, nodePools?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodePool', id: string, name: string, minSize: number, maxSize: number, instanceType: string, spot?: boolean | null, labels?: Record | null, taints?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Taint', effect: string, key: string, value: string } | null> | null } | null> | null, nodes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Node', metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, status: { __typename?: 'NodeStatus', phase?: string | null, allocatable?: Record | null, capacity?: Record | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeCondition', type?: string | null, status?: string | null, message?: string | null } | null> | null }, spec: { __typename?: 'NodeSpec', podCidr?: string | null, providerId?: string | null } } | null> | null, nodeMetrics?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeMetric', timestamp?: string | null, window?: string | null, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, usage?: { __typename?: 'NodeUsage', cpu?: string | null, memory?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, status?: { __typename?: 'ClusterStatus', controlPlaneReady?: boolean | null, failureMessage?: string | null, failureReason?: string | null, phase?: string | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterCondition', lastTransitionTime?: string | null, message?: string | null, reason?: string | null, severity?: string | null, status?: string | null, type?: string | null } | null> | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, parentCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, insightComponents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, group?: string | null, version: string, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null } | null };
export type CreateClusterMutationVariables = Exact<{
attributes: ClusterAttributes;
-export type CreateClusterMutation = { __typename?: 'RootMutationType', createCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', deployToken?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, name: string, handle?: string | null, metadata?: Record | null, pingedAt?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, version?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, apiDeprecations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ApiDeprecation', availableIn?: string | null, blocking?: boolean | null, deprecatedIn?: string | null, removedIn?: string | null, replacement?: string | null, component?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', group?: string | null, version?: string | null, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', git?: { __typename?: 'GitRef', ref: string, folder: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', httpsPath?: string | null, urlFormat?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, nodePools?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodePool', id: string, name: string, minSize: number, maxSize: number, instanceType: string, spot?: boolean | null, labels?: Record | null, taints?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Taint', effect: string, key: string, value: string } | null> | null } | null> | null, nodes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Node', metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, status: { __typename?: 'NodeStatus', phase?: string | null, allocatable?: Record | null, capacity?: Record | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeCondition', type?: string | null, status?: string | null, message?: string | null } | null> | null }, spec: { __typename?: 'NodeSpec', podCidr?: string | null, providerId?: string | null } } | null> | null, nodeMetrics?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeMetric', timestamp?: string | null, window?: string | null, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, usage?: { __typename?: 'NodeUsage', cpu?: string | null, memory?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, status?: { __typename?: 'ClusterStatus', controlPlaneReady?: boolean | null, failureMessage?: string | null, failureReason?: string | null, phase?: string | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterCondition', lastTransitionTime?: string | null, message?: string | null, reason?: string | null, severity?: string | null, status?: string | null, type?: string | null } | null> | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, parentCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, insightComponents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, group?: string | null, version: string, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null } | null };
+export type CreateClusterMutation = { __typename?: 'RootMutationType', createCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', deployToken?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, name: string, handle?: string | null, metadata?: Record | null, pingedAt?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, version?: string | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, apiDeprecations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ApiDeprecation', availableIn?: string | null, blocking?: boolean | null, deprecatedIn?: string | null, removedIn?: string | null, replacement?: string | null, component?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', group?: string | null, version?: string | null, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', git?: { __typename?: 'GitRef', ref: string, folder: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', httpsPath?: string | null, urlFormat?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, nodePools?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodePool', id: string, name: string, minSize: number, maxSize: number, instanceType: string, spot?: boolean | null, labels?: Record | null, taints?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Taint', effect: string, key: string, value: string } | null> | null } | null> | null, nodes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Node', metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, status: { __typename?: 'NodeStatus', phase?: string | null, allocatable?: Record | null, capacity?: Record | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeCondition', type?: string | null, status?: string | null, message?: string | null } | null> | null }, spec: { __typename?: 'NodeSpec', podCidr?: string | null, providerId?: string | null } } | null> | null, nodeMetrics?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeMetric', timestamp?: string | null, window?: string | null, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, usage?: { __typename?: 'NodeUsage', cpu?: string | null, memory?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, status?: { __typename?: 'ClusterStatus', controlPlaneReady?: boolean | null, failureMessage?: string | null, failureReason?: string | null, phase?: string | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterCondition', lastTransitionTime?: string | null, message?: string | null, reason?: string | null, severity?: string | null, status?: string | null, type?: string | null } | null> | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, parentCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, insightComponents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, group?: string | null, version: string, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null } | null };
