From 7cb9c56ea525f094fa81fcb58703b956baeb156a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 13:10:12 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] new report - --- _data/validation.yml | 8 +- .../README.schema.json | 28 +- .../Polifonia-Corpus/README.schema.json | 24 +- .../bells-knowledge-graph/README.schema.json | 12 +- .../bells-ontology/header.schema.json | 32 +- .../broadcast-concerts-docs-blog.schema.json | 24 +- ...broadcast-concerts-docs-melody.schema.json | 8 +- ...dcast-concerts-sparql-endpoint.schema.json | 8 +- .../ecosystem/broadcast-concerts.schema.json | 36 +- .../clef/README.schema.json | 32 +- .../cometa-ontology/header.schema.json | 44 +- .../dashboard/README.schema.json | 16 +- .../data-wanderings/README.schema.json | 16 +- .../deep-listening/README.schema.json | 36 +- .../README.schema.json | 28 +- .../laboratories-slides-english.schema.json | 12 +- .../laboratories-slides-french.schema.json | 12 +- .../laboratories-slides-italian.schema.json | 12 +- 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. - "The PySPARQL-Anything software library." . - . -_:nc24f74f652154eaa834ba988ec3e0882b1 "" . - . -_:n757ccc966fa0427f8fed53bce6f5fa97b2 "" . - "This tool is part of the MEETUPS pilot and processes text from music personalities' biographies. It uses DBpedia Spotlight to identify and annotate possible entity mentions from input text. This is an essential process to identify two of the four main elements that define a meetup: people (who participated) and place (where). Along with data of time (when) the meeting happened and the event that took place (what) complete a historical meetup data point."@en . - . - "" . - . - "Jacopo de Berardinis " . - "sparql-anything-cli" . - . - . - . - . - . - . - "polifonia-web-portal" . - "Polifonia Ecosystem Champions"@en . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia INTERLINK Pilot" . - . - . - "A server that requests and processes data from the [Patterns Knowledge Graph]( on behalf of the [Pattern Exploration GUI](" . - . - "Work Package #8: Ethics"@en . - "" . -_:nd128a9c3aa4a4e77a279689d25f4190fb2 "v0.1" . - "sparql-anything-server" . - . - "" . - . - "" . - . - . - "video-vgmy8hRoaU0" . - . - "Sonia#1_ExplorationMode" . - "Linka#1_MusicKnowledge" . - "Deep Listening"@en . - . - . - "Daquino, M., Wigham, M., Daga, E., Giagnolini, L., & Tomasi, F. (2023). Clef. a linked open data native system for crowdsourcing. JOCCH. DOI: " . - "Broadcast Concerts Knowledge Graph"@en . - "Retrace the role of music in the city of Bologna from a socio-cultural perspective." . - "Keoma#1_RestorationAndSoundPractices" . - . - . -_:ne645bee8832142598ed339d6f80ea850b1 "doi" . - "Mark#1_FolkMusic" . - . - . - . -_:nd9894089e2974bb4bf3fe99c01c584cab1 "" . - "SPARQL 1.1 Query Language" . - . - "The Bell ontology represents concepts and relationships to describe bells, bell towers and bell ringers."@en . -_:n2c7e9badb513468da3ddac4b7ed4aa4bb1 "" . - "sparql-anything-docs" . - "The guidelines for the development and documentation of an ontology and a knowledge graph" . - . - . - "" . - "Tutorial on Polifonia Ecosystem" . - "A collaborative annotation interface for music analysis" . - "de Berardinis, Jacopo; Meroño Peñuela, Albert; Poltronieri, Andrea; Presutti, Valentina. ChoCo: a Chord Corpus and a Data Transformation Workflow for Musical Harmony Knowledge Graphs (manuscript in progress)." . - "Pianist, Organist, Priest and Theology Scholar."@en . - "Enrico Daga " . -_:n503ee624d5c14a519bcbee72d1cecea9b1 . - "web-portal-prototypes" . - . - "Keoma needs to find different types of information and data from different sources. His goal is to interconnect data between architectures and their use for sound performances, in order to proceed with protection actions." . - "Paul#2_ResourceReliability" . - . - . - . - . - "ontology/music-instrument.owl" . -_:nd994f68986dd433fb580b79a7c5b24b5b2 "v1.0" . - "William"@en . - . - "Work Package #5: Human Interaction with Musical Heritage"@en . - "" . - . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - "" . - "Paul#1_OrganComparison" . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - "Conflicting theoretical interpretations"@en . - . - "Daquino, M., Wigham, M., Daga, E., Giagnolini, L., & Tomasi, F. (2023). Clef. a linked open data native system for crowdsourcing. JOCCH. DOI:" . - "Textual Corpus Population"@en . - . - "Python module for melody analysis based on pitch context vectors."@en . - . - "Laurent#1_MusicArchives" . - "Jorge#2_FindSimilarScores" . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - "Andrea Poltronieri " . - "Mari Wigham" . - "ORGANS: The Dutch pipe organ through history."@en . - "PySPARQL-Anything"@en . - "Rory Sweeney " . - "n/a" . - "Sethus#2_CreateRelevantCorpus" . - "laboratories" . - "sparql-anything-docs" . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements GA101004746 (Polifonia) and GA870811 (SPICE)." . - . - "Source represents various sources of music-related information" . - . - "A search engine for music documents"@en . - "Gurrieri, M., Guillotel-Nothmann, C., Bottini, T., & Poullet-Pagès, F. (2022, octobre 23). Tonalities' Collaborative Annotation Interface for Music Analysis." . - . -_:n88f85a5ea1bd482ab8c0670fc9aa5704b1 "doi" . - "meetups-data-cleaning" . - . - "Slides of laboratories"@en . -_:nf0ad96a885f34bdb84fff64b030e92a8b1 "" . - "" . - "Nicolas Lazzari " . -_:n0e94961fc79e4c4bbc1fa8c1c9b5f738b2 "" . - . - . - "Sethus#2_CreateRelevantCorpus" . - . - "Enrico Daga " . - "Paul" . - . - "This is a tool to download the Wikipedia pages of people in the music scene in Europe"@en . - "meetups-themes" . - . - "Jorge is managing a library of music scores, and is responsible for the sub-part of the library catalog which is already digitized."@en . -_:n66357c3ab5bf4947bcc51a27d478ea2bb1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . -_:n355b2f1af6ed43a6a2b3e3ebc17c3e06b1 "n/a." . -_:n9a78bd3b707d4fd3bbe6159ba772f28db2 "v1.0" . - . - "" . -_:n2fbac157e5b148f8a9c8e21a527789e4b1 "21/04/2022" . - "Laurent's goal is to discover and explore Archives, Historical and Research Resources that deal with music in some way, for the extrapolation of content to be included in his newsletter."@en . - . - . - . -_:n81fdec37d7bf4123a1fadb4cce808023b2 "v1.0" . -_:nfd779a70de1b4703a1a838c6354c28c5b1 "doi" . -_:n81fdec37d7bf4123a1fadb4cce808023b2 "" . -_:n2a2d537ae8ca47c9943d66b0caa86492b1 "European Commission H2020" . - "Justin Dowdy " . - . - . - . - . - . - "Anna is a fan of live music. She became hearing imparied in later life." . -_:n0abd3f523baf4a228f17a3d33327c0bab2 "20/07/2022" . -_:n66b5d211e2054fe891521047ce0c2164b1 "" . - "Slides of laboratories"@en . - "CC-BY_v4" . - "William is looking for songs matching his search criteria from the 20th and 21st centuries, across various music collections in Europe (particularly folk music)."@en . -_:n0abd3f523baf4a228f17a3d33327c0bab1 "10.5281/zenodo.7875353" . - . -_:naf0c1ed9b4004ffe96e63a96e4a5ee7eb1 . - "Copyright (c) 2023 MEETUPS @ The Open University" . - . -_:n503ee624d5c14a519bcbee72d1cecea9b2 "" . - "" . - "meetups-entity-recognition" . - . - "Andrea Poltronieri " . - . - "" . - . - . - . - "Apache-2.0" . - "video-AT-30bnqiEc" . - . - . - "Tonalities Alignment (Import/Export)"@en . - "laboratories-slides-english" . - "Copyright (c) 2022 SPARQL Anything Contributors @" . - . - . - "meetups-ontology" . -_:n0e94961fc79e4c4bbc1fa8c1c9b5f738b1 . - . - . - "" . - . - . - "Sophia#1_MusiciansAndTheirEnvironment" . - . - "Data, metadata, statistics, annotations and interrogation APIs of the Polifonia Textual Corpus." . - "deep-listening" . - . - "Anna wants to experience live music with the aid of haptic technology."@en . -_:n88f85a5ea1bd482ab8c0670fc9aa5704b2 "31/08/2023" . - "Philippe Rigaux " . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - "Musical Social Network"@en . - "" . - . +_:na6427b0adc3141a4b431c0f001d1b996b1 "doi" . + "" . + "Keoma"@en . + . + "The Smashub pipeline exemplified in Choco" . + "Sethus#1_ConflictingTheoreticalInterpretations" . + "Listening Experience Database"@en . + "Keoma#1_RestorationAndSoundPractices" . + "Albert Merono Penuela " . + "sparql-anything-server" . + . + . . - "meetups-data-cleaning" . - "This tool is part of the MEETUPS pilot and processes text from music personalities' biographies to find time expressions. It uses NLTK and a set of heuristic rules to identify and annotate temporal knowledge from text. The tool extracts information from one out of the four elements that define a meetup: the date or moment in time when it happened (when). Time expressions, along with data of the people involved (who), the place (where) and the event that took place (what), complete the historical meetup information."@en . - "Annotation files for the Polifonia musical lexicon in English (EN), French (FR), Italian (IT), Spanish (ES), German (EN) and Dutch (NL)"@en . -_:n31dd287d5fb441c9b192d43d6ff5f30eb1 "10.5281/zenodo.7919970" . - "ChoCo" . - . - . - "Guidelines, recommendations, and norms on how to contribute to the Polifonia Ecosystem." . - "Rocco Tripodi " . -_:ne32478949fc24ac697fe07060b6d90f3b1 "doi" . - "A generic tool developed in Python to create REST APIs over SPARQL endpoints" . - . - . -_:n5720df82a20d4f2ea9f6f4b132980dfeb1 "doi" . - . - "Jorge#1_OrganizeMyLibrary" . - . - . - "Prototypes of the web portal"@en . - . - "" . - "sparql-anything-docker" . - . - "meetups-hm-identification" . - "video-VNqSzutgras" . - . - "meetups-time-extraction" . - . - . - . - "harmory-software" . - . - "video-5BRvdWuqHvg" . - . - . -_:n0abd3f523baf4a228f17a3d33327c0bab2 "" . - "ChoCo software" . - "Copyright (c) 2022 SPARQL Anything Contributors @" . - "Tunes Ontology"@en . - . - "" . - . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia FCAETS Pilot"@en . - . - "INTERLINK: Integrating digital music libraries"@en . - "video-LiZQH75gRo0" . - "A collection of initial user interface mockups, used as part of the the initial application requirements for building the MEETUPS pilot application interface"@en . - "Giulia Renda " . - . - "Sophia#3_Reorchestration" . -_:nd556c8a2e51446dc9094afc724240c85b2 "" . - . -_:n01c06b68bc4a4949a0d1c46eb12ae5d6b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . - "" . - "sparql-anything-cli" . - "Patterns Knowledge Graph - Output datasets"@en . -_:n0b37106d452f4e6e9fb94152ba39cc6eb2 "" . - "Andrea's goal is to discover and explore sacred music written from the period of the Renaissance through the twentieth century and its unexpected links with his scholarly studies." . - . - "Apache-2.0" . -_:n9a78bd3b707d4fd3bbe6159ba772f28db1 . - "Work Package #2: Musical Heritage Knowledge Graphs"@en . - . - "Organologist, Musicologist, and Music historian." . - "Rory Sweeney " . - . - "Paul#1_OrganComparison" . - . - . - "" . - . - . - "Tonalities ontologies for theoretical models"@en . - "melody-software" . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746" . - . - . - "Apache-2.0" . - "JAMS Ontology" . - . - "History Teacher at the Secondary Level, Amateur Organist."@en . - "IscLicense" . - "ChoCo Knowledge Graph"@en . -_:n63980cb770cd4130accd18da6ff05ad2b2 "v1.0" . - "Ontology that represents concepts and relationships describing encounters between people in the musical world in Europe from c. 1800 to c. 1945." . - . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia MEETUPS Pilot"@en . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - . - . - "Broadcast Concerts blog"@en . - "" . - "MEETUPS web application"@en . -_:n976c89855e064d73898d89061b3600feb1 . - . - . - "ArCo ontology network" . - "European Folk Music"@en . - . - "This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - "" . -_:n63980cb770cd4130accd18da6ff05ad2b1 "doi" . - "Sethus#3_ConflictingAnalyticalAnnotations" . -_:ne32478949fc24ac697fe07060b6d90f3b2 "v0.1" . - . - "musicbo-knowledge-graph" . - . - "clef-software" . - "sparql-anything-requirements" . - "Musical MEETUPS"@en . - . - . - . - . - "Carolina has to prepare a conference for the anniversary of the birth of the composer Giacomo Antonio Perti and she needs to collect some informations about his career." . - . -_:n09565af67a964a82903dc8a31cc172a9b1 "" . -_:n63db5f1e3ceb4b1b8da621b03655348bb2 "13/04/2023" . - . - _:ndffe4fd8d40749bb8e903f01c1599b75b1 . - "CC-BY_v4" . - "Analyse the bell heritage to the wider context of a landscape and cultural heritage" . - . - "Sethus"@en . - "Sethus#3_ConflictingAnalyticalAnnotations" . - "link-to-the-slides" . - . - . - "Laboratories"@en . - _:nc21e9d97582c4ff99e8a3ce0a75c7a41b1 . - . - . - "" . - . - . -_:nd994f68986dd433fb580b79a7c5b24b5b1 "doi" . - . - "Ortenz#2_MusicalSocialNetwork" . - "Anna is a fan of live music. She became hearing imparied in later life."@en . - "Hearing Music"@en . - _:na344001445624165abc750f6b6b72ad0b1 . - . - "Amy#1_OrganTrends" . - "Sethus#3_ConflictingAnalyticalAnnotations" . - . - "" . - _:nd556c8a2e51446dc9094afc724240c85b1 . - . - "Polifonia-Corpus" . - . -_:n976c89855e064d73898d89061b3600feb1 "10.5281/zenodo.6866982" . - "Amy#2_OrganBuilders" . - . - . - "assets/harmory_wide.png" . - . - . - "Source code of the Polifonia Portal web application" . - . - "Command line executable of SPARQL Anything"@en . - "rulebook" . - "Paul"@en . - "Sources Cross-Analysis"@en . - "A server that requests and processes data from the [Patterns Knowledge Graph]( on behalf of the [Pattern Exploration GUI]("@en . - . - . - "Ortenz" . -_:n93c541d716a94804961d8b77984e6eecb1 "10.5281/zenodo.7454360" . - . - . - . - "meetups-knowledge-graph" . - . - "" . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 3" . - . - "n/a." . - "" . -_:n218b1a7355f44dc7a7d17c28ff05cf38b1 "doi" . - . - . - . - . - . - . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia CHILD Pilot"@en . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 1" . - "CC-BY_v4" . - . - "Jorge#4_LinkToSources" . - "" . - . - "" . - _:nff2c1866336c46e298b1a01a02d38ab1b2 . - . - "Marilena Daquino " . - "Tonalities Annotation Models"@en . - "Justin Dowdy " . - "" . - "Music Archives"@en . - . - _:nc36cf7da24dc4d51be9ab55a6c862b7cb1 . -_:nc36cf7da24dc4d51be9ab55a6c862b7cb2 "v0.8.6" . - "Abdul Shahid " . - . - . -_:ne0af5a3a15054adaa6a75290510f5b0eb1 "" . -_:nff2c1866336c46e298b1a01a02d38ab1b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7919970" . - "ontology/source.owl" . - . - . - . - "LHARP" . - . - "Tonalities Ontologies for Annotation Models"@en . - . - "Organologist, Musicologist, and Music historian."@en . - "MEETUPS Pilot container with all the elements that support the knowledge extraction of historical meetups" . - "Jorge manages a digital library of scores. He aims at describing each score with a rich set of contextual information, although a comprehensive description is often not possible." . - . - . - "Brendan" . - . - "This code takes the patterns generated by the FoNN tool in the form of pickle file and then creates knowledge graph of all the patterns found" . - . - "Paul Mulholland " . -_:n51039bdddb1e4e8e8232a854cb661027b1 "" . - . - . - . -_:n0abd3f523baf4a228f17a3d33327c0bab1 . -_:nfd779a70de1b4703a1a838c6354c28c5b2 "" . - . - . - "Linka is interested in finding and describing music-related data of heterogeneous types and formats from different sources. Thanks to the ability to represent diverse content, her main goal is to inter-relate music data so as to enable large scale experiments for knowledge discovery."@en . - . - "Organ Comparison"@en . - "Copyright (c) 2022 SPARQL Anything Contributors @" . -_:n03078275029443bc8451cb9774792ca0b1 "" . - . -_:na67dd8319ff04f4798b26b040fb0f5e0b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7875353" . - "Jorge#3_DynamicExploration" . - . - . - . - . -_:n757ccc966fa0427f8fed53bce6f5fa97b1 "doi" . - "Top level description of the ontology modules in the Polifonia Ontology Network, with pointers to each submodule." . - "Brendan"@en . - "CC-BY-NC_v4" . -_:n81d82e9235214420baf7239a90d71984b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . - . - "This repository contains the corpus of people in the music scene in Europe" . - . - "ChoCo Dataset"@en . - "facets-search-engine" . - . - "video-DntIlJqBb9M" . - . - . - "" . - . - . - . - "This tool is part of the MEETUPS pilot and processes text from music personalities' biographies to find time expressions. It uses NLTK and a set of heuristic rules to identify and annotate temporal knowledge from text. The tool extracts information from one out of the four elements that define a meetup: the date or moment in time when it happened (when). Time expressions, along with data of the people involved (who), the place (where) and the event that took place (what), complete the historical meetup information." . - _:n764cabec629042229041aa5da98432d3b1 . - "Tonalities dataset of analytical annotations"@en . -_:na0a8e1bd290f467ea0bd7986ad265edeb1 "10.5281/zenodo.7924618" . - "Apache-2.0" . - . - "Polifonia-Lexicon" . - "ontology/cometa.owl" . - "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia TONALITIES pilot"@en . - . - . - "A set of SPARQL Anything queries to construct the ORGANS knowledge graph."