The heatmap chart and dose response graphs are drawn using the d3.js Javascript library, version 5. We have included some extra scripts to make the JS work in IE11 - es6-promise and fetch.
jQuery and jQuery UI are used. jQuery UI is used for the modal where the dose response graphs appear.
The in-table search is implemented using the hideseek jquery plugin.
Sorting of the table columns is acheived using the stupidtable plugin.
The drug data is pulled from CSV files in a specified directory. The data directory is specified in a data-heatmap-dir
attribute on a container element for the heatmap table:
There is a main.csv file that contains all of the compounds in the heatmap with cell lines in the experiment and the ic50 for each drug/cell line combination. main.csv is used to build the heatmap table.
Each cell line has a file with the dose response data. These files are used to draw the does response curves you see when clicking a cell in the heatmap.
It is modified to take the 5 parameters estimates from R nplr library (