export type DeleteClusterMutationVariables = Exact<{
id: Scalars['ID']['input'];
-export type DeleteClusterMutation = { __typename?: 'RootMutationType', deleteCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, name: string, handle?: string | null, metadata?: Record | null, pingedAt?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, version?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, apiDeprecations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ApiDeprecation', availableIn?: string | null, blocking?: boolean | null, deprecatedIn?: string | null, removedIn?: string | null, replacement?: string | null, component?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', group?: string | null, version?: string | null, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', git?: { __typename?: 'GitRef', ref: string, folder: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', httpsPath?: string | null, urlFormat?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, nodePools?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodePool', id: string, name: string, minSize: number, maxSize: number, instanceType: string, spot?: boolean | null, labels?: Record | null, taints?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Taint', effect: string, key: string, value: string } | null> | null } | null> | null, nodes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Node', metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, status: { __typename?: 'NodeStatus', phase?: string | null, allocatable?: Record | null, capacity?: Record | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeCondition', type?: string | null, status?: string | null, message?: string | null } | null> | null }, spec: { __typename?: 'NodeSpec', podCidr?: string | null, providerId?: string | null } } | null> | null, nodeMetrics?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeMetric', timestamp?: string | null, window?: string | null, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, usage?: { __typename?: 'NodeUsage', cpu?: string | null, memory?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, status?: { __typename?: 'ClusterStatus', controlPlaneReady?: boolean | null, failureMessage?: string | null, failureReason?: string | null, phase?: string | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterCondition', lastTransitionTime?: string | null, message?: string | null, reason?: string | null, severity?: string | null, status?: string | null, type?: string | null } | null> | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, parentCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, insightComponents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, group?: string | null, version: string, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null } | null };
+export type DeleteClusterMutation = { __typename?: 'RootMutationType', deleteCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, name: string, handle?: string | null, metadata?: Record | null, pingedAt?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, version?: string | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, apiDeprecations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ApiDeprecation', availableIn?: string | null, blocking?: boolean | null, deprecatedIn?: string | null, removedIn?: string | null, replacement?: string | null, component?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', group?: string | null, version?: string | null, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', git?: { __typename?: 'GitRef', ref: string, folder: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', httpsPath?: string | null, urlFormat?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, nodePools?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodePool', id: string, name: string, minSize: number, maxSize: number, instanceType: string, spot?: boolean | null, labels?: Record | null, taints?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Taint', effect: string, key: string, value: string } | null> | null } | null> | null, nodes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Node', metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, status: { __typename?: 'NodeStatus', phase?: string | null, allocatable?: Record | null, capacity?: Record | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeCondition', type?: string | null, status?: string | null, message?: string | null } | null> | null }, spec: { __typename?: 'NodeSpec', podCidr?: string | null, providerId?: string | null } } | null> | null, nodeMetrics?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeMetric', timestamp?: string | null, window?: string | null, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, usage?: { __typename?: 'NodeUsage', cpu?: string | null, memory?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, status?: { __typename?: 'ClusterStatus', controlPlaneReady?: boolean | null, failureMessage?: string | null, failureReason?: string | null, phase?: string | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterCondition', lastTransitionTime?: string | null, message?: string | null, reason?: string | null, severity?: string | null, status?: string | null, type?: string | null } | null> | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, parentCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, insightComponents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, group?: string | null, version: string, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null } | null };
export type DetachClusterMutationVariables = Exact<{
id: Scalars['ID']['input'];
