== ADC = Addition with Carry (16-Bits) ==
Hex | Mnemonic | Cycles |
CF 04 | ADC BA, BA | 16 |
CF 05 | ADC BA, HL | 16 |
CF 06 | ADC BA, X | 16 |
CF 07 | ADC BA, Y | 16 |
CF 24 | ADC HL, BA | 16 |
CF 25 | ADC HL, HL | 16 |
CF 26 | ADC HL, X | 16 |
CF 27 | ADC HL, Y | 16 |
CF 60 nn nn | ADC BA, #nnnn | 16 |
CF 61 nn nn | ADC HL, #nnnn | 16 |
#nnnn = Immediate unsigned 16-Bits
BA = Register BA: (B shl 8) or A
HL = Register HL: (H shl 8) or L
X = Register X
Y = Register Y
; ADC Ds, Sc
; Ds = Destination
; Sc = Source
Ds = Ds + Sc + Carry
16-Bits Source and Carry adds to the 16-Bits Destination.
Zero: Set when result is 0
Carry: Set when result is >= 65536
Overflow: Set when result overflow 16-bits signed range (< -32768 OR > 32767)
Sign: Set when bit 15 of the result is 1
; BA = 0x0EF0
; F = (Carry=1)
ADC`` ``BA,`` ``$1337
; BA = 0x2228 (0x0EF0 + 0x1337 + 0x0001 = 0x(0)2228)
; F = (Zero=0):(Carry=0):(Overflow=0):(Sign=0)
; HL = 0xBB7E
; BA = 0xCF12
; F = (Carry=0)
ADC`` ``BA,`` ``HL
; HL = 0xBB7E
; BA = 0x8A90 (0xCF12 + 0xBB7E + 0x0000 = 0x(1)8A90)
; F = (Zero=0):(Carry=1):(Overflow=0):(Sign=1)
; X = 0xBEEF
; BA = 0xDEAD
; F = (Carry=1)
ADC`` ``BA,`` ``X
; X = 0xBEEF
; BA = 0x9D9D (0xDEAD + 0xBEEF + 0x0001 = 0x(1)9D9D)
; F = (Zero=0):(Carry=1):(Overflow=1):(Sign=0)