@en . - _:n88f85a5ea1bd482ab8c0670fc9aa5704b2 . - . - . - "MEETUPS - Identification of temporal knowledge"@en . - "data-open-ac-uk" . -_:n81fdec37d7bf4123a1fadb4cce808023b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7919970" . - . - "" . - "Tutorial on Polifonia Ecosystem"@en . - . - "broadcast-concerts-sparql-endpoint" . - "Mark is interested in understanding how Dutch folk tunes relate to other music, e.g. French court operas."@en . - . - . - "Librarian"@en . -_:n0b37106d452f4e6e9fb94152ba39cc6eb2 "v0.1" . - "ChoCo" . - "Tonalities"@en . - "ChoCo dataset" . -_:n405144a5b7424d0dbfc3963f884f94b1b1 "17/04/2023" . - . - . - . - . - "Mathieu d'Aquin " . - "Cc010Universal" . -_:n4d2274a87f584d77a15968f47e397eb5b1 "doi" . - _:nd994f68986dd433fb580b79a7c5b24b5b2 . - "Apache-2.0" . - "pattern-explorations-backend" . - . - . -_:n70db9774dc264091b83b13f208b0c8e1b1 . - . - "Musicians and their environment"@en . - "Sophia#1_MusiciansAndTheirEnvironment" . - "Govert Brinkmann" . - . - "Valeriana"@en . -_:nfd779a70de1b4703a1a838c6354c28c5b2 "v0.8.1" . - _:ncf3cf90b970e44409e2e194fe8e5d24cb1 . - "choco-software" . - "Tutorial on Polifonia Ecosystem"@en . - . - . - "musoW is a Linked Open Dataset of music resources available on the web. Data are described according to and are served online in a dedicated platform for authoring, publishing and searching." . -_:nc36cf7da24dc4d51be9ab55a6c862b7cb1 . - "Music Journalist and Editor." . - "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia ORGANS Pilot"@en . - "meetups-knowledge-graph" . - "Polifonia Corpus Web API"@en . - . - . + "Corpora of MEI Files for Tonalities"@en . + . + . + . + "A collaborative annotation interface for music analysis"@en . + . + "Sethus#2_CreateRelevantCorpus" . +_:n7bd8bd623c724ca094880e66ee33a723b1 . +_:nb34f850a38774910a709ca5d69148171b1 "Polifonia Project" . + "" . + "" . +_:ne25771d0748d4069ae4392dc774a1b03b1 "" . + . + . + "The musoW registry"@en . +_:n449b5bb1762c49aaba90aa8bc0f3387ab1 "TODO" . + . + "Documents and materials relevant to the Polifonia Web portal (WP1.T3)"@en . + "licences-pipeline" . + . + . + "Copyright (c) 2023 MEETUPS @ The Open University" . + . + "video-VNqSzutgras" . + "An ontology to describe instruments as mediums of performance and their technical properties." . + "" . + "" . + . + "" . +_:n3a69a04920df46b0aaf649bdb2f8193eb1 "doi" . + . +_:n3681a4ba41374e0a9dabe0d5ee9f860bb1 "" . + . + "A library to create Music Meta resources on the Web." . + . + "sparql-anything-cli" . + "n/a." . +_:nb3c95e3f02454ec4ba9fc3e5551ac937b1 "doi" . + . + . + "Apache-2.0" . + . + . + "Sophia needs to study the instrumentation of a musical composition of the 18th century in order to organize a music festival that compares philological and modern performances and that proposes music compositions of that time with a completely new orchestration." . + "" . + . + . + "ACCESS: Perceiving music with your body"@en . + . +_:n77ab84bbc5704ade81b538b970b3f8ebb1 "doi" . + . + . +_:n337e4567501a410c8d36f23fd2efc91bb1 "doi" . + . + "Interlinking of collections in European digital music libraries and audiovisuals archives." . + "Sonia likes to explore her playlist history, find interesting statistics and patterns and see how it compares to other music listeners." . "Marco Grasso " . -_:nf6ccb1cec22941f7babac8012922048eb1 "10.5281/zenodo.7454360" . - "musow-licences" . - "Apache Jena" . - _:n4d2274a87f584d77a15968f47e397eb5b2 . - . + . + . + "Marco Ratta " . + "Music Historian."@en . +_:ne1d5bcea2877469b8b262832aa3abdf8b2 "" . + "" . + "Documentary evidence benchmark"@en . + "WP4 develops methods and tools for 1) creating plurilingual corpora focused on musical heritage, 2) extracting (automatically) relevant knowledge from texts" . + . + "sparql-anything-cli" . + "Python module for melody analysis based on pitch context vectors." . + "" . + "" . +_:n41ded21986ed4d42a6924bd6c3420c20b2 "" . + . + . "Willem Melder" . - "Valeriana#2_Terminology" . - "Slides of laboratories" . - . - "Luigi Asprino " . - . - _:n93c541d716a94804961d8b77984e6eecb1 . - . - "Data, metadata, statistics, annotations and interrogation APIs of the Polifonia Textual Corpus."@en . - . - _:nd6a129e3c5b64eb2b3def763ffb0c175b1 . - "MEETUPS Knowledge Graph"@en . - . - . - . - "Harmory" . - . - _:nf0ad96a885f34bdb84fff64b030e92a8b1 . - . -_:ne926d36f17ff45abbd825a6ca57a6ac2b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7875034" . - "Daquino, M., Wigham, M., Daga, E., Giagnolini, L., & Tomasi, F. (2023). Clef. a linked open data native system for crowdsourcing. JOCCH. DOI:" . - . - "This is the mockup of Tonalities annotation interface of collaborative analysis"@en . - "" . - "Patterns Knowledge Graph"@en . - . - "rulebook" . -_:naf0c1ed9b4004ffe96e63a96e4a5ee7eb2 "2022/12/18" . - "Requirements of SPARQL Anything"@en . - . - "Providing a Web tool that enables the exploration and visualization of encounters between people in the musical world in Europe." . - . - . - . - "" . - . - "rulebook-schema" . - "musoW dataset"@en . - "rulebook" . - . - . - "Ratta, Marco, and Enrico Daga. \"Knowledge Graph Construction From MusicXML\": An Empirical Investigation With SPARQL Anything." . - "video-NqEbw2Ezv_4" . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia INTERLINK Pilot"@en . - "" . - . - "broadcast-concerts-sparql-endpoint" . - . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 1"@en . - "TUNES: Influences between music tradition over centuries"@en . - "Andrea Poltronieri " . - "sparql-anything-java" . - . - "laboratories-slides-italian" . - "MELODY is a dashboarding system for designing and publishing data stories based on Linked Open Data."@en . - "GNU_GPL_v3" . - . - "Laurent#1_MusicArchives" . - "meetups-coreference" . + "Ralph#1_WordsAndMusic" . + . + "Copyright (c) 2023 MEETUPS @ The Open University" . + . + . + "Gurrieri, M., Guillotel-Nothmann, C., Bottini, T., & Poullet-Pagès, F. (2022, octobre 23). Tonalities' Collaborative Annotation Interface for Music Analysis." . + "Copyright (c) 2023 MEETUPS @ The Open University" . + . + . + "Alba Morales Tirado " . + "Copyright (c) 2023 Jacopo de Berardinis, Andrea Poltronieri" . + "" . + . + . +_:nb5d6ffdc338b4467a14a08b5aa9ee508b1 "doi" . + _:n824b956260d54c6e96592b6f32de32a7b1 . + . + . + "Music Journalist and Editor." . + . + . + "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia MUSICBO pilot"@en . + . + "Slides of laboratories"@en . + . + "Amy wants to assess the developments of organ builders." . +_:n2a2b4ae96e8a43edaf2b11ec5342cde8b1 "doi" . + "MEETUPS Ontology"@en . + "" . + . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia TONALITIES Pilot" . + "pattern-exploration-gui" . +_:n31cbbd5eeb16490bb1265f093f1b7abdb1 "" . "An online collaborative, crowdsourced, catalogue of music data on the web" . + . + . + . + . + . + . + _:nfc6bca2e3aa34bf6a508cb1690e67f67b1 . + "" . + "Sethus#1_ConflictingAnalyticalAnnotations" . + "choco-dataset" . + "Apache-2.0" . + . + "Source code of the Polifonia Portal web application" . + "This tool is part of the corpus preparation process and it is used to clean data collected from Wikipedia." . +_:n93a03e3f535d492a9d61b08161cdc6deb2 "" . + . + _:n93a03e3f535d492a9d61b08161cdc6deb1 . + "Requirements collection of SPARQL Anything" . + "Daquino, M., Wigham, M., Daga, E., Giagnolini, L., & Tomasi, F. (2023). Clef. a linked open data native system for crowdsourcing. JOCCH. DOI:" . . - . - "Marco Gurrieri " . - "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia MEETUPS pilot"@en . - "broadcast-concerts-sparql-endpoint" . - "n/a." . - "CC-BY_v4" . - "P2KG-Pipeline" . - . -_:n88f85a5ea1bd482ab8c0670fc9aa5704b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7875353" . - "NISV SPARQL Endpoint"@en . - "A Knowledge Graph of interconnected harmonic patterns aimed to support computationally creative applications." . - "Local Harmonic Agreement based on Recurrent Patterns"@en . - . - "Music Connections"@en . - "assets/harmory_wide.png" . - "" . - . - "Ortenz"@en . - "pymusicmeta"@en . - . - . -_:n218b1a7355f44dc7a7d17c28ff05cf38b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7919970" . - "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia WorkPackage5"@en . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia ORGANS Pilot" . - . - "Ortenz is planning to write an article about the role of music in children education as a means to develop national identity." . - "" . - . - . - "Polifonia Data Wanderings"@en . - "Tunes analysis and classification of international origin of Dutch early popular music culture" . - . -_:n764cabec629042229041aa5da98432d3b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - . - . - . - "Paul#2_ResourceReliability" . - "Music Meta"@en . -_:n218b1a7355f44dc7a7d17c28ff05cf38b2 "v1.0" . - . -_:nec8b4caa1b79471f98a06d94788b9bcdb1 "doi" . - . - "CC-BY_v4" . + "The MEETUPS pilot application."@en . + . + . + "Researcher and Professor in Musicology"@en . +_:n3a69a04920df46b0aaf649bdb2f8193eb2 "2023/05/13" . + . + "Guillotel-Nothmann, C., Gurrieri, M., & Greentree, M. (2024). List of MEI files displayed by Tonalities App [Data set]. Zenodo." . "folk_ngram_analysis" . - "Slides of laboratories"@en . -_:n65c8832c7e6c4e21b8931a0b1c1a13d7b2 "2023/05/13" . - "polifoniacq-dataset" . - "The guidelines for the development and documentation of an ontology and a knowledge graph"@en . - "Marilena Daquino " . - "Asprino, Luigi, Enrico Daga, Aldo Gangemi, and Paul Mulholland. \"Knowledge Graph Construction with a façade: a unified method to access heterogeneous data sources on the Web.\" ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 23, no. 1 (2023): 1-31." . - "CC-BY_v4" . - "laboratories-slides-french" . - . +_:nb5d6ffdc338b4467a14a08b5aa9ee508b1 "10.5281/zenodo.8021211" . + "musoW is a Linked Open Dataset of music resources available on the web. Data are described according to and are served online in a dedicated platform for authoring, publishing and searching."@en . + "Andrea Poltronieri " . + "CC-BY_v4" . + "sparql-anything-docs" . + . + . + "" . + "CC_BY_v4" . + "Paul" . + "Andrea" . + "" . + "musoW" . + "Copyright (c) 2023 Music Meta Contributors" . + "Jorge"@en . + "Sonia likes exploring music, either finding out more about music and musicians she already knows or uncovering new interests."@en . + . + "" . + "Cc010Universal" . + . + _:nd4e12f84271b4af997304111734b1903b1 . + . + "WP8 ensures that the ecosystem tools improve the accessibility and availability of musical heritage knowledge on the web in a FAIR, transparent, and ethical way." . + "Source represents various sources of music-related information" . +_:n93a03e3f535d492a9d61b08161cdc6deb2 "v0.1" . + "Tutorial on Facets Output of Polifonia"@en . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + "" . + . + "" . + . + . + . + "This code takes the patterns generated by the FoNN tool in the form of pickle file and then creates knowledge graph of all the patterns found"@en . + "Patrizia#1_IdentificationOfIntangibleElements" . + "Sonia#3_StatsMode" . + . + "Online documentation of SPARQL Anything" . + "link-to-the-slides" . + "Valeriana is a linguist expert in discourse analysis and terminology."@en . + . + "Mark#1_FolkMusic" . + "Marilena Daquino " . + . + . + "meetups-entity-recognition" . + "musicbo-knowledge-graph" . + "SPARQL Anything: Tutorials"@en . + . + . + "Andrea Poltronieri" . + . + "broadcast-concerts-knowledge-graph" . + . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . +_:nf445c3107a824f0099fea1de4e71f2f5b1 "" . + "Sophia" . "pitchcontext" . - "WP1 coordinates Pilots development and delivers a registry of all resources and materials retrieved, used and produced in the project, in the form of a unified Web portal." . - "MEETUPS Knowledge Graph module with data on historical meetups and related to MEETUPS Pilot" . - . - . -_:n0b37106d452f4e6e9fb94152ba39cc6eb1 "doi" . - . - . - "Enrico Daga " . - "" . - . - "CC-BY_v4" . - . - "Mathieu d'Aquin " . - . - "Keoma" . - "Mark#1_FolkMusic" . . -_:ne926d36f17ff45abbd825a6ca57a6ac2b1 "doi" . - "Slides of laboratories"@en . - . - "Jorge#4_LinkToSources" . - . - "" . - . -_:n01c06b68bc4a4949a0d1c46eb12ae5d6b1 "" . - "video-_GqMAH830JM" . - . - . - "WP2 develops ontology-based knowledge graphs for representing music collections and the its historical, cultural, and social context." . -_:n757ccc966fa0427f8fed53bce6f5fa97b1 "10.5281/zenodo.000000" . - . - "The Open Knowldedge Graph (OKG) SPARQL Endpoint" . - "Andrea#1_Serendipity" . - . - "Software, methods and user studies exploring the cross-modal interpretation of music and visual art" . - . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746" . - "rulebook" . - "MEETUPS identification of people and places"@en . - "" . - "MELODY"@en . - "Sethus#1_ConflictingTheoreticalInterpretations" . - "Organ Builders"@en . -_:n63db5f1e3ceb4b1b8da621b03655348bb2 "" . - "" . -_:nd556c8a2e51446dc9094afc724240c85b2 "v1.0" . - "Music Historian."@en . -_:n0b37106d452f4e6e9fb94152ba39cc6eb2 "13-10-2022" . - . - "meetups-entity-recognition" . - "CC-BY_v4" . - "meetups-coreference" . - "Sethus#2_CreateRelevantCorpus" . - "CC-BY_v4" . - "" . - "" . - "midi2vec" . - "Knowledge Graph for the Cord Corpus containing 30M+ triples of professionally annotated chord progressions."@en . - . - "SPARQL Anything Source Code"@en . - "Ralph#1_WordsAndMusic" . - . - "Laboratories" . - "Sonia likes exploring music, either finding out more about music and musicians she already knows or uncovering new interests." . - . - "P. van Kranenburg " . - . - . - "WP5 researches and develops highly interactive user interfaces to allow scholars, musicians to access, engage with, explore, and reuse musical heritage." . - . - "Source code of the Polifonia Corpus web application"@en . - "" . - . - . - . - "CC-BY-NC-SA_v4" . - _:ne116975427a344759a4fd228a48eb03bb1 . - . - "Willem Melder" . - "" . - . - "Anna#1_HearingMusic" . + "Successfully plan the restoration of an organ."@en . +_:n8fa9ff257cbb4554b30eb75d02e804d2b1 . +_:nf122c861787e45a382f25b92001cc6d4b2 "2022/12/18" . + . + . +_:n60c3975e66a5402e96f948f5930e0d0bb1 "10.5281/zenodo.7875353" . . - . - . - "Luigi Asprino " . - . - . - . - "Sethus#2_CreateRelevantCorpus" . - "Sophia#2_OriginsAndForm" . - . - "Jacopo de Berardinis " . - . - . - . - _:n9a78bd3b707d4fd3bbe6159ba772f28db2 . -_:n577d60129f47433e81923beb2fce9db2b1 "" . - "video-tQdDY2rRQHc" . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia BELLS Pilot" . - "Sonia likes exploring music, either finding out more about music and musicians she already knows or uncovering new interests."@en . - "" . - "Linka"@en . - . - . - "Knowledge graph containing data about patterns extracted from multiple corpora using the [FONN tools]("@en . -_:nd556c8a2e51446dc9094afc724240c85b1 . - "Music Instrument Ontology"@en . - . - "musow-licences" . - "Making musical performances accessible to people with disabilities" . - "Jorge#4_LinkToSources" . - . - "William#1_EuropeanFolkMusic" . - . - "Tutorial on Tonalities Output of Polifonia (part 2/2)"@en . - "ramose" . - _:n81fdec37d7bf4123a1fadb4cce808023b2 . - "Elena Musumeci " . - "This tool is part of the MEETUPS pilot and executes the coreference resolution task. It is in charge of identifying mentions to entities in the form of noun phrase, named, or pronominal text, particularly people and places. This software supports the identification of missing entities during the entity recognition and linking task and leverages the possibility of identifying historical meetups. Furthermore, the software tool validates that these mentions refer to the a named entity and link them to DBpedia or Wikipedia resources." . - . - "Andrea Poltronieri " . - "Andrea"@en . - "" . - "MUSICBO: Bologna musical heritage stories from Europe"@en . - _:n65c8832c7e6c4e21b8931a0b1c1a13d7b2 . - . - . - _:nc8298e4b7a73445eae8d88630b8ee04bb1 . - "Keoma needs to find different types of information and data from different sources. His goal is to interconnect data between architectures and their use for sound performances, in order to proceed with protection actions."@en . - . - "meetups-knowledge-graph" . - . -_:n63980cb770cd4130accd18da6ff05ad2b2 "" . - . - "CC-BY_v4" . - "melody-prototypes" . - "CHILD: Music experience in childhood"@en . - . - "Tonalities Meihead-Parser for MEI files"@en . - . - _:n8079851701a94e6bb7a93b1ecbf0561bb2 . - "The Broadcast Concerts Data Story describes the key features of the Broadcast Concerts knowledge graph"@en . - "CC-BY_v4" . - . - "pattern-exploration-gui" . +_:n80cb5ff9f8f1435cb81ac399cc5109fcb2 "v0.1" . + "meetups-hm-identification" . + . + . +_:ned661bd0349e480280fdaaaca3836865b1 . + . + . + . + . + "sparql-anything-docker" . + . + "History Teacher at the Secondary Level, Amateur Organist."