-export type DetachClusterMutation = { __typename?: 'RootMutationType', detachCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, name: string, handle?: string | null, metadata?: Record | null, pingedAt?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, version?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, apiDeprecations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ApiDeprecation', availableIn?: string | null, blocking?: boolean | null, deprecatedIn?: string | null, removedIn?: string | null, replacement?: string | null, component?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', group?: string | null, version?: string | null, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', git?: { __typename?: 'GitRef', ref: string, folder: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', httpsPath?: string | null, urlFormat?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, nodePools?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodePool', id: string, name: string, minSize: number, maxSize: number, instanceType: string, spot?: boolean | null, labels?: Record | null, taints?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Taint', effect: string, key: string, value: string } | null> | null } | null> | null, nodes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Node', metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, status: { __typename?: 'NodeStatus', phase?: string | null, allocatable?: Record | null, capacity?: Record | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeCondition', type?: string | null, status?: string | null, message?: string | null } | null> | null }, spec: { __typename?: 'NodeSpec', podCidr?: string | null, providerId?: string | null } } | null> | null, nodeMetrics?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeMetric', timestamp?: string | null, window?: string | null, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, usage?: { __typename?: 'NodeUsage', cpu?: string | null, memory?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, status?: { __typename?: 'ClusterStatus', controlPlaneReady?: boolean | null, failureMessage?: string | null, failureReason?: string | null, phase?: string | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterCondition', lastTransitionTime?: string | null, message?: string | null, reason?: string | null, severity?: string | null, status?: string | null, type?: string | null } | null> | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, parentCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, insightComponents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, group?: string | null, version: string, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null } | null };
+export type DetachClusterMutation = { __typename?: 'RootMutationType', detachCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, name: string, handle?: string | null, metadata?: Record | null, pingedAt?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, version?: string | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, apiDeprecations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ApiDeprecation', availableIn?: string | null, blocking?: boolean | null, deprecatedIn?: string | null, removedIn?: string | null, replacement?: string | null, component?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', group?: string | null, version?: string | null, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', git?: { __typename?: 'GitRef', ref: string, folder: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', httpsPath?: string | null, urlFormat?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, nodePools?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodePool', id: string, name: string, minSize: number, maxSize: number, instanceType: string, spot?: boolean | null, labels?: Record | null, taints?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Taint', effect: string, key: string, value: string } | null> | null } | null> | null, nodes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Node', metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, status: { __typename?: 'NodeStatus', phase?: string | null, allocatable?: Record | null, capacity?: Record | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeCondition', type?: string | null, status?: string | null, message?: string | null } | null> | null }, spec: { __typename?: 'NodeSpec', podCidr?: string | null, providerId?: string | null } } | null> | null, nodeMetrics?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeMetric', timestamp?: string | null, window?: string | null, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, usage?: { __typename?: 'NodeUsage', cpu?: string | null, memory?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, status?: { __typename?: 'ClusterStatus', controlPlaneReady?: boolean | null, failureMessage?: string | null, failureReason?: string | null, phase?: string | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterCondition', lastTransitionTime?: string | null, message?: string | null, reason?: string | null, severity?: string | null, status?: string | null, type?: string | null } | null> | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, parentCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, insightComponents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, group?: string | null, version: string, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null } | null };
export type ClusterStatusInfoFragment = { __typename?: 'ClusterStatusInfo', count?: number | null, healthy?: boolean | null };
@@ -11543,7 +11545,7 @@ export type DeletePersonaMutationVariables = Exact<{
export type DeletePersonaMutation = { __typename?: 'RootMutationType', deletePersona?: { __typename?: 'Persona', id: string, name: string, description?: string | null, bindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: { __typename?: 'PersonaConfiguration', all?: boolean | null, deployments?: { __typename?: 'PersonaDeployment', addOns?: boolean | null, clusters?: boolean | null, pipelines?: boolean | null, providers?: boolean | null, repositories?: boolean | null, services?: boolean | null } | null, home?: { __typename?: 'PersonaHome', manager?: boolean | null, security?: boolean | null } | null, sidebar?: { __typename?: 'PersonaSidebar', audits?: boolean | null, kubernetes?: boolean | null, pullRequests?: boolean | null, settings?: boolean | null, backups?: boolean | null, stacks?: boolean | null } | null } | null } | null };
