An Erlang Function Server
Included in the download is an erlang implementation of the xlloop server process.
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The erlang server implementation consists of three files:
- this is responsible for marshalling the excel objects.xlloop_server.erl
- this is the server framework that dispatches requests/function calls to your server implementation.server_example.erl
- an example server implementation
The code listing for the example server is as follows:
-export([start/0, stop/0, function/2]).
-define(PORT, 5454).
start() ->
Pid = xlloop_server:start(?PORT, ?MODULE),
register(server_example_pid, Pid).
stop() ->
server_example_pid ! stop.
function(_Name, _Args) ->
{str, "Hello World!"}.
This creates a new server (a socket listening on port 5454). The main function is "function". This is called whenever excel invokes a function.