@en . "Filippo Rosati" . - . - "tonalities-app" . - _:nd0167f3119c148f3afda63e4fdd2222eb1 . - "" . - "polifoniacq-dataset" . - "Ortenz#1_MusicAndChildhood" . - "polifoniacq-dataset" . +_:n8fa9ff257cbb4554b30eb75d02e804d2b2 "" . + "Giulia Renda, Marco Grasso, and Marilena Daquino (2023). From ontology design to user-centred interfaces for music heritage. In Proceedings of AIUCD 2023. Preprint available at:" . +_:nf55f1c95a85c4634a008d1857c206926b1 "10.5281/zenodo.8021211" . + "Copyright (c) 2023 MEETUPS @ The Open University" . + . + "Analyse the bell heritage to the wider context of a landscape and cultural heritage" . + "musoW is the online registry of music resources available on the web. It serves the musoW dataset via a number of interfaces for browsing and searching. The interface also allows editing (modifying existing records or creating new ones), searching and querying (via a dedicated SPARQL endpoint). The interface is built on top of CLEF, a LOD-native web application for crowdsourcing."@en . + "" . + "tonalities-theoreticalModels" . + "A curator of the Europeana platform, William has a background in art history."@en . + . + "sparql-anything-java" . + "rulebook-champions" . + "Valeriana#1_DiscourseAnalysis" . + _:ned661bd0349e480280fdaaaca3836865b2 . + "Slides of laboratories"@en . + "A collection of initial user interface mockups, used as part of the the initial application requirements for building the MEETUPS pilot application interface"@en . + . + "" . +_:n93a03e3f535d492a9d61b08161cdc6deb2 "13-10-2022" . + . + . + . + . + . + . + "Justin Dowdy " . + . + . + "Sophia is interested in understanding how the composer was influenced, e.g. by which other composers."@en . + "MUSICBO: Bologna musical heritage stories from Europe"@en . + "Polifonia-Lexicon" . +_:nac068be9563b4adc95e8eb22c85b9c25b2 "20/07/2022" . + "laboratories" . + . + . + . "" . - "Broadcast Concerts Data Story"@en . - . - "Source code of the Polifonia Corpus web application" . -_:n63db5f1e3ceb4b1b8da621b03655348bb1 "10.5281/zenodo.7919970" . - "Valentina Anita Carriero " . - "" . - "Slides of laboratories" . - "P2KG-Pipeline" . - . - "William is looking for songs matching his search criteria from the 20th and 21st centuries, across various music collections in Europe (particularly folk music)." . - . - "Researcher who collaborates with the International Museum and the Music Library of Bologna"@en . - . - "sparql-anything-tutorials" . - . - . -_:na344001445624165abc750f6b6b72ad0b1 "" . - "ACCESS: Perceiving music with your body"@en . -_:nc303b7e4de8e4e9bbeee7cd791c8150db1 "" . - . - . -_:naf0c1ed9b4004ffe96e63a96e4a5ee7eb1 "doi" . - . - "ChoCo dataset, containing 20k+ track professionally annotated with chord annotations."@en . - "Sophia is interested in understanding the social-historical reasons behind how the music was created and how it sounds."@en . - "" . - "Sonia#2_ShuffleMode" . - . - _:n2a2d537ae8ca47c9943d66b0caa86492b2 . - . - . - _:n66357c3ab5bf4947bcc51a27d478ea2bb1 . - . - "" . - . - . - . - "patterns-knowledge-graph-datasets" . - "melody-software" . - . - "RAMOSE"@en . - "Ortenz would like to have a system for visualising events (meetings of composers and musicians) in time and space in order to track musicians' careers, their overlap and intersections, gathering trends in time and space, and making emerge patterns of knowledge transmission."@en . - "n/a." . - "Patrizia" . -_:n93c541d716a94804961d8b77984e6eecb2 "v0.8.1" . - "Marco Ratta " . - "An extension of Music Meta to describe music datasets"@en . - . - "Fiorela Ciroku " . - "The Knowledge Graph about Italian bells, bell towers and bell ringers."@en . -_:n355b2f1af6ed43a6a2b3e3ebc17c3e06b1 "07-12-2021" . - . + . + "CLEF, Crowdsourcing Linked Entities via web Form, is a lightweight Linked Open Data native cataloguing system tailored to small-medium crowdsourcing projects." . + . + "A generic tool developed in Python to create REST APIs over SPARQL endpoints" . + "musoW online catalogue"@en . + . + . + "Source code of the Polifonia Corpus web application"@en . + . + . + "The Knowledge Graph about the role of Bologna in the European musical landscape." . + "musoW" . + "David#1_MusicHistorian" . + . + _:nbe6564265b0f40ccb13bc5f7a9300aaeb2 . + "" . + . + "root_note_detection" . + "William is looking for songs matching his search criteria from the 20th and 21st centuries, across various music collections in Europe (particularly folk music)."@en . + . + . + . + "" . + "Documents and materials relevant to Melody software and interface" . + . + . + . + . + "Sethus#2_CreateRelevantCorpus" . + "meetups-data-cleaning" . + "" . + . +_:n0c1ae120fcef40168260b7ed093c6a42b2 "13/05/2023" . + . +_:n31cbbd5eeb16490bb1265f093f1b7abdb1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . + "SPARQL Anything"@en . + "CHILD: Music experience in childhood"@en . + "" . + . +_:nbdd85dfe8164465a9c135f73ac4616c0b1 "" . + "Linka" . + . + "" . + "The Open Knowldedge Graph (OKG) SPARQL Endpoint"@en . + . + "Luigi Asprino " . + . + "Polifonia Data Wanderings"@en . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + . + "video-r2LALrWoWTA" . + "Sethus#2_CreateRelevantCorpus" . + . + "Anna wants to experience live music with the aid of haptic technology."@en . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 2"@en . + "The guidelines for the development and documentation of an ontology and a knowledge graph" . + . + . + _:nbe99f8ea68034abfb1ce535a578eddceb1 . +_:n8fa9ff257cbb4554b30eb75d02e804d2b2 "15/04/2023" . + "Luigi Asprino " . + "" . +_:n8fa9ff257cbb4554b30eb75d02e804d2b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7919970" . + "" . + . +_:n2a2b4ae96e8a43edaf2b11ec5342cde8b2 "" . + . + . +_:nec88d5ab5fdb475eb8817740827f274db1 . + . + "Tutorial on Meetups Output of Polifonia"@en . + . + . +_:n6ab1c1122d2c43729161d799fcdbc681b2 "v0.1" . + . + . + . + "Carolina"@en . + . +_:n32628be558ad4a279f68b37e26917ff1b2 "" . +_:na6427b0adc3141a4b431c0f001d1b996b2 "v0.8.1" . +_:n6326cd0ddd954d24ac3056e220372b76b1 . +_:na3293a9d3b0f4b87aadb3394295ef0c9b2 "v1.0" . + "Adamou, Alessandro, Simon Brown, Helen Barlow, Carlo Allocca, and Mathieu d’Aquin. \"Crowdsourcing Linked Data on listening experiences through reuse and enhancement of library data.\" International Journal on Digital Libraries 20, no. 1 (2019): 61-79." . + "Sonia#1_ExplorationMode" . + "" . + . + "braodcast-concerts-knowledge-graph" . + . +_:nfe4777c0982b46358b27356f81fa6f2fb2 "" . +_:nb5d6ffdc338b4467a14a08b5aa9ee508b2 "v1.0" . + "meetups-corpus-collection" . + . + "Ortenz#2_MusicalSocialNetwork" . + . + . + "Paul Mulholland " . + . +_:n6ab1c1122d2c43729161d799fcdbc681b1 "doi" . + "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia TUNES pilot"@en . + "musoW is a Linked Open Dataset of music resources available on the web. Data are described according to and are served online in a dedicated platform for authoring, publishing and searching." . + . + . + "a collection of tutorials to introduce users to SPARQL Anything" . +_:n2a2b4ae96e8a43edaf2b11ec5342cde8b2 "31/08/2023" . + "laboratories" . + . +_:n35b2dc33abb949d69042756890d3f756b1 "" . + . + "" . + . + . + . + . + "" . + "Apache-2.0" . + "A generic tool developed in Python to create REST APIs over SPARQL endpoints"@en . + "Organist, Organ Builder and Musicologist."@en . + . + . + "" . + . + "video-5BRvdWuqHvg" . + "musicbo-knowledge-graph" . + "the Ecosystem Component Annotation Schema"@en . + "Slides of laboratories"@en . + . + "de Berardinis, Jacopo; Meroño Peñuela, Albert; Poltronieri, Andrea; Presutti, Valentina. ChoCo: a Chord Corpus and a Data Transformation Workflow for Musical Harmony Knowledge Graphs (manuscript in progress)." . + . + _:na6427b0adc3141a4b431c0f001d1b996b1 . +_:n8069eba8a861442fab520532742398b9b1 "" . + "James McDermott " . + . "Polifonia Deliverable 5.6" . - "bells-knowledge-graph" . - "Anna" . - . - "musow-interface" . - "Reorchestration"@en . - . - . - . - "" . - . - . - . - "MELODY is a dashboarding system for designing and publishing data stories based on Linked Open Data." . - . - . - "ontology/musicmeta.owl" . - "History Teacher at the Secondary Level, Amateur Organist." . -_:n88f85a5ea1bd482ab8c0670fc9aa5704b1 . - "" . - . - "Enrico Daga " . - "Keith#1_MusicConnections" . - "Polifonia Ecosystem Development Rulebook"@en . - "Mari Wigham" . - "Paul#2_ResourceReliability" . - "Sonia#3_StatsMode" . - "Apache-2.0" . - "David" . - "Lecturer, music producer and festival director interested in finding new music."@en . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia FCAETS Pilot" . - "meetups-corpus-collection" . - . - . - "Enrico Daga " . - "Apache-2.0" . - "Modal and tonal classification of Western notated music from the Renaissance to the 20th century." . - . -_:n757ccc966fa0427f8fed53bce6f5fa97b2 "13-10-2022" . - "Frank#1_OrganKnowledge" . -_:ne645bee8832142598ed339d6f80ea850b1 "10.5281/zenodo.10454048" . - "licences-pipeline" . + . + . + "Tonalities Theoretical Models"@en . "Mari Wigham" . - "Music and Childhood"@en . -_:nd128a9c3aa4a4e77a279689d25f4190fb2 "13-10-2022" . - "musoW online catalogue"@en . - "Alba Morales-Tirado " . - . - "Dalicc," . - "ontology/ontology-network.owl" . - "MIT" . - "Ontology and knowledge graph development and documentation guidelines"@en . - . - "P2KG - Pattern to Knowledge Graph JAMS Pipeline"@en . - . - "Copyright (c) 2023 The Open University" . - . - . - . - . - . - . - _:n0e94961fc79e4c4bbc1fa8c1c9b5f738b1 . -_:n405144a5b7424d0dbfc3963f884f94b1b1 "" . - . - . - "" . - "CLEF, Crowdsourcing Linked Entities via web Form, is a lightweight Linked Open Data native cataloguing system tailored to small-medium crowdsourcing projects."@en . + "Elena Musumeci " . + "meetups-ontology" . . - . - "" . - "video-BQg0cr6V75c" . - . + . + . + "" . +_:n41ded21986ed4d42a6924bd6c3420c20b1 "10.5281/zenodo.6637345" . + "Jacopo de Berardinis " . + "Andrea Poltronieri " . + "William is looking for songs matching his search criteria from the 20th and 21st centuries, across various music collections in Europe (particularly folk music)." . + . + "" . + "" . + . + "Apache-2.0" . + "" . + "Jorge#1_OrganizeMyLibrary" . + "tonalities-scores" . + "midi2vec" . + "Morales Tirado, Alba; Carvalho, Jason; Mulholland, Paul and Daga, Enrico (2023). Musical Meetups: a Knowledge Graph approach for Historical Social Network Analysis. In: Proceedings of the ESWC 2023 Workshops and Tutorials, Semantic Methods for Events and Stories (SEMMES)." . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746" . + . + "Valeriana is a linguist expert in discourse analysis and terminology." . + "FACETS: Exploration and discovery in large collections of music scores"@en . + "Giulia Renda " . + . + _:n77ab84bbc5704ade81b538b970b3f8ebb2 . +_:na3293a9d3b0f4b87aadb3394295ef0c9b2 "" . + . + "A large dataset for musical harmony knowledge graphs." . + . +_:n4d0391f4772c40b28a90da5cf3f916a5b2 "13/04/2023" . + . +_:n6326cd0ddd954d24ac3056e220372b76b2 "20/07/2022" . + . + . + "Polifonia-Lexicon" . + . + "" . + "" . + "meetups-ontology" . + . + "Danny Diamond " . + . +_:n32628be558ad4a279f68b37e26917ff1b2 "13-10-2022" . + "Ecosystem Annotation Schema" . + _:n1af4925233d541ee87ea13281db110f5b1 . + "Tunes Ontology"@en . + "assets/harmory_wide.png" . + . + . + "" . + . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia CHILD Pilot" . + "" . + . + "Knowledge graph containing data about patterns extracted from multiple corpora using the [FONN tools](" . + . + . +_:n77ab84bbc5704ade81b538b970b3f8ebb1 "10.5281/zenodo.10017423" . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . +_:nbe6564265b0f40ccb13bc5f7a9300aaeb1 "European Commission H2020" . + . + "Slides of laboratories" . + "Jason Carvalho " . + . + "Tonalities Alignment (Import/Export)"@en . + "musow-dataset" . +_:nb34f850a38774910a709ca5d69148171b1 "" . + . + "CC-BY_v4" . + "Mark#1_FolkMusic" . + . + . +_:nbdd85dfe8164465a9c135f73ac4616c0b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . + "Mari Wigham" . + _:nd4e12f84271b4af997304111734b1903b2 . + . + . + "" . + . + "Jorge#4_LinkToSources" . + "Jacopo de Berardinis " . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 4"@en . + "Music Meta"@en . + "Andrea Poltronieri " . + . + "Sophia#3_Reorchestration" . + "" . + . + "Valentina Carriero " . + "Top level description of the ontology modules in the Polifonia Ontology Network, with pointers to each submodule." . + . + . + "Brendan"@en . + _:n6ab1c1122d2c43729161d799fcdbc681b2 . + . + . + "Amy#1_OrganTrends" . + "MEETUPS - Historical meetups identification"@en . + . + "Copyright (c) 2023 MEETUPS @ The Open University" . + . + "" . + . + _:nca87256f27be43f6af876df927296756b1 . +_:n32628be558ad4a279f68b37e26917ff1b1 "10.5281/zenodo.000000" . + . + . + "Musicians and their environment"@en . + "laboratories-slides-dutch" . + "" . + "Docker file of the SPARQL Anything Web Server"@en . + "Ontology and knowledge graph development and documentation guidelines"@en . + "Stats mode"@en . + "CC-BY_v4" . + . +_:nb01a0e6a0b7c4f20b718af9d3d453aebb1 "10.5281/zenodo.6866982" . . - "Forthcoming paper in SWODCH 2023" . - "Alba Morales Tirado " . - . - "Sethus prepares a book on a specific aspect of compositional practices during the Renaissance period, and aims at finding a set of relevant references to sources to illustrate his text." . - . - . - . - . - "braodcast-concerts-knowledge-graph" . - . - "Software for harmonic segmentation and harmonic similarity computation for the creation of the Harmory Knowledge Graph." . - "FACETS: Exploration and discovery in large collections of music scores"@en . - "This tool is part of the MEETUPS pilot and executes the coreference resolution task. It is in charge of identifying mentions to entities in the form of noun phrase, named, or pronominal text, particularly people and places. This software supports the identification of missing entities during the entity recognition and linking task and leverages the possibility of identifying historical meetups. Furthermore, the software tool validates that these mentions refer to the a named entity and link them to DBpedia or Wikipedia resources."@en . - . - "meetups-time-extraction" . -_:n976c89855e064d73898d89061b3600feb1 "doi" . - "Jacopo de Berardinis " . - . - . - "Andrea's goal is to discover and explore sacred music written from the period of the Renaissance through the twentieth century and its unexpected links with his scholarly studies."@en . - "Polifonia Web Portal"@en . - _:nec8b4caa1b79471f98a06d94788b9bcdb2 . - "musicbo-knowledge-graph" . - . - . - "broadcast-concerts-knowledge-graph" . - . - . -_:nd6a129e3c5b64eb2b3def763ffb0c175b1 "v0.8.1.1" . + "Linka#1_MusicKnowledge" . + . + "sparql-anything-java" . + "ontology/music-instrument.owl" . + . + . + "ChoCo dataset" . + "meetups-data-cleaning" . + "Architect and Restorer"@en . + "" . + . + "" . + . + . + . + "Software, methods and user studies exploring the cross-modal interpretation of music and visual art"@en . + "This is the mockup of Tonalities annotation interface of collaborative analysis"@en . + "CC-BY_v4" . + . + . + . + "" . + "Asprino, Luigi, Enrico Daga, Aldo Gangemi, and Paul Mulholland. \"Knowledge Graph Construction with a façade: a unified method to access heterogeneous data sources on the Web.\" ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 23, no. 1 (2023): 1-31." . + . + . + . + . + . + "" . + "sparql-anything-requirements" . + . + "Music Archives"@en . + . + "ORGANS: The Dutch pipe organ through history."@en . + . + . + "Sophia#3_Reorchestration" . + . +_:n96385967b2b7476e907a67eac315eb45b1 "" . + "MEETUPS web application"@en . + "meetups-hm-identification" . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + . + "Tutorial on Facets Output of Polifonia" . +_:nfb5a249d25794644b6af13b420f95cc5b1 "10.5281/zenodo.5603223" . + . +_:n6ab1c1122d2c43729161d799fcdbc681b2 "20/07/2022" . + _:ned661bd0349e480280fdaaaca3836865b1 . + . + "Software infrastructure for the generation of the ChoCo Knowledge Graph, which consists of parsers, coverters, and jams2rdf." . + . +_:ne1d5bcea2877469b8b262832aa3abdf8b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7454360" . + "rulebook" . + "SPARQL Anything Docker Instance"@en . + _:nf55f1c95a85c4634a008d1857c206926b2 . + "patterns-knowledge-graph-datasets" . + . + "Enrico Daga " . + "Apache-2.0" . "Computational Musicologist" . - _:nff2c1866336c46e298b1a01a02d38ab1b1 . -_:n8079851701a94e6bb7a93b1ecbf0561bb1 . - "Polifonia Deliverable 3.4" . - "Guidelines, recommendations, and norms on how to contribute to the Polifonia Ecosystem."@en . - "Carolina#1_SourcesCrossAnalysis" . - "Forthcoming paper in SWODCH 2023" . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia TONALITIES Pilot" . - . - _:ne32478949fc24ac697fe07060b6d90f3b1 . - "musow-interface" . - "David#1_MusicHistorian" . + . + . + "" . + "Tutorial on Polifonia Ecosystem"@en . + . + "" . + . + "Christophe Guillotel-Nothmann <>" . + "Jacopo de Berardinis " . + "Keith#1_MusicConnections" . + "Andrea Poltronieri " . . - . - . -_:n09565af67a964a82903dc8a31cc172a9b1 "2021/01/25" . - "tonalities-annotations" . - "Ethnoanthropologist and Officer at the Italian Ministry of Culture" . - "CC-BY_v4" . - "video-gUsKjo9edno" . -_:n4d2274a87f584d77a15968f47e397eb5b2 "20/07/2022" . - . - . - "Sonia#3_StatsMode" . - "Enrico Daga " . - "IscLicense" . - _:n976c89855e064d73898d89061b3600feb1 . - "J. de Berardinis (KCL), A. Poltronieri (UniBo)" . - . - . - . - "CC-BY-NC-SA_v4" . - "SPARQL Anything is a system for Semantic Web re-engineering that allows to query non-RDF files as-if they are in RDF." . + "Alba Morales Tirado " . + . + "Web server executable of SPARQL Anything" . . - . - _:n2fbac157e5b148f8a9c8e21a527789e4b1 . - . - "Origins and form"@en . - . - . - "GNU_GPL_v3" . - "Annotation files for the Polifonia musical lexicon in English (EN), French (FR), Italian (IT), Spanish (ES), German (EN) and Dutch (NL)" . - . - . - . -_:nd0167f3119c148f3afda63e4fdd2222eb1 . - "Tune Family Annotations"@en . - . - "" . - "A library to create Music Meta resources on the Web." . -_:n09565af67a964a82903dc8a31cc172a9b1 "v1.1" . "CC-BY-NC_v4" . - "" . - . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 5" . - "The musoW registry"@en . - "Valentina Anita Carriero " . - "" . - "musow-dataset" . - "A collaborative annotation interface for music analysis"@en . -_:nd9894089e2974bb4bf3fe99c01c584cab1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . - "Ortenz is planning to write an article about the role of music in children education as a means to develop national identity."@en . - _:n0abd3f523baf4a228f17a3d33327c0bab1 . - "CLEF, Crowdsourcing Linked Entities via web Form, is a lightweight Linked Open Data native cataloguing system tailored to small-medium crowdsourcing projects." . - _:nc21e9d97582c4ff99e8a3ce0a75c7a41b2 . - . - "ArCo ontology network" . - . - "Sophia is interested in understanding how the composer was influenced, e.g. by which other composers."@en . - "CC-BY-NC-SA_v4" . - "Enrico Daga " . - "" . - . - . - "Python module for melody analysis based on pitch context vectors." . - . - "Root Note Detection"@en . - . - . -_:n764cabec629042229041aa5da98432d3b1 "" . - . - . - . -_:n63980cb770cd4130accd18da6ff05ad2b1 . - . - "MusicBO Knowledge Graph"@en . - "" . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 3"@en . - _:nbe9ed7842bb743308127201119bfd81db1 . - "sparql-anything-java" . - . - . - "The MEETUPS pilot application."@en . - "A collection of initial user interface mockups, used as part of the the initial application requirements for building the MEETUPS pilot application interface" . -_:nfd779a70de1b4703a1a838c6354c28c5b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7454360" . - "CC0" . - . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia WorkPackage3"@en . - "" . - "ChoCo knowledge graph" . - "Copyright (c) 2023 Tunes Ontology Contributors" . -_:n4d2274a87f584d77a15968f47e397eb5b2 "" . -_:n65c8832c7e6c4e21b8931a0b1c1a13d7b2 "v1.0.2" . - . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - "Restoration and Sound Practices"@en . - "Apache-2.0" . - "rulebook-champions" . - "" . - "A large dataset for musical harmony knowledge graphs." . - . - "Sonia likes to explore her playlist history, find interesting statistics and patterns and see how it compares to other music listeners." . - "Marilena Daquino " . - "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia WorkPackage1"@en . - "broadcast-concerts-knowledge-graph" . - "Alba Morales Tirado " . - . - "meetups-entity-recognition" . - . - "Copyright (c) 2023 MEETUPS @ The Open University" . - "meetups-themes" . - "Tonalities annotations"@en . - . -_:na67dd8319ff04f4798b26b040fb0f5e0b2 "" . - . -_:n0abd3f523baf4a228f17a3d33327c0bab1 "doi" . - . -_:n12451b70bbf44490b2d7a852946eee7ab1 "" . - . - _:nd128a9c3aa4a4e77a279689d25f4190fb1 . - "Jorge#4_LinkToSources" . - . - . -_:n218b1a7355f44dc7a7d17c28ff05cf38b2 "" . - "Andrea#1_Serendipity" . -_:n66357c3ab5bf4947bcc51a27d478ea2bb1 "" . - "Alba Morales Tirado " . - "" . + . + "CC-BY_v4" . + "WP2 develops ontology-based knowledge graphs for representing music collections and the its historical, cultural, and social context." . +_:n77ab84bbc5704ade81b538b970b3f8ebb2 "v0.8.6" . +_:nbe99f8ea68034abfb1ce535a578eddceb1 . + "Guidelines, recommendations, and norms on how to contribute to the Polifonia Ecosystem."@en . + "Cc010Universal" . + "ChoCo Dataset"@en . + "Frank" . + "Ethnoanthropologist and Officer at the Italian Ministry of Culture" . + _:n31cbbd5eeb16490bb1265f093f1b7abdb1 . + "Copyright (c) 2022 SPARQL Anything Contributors @" . + "Tonalities"@en . + "sparql-anything-requirements" . "Ontology that represents concepts and relationships describing encounters between people in the musical world in Europe from c. 1800 to c. 1945."@en . - . - "Apache-2.0" . - "" . - . - _:nd994f68986dd433fb580b79a7c5b24b5b1 . - . - "Source code of the Polifonia Portal web application"@en . - "Polifonia downloader and digitiser of textual data." . - . - "Enrico Daga " . - . + . + "CC-BY_v4" . + . + "Sophia#2_OriginsAndForm" . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + . + . + "For her next research project, Amy wants to discover artistic and technical trends of organs and how these developed." . + . + "" . + "CC-BY_v4" . + . + . + "Rocco Tripodi " . + . + "" . + . + . +_:n4d0391f4772c40b28a90da5cf3f916a5b2 "v1.0" . + "laboratories-slides-italian" . + "" . + "" . + "Software for harmonic segmentation and harmonic similarity computation for the creation of the Harmory Knowledge Graph."@en . + "Tonalities Alignment (Import/Export)"@en . + . + . + "Tunes analysis and classification of international origin of Dutch early popular music culture" . + "Philippe Rigaux " . + _:n90eb89f53f184749b0ef46ead661bb3cb2 . + "rulebook-schema" . + . + "Brendan#1_FindTraditionalMusic" . + "Alba Morales-Tirado " . + "Amy" . + . + "Giulia Renda " . + . + . + "William#1_EuropeanFolkMusic" . + "ontology/tunes.owl" . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + . + "Enrico Daga " . + . + _:n93a03e3f535d492a9d61b08161cdc6deb2 . + "Daquino, M., Wigham, M., Daga, E., Giagnolini, L., & Tomasi, F. (2023). Clef. a linked open data native system for crowdsourcing. JOCCH. DOI:" . + . + "licences" . + _:n2a2b4ae96e8a43edaf2b11ec5342cde8b1 . + . + "List of reference administrators of repositories relevant to the Polifonia Ecosystem"@en . + "CC-BY-NC_v4" . + . + "Brendan#1_FindTraditionalMusic" . . - . - . - . - . - _:na67dd8319ff04f4798b26b040fb0f5e0b1 . - "Sonia#1_ExplorationMode" . - "pattern-explorations-backend" . - . - "David"@en . - "Ortenz#2_MusicalSocialNetwork" . - "meetups-hm-identification" . - . - "link-to-the-slides" . - "" . - "Create a relevant corpus"@en . - . - "pymusicmeta" . - "Conflicting analytical annotations"@en . - "meetups-corpus-collection" . + "MEETUPS Corpus"@en . + . + "" . + . + . "Copyright (c) 2023 Polifonia Ontology Network Contributors" . -_:nc24f74f652154eaa834ba988ec3e0882b1 "v1.0.6" . - . - . - . -_:ne116975427a344759a4fd228a48eb03bb1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . - . - . - "pattern-exploration-gui" . - "video-giF-Lrgc23s" . - . - "Cc010Universal" . - . -_:n9a78bd3b707d4fd3bbe6159ba772f28db1 "10.5281/zenodo.7919970" . - "" . - . - "Amy"@en . - . - "Amy#2_OrganBuilders" . - "meetups-knowledge-graph" . - "video-eLjNobupHFc" . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - "Justin Dowdy " . - . - "polifoniacq-dataset" . - "Organ Knowledge"@en . - . - . - "ontology-rulebook" . -_:nd128a9c3aa4a4e77a279689d25f4190fb1 . -_:n70db9774dc264091b83b13f208b0c8e1b1 "doi" . - . -_:nc21e9d97582c4ff99e8a3ce0a75c7a41b2 "" . - "Tutorial on Facets Output of Polifonia"@en . - "Copyright (c) 2023 Harmory Contributors" . - "CC-BY_v4" . -_:n88f85a5ea1bd482ab8c0670fc9aa5704b2 "v0.1" . - "CC-BY_v4" . - "Jorge#2_FindSimilarScores" . -_:n66b5d211e2054fe891521047ce0c2164b1 "European Commission H2020" . - . - "Apache-2.0" . - . - . - "ChoCo" . - . - . - "" . -_:nfbb1d51534324c6e864f9a47992d664eb1 . - . - "Patrizia must propose safeguarding actions on some intangible practices related with bells sound."@en . - "Apache Jena Fuseki" . - _:n88f85a5ea1bd482ab8c0670fc9aa5704b1 . - . - . - "Sonia#3_StatsMode" . - "Jacopo de Berardinis " . - "Apache-2.0" . - "An ontology to describe music metadata"@en . - "Cc010Universal" . - . - "For her next research project, Amy wants to discover artistic and technical trends of organs and how these developed."@en . - "Documents and materials relevant to Melody software and interface"@en . - "" . - "" . - "Copyright (c) 2023 MEETUPS @ The Open University" . - "Software, methods and user studies exploring the cross-modal interpretation of music and visual art"@en . - . - "Linka#1_MusicKnowledge" . - "" . - "Sophia#1_MusiciansAndTheirEnvironment" . - "the Ecosystem Component Annotation Schema" . - . - "Valentina Carriero " . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - "" . - . - _:nbe9ed7842bb743308127201119bfd81db2 . - . - . - "sparql-anything-cli" . + "" . + "Musical MEETUPS"@en . + "Ortenz" . +_:n90eb89f53f184749b0ef46ead661bb3cb1 . + . + "CC0" . + . + "Ceol Rince na hÉireann MIDI corpus"@en . +_:n6326cd0ddd954d24ac3056e220372b76b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7875353" . + "A set of SPARQL Anything queries to construct the ORGANS knowledge graph." . + "broadcast-concerts-sparql-endpoint" . + "Jason Carvalho " . +_:nf122c861787e45a382f25b92001cc6d4b1 . . - "CC-BY-NC_v4" . - . - "laboratories-slides-dutch" . - . - . - "meetups-ui-design" . -_:n0e94961fc79e4c4bbc1fa8c1c9b5f738b2 "13/04/2023" . - "Tonalities ontologies for theoretical models" . - "Work Package #3: Mining Musical Patterns"@en . - "" . - . + "Sophia#2_OriginsAndForm" . + "Tonalities annotations"@en . + . + _:n449b5bb1762c49aaba90aa8bc0f3387ab1 . + "Broadcast Concerts blog"@en . + "ontology/bells.owl" . + "" . + . + "This tool is part of the MEETUPS pilot and processes text from music personalities' biographies to find encounter types. It uses 'sklearn' and a set of Machine Learning algorithms to classify sentences according to the established type of events. The tool extracts information from one of the four elements defining a meetup: the type of encounter (what). Encounter type, along with data of the people involved (who), the place (where) and the time it took place (what), complete the historical meetup information." . + . + . + . + "ontology/cometa.owl" . + "Annotation files for the Polifonia musical lexicon in English (EN), French (FR), Italian (IT), Spanish (ES), German (EN) and Dutch (NL)" . + _:nfe4777c0982b46358b27356f81fa6f2fb1 . + . + "Amy#1_OrganTrends" . + "" . + . + . + "sparql-anything-python" . + "Sonia#2_ShuffleMode" . + . + "MEETUPS Pilot container with all the elements that support the knowledge extraction of historical meetups" . + . + "pymusicmeta"@en . + _:n337e4567501a410c8d36f23fd2efc91bb1 . + "Jorge#1_OrganizeMyLibrary" . + "" . + . + "sparql-anything-server" . "organs-knowledge-graph" . - . - . - "video-r2LALrWoWTA" . - "" . - "polifonia-web-portal" . - . - . -_:n503ee624d5c14a519bcbee72d1cecea9b2 "v0.1" . - . - . - "" . - . - . - "A search engine for music documents" . - _:n218b1a7355f44dc7a7d17c28ff05cf38b1 . - "CC-BY_v4" . - "Marco Grasso " . - "Keith" . - "polifoniacq-dataset" . - "video-ExGcaTgaep0" . - "" . - "Jacopo de Berardinis " . - "musoW" . - . - "Paul Mulholland " . - "Copyright (c) 2023 MEETUPS @ The Open University" . - . - . -_:na67dd8319ff04f4798b26b040fb0f5e0b1 . - "led" . - "Tutorial on Tonalities Output of Polifonia (part 1/2)"@en . - . - . + "Work Package #1: Pilots and Web portal"@en . + . + "Enrico Daga " . + "Ortenz#1_MusicAndChildhood" . + . + . + . +_:n6960980145f9406d8bc847fb684509d5b1 "" . +_:nbe99f8ea68034abfb1ce535a578eddceb1 "10.5281/zenodo.7919970" . +_:n477221f048114cf48a10420b7a18d00bb1 "v0.8.1.1" . + "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia ORGANS Pilot"@en . + "Linka#1_MusicKnowledge" . + "tonalities-scriptAlignment-import-export" . + "sparql-anything-requirements" . + "" . +_:n60c3975e66a5402e96f948f5930e0d0bb1 "doi" . + "Pianist, Organist, Priest and Theology Scholar."@en . + . + "" . +_:n1af4925233d541ee87ea13281db110f5b1 "2021/01/25" . + . +_:n2a2b4ae96e8a43edaf2b11ec5342cde8b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7875353" . + . + . + "Tutorial on Polifonia Ecosystem"@en . + "polifoniacq-dataset" . + . + _:ne0da4cee72c54d46bdeedd36e71a43b6b1 . + . + "Copyright (c) 2023 CoMeta Ontology Contributors" . + "This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + "A set of SPARQL Anything queries to construct the ORGANS knowledge graph."@en . + "Music, Art and Cultural Historian"@en . +_:ne8810f2143574ee59cd49aedbaf68e3eb1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . + "web-portal-prototypes" . + . + . + . + . + "Ethnoanthropologist and Officer at the Italian Ministry of Culture"@en . +_:nd4e12f84271b4af997304111734b1903b1 "doi" . + . + "meetups-entity-recognition" . + "midi2vec"@en . +_:n0c1ae120fcef40168260b7ed093c6a42b1 "doi" . + . + . + "meetups-knowledge-graph" . + "Govert Brinkmann" . + . + "Restoration and Sound Practices"@en . + . + "A Knowledge Graph of interconnected harmonic patterns aimed to support computationally creative applications."@en . + . + . + "This tool is part of the MEETUPS pilot and processes text from music personalities' biographies. It uses DBpedia Spotlight to identify and annotate possible entity mentions from input text. This is an essential process to identify two of the four main elements that define a meetup: people (who participated) and place (where). Along with data of time (when) the meeting happened and the event that took place (what) complete a historical meetup data point."@en . + "Licences KG generation pipeline"@en . + . + . + . + "Jorge#2_FindSimilarScores" . + "Copyright (c) 2023 Valentina Carriero, Elena Musumeci, Fiorela Ciroku" . + . + "" . + "History Teacher at the Secondary Level, Amateur Organist." . + "Sonia#2_ShuffleMode" . + . + "link-to-the-slides" . + "Enrico Daga " . +_:na86e33dd9fe844ab9f63a910fa1d5ff3b1 "doi" . + . + . + . + . + . + "Copyright (c) 2023 The Open University" . + "Jorge#4_LinkToSources" . + "Source ontology"@en . + "Anna#1_HearingMusic" . + "ontology/musicmeta.owl" . + . + "CC-BY_v4" . + . + "Knowledge Graph for the Cord Corpus containing 30M+ triples of professionally annotated chord progressions." . + "A server that requests and processes data from the [Patterns Knowledge Graph]( on behalf of the [Pattern Exploration GUI]("@en . + "" . "Giulia Renda, Marilena Daquino (2023). Storytelling with Linked Open Data. In La memoria digitale: forme del testo e organizzazione della conoscenza. Atti del XII Convegno Annuale AIUCD. Siena: Università degli Studi di Siena." . - "Valentina Anita Carriero " . -_:n503ee624d5c14a519bcbee72d1cecea9b1 "doi" . - . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 2" . - . - "CC-BY_v4" . - . - "meetups-knowledge-graph" . - . - "" . - . - "CC-BY-NC_v4" . - "" . - "pattern-exploration-gui" . - . - . -_:n12451b70bbf44490b2d7a852946eee7ab1 "European Commission" . - "MEETUPS Corpus collection"@en . - . - . - . + . + "Sophia#3_Reorchestration" . + "" . "sparql-anything-cli" . - . - . -_:nd0167f3119c148f3afda63e4fdd2222eb2 "2022/05/12" . - . - . - "Tutorial on Tonalities Output of Polifonia (part 1/2)"@en . - "Christophe Guillotel-Nothmann <>" . - . - "sparql-anything-server" . - . - . - . - "SPARQL Anything Web Server"@en . - "Alba Morales Tirado " . - . - "root_note_detection" . - . - . - "Sethus#1_ConflictingTheoreticalInterpretations" . - . -_:ndffe4fd8d40749bb8e903f01c1599b75b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . -_:n0abd3f523baf4a228f17a3d33327c0bab2 "v0.1" . - "IscLicense" . - "data ingest pipeline and musical similarity and classification tools for symbolic music data, with two test symbolic music corpora."@en . - "tune_family_annotations" . - . - "link-to-the-slides" . - "" . - "sparql-anything-java" . - "Marco Grasso (UNIBO), Marilena Daquino (UNIBO)" . - "" . - "Valentina Anita Carriero " . - "" . - . - . - . - . - "CC_BY_v4" . - . - . - "" . - "Marco Ratta " . - "Paul#1_OrganComparison" . -_:n218b1a7355f44dc7a7d17c28ff05cf38b2 "15/04/2023" . - . - . + . + "web-portal-prototypes" . + "broadcast-concerts-knowledge-graph" . + "Andrea#1_Serendipity" . +_:n4d0391f4772c40b28a90da5cf3f916a5b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7919970" . + . + _:nb34f850a38774910a709ca5d69148171b1 . + _:na3293a9d3b0f4b87aadb3394295ef0c9b1 . + "laboratories-slides-french" . + "Daga, Enrico, and Enrico Motta. \"Capturing themed evidence, a hybrid approach.