-export type PolicyConstraintFragment = { __typename?: 'PolicyConstraint', description?: string | null, id: string, insertedAt?: string | null, name: string, recommendation?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, violationCount?: number | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, name: string, handle?: string | null, metadata?: Record | null, pingedAt?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, version?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, apiDeprecations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ApiDeprecation', availableIn?: string | null, blocking?: boolean | null, deprecatedIn?: string | null, removedIn?: string | null, replacement?: string | null, component?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', group?: string | null, version?: string | null, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', git?: { __typename?: 'GitRef', ref: string, folder: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', httpsPath?: string | null, urlFormat?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, nodePools?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodePool', id: string, name: string, minSize: number, maxSize: number, instanceType: string, spot?: boolean | null, labels?: Record | null, taints?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Taint', effect: string, key: string, value: string } | null> | null } | null> | null, nodes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Node', metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, status: { __typename?: 'NodeStatus', phase?: string | null, allocatable?: Record | null, capacity?: Record | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeCondition', type?: string | null, status?: string | null, message?: string | null } | null> | null }, spec: { __typename?: 'NodeSpec', podCidr?: string | null, providerId?: string | null } } | null> | null, nodeMetrics?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeMetric', timestamp?: string | null, window?: string | null, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, usage?: { __typename?: 'NodeUsage', cpu?: string | null, memory?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, status?: { __typename?: 'ClusterStatus', controlPlaneReady?: boolean | null, failureMessage?: string | null, failureReason?: string | null, phase?: string | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterCondition', lastTransitionTime?: string | null, message?: string | null, reason?: string | null, severity?: string | null, status?: string | null, type?: string | null } | null> | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, parentCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, insightComponents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, group?: string | null, version: string, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null } | null, ref?: { __typename?: 'ConstraintRef', kind: string, name: string } | null };
+export type PolicyConstraintFragment = { __typename?: 'PolicyConstraint', description?: string | null, id: string, insertedAt?: string | null, name: string, recommendation?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, violationCount?: number | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, name: string, handle?: string | null, metadata?: Record | null, pingedAt?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, version?: string | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, apiDeprecations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ApiDeprecation', availableIn?: string | null, blocking?: boolean | null, deprecatedIn?: string | null, removedIn?: string | null, replacement?: string | null, component?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', group?: string | null, version?: string | null, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', git?: { __typename?: 'GitRef', ref: string, folder: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', httpsPath?: string | null, urlFormat?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, nodePools?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodePool', id: string, name: string, minSize: number, maxSize: number, instanceType: string, spot?: boolean | null, labels?: Record | null, taints?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Taint', effect: string, key: string, value: string } | null> | null } | null> | null, nodes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Node', metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, status: { __typename?: 'NodeStatus', phase?: string | null, allocatable?: Record | null, capacity?: Record | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeCondition', type?: string | null, status?: string | null, message?: string | null } | null> | null }, spec: { __typename?: 'NodeSpec', podCidr?: string | null, providerId?: string | null } } | null> | null, nodeMetrics?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeMetric', timestamp?: string | null, window?: string | null, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, usage?: { __typename?: 'NodeUsage', cpu?: string | null, memory?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, status?: { __typename?: 'ClusterStatus', controlPlaneReady?: boolean | null, failureMessage?: string | null, failureReason?: string | null, phase?: string | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterCondition', lastTransitionTime?: string | null, message?: string | null, reason?: string | null, severity?: string | null, status?: string | null, type?: string | null } | null> | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, parentCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, insightComponents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, group?: string | null, version: string, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null } | null, ref?: { __typename?: 'ConstraintRef', kind: string, name: string } | null };
export type PolicyConstraintsQueryVariables = Exact<{
after?: InputMaybe;
@@ -11560,14 +11562,14 @@ export type PolicyConstraintsQueryVariables = Exact<{
-export type PolicyConstraintsQuery = { __typename?: 'RootQueryType', policyConstraints?: { __typename?: 'PolicyConstraintConnection', pageInfo: { __typename?: 'PageInfo', hasNextPage: boolean, endCursor?: string | null, hasPreviousPage: boolean, startCursor?: string | null }, edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyConstraintEdge', node?: { __typename?: 'PolicyConstraint', description?: string | null, id: string, insertedAt?: string | null, name: string, recommendation?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, violationCount?: number | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, name: string, handle?: string | null, metadata?: Record | null, pingedAt?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, version?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, apiDeprecations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ApiDeprecation', availableIn?: string | null, blocking?: boolean | null, deprecatedIn?: string | null, removedIn?: string | null, replacement?: string | null, component?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', group?: string | null, version?: string | null, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', git?: { __typename?: 'GitRef', ref: string, folder: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', httpsPath?: string | null, urlFormat?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, nodePools?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodePool', id: string, name: string, minSize: number, maxSize: number, instanceType: string, spot?: boolean | null, labels?: Record | null, taints?