diff --git a/index.md b/index.md index 179f8ba0..8d945c56 100644 --- a/index.md +++ b/index.md @@ -54,89 +54,58 @@ Independence is a well known principle of software engineering, which is conceiv However, the possible connections between ecosystem components don’t necessarily derive from software-to-software relations but involve, for example, users being able to perform a complex task by using multiple tools, whose user interfaces are linked, or enable users to transfer data from one environment to another thanks to the mutual support of shared formats. The Polifonia Project delivers its results as reusable assets, alongside an extensive metadata set and documentation. This is the Polifonia Ecosystem. {% endcomment %} + {% assign types = site.documents | map: 'type' | join: ',' | split: ',' | uniq | sort %} +The ecosystem includes {% assign types_data = "Data,Dataset,Schema,Repository,Registry,Ontology,Corpus,Lexicon,KnowledgeGraph" | split: "," %}{% assign ncomponents = site.documents | where_exp: 'item',"types_data contains item.type" | size %} {{ncomponents}} data, {% assign software_data = "Software,Workflow,API,UserInterface,SofwareLibrary,DockerImageContainer,Notebook,Script,Application,Website,WebApplication,WebService,SPARQLEndpoint,MobileApp,CLITool" | split: "," %} {% assign ncomponents = site.documents | where_exp: 'item',"software_data contains item.type" | size %} {{ncomponents}} tools, {% assign report_data = "Report,RequirementsCollection,Story,Persona,Mockup,Survey,InPresenceGroup,Documentation,Tutorial,EvaluationReport" | split: "," %}{% assign ncomponents = site.documents | where_exp: 'item',"report_data contains item.type" | size %} and {{ncomponents}} reports. -{% comment %} -## Summary -
+Project content is managed on [GitHub](http://github.com/{{ site.github }}). + + +
-{% assign types_activity = "Container,Project,WorkingGroup,WorkPackage,Task,UseCase,Pilot" | split: "," %} -{% assign ncomponents = site.documents | where_exp: 'item',"types_activity contains item.type" | size %} -{% assign npages = site.pages | where_exp: 'item',"types_activity contains item.type" | size %} -{% assign nactivities = npages | plus: ncomponents %} -{% endcomment %} - - -The ecosystem includes {% assign types_data = "Data,Dataset,Schema,Repository,Registry,Ontology,Corpus,Lexicon,KnowledgeGraph" | split: "," %}{% assign ncomponents = site.documents | where_exp: 'item',"types_data contains item.type" | size %} {{ncomponents}} data, {% assign software_data = "Software,Workflow,API,UserInterface,SofwareLibrary,DockerImageContainer,Notebook,Script,Application,Website,WebApplication,WebService,SPARQLEndpoint,MobileApp,CLITool" | split: "," %} {% assign ncomponents = site.documents | where_exp: 'item',"software_data contains item.type" | size %} {{ncomponents}} tools, {% assign report_data = "Report,RequirementsCollection,Story,Persona,Mockup,Surbey,InPresenceGroup,Documentation,Tutorial,EvaluationReport" | split: "," %}{% assign ncomponents = site.documents | where_exp: 'item',"report_data contains item.type" | size %} and {{ncomponents}} reports. - -Polifonia content is managed on [GitHub](http://github.com/{{ site.github }}). {% comment %} -#### All types -{% for type in types %} -{% assign ncomponents = site.documents | where: 'type', type | size %} -{% if ncomponents > 0 %} {{ type }}: {{ ncomponents }} {% endif %} -{% endfor %} - -## List of components {% for type in types %} {% if type != "" %} -### {{ type }} ({{ site.documents | where: 'type',type | size }}) - {% assign components = site.documents | where: 'type',type %} +{% assign components = site.documents | where: 'type',type %} +{% assign numberOf = components | size %} +{% if numberOf > 0 %} +### {{ type }} + +There are {{numberOf}} components of type {{type}}: {% for component in components %} -- [{{ component.name }}]({{ component.url | relative_url }}) {% endfor %} +- [{% if component.name %}{{ component.name }}{%else%}{{ component.component-id}} {%endif%}]({{ component.url | relative_url }}) {% endfor %} +{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} -style="width: 100%; height: 100%" {% endcomment %}