\" In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Knowledge Capture, pp. 93-100. 2019." . + "Sophia#2_OriginsAndForm" . + . + "Tonalities ontologies for theoretical models" . + "Copyright (c) 2023 Tunes Ontology Contributors" . + . + "" . + "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia WorkPackage2"@en . + "" . + . +_:n449b5bb1762c49aaba90aa8bc0f3387ab1 "21/04/2022" . + . +_:ne1d5bcea2877469b8b262832aa3abdf8b1 . + "Enrico Daga " . + . + . + . + "Sonia#3_StatsMode" . + "Sethus's research focuses on the description and formalization of the compositional processes at work in modal polyphony."@en . +_:n1af4925233d541ee87ea13281db110f5b1 "" . + "meetups-corpus-collection" . + . + _:n8100c839d8b24449b50a2b16f828f0d2b1 . + "Knowledge graph containing data about patterns extracted from multiple corpora using the [FONN tools]("@en . + . + . + . + . + "" . + . + "FoNN -- Folk N-gram aNalysis"@en . + "Python module for melody analysis based on pitch context vectors."@en . "Tonalities Alignment (Import/Export)" . -_:n8079851701a94e6bb7a93b1ecbf0561bb1 "10.5281/zenodo.7919970" . - . - "Morales Tirado, Alba; Carvalho, Jason; Mulholland, Paul and Daga, Enrico (2023). Musical Meetups: a Knowledge Graph approach for Historical Social Network Analysis. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings: SEMMES 2023: Semantic Methods for Events and Stories workshop ESWC 2023." . - . - . - . - _:nd556c8a2e51446dc9094afc724240c85b2 . - "Carolina#1_SourcesCrossAnalysis" . - "" . - "Documents and materials relevant to Melody software and interface" . - . - . -_:n754e3d40ac68406bb449bf8ee9b651ebb1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . - . - . - "Keoma#1_RestorationAndSoundPractices" . - . - "Organize my digital library"@en . - "" . -_:nc36cf7da24dc4d51be9ab55a6c862b7cb1 "10.5281/zenodo.10017423" . - . - "CC-BY-NC-ND_v4" . - "" . - "meetups-ui-design" . - . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia TUNES Pilot" . - "laboratories" . - "Sonia#1_ExplorationMode" . - "Sethus#1_ConflictingAnalyticalAnnotations" . - . - "musoW is the online registry of music resources available on the web. It serves the musoW dataset via a number of interfaces for browsing and searching. The interface also allows editing (modifying existing records or creating new ones), searching and querying (via a dedicated SPARQL endpoint). The interface is built on top of CLEF, a LOD-native web application for crowdsourcing."@en . - "A. Poltronieri (UniBo), R. Tripodi (UniBo)" . - "meetups-data-cleaning" . - . - "Sonia#1_ExplorationMode" . - "documentary-evidence-benchmark" . - . - "A benchmark for the extraction of documentary evidence, taking the Listening Experience Database (LED) as a reference." . - "" . - . - "" . - "Mark#1_FolkMusic" . - "CC-BY-NC-SA_v4" . - "licences-pipeline" . -_:n5720df82a20d4f2ea9f6f4b132980dfeb1 "10.5281/zenodo.7377532" . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia MUSICBO Pilot"@en . -_:n9a78bd3b707d4fd3bbe6159ba772f28db2 "" . - . - . - . - "web-portal-prototypes" . - . - . - "" . - "Justin Dowdy " . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - . - "Giulia Manganelli (UNIBO), Marco Grasso (UNIBO), Marilena Daquino (UNIBO)" . - . - . - . - "Jorge is managing a library of music scores, and is responsible for the sub-part of the library catalog which is already digitized." . - . + "Andrea#1_Serendipity" . + "A frontend interface for dispaying data derived from the [Patterns Knowledge Graph](" . +_:n4d0391f4772c40b28a90da5cf3f916a5b1 "doi" . + . + "" . + "Sonia"@en . + "In collaboration with other colleagues, Sethus is preparing a book on modal theory and its application to late Renaissance compositions."@en . + "CC-BY-NC-SA_v4" . + "Tutorial on Facets Output of Polifonia"@en . + . + "meetups-application" . "" . - . - . - "Architect and Restorer"@en . -_:nc8298e4b7a73445eae8d88630b8ee04bb1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . - "led" . + "This is a tool to download the Wikipedia pages of people in the music scene in Europe" . + "Keith wants to compile programmes of music, e.g. for music festivals."@en . + "sparql-anything-cli" . "Copyright (c) 2023 MEETUPS @ The Open University" . - "This is the mockup of Tonalities annotation interface of collaborative analysis" . - "Carolina#1_SourcesCrossAnalysis" . - _:n01c06b68bc4a4949a0d1c46eb12ae5d6b1 . - . - "Jason Carvalho " . - "CC-BY-NC_v4" . -_:ne32478949fc24ac697fe07060b6d90f3b2 "" . - . - "Architect and Restorer" . -_:ne0af5a3a15054adaa6a75290510f5b0eb1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . - "musoW is the online registry of music resources available on the web. It serves the musoW dataset via a number of interfaces for browsing and searching. The interface also allows editing (modifying existing records or creating new ones), searching and querying (via a dedicated SPARQL endpoint). The interface is built on top of CLEF, a LOD-native web application for crowdsourcing." . - "video-sTKGm1FK0Oo" . - "CLEF"@en . - "" . - "Albert Merono Penuela " . - "" . - . -_:n81d82e9235214420baf7239a90d71984b1 "" . - . - . - "Tutorial on Tonalities Output of Polifonia (part 1/2)" . - . - . - . - "The Broadcast Concerts Data Story describes the key features of the Broadcast Concerts knowledge graph" . - "Copyright (c) 2022 SPARQL Anything Contributors @" . + "Polifonia Deliverable 3.4" . + _:n32628be558ad4a279f68b37e26917ff1b2 . + . + "Music Historian"@en . + . + "Reorchestration"@en . + . + "Amy wants to assess the developments of organ builders."@en . + . +_:na782431fe0a34160b41f5930ded85ac0b1 "" . + . + "" . + "Martin Hlosta " . + . + . + . + . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia INTERLINK Pilot"@en . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . +_:n25b4100aa91b400fa68bff246db80f51b1 . + "Source code of the Polifonia Portal web application"@en . + . + "Find Traditional Music"@en . + "Keoma" . + "This is a tool to download the Wikipedia pages of people in the music scene in Europe"@en . + . +_:nb3c95e3f02454ec4ba9fc3e5551ac937b2 "v1.0" . + "Sethus#3_ConflictingAnalyticalAnnotations" . +_:nd7a588bc31a3451fa17620135dd7694bb1 "v0.1.0" . + "meetups-corpus-collection" . + . + . +_:nfb5a249d25794644b6af13b420f95cc5b2 "2023/05/16" . +_:n3681a4ba41374e0a9dabe0d5ee9f860bb1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . + . + "Patterns Knowledge Graph - Output datasets"@en . + "Sonia likes exploring music, either finding out more about music and musicians she already knows or uncovering new interests." . +_:ne45ccd1fd3fe4dd09f0908e029cbf70bb1 "doi" . + "Adam Filaber <>" . + "musow-dataset" . + "Jacopo de Berardinis, Albert Meroño Peñuela, Andrea Poltronieri, and Valentina Presutti. The Harmonic Memory: a Knowledge Graph of harmonic patterns as a trustworthy framework for computational creativity. In Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023 (pp. 3873-3882)." . + . + "GNU_GPL_v3" . + . + "SPARQL Anything Source Code"@en . + "Daga, Enrico, Mathieu d’Aquin, Alessandro Adamou, and Stuart Brown. \"The open university linked data–data. open. ac. uk.\" Semantic Web 7, no. 2 (2016): 183-191." . + "The Knowledge Graph about Italian bells, bell towers and bell ringers." . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia MEETUPS Pilot"@en . + . + "" . +_:n41ded21986ed4d42a6924bd6c3420c20b2 "v0.1.1" . + . + . + "This repository contains the corpus of people in the music scene in Europe"@en . + "A search engine for music documents"@en . + "People interested in finding scores ask for some very specific criterias. Often, the resulting list is empty, or contains very few scores." . + "MEETUPS Corpus collection"@en . + "Slides of laboratories" . + . + . + . + . + . + . + "James McDermott " . + "Marco Ratta " . +_:n824b956260d54c6e96592b6f32de32a7b1 "doi" . + "Copyright (c) 2023 Jacopo de Berardinis, Andrea Poltronieri" . + . +_:n90eb89f53f184749b0ef46ead661bb3cb2 "2022/12/18" . + "ChoCo dataset, containing 20k+ track professionally annotated with chord annotations." . +_:n32628be558ad4a279f68b37e26917ff1b1 "doi" . + "Ortenz is planning to write an article about the role of music in children education as a means to develop national identity." . + . + "" . + "Peter van Kranenburg " . + "Ortenz" . + . + . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements GA101004746 (Polifonia) and GA870811 (SPICE)." . + "Sophia is interested in understanding the social-historical reasons behind how the music was created and how it sounds."@en . +_:n6ab1c1122d2c43729161d799fcdbc681b2 "" . + "INTERLINK: Integrating digital music libraries"@en . + "" . + . + . + . + "Identification of Intangible Elements"@en . +_:nf55f1c95a85c4634a008d1857c206926b2 "" . + "Forthcoming paper in SWODCH 2023" . + . + . + _:n477221f048114cf48a10420b7a18d00bb1 . + "broadcast-concerts-docs-blog" . + "Copyright (c) 2023 Source Ontology Contributors" . + "meetups-data-cleaning" . + "Copyright (c) 2023 Harmory Contributors" . + "Apache-2.0" . + . + . +_:na86e33dd9fe844ab9f63a910fa1d5ff3b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7875034" . +_:n61dd30e894d44302ae8d8d79d11b4155b1 "" . +_:n96385967b2b7476e907a67eac315eb45b1 "01/2022" . + "choco-kg" . + "IscLicense" . + _:n0e0c1b6b354942bfbc3ad7e984b6378bb1 . + "Apache-2.0" . + "This tool is part of the MEETUPS pilot and processes text from music personalities' biographies to find time expressions. It uses NLTK and a set of heuristic rules to identify and annotate temporal knowledge from text. The tool extracts information from one out of the four elements that define a meetup: the date or moment in time when it happened (when). Time expressions, along with data of the people involved (who), the place (where) and the event that took place (what), complete the historical meetup information." . +_:n41ded21986ed4d42a6924bd6c3420c20b2 "2022/05/12" . + "This tool is part of the MEETUPS pilot and executes the coreference resolution task. It is in charge of identifying mentions to entities in the form of noun phrase, named, or pronominal text, particularly people and places. This software supports the identification of missing entities during the entity recognition and linking task and leverages the possibility of identifying historical meetups. Furthermore, the software tool validates that these mentions refer to the a named entity and link them to DBpedia or Wikipedia resources."@en . + . + "Félix Poullet-Pagès <>" . + _:nf921287078284951a2e744436a43dd5eb1 . + . + . +_:nb5d6ffdc338b4467a14a08b5aa9ee508b2 "01-02-2023" . + "A search engine for music documents" . + "meetups-ui-design" . + "Mark" . + . + . + "" . + "Andrea Poltronieri " . + . + . + "MELODY is a dashboarding system for designing and publishing data stories based on Linked Open Data." . + . + "Enrico Daga " . + . + . + "Software infrastructure for the generation of the ChoCo Knowledge Graph, which consists of parsers, coverters, and jams2rdf."@en . + . + "" . + . +_:n80cb5ff9f8f1435cb81ac399cc5109fcb1 "doi" . + _:ne25771d0748d4069ae4392dc774a1b03b1 . + _:n0c1ae120fcef40168260b7ed093c6a42b1 . + . + . + "Rory Sweeney " . + "WP7 is dedicated to project coordination and management activities." . + "musow-interface" . + . + "ArCo ontology network" . + . + . + . + "" . + . + . + . + . + . + "Laurent"@en . + "Amy#1_OrganTrends" . + "This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 01234556." . + "Jacopo de Berardinis " . "SPARQL Anything Command Line"@en . - "Tonalities Alignment (Import/Export)"@en . - "pattern-explorations-backend" . -_:n2fbac157e5b148f8a9c8e21a527789e4b1 "v2.1" . -_:nf6ccb1cec22941f7babac8012922048eb2 "" . - . -_:nd556c8a2e51446dc9094afc724240c85b1 "doi" . - "" . - "" . - "" . -_:n63db5f1e3ceb4b1b8da621b03655348bb2 "v1.0" . - _:n0b37106d452f4e6e9fb94152ba39cc6eb2 . - . - "Each concert has its own license, determine using the NISV rules for licensing. Where possible, this is a CC license. The license is stated in the triples for that concert." . + "Apache-2.0" . + . + "MELODY is a dashboarding system for designing and publishing data stories based on Linked Open Data."@en . + . + _:n77ab84bbc5704ade81b538b970b3f8ebb1 . + . + "" . + . + "Slides of laboratories" . + "" . + . +_:n25b4100aa91b400fa68bff246db80f51b2 "v0.1" . + "" . + . + . + "video-ExGcaTgaep0" . + "" . "Resources for the Polifonia Licences KG, containing licence information of the resources from third-parties that the project reused."@en . -_:nba17ae69d8144ea29dc62af52a22b8a1b1 "" . - "CC-BY-NC-SA_v4" . - _:n090fa686564a4c8bbbae6a31768d125ab1 . - . - . - . - "Listening Experience Database"@en . - . - . - . - . - . - . - "Jorge#1_OrganizeMyLibrary" . - "Source code of SPARQL Anything" . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746" . - . - "" . - . - . - "Keith#1_MusicConnections" . - . - . - "Jacopo de Berardinis " . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia ORGANS Pilot"@en . + _:nbe99f8ea68034abfb1ce535a578eddceb2 . + . + "Polifonia Corpus Web API"@en . + . + . + . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia INTERLINK Pilot" . + . + . + "Marco Ratta " . + . + . + "" . + . +_:n8fa9ff257cbb4554b30eb75d02e804d2b2 "v1.0" . + . + "" . + "This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + "An extension of Music Meta to describe music datasets"@en . + "Software for harmonic segmentation and harmonic similarity computation for the creation of the Harmory Knowledge Graph." . + . + "data-wanderings" . + . + "Amy"@en . + "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia WorkPackage3"@en . + "" . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia CHILD Pilot"@en . + "Willem Melder" . + "Andrea Poltronieri " . + . + "Command line executable of SPARQL Anything"@en . + . + "Tutorial on Tonalities Output of Polifonia (part 1/2)"@en . + "ChoCo: the Chord Corpus"@en . + "CC-BY_v4" . + "Slides of laboratories"@en . + . + . + "Copyright (c) 2023 Music Meta Contributors" . + . . - . -_:nff2c1866336c46e298b1a01a02d38ab1b1 . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 4"@en . - "" . -_:nc21e9d97582c4ff99e8a3ce0a75c7a41b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7928155" . - . - . + "meetups-corpus-collection" . + _:ne45ccd1fd3fe4dd09f0908e029cbf70bb1 . + "Slides of laboratories"@en . + "Tutorial on Meetups Output of Polifonia" . + . + "video-z84Q0vPYMlQ" . + . + "The Broadcast Concerts Data Story describes the key features of the Broadcast Concerts knowledge graph"@en . + . + "Source code of SPARQL Anything"@en . +_:n60c3975e66a5402e96f948f5930e0d0bb2 "" . + "An extension of Music Meta to describe music datasets" . + "CC_BY_v4" . + "The Knowledge Graph of the ORGANS pilot"@en . + "CC-BY-NC-SA_v4" . "Exploration mode"@en . - "A Knowledge Graph of interconnected harmonic patterns aimed to support computationally creative applications."@en . - . - "Tutorial on Tonalities Output of Polifonia (part 2/2)"@en . - "ORGANS Knowledge Graph Construction"@en . - . - _:n0e94961fc79e4c4bbc1fa8c1c9b5f738b2 . - "" . - "Govert Brinkmann" . - "textual-corpus-population" . - "patterns-knowledge-graph" . - . -_:n65c8832c7e6c4e21b8931a0b1c1a13d7b1 . - . - "Willem Melder" . - _:nc24f74f652154eaa834ba988ec3e0882b1 . -_:nf6ccb1cec22941f7babac8012922048eb2 "v0.8.1" . - "A specialisation of the Music Meta Ontology for folk music." . - . +_:n3a69a04920df46b0aaf649bdb2f8193eb2 "" . + . + "CC-BY_v4" . + . + . + "patterns-knowledge-graph-datasets" . + "P2KG - Pattern to Knowledge Graph JAMS Pipeline"@en . + . + "Copyright (c) 2023 MEETUPS @ The Open University" . + . + "Sethus#1_ConflictingTheoreticalInterpretations" . + . + "MEETUPS Knowledge Graph"@en . + "sparql-anything-java" . + "Forthcoming paper in SWODCH 2023" . + . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia MEETUPS Pilot" . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + "sparql-anything-tutorials" . + "Paul#2_ResourceReliability" . + . + "Patrizia"@en . + . + . + . + . + "Source code of the Polifonia Corpus web application" . + "Patterns UI"@en . + . +_:n60c3975e66a5402e96f948f5930e0d0bb2 "31/08/2023" . + "video-vgmy8hRoaU0" . + "link-to-the-slides" . +_:n7bd8bd623c724ca094880e66ee33a723b1 "10.5281/zenodo.8020644" . + . + "The Open Knowldedge Graph (OKG) SPARQL Endpoint" . + . + . + . +_:n62afffeae9d9424f9b7d728290e2dc0ab1 "" . . - . - . - . - "choco-dataset" . - "The Open Knowldedge Graph (OKG)"@en . - . + "ORGANS Knowledge Graph"@en . + "Researcher who collaborates with the International Museum and the Music Library of Bologna" . + "" . + "A server that requests and processes data from the [Patterns Knowledge Graph]( on behalf of the [Pattern Exploration GUI](" . + "pitchcontext"@en . + "An ontology to describe music metadata"@en . + "Requirements of SPARQL Anything"@en . + "" . + "MIT" . + . + . + "" . + "Organ Knowledge"@en . +_:ne25771d0748d4069ae4392dc774a1b03b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . + "" . + "CC-BY_v4" . + "Lecturer and Researcher in Computer Science."