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Taint', effect: string, key: string, value: string } | null> | null } | null> | null, nodes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Node', metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, status: { __typename?: 'NodeStatus', phase?: string | null, allocatable?: Record | null, capacity?: Record | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeCondition', type?: string | null, status?: string | null, message?: string | null } | null> | null }, spec: { __typename?: 'NodeSpec', podCidr?: string | null, providerId?: string | null } } | null> | null, nodeMetrics?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeMetric', timestamp?: string | null, window?: string | null, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, usage?: { __typename?: 'NodeUsage', cpu?: string | null, memory?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, status?: { __typename?: 'ClusterStatus', controlPlaneReady?: boolean | null, failureMessage?: string | null, failureReason?: string | null, phase?: string | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterCondition', lastTransitionTime?: string | null, message?: string | null, reason?: string | null, severity?: string | null, status?: string | null, type?: string | null } | null> | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, parentCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, insightComponents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, group?: string | null, version: string, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null } | null, ref?: { __typename?: 'ConstraintRef', kind: string, name: string } | null } | null } | null> | null } | null };
+export type PolicyConstraintsQuery = { __typename?: 'RootQueryType', policyConstraints?: { __typename?: 'PolicyConstraintConnection', pageInfo: { __typename?: 'PageInfo', hasNextPage: boolean, endCursor?: string | null, hasPreviousPage: boolean, startCursor?: string | null }, edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyConstraintEdge', node?: { __typename?: 'PolicyConstraint', description?: string | null, id: string, insertedAt?: string | null, name: string, recommendation?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, violationCount?: number | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, name: string, handle?: string | null, metadata?: Record | null, pingedAt?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, version?: string | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, apiDeprecations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ApiDeprecation', availableIn?: string | null, blocking?: boolean | null, deprecatedIn?: string | null, removedIn?: string | null, replacement?: string | null, component?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', group?: string | null, version?: string | null, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', git?: { __typename?: 'GitRef', ref: string, folder: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', httpsPath?: string | null, urlFormat?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, nodePools?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodePool', id: string, name: string, minSize: number, maxSize: number, instanceType: string, spot?: boolean | null, labels?: Record | null, taints?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Taint', effect: string, key: string, value: string } | null> | null } | null> | null, nodes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Node', metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, status: { __typename?: 'NodeStatus', phase?: string | null, allocatable?: Record | null, capacity?: Record | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeCondition', type?: string | null, status?: string | null, message?: string | null } | null> | null }, spec: { __typename?: 'NodeSpec', podCidr?: string | null, providerId?: string | null } } | null> | null, nodeMetrics?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeMetric', timestamp?: string | null, window?: string | null, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, usage?: { __typename?: 'NodeUsage', cpu?: string | null, memory?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, status?: { __typename?: 'ClusterStatus', controlPlaneReady?: boolean | null, failureMessage?: string | null, failureReason?: string | null, phase?: string | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterCondition', lastTransitionTime?: string | null, message?: string | null, reason?: string | null, severity?: string | null, status?: string | null, type?: string | null } | null> | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, parentCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, insightComponents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, group?: string | null, version: string, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null } | null, ref?: { __typename?: 'ConstraintRef', kind: string, name: string } | null } | null } | null> | null } | null };
export type PolicyConstraintQueryVariables = Exact<{
id: Scalars['ID']['input'];
-export type PolicyConstraintQuery = { __typename?: 'RootQueryType', policyConstraint?: { __typename?: 'PolicyConstraint', description?: string | null, id: string, insertedAt?: string | null, name: string, recommendation?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, violationCount?: number | null, object?: { __typename?: 'KubernetesUnstructured', kind: string, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', namespace?: string | null } } | null, violations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Violation', group?: string | null, id: string, insertedAt?: string | null, kind?: string | null, message?: string | null, name?: string | null, namespace?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, name: string, handle?: string | null, metadata?: Record | null, pingedAt?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, version?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, apiDeprecations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ApiDeprecation', availableIn?: string | null, blocking?: boolean | null, deprecatedIn?: string | null, removedIn?: string | null, replacement?: string | null, component?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', group?: string | null, version?: string | null, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', git?: { __typename?: 'GitRef', ref: string, folder: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', httpsPath?: string | null, urlFormat?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, nodePools?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodePool', id: string, name: string, minSize: number, maxSize: number, instanceType: string, spot?: boolean | null, labels?: Record | null, taints?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Taint', effect: string, key: string, value: string } | null> | null } | null> | null, nodes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Node', metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, status: { __typename?: 'NodeStatus', phase?: string | null, allocatable?: Record | null, capacity?: Record | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeCondition', type?: string | null, status?: string | null, message?: string | null } | null> | null }, spec: { __typename?: 'NodeSpec', podCidr?: string | null, providerId?: string | null } } | null> | null, nodeMetrics?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeMetric', timestamp?: string | null, window?: string | null, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, usage?: { __typename?: 'NodeUsage', cpu?: string | null, memory?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, status?: { __typename?: 'ClusterStatus', controlPlaneReady?: boolean | null, failureMessage?: string | null, failureReason?: string | null, phase?: string | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterCondition', lastTransitionTime?: string | null, message?: string | null, reason?: string | null, severity?: string | null, status?: string | null, type?: string | null } | null> | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, parentCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, insightComponents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, group?: string | null, version: string, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null } | null, ref?: { __typename?: 'ConstraintRef', kind: string, name: string } | null } | null };
+export type PolicyConstraintQuery = { __typename?: 'RootQueryType', policyConstraint?: { __typename?: 'PolicyConstraint', description?: string | null, id: string, insertedAt?: string | null, name: string, recommendation?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, violationCount?: number | null, object?: { __typename?: 'KubernetesUnstructured', kind: string, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', namespace?: string | null } } | null, violations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Violation', group?: string | null, id: string, insertedAt?: string | null, kind?: string | null, message?: string | null, name?: string | null, namespace?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, name: string, handle?: string | null, metadata?: Record | null, pingedAt?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, version?: string | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, apiDeprecations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ApiDeprecation', availableIn?: string | null, blocking?: boolean | null, deprecatedIn?: string | null, removedIn?: string | null, replacement?: string | null, component?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', group?: string | null, version?: string | null, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', git?: { __typename?: 'GitRef', ref: string, folder: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', httpsPath?: string | null, urlFormat?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, nodePools?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodePool', id: string, name: string, minSize: number, maxSize: number, instanceType: string, spot?: boolean | null, labels?: Record | null, taints?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Taint', effect: string, key: string, value: string } | null> | null } | null> | null, nodes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Node', metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, status: { __typename?: 'NodeStatus', phase?: string | null, allocatable?: Record | null, capacity?: Record | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeCondition', type?: string | null, status?: string | null, message?: string | null } | null> | null }, spec: { __typename?: 'NodeSpec', podCidr?: string | null, providerId?: string | null } } | null> | null, nodeMetrics?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeMetric', timestamp?: string | null, window?: string | null, metadata: { __typename?: 'Metadata', uid?: string | null, name: string, namespace?: string | null, creationTimestamp?: string | null, labels?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null, annotations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelPair', name?: string | null, value?: string | null } | null> | null }, usage?: { __typename?: 'NodeUsage', cpu?: string | null, memory?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, status?: { __typename?: 'ClusterStatus', controlPlaneReady?: boolean | null, failureMessage?: string | null, failureReason?: string | null, phase?: string | null, conditions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterCondition', lastTransitionTime?: string | null, message?: string | null, reason?: string | null, severity?: string | null, status?: string | null, type?: string | null } | null> | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, parentCluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', currentVersion?: string | null, id: string, self?: boolean | null, healthy?: boolean | null, protect?: boolean | null, name: string, handle?: string | null, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, installed?: boolean | null, pingedAt?: string | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, kubeletVersion?: string | null, virtual?: boolean | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', id: string, cloud: string, name: string, namespace: string, supportedVersions?: Array | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string } | null } | null, tags?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Tag', name: string, value: string } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, summary?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null, insightComponents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, kind: string, name: string, namespace?: string | null, group?: string | null, version: string, insight?: { __typename?: 'AiInsight', id: string, text?: string | null, summary?: string | null, sha?: string | null, freshness?: InsightFreshness | null, updatedAt?: string | null, insertedAt?: string | null, error?