@en . + "data-open-ac-uk" . + . + "Tonalities ontologies for theoretical models"@en . + . + "" . + "" . + "Keith" . + _:n6326cd0ddd954d24ac3056e220372b76b2 . + "ChoCo dataset, containing 20k+ track professionally annotated with chord annotations."@en . + "Sethus#1_ConflictingTheoreticalInterpretations" . + "Sethus prepares a book on a specific aspect of compositional practices during the Renaissance period, and aims at finding a set of relevant references to sources to illustrate his text."@en . + . "" . - . - . -_:ne32478949fc24ac697fe07060b6d90f3b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7875353" . - . - . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 2"@en . - "Work Package #6: Dissemination and exploitation"@en . - "" . - "meetups-data-cleaning" . - . - "Willem Melder" . - . - . - "sparql-anything-java" . -_:na0a8e1bd290f467ea0bd7986ad265edeb1 . - "Anna#1_HearingMusic" . - . - "meetups-ontology" . - "" . - "Andrea" . - . - . -_:n0e94961fc79e4c4bbc1fa8c1c9b5f738b1 "doi" . - "Sophia#3_Reorchestration" . - . - "" . - . - . - . -_:n81fdec37d7bf4123a1fadb4cce808023b1 . - "sparql-anything-cli" . - "meetups-hm-identification" . - "" . - "" . - . - . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . -_:nd128a9c3aa4a4e77a279689d25f4190fb1 "doi" . - "Sophia needs to study the instrumentation of a musical composition of the 18th century in order to organize a music festival that compares philological and modern performances and that proposes music compositions of that time with a completely new orchestration." . - . - "" . - . - "This tool is part of the corpus preparation process and it is used to clean data collected from Wikipedia." . -_:n0b37106d452f4e6e9fb94152ba39cc6eb1 "10.5281/zenodo.000000" . - "Jorge#1_OrganizeMyLibrary" . - . - . - . - "patterns-knowledge-graph-datasets" . - "" . - "led" . - "This repository contains the corpus of people in the music scene in Europe"@en . - "" . - "Andrea Poltronieri " . - "Polifonia-Corpus-Web-API" . - . - "" . - . - . - "Ralph is particularly interested in matching text to music, e.g. in terms of emotions." . - . - . + . + . + _:n41ded21986ed4d42a6924bd6c3420c20b2 . + . + . + "laboratories-slides-italian" . + . + "Dalicc," . +_:nd4e12f84271b4af997304111734b1903b2 "13/04/2023" . + "" . + . "The Broadcast Concerts blog describes the key features of the Broadcast Concerts knowledge graph" . - . - "musow-dataset" . - . - . - _:nd9894089e2974bb4bf3fe99c01c584cab1 . - "" . - "Music Historian." . - "Guillotel-Nothmann, C., Gurrieri, M., & Filaber, A. (2024). Tonalities ontologies for annotation models. Zenodo." . - "Sophia#2_OriginsAndForm" . - "sparql-anything-cli" . - . - "" . - "" . - "" . - . - . - "Marco Ratta " . - . - "meetups-corpus-collection" . - "Apache-2.0" . - . "Frank"@en . - . - "ontology-rulebook" . - . - . - "Reconnect information on the histories and characteristics of historic organs in the Netherlands." . - "Marilena Daquino " . - . - "CC-BY_v4" . - "For her next research project, Amy wants to discover artistic and technical trends of organs and how these developed." . - "Ortenz" . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . -_:n9a78bd3b707d4fd3bbe6159ba772f28db1 "doi" . - . - "meetups-entity-recognition" . + . + "Exploration of historical experience of music in childhood related to musical scores." . + . +_:n90eb89f53f184749b0ef46ead661bb3cb2 "" . + . + "pattern-explorations-backend" . + _:n6960980145f9406d8bc847fb684509d5b1 . + "Mark is interested in understanding how Dutch folk tunes relate to other music, e.g. French court operas." . + _:n8069eba8a861442fab520532742398b9b1 . + "Jorge accesses to a part of the collection and is overwhelmed by the number of scores and their heterogeneity."@en . . - "" . - "sparql-anything-cli" . - "Requirements collection of SPARQL Anything" . - . - "Copyright (c) 2023 Jacopo de Berardinis, Andrea Poltronieri" . - . - "WP4 develops methods and tools for 1) creating plurilingual corpora focused on musical heritage, 2) extracting (automatically) relevant knowledge from texts" . - . - . - "sparql-anything-cli" . - "Documentary evidence benchmark"@en . - . - "Keoma#1_RestorationAndSoundPractices" . - "Identification of Intangible Elements"@en . - . - "This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 01234556." . - "" . - "Tutorial on Meetups Output of Polifonia"@en . - "Successfully plan the restoration of an organ." . - "" . -_:n2a2d537ae8ca47c9943d66b0caa86492b2 "European Commission H2020" . - "Enrico Daga " . - "sparql-anything-python" . - . - "meetups-themes" . - "sparql-anything-server" . - "broadcast-concerts-docs-melody" . - "Slides of laboratories"@en . - . - "Amy#1_OrganTrends" . - . - . - "Sethus#1_ConflictingTheoreticalInterpretations" . - _:n63db5f1e3ceb4b1b8da621b03655348bb1 . - . - "The Polifonia Licences KG, containing licence information of the resources from third-parties that the project reused."@en . - . -_:n8079851701a94e6bb7a93b1ecbf0561bb1 "doi" . - . - . - . - "CC-BY_v4" . -_:n757ccc966fa0427f8fed53bce6f5fa97b2 "v0.1" . - "List of reference administrators of repositories relevant to the Polifonia Ecosystem" . - "This tool is part of the MEETUPS pilot and processes text from music personalities' biographies to find encounter types. It uses 'sklearn' and a set of Machine Learning algorithms to classify sentences according to the established type of events. The tool extracts information from one of the four elements defining a meetup: the type of encounter (what). Encounter type, along with data of the people involved (who), the place (where) and the time it took place (what), complete the historical meetup information."@en . - "MEETUPS preparation - data cleaning"@en . - . - _:nfd779a70de1b4703a1a838c6354c28c5b2 . - "" . - "Sophia is interested in understanding how the composer was influenced, e.g. by which other composers." . - "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia MUSICBO pilot"@en . - . - . - . - . - "Anna wants to experience live music with the aid of haptic technology." . - . - "Documents and materials relevant to the Polifonia Web portal (WP1.T3)" . - "Keith"@en . - "Slides of laboratories"@en . - _:n5720df82a20d4f2ea9f6f4b132980dfeb1 . - . - "Docker file of the SPARQL Anything Web Server"@en . - . - . - "" . - "" . - "Patrizia must propose safeguarding actions on some intangible practices related with bells sound." . - . - "Copyright (c) 2022 SPARQL Anything Contributors @" . - "Ralph is particularly interested in matching text to music, e.g. in terms of emotions."@en . - "" . - "Compute graph embeddings from MIDI." . - . - . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 5"@en . - "" . - "MEETUPS Corpus"@en . - . - "Amy wants to assess the developments of organ builders."@en . -_:n218b1a7355f44dc7a7d17c28ff05cf38b1 . - . - . - "CC-BY_v4" . - . - . -_:n090fa686564a4c8bbbae6a31768d125ab1 "" . -_:n503ee624d5c14a519bcbee72d1cecea9b2 "31/08/2023" . - "Sethus#3_ConflictingAnalyticalAnnotations" . - _:n577d60129f47433e81923beb2fce9db2b1 . - _:na67dd8319ff04f4798b26b040fb0f5e0b2 . - "A frontend interface for dispaying data derived from the [Patterns Knowledge Graph](" . - "Each concert has its own license, determine using the NISV rules for licensing. Where possible, this is a CC license. The license is stated in the triples for that concert." . - "Music Journalist and Editor."@en . - "Govert Brinkmann" . -_:nd0167f3119c148f3afda63e4fdd2222eb1 "doi" . - "" . - "folk_ngram_analysis" . - "Sethus prepares a book on a specific aspect of compositional practices during the Renaissance period, and aims at finding a set of relevant references to sources to illustrate his text."@en . - "" . - "Copyright (c) 2023 Valentina Carriero, Elena Musumeci, Fiorela Ciroku" . -_:nd556c8a2e51446dc9094afc724240c85b1 "10.5281/zenodo.5603223" . - "Polifonia Deliverable 3.4" . - . - "Jorge#3_DynamicExploration" . - . - "Jacopo de Berardinis " . - "CC-BY_v4" . - . -_:n93c541d716a94804961d8b77984e6eecb1 . - . - "Thomas Bottini <>" . - "Researcher and Professor in Musicology" . - "CC-BY-NC_v4" . - . - "" . - "Online documentation of SPARQL Anything" . - . - "Polifonia Lexicon - The Polifonia Multilingual WordNet"@en . + . + . + . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia MUSICBO Pilot"@en . + . + "patterns-knowledge-graph" . "meetups-time-extraction" . - . -_:n31dd287d5fb441c9b192d43d6ff5f30eb2 "13/04/2023" . - "Alex Piacentini " . - _:n81fdec37d7bf4123a1fadb4cce808023b1 . - . - . -_:nec8b4caa1b79471f98a06d94788b9bcdb2 "v1.0" . - . - "" . -_:nc24f74f652154eaa834ba988ec3e0882b1 "2022/06/20" . - _:n757ccc966fa0427f8fed53bce6f5fa97b2 . -_:ncf3cf90b970e44409e2e194fe8e5d24cb1 "Polifonia Project" . - "Forthcoming paper in SWODCH 2023" . - "Brendan#1_FindTraditionalMusic" . -_:nc21e9d97582c4ff99e8a3ce0a75c7a41b2 "v0.1" . - "Alba Morales Tirado " . - "Luigi Asprino " . - "Frank#1_OrganKnowledge" . - "LED is an open and freely searchable database that brings together a mass of data about people’s experiences of listening to music of all kinds, in any historical period and any culture."@en . - "" . - . - "An ontology to describe instruments as mediums of performance and their technical properties." . - "Mark" . - "Ethnoanthropologist and Officer at the Italian Ministry of Culture"@en . - "" . -_:n70db9774dc264091b83b13f208b0c8e1b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7875034" . - . -_:n8079851701a94e6bb7a93b1ecbf0561bb2 "" . - "laboratories-slides-dutch" . - "David#1_MusicHistorian" . - _:n503ee624d5c14a519bcbee72d1cecea9b1 . - "Exploration of historical experience of music in childhood related to musical scores." . - . + "n/a." . + "rulebook" . + "data ingest pipeline and musical similarity and classification tools for symbolic music data, with two test symbolic music corpora."@en . + "CC-BY-NC-SA_v4" . + "Justin Dowdy " . + "Ratta, Marco, and Enrico Daga. \"Knowledge Graph Construction From MusicXML\": An Empirical Investigation With SPARQL Anything." . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 4" . +_:n0c1ae120fcef40168260b7ed093c6a42b2 "v1.0" . + "Jorge#3_DynamicExploration" . + "musow-interface" . + . + . + "" . + . + . + "Ralph is particularly interested in matching text to music, e.g. in terms of emotions."@en . + "Fiorela Ciroku " . + . + "Textual Corpus Population"@en . + . + "Cc010Universal" . + . +_:nac068be9563b4adc95e8eb22c85b9c25b1 "doi" . + "Tutorial on Tonalities Output of Polifonia (part 1/2)"@en . + "Jacopo de Berardinis " . +_:nca87256f27be43f6af876df927296756b1 "10.5281/zenodo.000000" . + . + . + "" . + "Organ Comparison"@en . + . + "Schede catalografiche delle campane della Regione Liguria [](" . + . + "Enrico Daga " . +_:nb01a0e6a0b7c4f20b718af9d3d453aebb1 . + . + . + "Jorge#3_DynamicExploration" . + "Keoma#1_RestorationAndSoundPractices" . + "Jacopo de Berardinis " . + "Copyright (c) 2022 SPARQL Anything Contributors @" . + . . - . - . -_:n577d60129f47433e81923beb2fce9db2b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . -_:naf0c1ed9b4004ffe96e63a96e4a5ee7eb1 "10.5281/zenodo.7454360" . - _:n63980cb770cd4130accd18da6ff05ad2b1 . - . - . - . - "Amy wants to assess the developments of organ builders." . - "MEETUPS Ontology"@en . - "broadcast-concerts-sparql-endpoint" . - . - . - . - _:n2a2d537ae8ca47c9943d66b0caa86492b1 . - "laboratories" . - _:n31dd287d5fb441c9b192d43d6ff5f30eb2 . - . - "Brendan#1_FindTraditionalMusic" . - . - "CC-BY_v4" . - . - "Polifonia Deliverable 3.4" . - "" . - "licences" . - . -_:nc21e9d97582c4ff99e8a3ce0a75c7a41b1 . - "A curator of the Europeana platform, William has a background in art history." . - . -_:n2a2d537ae8ca47c9943d66b0caa86492b1 "" . - "broadcast-concerts-knowledge-graph" . - "A specialisation of the Music Meta Ontology for folk music."@en . - "Amy" . -_:nc36cf7da24dc4d51be9ab55a6c862b7cb2 "18/10/2023" . - _:n8079851701a94e6bb7a93b1ecbf0561bb1 . - "ontology/tunes.owl" . - _:n757ccc966fa0427f8fed53bce6f5fa97b1 . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements GA101004746 (Polifonia) and GA870811 (SPICE)." . - "Asprino, Luigi, Enrico Daga, Aldo Gangemi, and Paul Mulholland. \"Knowledge Graph Construction with a façade: a unified method to access heterogeneous data sources on the Web.\" ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 23, no. 1 (2023): 1-31." . - _:n65c8832c7e6c4e21b8931a0b1c1a13d7b1 . - "Peter van Kranenburg " . - "MEETUPS Identification of themes"@en . - "Licences Knowlegde Graph"@en . - "" . - . - "Dynamic exploration"@en . - _:n0abd3f523baf4a228f17a3d33327c0bab2 . +_:nbe6564265b0f40ccb13bc5f7a9300aaeb1 "" . + . + . + . + "broadcast-concerts-knowledge-graph" . + "Valeriana"@en . + "The Knowledge Graph of the ORGANS pilot" . + "Mark is interested in understanding how Dutch folk tunes relate to other music, e.g. French court operas."@en . +_:na6427b0adc3141a4b431c0f001d1b996b1 . + "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia MEETUPS pilot"@en . + "Music Knowledge"@en . + "meetups-data-cleaning" . +_:ne1d5bcea2877469b8b262832aa3abdf8b2 "v0.8.1" . + "Tonalities Meihead-Parser for MEI files"@en . + . + "organs-knowledge-graph-construction" . + "Harmory: the Harmonic Memory"@en . + "Jorge#4_LinkToSources" . + "The Bell ontology represents concepts and relationships to describe bells, bell towers and bell ringers."@en . + . + "Sethus#1_ConflictingTheoreticalInterpretations" . + "meetups-ontology" . + . +_:nf921287078284951a2e744436a43dd5eb1 "" . + "" . +_:nd4e12f84271b4af997304111734b1903b2 "" . + . + _:n3a69a04920df46b0aaf649bdb2f8193eb1 . + . + "Fiorela Ciroku " . "CC-BY_v4" . - "Jacopo de Berardinis " . + "" . + . + "CC-BY_v4" . + "" . + "" . + . + . + . + . + . + "polifoniacq-dataset" . + . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + _:na86e33dd9fe844ab9f63a910fa1d5ff3b1 . + . + . +_:n3a69a04920df46b0aaf649bdb2f8193eb1 . + "Irish Traditional Musician/Scholar and Ethnomusicologist." . + "Anna wants to experience live music with the aid of haptic technology." . +_:nca87256f27be43f6af876df927296756b2 "" . + "meetups-ontology" . + "The PySPARQL-Anything software library." . + . + . +_:nac068be9563b4adc95e8eb22c85b9c25b2 "" . + "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia CHILD pilot"@en . + "Sonia#3_StatsMode" . + . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia TUNES Pilot"@en . + . +_:n90b94c1ade1e492c89f2c6a566f841ebb1 "n/a." . +_:n337e4567501a410c8d36f23fd2efc91bb1 . + "Sophia is interested in understanding how the composer was influenced, e.g. by which other composers." . + "CC-BY-NC-ND_v4" . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 3" . + "" . + "Alba Morales Tirado " . + _:nd7a588bc31a3451fa17620135dd7694bb1 . + "sparql-anything-tutorials" . + . +_:n3a69a04920df46b0aaf649bdb2f8193eb2 "v1.0.2" . + . + "Ortenz is planning to write an article about the role of music in children education as a means to develop national identity."@en . + _:nfb5a249d25794644b6af13b420f95cc5b2 . +_:nbe6564265b0f40ccb13bc5f7a9300aaeb2 "European Commission H2020" . + "meetups-pilot" . +_:ned661bd0349e480280fdaaaca3836865b1 "doi" . + "sparql-anything-server" . + "" . + "CC-BY-NC-SA_v4" . + "Marco Gurrieri " . + . + . + "" . + "" . + . + "Carolina#1_SourcesCrossAnalysis" . + _:ne1d5bcea2877469b8b262832aa3abdf8b1 . + _:nb3c95e3f02454ec4ba9fc3e5551ac937b1 . + "Ortenz would like to have a system for visualising events (meetings of composers and musicians) in time and space in order to track musicians' careers, their overlap and intersections, gathering trends in time and space, and making emerge patterns of knowledge transmission."@en . +_:n80cb5ff9f8f1435cb81ac399cc5109fcb1 "10.5281/zenodo.7928155" . + . + . + "ArCo ontology network" . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia FCAETS Pilot"@en . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia BELLS Pilot" . + "Jacopo de Berardinis " . + . + "Each concert has its own license, determine using the NISV rules for licensing. Where possible, this is a CC license. The license is stated in the triples for that concert." . + "This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746" . +_:nb5d6ffdc338b4467a14a08b5aa9ee508b1 . + "Guillotel-Nothmann, C., Gurrieri, M., & Filaber, A. (2024). Tonalities ontologies for annotation models. Zenodo." . + . + "Web server executable of SPARQL Anything"@en . + "Polifonia-Lexicon" . +_:ne4aa77ae6f0d4e01812d775b4fdec904b1 "" . + . + . + . + . + "Enrico Daga " . + "" . + . + "Apache-2.0" . + . + "" . + . + . + . + . + "Mathieu d'Aquin " . + . + "Copyright (c) 2022 SPARQL Anything Contributors @" . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746" . + "Jacopo de Berardinis" . + . + "pattern-exploration-gui" . + . + "The Open Knowldedge Graph (OKG)"@en . + "ontology/source.owl" . + . + "An ontology to describe instruments as mediums of performance and their technical properties."@en . + "Laboratories" . + "laboratories-slides-english" . + . + . + "led" . +_:n77ab84bbc5704ade81b538b970b3f8ebb2 "18/10/2023" . + "" . + . + "video-_GqMAH830JM" . + "Researcher and Professor in Musicology" . + "CC-BY-NC-SA_v4" . + "" . + . + . + "Resources for the Polifonia Licences KG, containing licence information of the resources from third-parties that the project reused." . + "Mark#1_FolkMusic" . + . + "Govert Brinkmann" . + . + "Keoma needs to find different types of information and data from different sources. His goal is to interconnect data between architectures and their use for sound performances, in order to proceed with protection actions." . + "folk_ngram_analysis" . + . + "" . . - . - "Sophia’s original qualifications (including her Ph.D.) were in music. She is also a practising musician." . - "The Knowledge Graph about the role of Bologna in the European musical landscape." . - _:n63980cb770cd4130accd18da6ff05ad2b2 . - "Jason Carvalho " . -_:ne32478949fc24ac697fe07060b6d90f3b1 . - . - . - "clef-software" . - "Daga, Enrico, Mathieu d’Aquin, Alessandro Adamou, and Stuart Brown. \"The open university linked data–data. open. ac. uk.\" Semantic Web 7, no. 2 (2016): 183-191." . - . - . - "Tonalities Meihead-Parser"@en . - "" . - "Copyright (c) 2023 CoMeta Ontology Contributors" . - . -_:n7e51106799ea4599b21527a78a8efd11b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . - _:n9a78bd3b707d4fd3bbe6159ba772f28db1 . - "Adam Filaber <>" . -_:nbe9ed7842bb743308127201119bfd81db1 "European Commission H2020" . - "A generic tool developed in Python to create REST APIs over SPARQL endpoints"@en . - "Copyright (c) 2023 Jacopo de Berardinis, Andrea Poltronieri" . - . - "Sonia#2_ShuffleMode" . + . + . + "CC-BY_v4" . + . + "TUNES: Influences between music tradition over centuries"@en . + "Organ Trends"@en . + "MEETUPS - Identification of temporal knowledge"@en . + "European Folk Music"@en . + "Music and Childhood"@en . + . + . + . + "" . + . + . + "Abdul Shahid " . + "The Broadcast Concerts Data Story describes the key features of the Broadcast Concerts knowledge graph" . + "" . +_:n67d3a7ef25ed4e4589d74a3471525086b1 . + . + . + _:n3681a4ba41374e0a9dabe0d5ee9f860bb1 . + "Polifonia Web Portal"@en . + _:nf122c861787e45a382f25b92001cc6d4b1 . + "meetups-coreference" . + "Asprino, Luigi, Enrico Daga, Aldo Gangemi, and Paul Mulholland. \"Knowledge Graph Construction with a façade: a unified method to access heterogeneous data sources on the Web.\" ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 23, no. 1 (2023): 1-31." . + . + "sparql-anything-java" . + . + "" . + . +_:nf55f1c95a85c4634a008d1857c206926b1 . + . + . +_:n0f8f9252252547f19905d3a58e878bcfb1 "" . + "broadcast-concerts-sparql-endpoint" . + _:n2a2b4ae96e8a43edaf2b11ec5342cde8b2 . + . + "" . . -_:nff2c1866336c46e298b1a01a02d38ab1b2 "v1.0" . + "William" . + "Jorge#1_OrganizeMyLibrary" . + "ontology-rulebook" . +_:nbe6564265b0f40ccb13bc5f7a9300aaeb2 "" . + "Ecosystem Component Annotation Schema"@en . + "Polifonia-Corpus" . + . + "" . + . + . + . + . + "Exploration and discovery in large collections of music scores through statistical features." . + . + "" . + . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + "" . + "meetups-knowledge-graph" . + . + "SPARQL Anything Web Server"@en . + "Work Package #7: Project Coordination and Management"@en . + "Compute graph embeddings from MIDI." . + . + . + . + "" . + . + . + . + "This repository contains the corpus of people in the music scene in Europe" . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement GA101004746. The communication reflects only the author’s view and the Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains." . + . + "The NISV knowledge graph for broadcast concerts. This knowledge graph contains metadata of more than 75,000 concerts broadcast on Dutch public service TV and radio. The source of the knowledge graph is the archival metadata stored at the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision." . + . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia MUSICBO Pilot" . + . + . + _:n62afffeae9d9424f9b7d728290e2dc0ab1 . + "tonalities-app" . + "Govert Brinkmann" . + "Guillotel-Nothmann, C., Gurrieri, M., & Lazzari, N. (2024). Tonalities ontologies for theoretical models. Zenodo." . + . + . + "Peter van Kranenburg " . + "The SPARQL endpoint that publishes NISV linked data, including that of the broadcast concerts" . + . + . + . + _:n41ded21986ed4d42a6924bd6c3420c20b1 . + "Origins and form"@en . + . + "n/a." . + "Frank#1_OrganKnowledge" . + "Polifonia Lexicon - The Polifonia Multilingual WordNet"@en . + "" . + . + . + "Marilena Daquino " . + "musow-dataset" . + "laboratories-slides-french" . + . + "CC-BY_v4" . + "BELLS: Preserving historical bells cultural heritage"@en . + "Federica Patti" . + "" . + "" . + . + "Organist, Organ Builder and Musicologist." . . - . -_:nff2c1866336c46e298b1a01a02d38ab1b2 "" . - . - . - "Jorge#1_OrganizeMyLibrary" . - . - . - "" . - "Tonalities' Corpora"@en . - "Andrea Poltronieri" . + "" . + . + _:n3a69a04920df46b0aaf649bdb2f8193eb2 . + "A collaborative annotation interface for music analysis" . + . + "Copyright (c) 2023 Harmory Contributors" . + . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia TONALITIES Pilot"@en . + "CC-BY_v4" . + "textual-corpus-population" . + . + "led" . + "video-NqEbw2Ezv_4" . +_:ne45ccd1fd3fe4dd09f0908e029cbf70bb2 "13/04/2023" . + "" . + "laboratories-slides-english" . + "de Berardinis, Jacopo; Meroño Peñuela, Albert; Poltronieri, Andrea; Presutti, Valentina. ChoCo: a Chord Corpus and a Data Transformation Workflow for Musical Harmony Knowledge Graphs (manuscript in progress)." . + . + "Keoma#1_RestorationAndSoundPractices" . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + . + . + . + . + "Forthcoming paper in SWODCH 2023" . + "meetups-time-extraction" . + . + "Slides of laboratories"@en . + . + . + . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia ORGANS Pilot"@en . + "Organologist, Musicologist, and Music historian."@en . + "Jacopo de Berardinis " . + . "Andrea Poltronieri " . - "Copyright (c) 2023 The Polifonia Project Contributors" . - "cre_corpus" . - "tonalities-scriptMeiheadParser" . - . -_:nd6a129e3c5b64eb2b3def763ffb0c175b1 "2023/01/31" . - "People interested in finding scores ask for some very specific criterias. Often, the resulting list is empty, or contains very few scores."@en . - "Software infrastructure for the generation of the ChoCo Knowledge Graph, which consists of parsers, coverters, and jams2rdf."@en . - "This tool is part of the MEETUPS pilot and processes text from music personalities' biographies. It uses DBpedia Spotlight to identify and annotate possible entity mentions from input text. This is an essential process to identify two of the four main elements that define a meetup: people (who participated) and place (where). Along with data of time (when) the meeting happened and the event that took place (what) complete a historical meetup data point." . - "Enrico Daga " . - . - . - . - . - "" . - "ChoCo dataset, containing 20k+ track professionally annotated with chord annotations." . - . - . - . - . - . - . - "Carolina" . - "Cc010Universal" . + "" . + "The PySPARQL-Anything software library."@en . + . + "meetups-corpus" . + . + "Paul#1_OrganComparison" . . - "Enrico Daga " . - "polifoniacq-dataset" . - . - "Martin Hlosta " . - . - . - "Daga, Enrico, and Enrico Motta. \"Capturing themed evidence, a hybrid approach.\" In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Knowledge Capture, pp. 93-100. 2019." . - "" . - "MEETUPS UI Designs"@en . - "" . - "Polifonia-Corpus" . + . + "" . + "Words and Music"@en . + "Sonia#1_ExplorationMode" . + "sparql-anything-java" . + "TONALITIES: Influences between music tradition over centuries"@en . + "William#1_EuropeanFolkMusic" . + "Sonia#1_ExplorationMode" . + . + "Polifonia Deliverable 3.4" . + "GNU_GPL_v3" . + "Copyright (c) 2023 The Polifonia Project Contributors" . "" . - . - "Jacopo de Berardinis " . -_:nf6ccb1cec22941f7babac8012922048eb1 . - "Source code of SPARQL Anything"@en . - . - . - "Polifonia-Lexicon" . - . - "meetups-knowledge-graph" . - "FACETS search engine"@en . - "Giulia Renda " . - . - "Ecosystem Component Annotation Schema"@en . - "Music, Art and Cultural Historian" . - "Find similar scores"@en . -_:n63db5f1e3ceb4b1b8da621b03655348bb1 . - "" . - . - "Annotations of tune family membership for a small subset of *The Session*" . - "Tutorial on Facets Output of Polifonia"@en . - . - "" . - . - "Schede catalografiche delle campane della Regione Liguria [](" . - . - "Lecturer, music producer and festival director interested in finding new music." . - "" . - . - . - . - "Source represents various sources of music-related information"@en . - "Jorge#1_OrganizeMyLibrary" . - . - "Fiorela Ciroku " . - "Harmory: the Harmonic Memory"@en . - . + . + "The guidelines for the development and documentation of an ontology and a knowledge graph"@en . + "Paul#1_OrganComparison" . + . + "DiscourseAnalysis"@en . + "Making musical performances accessible to people with disabilities" . + "licences-pipeline" . + "Mathieu d'Aquin " . + "bells-knowledge-graph" . + . + . + "Nicolas Lazzari " . + "Amy#2_OrganBuilders" . + . + "Sethus#1_ConflictingTheoreticalInterpretations" . + . +_:n477221f048114cf48a10420b7a18d00bb1 "" . + "Daga, Enrico, Luigi Asprino, Paul Mulholland, and Aldo Gangemi. \"Facade-X: an opinionated approach to SPARQL anything.\" Studies on the Semantic Web 53 (2021): 58-73." . + "MEETUPS Knowledge Graph module with data on historical meetups and related to MEETUPS Pilot" . + . + "" . +_:n67d3a7ef25ed4e4589d74a3471525086b1 "doi" . + "WP1 coordinates Pilots development and delivers a registry of all resources and materials retrieved, used and produced in the project, in the form of a unified Web portal." . "tonalities-annotationModels" . - "Pattern Exploration Backend"@en . - . - "Sonia#2_ShuffleMode" . - . - "Apache-2.0" . - . - "led" . - "Apache-2.0" . - . - "" . - "A frontend interface for dispaying data derived from the [Patterns Knowledge Graph]("@en . - . -_:na67dd8319ff04f4798b26b040fb0f5e0b1 "doi" . - "Frank#1_OrganKnowledge" . - "Polifonia downloader and digitiser of textual data."@en . - "CC-BY_v4" . - "" . - "patterns-knowledge-graph" . - "" . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia MEETUPS Pilot" . -_:n8079851701a94e6bb7a93b1ecbf0561bb2 "13/05/2023" . - . - _:n70db9774dc264091b83b13f208b0c8e1b1 . - . - "musow-dataset" . - "" . - "Apache-2.0" . - . +_:nfb5a249d25794644b6af13b420f95cc5b1 "doi" . + "Paul#1_OrganComparison" . + "tonalities-mockup" . + . + . + "MIT" . + "CC-BY_v4" . + "Pianist, Organist, Priest and Theology Scholar." . + . + "video-gUsKjo9edno" . + . + "" . + . + "Prototypes of Melody"@en . + "Jorge#4_LinkToSources" . + "video-eLjNobupHFc" . + . + "Serendipity"@en . + . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + . + "Apache Jena Fuseki" . + . + _:n25b4100aa91b400fa68bff246db80f51b2 . + "Andrea Poltronieri " . + . + . + "Pushkar Jajoria " . +_:nb2ac07a6cb5043bbb787f9d163b37456b1 "" . + _:n454b3f233ae5416da192ac82dbe135bcb1 . + . + "Brendan" . + _:nbdd85dfe8164465a9c135f73ac4616c0b1 . + "Sophia#1_MusiciansAndTheirEnvironment" . + "" . + "" . + "rulebook" . + "Find suitably similar traditional music and historical context from northern European corpora." . + "Laurent#1_MusicArchives" . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746" . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 2" . + . + "Deep Listening"@en . + "" . + "Documents and materials relevant to the Polifonia Web portal (WP1.T3)" . + "Sonia likes exploring music, either finding out more about music and musicians she already knows or uncovering new interests."@en . + . + . + . + . +_:n25b4100aa91b400fa68bff246db80f51b2 "" . + . + "Jorge" . + "Tutorial on Tonalities Output of Polifonia (part 2/2)"@en . + "Polifonia Ecosystem Champions"@en . + "The Polifonia Licences KG, containing licence information of the resources from third-parties that the project reused." . + . + "Sethus#3_ConflictingAnalyticalAnnotations" . + "meetups-themes" . + . + "CC-BY_v4" . +_:nfe4777c0982b46358b27356f81fa6f2fb1 "European Commission H2020" . + "sparql-anything-cli" . + "Tutorial on Tonalities Output of Polifonia (part 2/2)" . + . + "CC-BY_v4" . + "Anna#1_HearingMusic" . + "Ortenz would like to have a system for visualising events (meetings of composers and musicians) in time and space in order to track musicians' careers, their overlap and intersections, gathering trends in time and space, and making emerge patterns of knowledge transmission." . +_:ne1d5bcea2877469b8b262832aa3abdf8b1 "doi" . + "Rory Sweeney " . "Valeriana" . - "" . - . - _:nfd779a70de1b4703a1a838c6354c28c5b1 . - "William#1_EuropeanFolkMusic" . - . -_:n9a78bd3b707d4fd3bbe6159ba772f28db2 "13/04/2023" . - "Frank" . - "Slides of laboratories"@en . - "SPARQL Anything Documentation"@en . -_:n0b37106d452f4e6e9fb94152ba39cc6eb1 . - . - "" . + . "" . - . - "CoMeta Ontology"@en . - "Irish Traditional Musician/Scholar and Ethnomusicologist."@en . - . - "Slides of laboratories" . -_:nd128a9c3aa4a4e77a279689d25f4190fb2 "" . - . - "BELLS: Preserving historical bells cultural heritage"@en . - . - "" . - "The SPARQL endpoint that publishes NISV linked data, including that of the broadcast concerts" . - . - . - . - "Polifonia Corpus"@en . - . - . - . - . - "laboratories-slides-english" . - "Polifonia Deliverable 5.6" . - "tonalities-scores" . -_:nd994f68986dd433fb580b79a7c5b24b5b2 "01-02-2023" . - . - "FoNN -- Folk N-gram aNalysis"@en . -_:nba17ae69d8144ea29dc62af52a22b8a1b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . - . - . - . - . - "ontology/bells.owl" . - . - "" . - . - . - "Antoine Lebrun <>" . -_:n63980cb770cd4130accd18da6ff05ad2b1 "10.5281/zenodo.5603223" . - "Polifonia-Lexicon" . - "" . - . - "Docker file of the SPARQL Anything Web Server" . - "An ontology to describe instruments as mediums of performance and their technical properties."@en . - . - . - . - "Jorge#4_LinkToSources" . - _:nec8b4caa1b79471f98a06d94788b9bcdb1 . - "" . - "The Smashub pipeline exemplified in Choco" . - "meetups-knowledge-graph" . - "" . -_:nbe9ed7842bb743308127201119bfd81db1 "" . - "Sophia is interested in understanding the social-historical reasons behind how the music was created and how it sounds." . - _:nd128a9c3aa4a4e77a279689d25f4190fb2 . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - . -_:n2c7e9badb513468da3ddac4b7ed4aa4bb1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . - . - "The Knowledge Graph of the ORGANS pilot"@en . -_:naf0c1ed9b4004ffe96e63a96e4a5ee7eb2 "" . - "The Broadcast Concerts blog describes the key features of the Broadcast Concerts knowledge graph"@en . - "Jorge manages a digital library of scores. He aims at describing each score with a rich set of contextual information, although a comprehensive description is often not possible."@en . - . - . - "This is a tool to download the Wikipedia pages of people in the music scene in Europe" . - . - _:nfbb1d51534324c6e864f9a47992d664eb1 . - "Researcher and Professor in Musicology"@en . - . - "Apache-2.0" . - "" . - . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia TUNES Pilot" . + "musow-licences" . + . + "" . + . + "" . + _:nf445c3107a824f0099fea1de4e71f2f5b1 . + . + "Copyright (c) 2022 SPARQL Anything Contributors @" . + "Frank#1_OrganKnowledge" . + . +_:n41ded21986ed4d42a6924bd6c3420c20b1 "doi" . + . +_:n7bd8bd623c724ca094880e66ee33a723b1 "doi" . + . + . + . + "Slides of laboratories"@en . + "Mari Wigham" . + "Valeriana#2_Terminology" . + . + . + "In collaboration with other colleagues, Sethus is preparing a book on modal theory and its application to late Renaissance compositions." . + "The SPARQL endpoint that publishes NISV linked data, including that of the broadcast concerts"@en . + "Amy#1_OrganTrends" . + . + "n/a." . + "" . + "P. van Kranenburg " . + . + "ORGANS Knowledge Graph Construction"@en . + "Anna is a fan of live music. She became hearing imparied in later life." . + "" . + . + . +_:ne45ccd1fd3fe4dd09f0908e029cbf70bb2 "v1.0" . + . + . + "Sophia#3_Reorchestration" . + "Polifonia-Corpus-Web-API" . + "" . +_:n96385967b2b7476e907a67eac315eb45b1 "v0.0.1" . + "Source code of the Polifonia Data Wanderings Art Installation"@en . + "the Ecosystem Component Annotation Schema" . + . + "led" . + . + "CC-BY-NC_v4" . + "Online documentation of SPARQL Anything"@en . + . + . + "sparql-anything-cli" . + . + "Willem Melder" . + "Mark#1_FolkMusic" . + "Jorge manages a digital library of scores. He aims at describing each score with a rich set of contextual information, although a comprehensive description is often not possible." . +_:n25b4100aa91b400fa68bff246db80f51b1 "doi" . + _:n6ab1c1122d2c43729161d799fcdbc681b1 . + "polifoniacq-dataset" . + "In collaboration with other colleagues, Sethus is preparing a book on modal theory and its application to late Renaissance compositions." . + . +_:nf55f1c95a85c4634a008d1857c206926b2 "01-02-2023" . + . + . + . + "" . + "Paul#1_OrganComparison" . + "Frank#1_OrganKnowledge" . + . + "The Polifonia Licences KG, containing licence information of the resources from third-parties that the project reused."