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ServiceError', message: string, source: string } | null> | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, clusterInsightComponent?: { __typename?: 'ClusterInsightComponent', id: string, name: string } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null, serviceComponent?: { __typename?: 'ServiceComponent', id: string, name: string, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null } | null } | null, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string, type: StackType } | null, stackRun?: { __typename?: 'StackRun', id: string, message?: string | null, type: StackType, stack?: { __typename?: 'InfrastructureStack', id?: string | null, name: string } | null } | null } | null } | null> | null, metricsSummary?: { __typename?: 'ClusterMetricsSummary', cpuUsed?: number | null, cpuAvailable?: number | null, cpuTotal?: number | null, memoryUsed?: number | null, memoryAvailable?: number | null, memoryTotal?: number | null } | null, prAutomations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrAutomation', id: string, name: string, documentation?: string | null, addon?: string | null, identifier: string, role?: PrRole | null, cluster?: { __typename?: 'Cluster', handle?: string | null, protect?: boolean | null, deletedAt?: string | null, version?: string | null, currentVersion?: string | null, self?: boolean | null, virtual?: boolean | null, id: string, name: string, distro?: ClusterDistro | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null, provider?: { __typename?: 'ClusterProvider', cloud: string } | null } | null, service?: { __typename?: 'ServiceDeployment', id: string, name: string } | null, repository?: { __typename?: 'GitRepository', url: string, refs?: Array | null } | null, connection?: { __typename?: 'ScmConnection', id: string, name: string, insertedAt?: string | null, updatedAt?: string | null, type: ScmType, username?: string | null, baseUrl?: string | null, apiUrl?: string | null } | null, createBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, writeBindings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PolicyBinding', id?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'User', id: string, name: string, email: string } | null, group?: { __typename?: 'Group', id: string, name: string } | null } | null> | null, configuration?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrConfiguration', values?: Array | null, default?: string | null, documentation?: string | null, longform?: string | null, name: string, optional?: boolean | null, placeholder?: string | null, type: ConfigurationType, condition?: { __typename?: 'PrConfigurationCondition', field: string, operation: Operation, value?: string | null } | null } | null> | null, confirmation?: { __typename?: 'PrConfirmation', text?: string | null, checklist?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PrChecklist', label: string } | null> | null } | null } | null> | null, upgradePlan?: { __typename?: 'ClusterUpgradePlan', compatibilities?: boolean | null, deprecations?: boolean | null, incompatibilities?: boolean | null } | null } | null, ref?: { __typename?: 'ConstraintRef', kind: string, name: string } | null } | null };
export type ViolationStatisticsQueryVariables = Exact<{
field: ConstraintViolationField;
@@ -14457,6 +14459,7 @@ export const ClustersRowFragmentDoc = gql`
+ healthy
diff --git a/assets/src/graph/cdClusters.graphql b/assets/src/graph/cdClusters.graphql
index 14ea1e3f3..2f98d48cf 100644
--- a/assets/src/graph/cdClusters.graphql
+++ b/assets/src/graph/cdClusters.graphql
@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ fragment ClustersRow on Cluster {
+ healthy
diff --git a/go/client/models_gen.go b/go/client/models_gen.go
index 7ac3510d4..a6bb52aa6 100644
--- a/go/client/models_gen.go
+++ b/go/client/models_gen.go
@@ -864,6 +864,8 @@ type Cluster struct {
Settings *CloudSettings `json:"settings,omitempty"`
// Checklist of tasks to complete to safely upgrade this cluster
UpgradePlan *ClusterUpgradePlan `json:"upgradePlan,omitempty"`
+ // Whether this cluster was recently pinged
+ Healthy *bool `json:"healthy,omitempty"`
// the url of the kas server you can access this cluster from
KasURL *string `json:"kasUrl,omitempty"`
// the url this clusters deployment operator will use for gql requests
diff --git a/go/controller/internal/controller/prautomation_attributes.go b/go/controller/internal/controller/prautomation_attributes.go
index 5f2e62f8b..8fc1f98ef 100644
--- a/go/controller/internal/controller/prautomation_attributes.go
+++ b/go/controller/internal/controller/prautomation_attributes.go
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import (
-func (in *PrAutomationReconciler) attributes(ctx context.Context, pra *v1alpha1.PrAutomation) (*console.PrAutomationAttributes, error) {
+func (in *PrAutomationReconciler) Attributes(ctx context.Context, pra *v1alpha1.PrAutomation) (*console.PrAutomationAttributes, error) {
helper := utils.NewConsoleHelper(ctx, in.ConsoleClient, in.Client)
clusterID, err := helper.IDFromRef(pra.Spec.ClusterRef, &v1alpha1.Cluster{})
diff --git a/go/controller/internal/controller/prautomation_controller.go b/go/controller/internal/controller/prautomation_controller.go
index bfdcd2988..c08053bca 100644
--- a/go/controller/internal/controller/prautomation_controller.go
+++ b/go/controller/internal/controller/prautomation_controller.go
@@ -77,16 +77,8 @@ func (in *PrAutomationReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req reconcile.R
return *result, err
- // Get PrAutomation SHA that can be saved back in the status to check for changes
- changed, sha, err := prAutomation.Diff(utils.HashObject)
- if err != nil {
- logger.Error(err, "unable to calculate prAutomation SHA")
- utils.MarkFalse(prAutomation.SetCondition, v1alpha1.SynchronizedConditionType, v1alpha1.SynchronizedConditionReasonError, err.Error())
- return ctrl.Result{}, err
- }
// Sync PrAutomation CRD with the Console API
- apiPrAutomation, err := in.sync(ctx, prAutomation, changed)
+ apiPrAutomation, sha, err := in.sync(ctx, prAutomation)
if err != nil {
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
utils.MarkCondition(prAutomation.SetCondition, v1alpha1.SynchronizedConditionType, metav1.ConditionFalse, v1alpha1.SynchronizedConditionReasonError, notFoundOrReadyError)
@@ -150,37 +142,50 @@ func (in *PrAutomationReconciler) addOrRemoveFinalizer(ctx context.Context, prAu
return nil, nil
-func (in *PrAutomationReconciler) sync(ctx context.Context, prAutomation *v1alpha1.PrAutomation, changed bool) (*console.PrAutomationFragment, error) {
+func (in *PrAutomationReconciler) sync(ctx context.Context, prAutomation *v1alpha1.PrAutomation) (pra *console.PrAutomationFragment, sha string, err error) {
logger := log.FromContext(ctx)
exists, err := in.ConsoleClient.IsPrAutomationExistsByName(ctx, prAutomation.ConsoleName())
if err != nil {
- return nil, err
+ return pra, sha, err
if exists && !prAutomation.Status.HasID() {
- return nil, nil
+ return pra, sha, err
- if err := in.ensure(prAutomation); err != nil {
- return nil, err
+ if err = in.ensure(prAutomation); err != nil {
+ return pra, sha, err
- attributes, err := in.attributes(ctx, prAutomation)
+ attributes, err := in.Attributes(ctx, prAutomation)
if err != nil {
- return nil, err
+ return pra, sha, err
+ }
+ // Get PrAutomation SHA that can be saved back in the status to check for changes
+ sha, err = utils.HashObject(attributes)
+ if err != nil {
+ logger.Error(err, "unable to calculate prAutomation SHA")
+ utils.MarkFalse(prAutomation.SetCondition, v1alpha1.SynchronizedConditionType, v1alpha1.SynchronizedConditionReasonError, err.Error())
+ return pra, sha, err
// Update only if PrAutomation has changed
- if changed && exists {
+ if prAutomation.Status.SHA != nil && *prAutomation.Status.SHA != sha && exists {
logger.Info("Updating PR automation")
- return in.ConsoleClient.UpdatePrAutomation(ctx, prAutomation.Status.GetID(), *attributes)
+ pra, err = in.ConsoleClient.UpdatePrAutomation(ctx, prAutomation.Status.GetID(), *attributes)
+ return pra, sha, err
// Read the PrAutomation from Console API if it already exists
if exists {
- return in.ConsoleClient.GetPrAutomation(ctx, prAutomation.Status.GetID())
+ pra, err = in.ConsoleClient.GetPrAutomation(ctx, prAutomation.Status.GetID())
+ return pra, sha, err
logger.Info("Creating PR automation")
- return in.ConsoleClient.CreatePrAutomation(ctx, *attributes)
+ pra, err = in.ConsoleClient.CreatePrAutomation(ctx, *attributes)
+ return pra, sha, err
func (in *PrAutomationReconciler) updateReadyCondition(prAutomation *v1alpha1.PrAutomation) {
diff --git a/go/controller/internal/controller/prautomation_controller_test.go b/go/controller/internal/controller/prautomation_controller_test.go
index af84511d9..47a9025c4 100644
--- a/go/controller/internal/controller/prautomation_controller_test.go
+++ b/go/controller/internal/controller/prautomation_controller_test.go
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ var _ = Describe("PR Automation Controller", func() {
Name: scmConnectionName,
- _, prAutomationHash, _ = generatedPrAutomation.Diff(utils.HashObject)
prAutomationObjectKey = types.NamespacedName{Name: prAutomationName}
@@ -104,10 +103,13 @@ var _ = Describe("PR Automation Controller", func() {
prAutomation := &v1alpha1.PrAutomation{}
err = k8sClient.Get(ctx, prAutomationObjectKey, prAutomation)
+ attrs, _ := controllerReconciler.Attributes(ctx, prAutomation)
+ sha, _ := utils.HashObject(attrs)
ID: lo.ToPtr(prAutomationConsoleID),
- SHA: lo.ToPtr(prAutomationHash),
+ SHA: lo.ToPtr(sha),
Conditions: []metav1.Condition{
Type: v1alpha1.ReadyConditionType.String(),
@@ -181,7 +183,6 @@ var _ = Describe("PR Automation Controller", func() {
Namespace: clusterNamespace,
- _, prAutomationHash, _ = generatedPrAutomation.Diff(utils.HashObject)
prAutomationObjectKey = types.NamespacedName{Name: prAutomationName}
@@ -239,10 +240,14 @@ var _ = Describe("PR Automation Controller", func() {
prAutomation := &v1alpha1.PrAutomation{}
err = k8sClient.Get(ctx, prAutomationObjectKey, prAutomation)
+ attrs, _ := controllerReconciler.Attributes(ctx, prAutomation)
+ sha, _ := utils.HashObject(attrs)
ID: lo.ToPtr(prAutomationConsoleID),
- SHA: lo.ToPtr(prAutomationHash),
+ SHA: lo.ToPtr(sha),
Conditions: []metav1.Condition{
Type: v1alpha1.ReadyConditionType.String(),
diff --git a/lib/console/graphql/deployments/cluster.ex b/lib/console/graphql/deployments/cluster.ex
index 3c61ed0ed..9e3a073dd 100644
--- a/lib/console/graphql/deployments/cluster.ex
+++ b/lib/console/graphql/deployments/cluster.ex
@@ -302,6 +302,10 @@ defmodule Console.GraphQl.Deployments.Cluster do
field :settings, :cloud_settings, description: "the cloud settings for this cluster (for instance its aws region)"
field :upgrade_plan, :cluster_upgrade_plan, description: "Checklist of tasks to complete to safely upgrade this cluster"
+ field :healthy, :boolean, description: "Whether this cluster was recently pinged", resolve: fn
+ cluster, _, _ -> {:ok, Cluster.healthy?(cluster)}
+ end
field :kas_url, :string, description: "the url of the kas server you can access this cluster from", resolve: fn
_, _, _ -> {:ok, Console.Deployments.Clusters.kas_proxy_url()}
diff --git a/lib/console/schema/cluster.ex b/lib/console/schema/cluster.ex
index 0bb390cf2..9b7587fcb 100644
--- a/lib/console/schema/cluster.ex
+++ b/lib/console/schema/cluster.ex
@@ -144,6 +144,13 @@ defmodule Console.Schema.Cluster do
+ def healthy?(%__MODULE__{pinged_at: nil}), do: false
+ def healthy?(%__MODULE__{pinged_at: pinged}) do
+ Timex.now()
+ |> Timex.shift(minutes: -20)
+ |> Timex.before?(pinged)
+ end
defp upgrade_plan_fields(), do: __MODULE__.UpgradePlan.__schema__(:fields) -- [:id]
def search(query \\ __MODULE__, sq) do
diff --git a/lib/console/schema/pr_automation.ex b/lib/console/schema/pr_automation.ex
index 987142853..7bc911ee3 100644
--- a/lib/console/schema/pr_automation.ex
+++ b/lib/console/schema/pr_automation.ex
@@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ defmodule Console.Schema.PrAutomation do
|> cast_assoc(:create_bindings)
|> put_new_change(:write_policy_id, &Ecto.UUID.generate/0)
|> put_new_change(:create_policy_id, &Ecto.UUID.generate/0)
- |> validate_required([:name, :title, :message, :connection_id])
|> unique_constraint(:name)
|> foreign_key_constraint(:promotion_criteria,
name: :promotion_criteria,
@@ -138,6 +137,7 @@ defmodule Console.Schema.PrAutomation do
|> foreign_key_constraint(:connection_id)
|> foreign_key_constraint(:project_id)
|> foreign_key_constraint(:catalog_id)
+ |> validate_required([:name, :title, :message, :connection_id])
defp update_changeset(model, attrs) do
diff --git a/schema/schema.graphql b/schema/schema.graphql
index 020ce6262..00c1f88a4 100644
--- a/schema/schema.graphql
+++ b/schema/schema.graphql
@@ -4622,6 +4622,9 @@ type Cluster {
"Checklist of tasks to complete to safely upgrade this cluster"
upgradePlan: ClusterUpgradePlan
+ "Whether this cluster was recently pinged"
+ healthy: Boolean
"the url of the kas server you can access this cluster from"
kasUrl: String
diff --git a/test/console/graphql/mutations/deployments/git_mutations_test.exs b/test/console/graphql/mutations/deployments/git_mutations_test.exs
index e6976c704..6d3ce8511 100644
--- a/test/console/graphql/mutations/deployments/git_mutations_test.exs
+++ b/test/console/graphql/mutations/deployments/git_mutations_test.exs
@@ -167,17 +167,24 @@ defmodule Console.GraphQl.Deployments.GitMutationsTest do
describe "updatePrAutomation" do
test "it will create a new scm connection" do
pr = insert(:pr_automation)
+ catalog = insert(:catalog)
{:ok, %{data: %{"updatePrAutomation" => updated}}} = run_query("""
mutation Create($id: ID!, $attrs: PrAutomationAttributes!) {
updatePrAutomation(id: $id, attributes: $attrs) {
+ catalog { id }
- """, %{"attrs" => %{"name" => "test"}, "id" => pr.id}, %{current_user: admin_user()})
+ """, %{"id" => pr.id, "attrs" => %{
+ "name" => "test",
+ "catalogId" => catalog.id
+ }}, %{current_user: admin_user()})
assert updated["id"] == pr.id
assert updated["name"] == "test"
+ assert updated["catalog"]["id"] == catalog.id