@en . + "Anna" . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + . +_:nec7ad0c549d04f12b9986d9720422d30b1 "" . "video-622nswxXs2U" . - . - . - "" . - "Stats mode"@en . - . -_:n757ccc966fa0427f8fed53bce6f5fa97b1 . - "" . + "P2KG-Pipeline" . + "sparql-anything-cli" . + . + . + "A curator of the Europeana platform, William has a background in art history." . +_:nfb5a249d25794644b6af13b420f95cc5b2 "v1.0" . + "Librarian"@en . + _:na3293a9d3b0f4b87aadb3394295ef0c9b2 . + "Lecturer and Researcher in Computer Science." . + . + . + _:n0c1ae120fcef40168260b7ed093c6a42b2 . + "bells-knowledge-graph" . + . + "polifoniacq-dataset" . + "Sethus#3_ConflictingAnalyticalAnnotations" . + "Tonalities' Corpora"@en . +_:nf55f1c95a85c4634a008d1857c206926b2 "v1.0" . + "meetups-knowledge-graph" . + . + "Data, metadata, statistics, annotations and interrogation APIs of the Polifonia Textual Corpus." . + "meetups-time-extraction" . +_:n90b94c1ade1e492c89f2c6a566f841ebb1 "07-12-2021" . "Nicolas Lazzari " . - . - "" . - "Sonia#2_ShuffleMode" . - . - . - "rulebook-schema" . - "Jorge"@en . - "Tonalities Ontologies for Annotation Models" . - "The Knowledge Graph about the role of Bologna in the European musical landscape."@en . - "CC-BY_v4" . - "Copyright (c) 2023 MEETUPS @ The Open University" . - . - "Jorge#3_DynamicExploration" . - "Frank#1_OrganKnowledge" . - . - "video-gMQNJOXLzKc" . + . + "NISV SPARQL Endpoint"@en . + "" . +_:n454b3f233ae5416da192ac82dbe135bcb1 "" . + "IscLicense" . +_:ne45ccd1fd3fe4dd09f0908e029cbf70bb2 "" . + "Modal and tonal classification of Western notated music from the Renaissance to the 20th century." . + . +_:n32628be558ad4a279f68b37e26917ff1b2 "v0.1" . + "Sonia#1_ExplorationMode" . + . + . + "Willem Melder" . + "Andrea's goal is to discover and explore sacred music written from the period of the Renaissance through the twentieth century and its unexpected links with his scholarly studies." . + . + . + "MEETUPS Historical meetups identification was developed using Python and Jupyter Notebook. As input it uses the bag of entities obtained from the Entity Recognition and Coreference steps. The output is a corpus that contains the text (typically a sentence or a set of sentences), and the list of entities that account for a meetup. The results are stored in CSV files, grouped by biographies. The corpus is used later to build the MEETUPS KG." . + . + "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia WorkPackage4"@en . + _:n80cb5ff9f8f1435cb81ac399cc5109fcb1 . + "Jason Carvalho " . + "GNU_GPL_v3" . + "meetups-knowledge-graph" . + . +_:n0e0c1b6b354942bfbc3ad7e984b6378bb1 "" . + "Keith wants to compile programmes of music, e.g. for music festivals." . + . + . + "Polifonia Ecosystem Development Rulebook"@en . + . + "Work Package #5: Human Interaction with Musical Heritage"@en . + "Jorge#4_LinkToSources" . +_:n77ab84bbc5704ade81b538b970b3f8ebb2 "" . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + "Andrea Poltronieri " . + . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 3"@en . + . + "" . + . + "" . + "Annotations of tune family membership for a small subset of *The Session*"@en . + _:nb5d6ffdc338b4467a14a08b5aa9ee508b1 . + "Laboratories"@en . + . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + "" . + . +_:n477221f048114cf48a10420b7a18d00bb1 "2023/01/31" . + "MEETUPS Knowledge Graph module with data on historical meetups and related to MEETUPS Pilot"@en . + . + . "" . -_:nd994f68986dd433fb580b79a7c5b24b5b2 "" . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement GA101004746. The communication reflects only the author’s view and the Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains." . - "Requirements collection of SPARQL Anything"@en . - . - "" . - . - "WP6 disseminates the project results; maximizes their impact, reach and re-use; and concretely engage stakeholders from relevant sectors." . - "meetups-ontology" . - "Sonia likes exploring music, either finding out more about music and musicians she already knows or uncovering new interests." . - _:n31dd287d5fb441c9b192d43d6ff5f30eb1 . - "The NISV knowledge graph for broadcast concerts. This knowledge graph contains metadata of more than 75,000 concerts broadcast on Dutch public service TV and radio. The source of the knowledge graph is the archival metadata stored at the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision." . - "" . - "Bells Ontology"@en . - "Exploration and discovery in large collections of music scores through statistical features." . - . - "data ingest pipeline and musical similarity and classification tools for symbolic music data, with two test symbolic music corpora." . - "Successfully plan the restoration of an organ."@en . - "meetups-application" . + "Enrico Daga " . + "MEETUPS Historical meetups identification was developed using Python and Jupyter Notebook. As input it uses the bag of entities obtained from the Entity Recognition and Coreference steps. The output is a corpus that contains the text (typically a sentence or a set of sentences), and the list of entities that account for a meetup. The results are stored in CSV files, grouped by biographies. The corpus is used later to build the MEETUPS KG."@en . + "Tonalities dataset of analytical annotations"@en . + "" . + "Work Package #6: Dissemination and exploitation"@en . + "Enrico Daga " . + "FACETS search engine"@en . +_:n6960980145f9406d8bc847fb684509d5b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . + . + "MEETUPS identification of people and places"@en . + "Jacopo de Berardinis " . + "This tool is part of the MEETUPS pilot and processes text from music personalities' biographies to find time expressions. It uses NLTK and a set of heuristic rules to identify and annotate temporal knowledge from text. The tool extracts information from one out of the four elements that define a meetup: the date or moment in time when it happened (when). Time expressions, along with data of the people involved (who), the place (where) and the event that took place (what), complete the historical meetup information."@en . + "David" . + . + "musow-dataset" . + "Anna is a fan of live music. She became hearing imparied in later life."@en . +_:n8fa9ff257cbb4554b30eb75d02e804d2b1 "doi" . + . + "sparql-anything-cli" . + . + "" . + "ChoCo" . + "patterns-knowledge-graph" . + _:n32628be558ad4a279f68b37e26917ff1b1 . + "Ralph" . + "Jorge#1_OrganizeMyLibrary" . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 1" . + "A library to create Music Meta resources on the Web."@en . + "Sophia#1_MusiciansAndTheirEnvironment" . + "" . . - . - . - "Lecturer and Researcher in Computer Science."@en . - "Music Knowledge"@en . - . - . + . + . + "Keoma#1_RestorationAndSoundPractices" . + "William"@en . +_:n80cb5ff9f8f1435cb81ac399cc5109fcb2 "" . + _:n61dd30e894d44302ae8d8d79d11b4155b1 . + "Music Connections"@en . + "ontology-rulebook" . + "Create a relevant corpus"@en . + "ramose" . + . + "" . +_:n93a03e3f535d492a9d61b08161cdc6deb1 . + "CC_BY_v4" . "CC-BY-NC_v4" . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - . - . - "GNU_GPL_v3" . + "ChoCo" . + "" . +_:n90eb89f53f184749b0ef46ead661bb3cb1 "10.5281/zenodo.7454360" . + "data ingest pipeline and musical similarity and classification tools for symbolic music data, with two test symbolic music corpora." . + . + "Jorge#1_OrganizeMyLibrary" . + "Resource Reliability"@en . + . + . "Laurent" . - "Jacopo de Berardinis, Albert Meroño Peñuela, Andrea Poltronieri, and Valentina Presutti. The Harmonic Memory: a Knowledge Graph of harmonic patterns as a trustworthy framework for computational creativity. In Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023 (pp. 3873-3882)." . - . - . - "SPARQL Anything: Tutorials"@en . - . -_:naf0c1ed9b4004ffe96e63a96e4a5ee7eb2 "v0.8.1" . - . - "Amy#1_OrganTrends" . - . - . - "Sonia likes exploring music, either finding out more about music and musicians she already knows or uncovering new interests."@en . - "sparql-anything-java" . - . - "Tutorial on Meetups Output of Polifonia" . - . - "n/a." . - "Apache-2.0" . - "laboratories-slides-italian" . - . - _:n93c541d716a94804961d8b77984e6eecb2 . - "WP3 develops approaches to analysing large repositories of music (tunes, songs, etc.) to identify common, meaningful patterns." . - "meetups-corpus" . - . - "" . - . -_:nff2c1866336c46e298b1a01a02d38ab1b2 "13/04/2023" . -_:n464165d4c1b04a408bd56c0a092c008cb1 "10.5281/zenodo.7736486" . - "P2KG-Pipeline" . -_:n2a2d537ae8ca47c9943d66b0caa86492b2 "" . - "a collection of tutorials to introduce users to SPARQL Anything" . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia BELLS Pilot"@en . - "Shuffle mode"@en . -_:n81fdec37d7bf4123a1fadb4cce808023b2 "09/05/2023" . - "" . - . - . - "Apache-2.0" . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia TONALITIES Pilot"@en . - . -_:ne116975427a344759a4fd228a48eb03bb1 "" . -_:n464165d4c1b04a408bd56c0a092c008cb1 . - "WP8 ensures that the ecosystem tools improve the accessibility and availability of musical heritage knowledge on the web in a FAIR, transparent, and ethical way." . - "Sethus's research focuses on the description and formalization of the compositional processes at work in modal polyphony."@en . - "Fiorela Ciroku " . - "tonalities-scriptAlignment-import-export" . - "" . - . -_:nd556c8a2e51446dc9094afc724240c85b2 "2023/05/16" . - . - "musoW" . - . - . - "video-z84Q0vPYMlQ" . - "The Bell ontology represents concepts and relationships to describe bells, bell towers and bell ringers." . - _:naf0c1ed9b4004ffe96e63a96e4a5ee7eb1 . - "meetups-pilot" . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - "Keith wants to compile programmes of music, e.g. for music festivals." . - . - "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia WorkPackage4"@en . - . - "Sonia"@en . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746" . - . -_:nff2c1866336c46e298b1a01a02d38ab1b1 "doi" . - . - "Jorge#3_DynamicExploration" . +_:nf122c861787e45a382f25b92001cc6d4b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7454360" . + . + "LHARP" . + . + "Jacopo de Berardinis, Albert Meroño Peñuela, Andrea Poltronieri, and Valentina Presutti. The Harmonic Memory: a Knowledge Graph of harmonic patterns as a trustworthy framework for computational creativity. In Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023 (pp. 3873-3882)." . + "CC-BY_v4" . +_:n2a2b4ae96e8a43edaf2b11ec5342cde8b1 . + . + . + . + _:na782431fe0a34160b41f5930ded85ac0b1 . + . +_:na3293a9d3b0f4b87aadb3394295ef0c9b2 "09/05/2023" . + . + "A frontend interface for dispaying data derived from the [Patterns Knowledge Graph]("@en . + . +_:nb3c95e3f02454ec4ba9fc3e5551ac937b2 "" . + "led" . + "Jorge#3_DynamicExploration" . + "" . + . + . + "J. de Berardinis (KCL), A. Poltronieri (UniBo)" . + "For her next research project, Amy wants to discover artistic and technical trends of organs and how these developed."@en . + . + "Jorge#2_FindSimilarScores" . +_:nec7ad0c549d04f12b9986d9720422d30b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . + "Sophia#1_MusiciansAndTheirEnvironment" . + "Corpora of MEI Files for Tonalities" . . - "MIT" . -_:nc36cf7da24dc4d51be9ab55a6c862b7cb1 "doi" . - "Amy#2_OrganBuilders" . -_:n4d2274a87f584d77a15968f47e397eb5b2 "v0.1" . + "Ralph is particularly interested in matching text to music, e.g. in terms of emotions." . + "Sonia#2_ShuffleMode" . +_:nb3c95e3f02454ec4ba9fc3e5551ac937b1 "10.5281/zenodo.5603223" . + . + "Carolina has to prepare a conference for the anniversary of the birth of the composer Giacomo Antonio Perti and she needs to collect some informations about his career." . + "People interested in finding scores ask for some very specific criterias. Often, the resulting list is empty, or contains very few scores."@en . + "IscLicense" . + "musow-interface" . + "Apache-2.0" . + "An ontology to describe music metadata" . + "Guillotel-Nothmann, C., Gurrieri, M., Mangani, M., Ceulemans, A.-E., Freedman, R., Poullet-Pagès, F., & Filaber, A. (2024). Tonalities annotations [Data set]. Zenodo." . + "Andrea Poltronieri " . + "Apache-2.0" . + "Alba Morales Tirado " . "broadcast-concerts-knowledge-graph" . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - "MEETUPS Historical meetups identification was developed using Python and Jupyter Notebook. As input it uses the bag of entities obtained from the Entity Recognition and Coreference steps. The output is a corpus that contains the text (typically a sentence or a set of sentences), and the list of entities that account for a meetup. The results are stored in CSV files, grouped by biographies. The corpus is used later to build the MEETUPS KG."@en . - "IscLicense" . - . - "laboratories-slides-french" . - "BELLS Knowledge Graph"@en . - "SPARQL Anything Docker Instance"@en . - . - . - "Resource Reliability"@en . - "Enrico Daga " . - "Valeriana#1_DiscourseAnalysis" . - "Paul#1_OrganComparison" . - . - "Félix Poullet-Pagès <>" . - "CC-BY-NC-SA_v4" . - "Sethus" . - "ChoCo Creation Pipeline"@en . + . + "This tool is part of the MEETUPS pilot and processes text from music personalities' biographies to find encounter types. It uses 'sklearn' and a set of Machine Learning algorithms to classify sentences according to the established type of events. The tool extracts information from one of the four elements defining a meetup: the type of encounter (what). Encounter type, along with data of the people involved (who), the place (where) and the time it took place (what), complete the historical meetup information."@en . + _:nac068be9563b4adc95e8eb22c85b9c25b2 . + "" . + "Requirements collection of SPARQL Anything"@en . + . . - "Keoma#1_RestorationAndSoundPractices" . - "Prototypes of Melody"@en . - "bells-knowledge-graph" . -_:n65c8832c7e6c4e21b8931a0b1c1a13d7b1 "doi" . - . - . - "Knowledge graph containing data about patterns extracted from multiple corpora using the [FONN tools](" . - "Mark"@en . - "Researcher who collaborates with the International Museum and the Music Library of Bologna" . - "Enrico Daga " . - "Source ontology"@en . - . - "Ortenz#1_MusicAndChildhood" . - "polifonia-corpus-web-api" . + "A Knowledge Graph of interconnected harmonic patterns aimed to support computationally creative applications." . + . + "meetups-ui-design" . + "n/a" . + . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + _:nac068be9563b4adc95e8eb22c85b9c25b1 . + "" . + . + "Enrico Daga " . "Linka is interested in finding and describing music-related data of heterogeneous types and formats from different sources. Thanks to the ability to represent diverse content, her main goal is to inter-relate music data so as to enable large scale experiments for knowledge discovery." . - "" . - "CC-BY_v4" . - "pitchcontext"@en . - "meetups-corpus-collection" . - . -_:na0a8e1bd290f467ea0bd7986ad265edeb1 "doi" . - . - "Words and Music"@en . - . - "Slides of laboratories"@en . - "MEETUPS Historical meetups identification was developed using Python and Jupyter Notebook. As input it uses the bag of entities obtained from the Entity Recognition and Coreference steps. The output is a corpus that contains the text (typically a sentence or a set of sentences), and the list of entities that account for a meetup. The results are stored in CSV files, grouped by biographies. The corpus is used later to build the MEETUPS KG." . - . -_:n81fdec37d7bf4123a1fadb4cce808023b1 "doi" . - . -_:nec8b4caa1b79471f98a06d94788b9bcdb1 . - . -_:nfbb1d51534324c6e864f9a47992d664eb1 "10.5281/zenodo.8020644" . - "de Berardinis, Jacopo; Meroño Peñuela, Albert; Poltronieri, Andrea; Presutti, Valentina. ChoCo: a Chord Corpus and a Data Transformation Workflow for Musical Harmony Knowledge Graphs (manuscript in progress)." . - "Daga, Enrico, Luigi Asprino, Paul Mulholland, and Aldo Gangemi. \"Facade-X: an opinionated approach to SPARQL anything.\" Studies on the Semantic Web 53 (2021): 58-73." . - . - "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia CHILD pilot"@en . - . - . - "sparql-anything-server" . - . - . - . - "Sonia#3_StatsMode" . - "MEETUPS - Identification of temporal knowledge"@en . - . - "" . - . + . + . + "Architect and Restorer" . + "" . + . + . + "Daquino, M., Heibi, I., Peroni, S., & Shotton, D. (2022). Creating RESTful APIs over SPARQL endpoints using RAMOSE. Semantic Web, 13(2), 195-213." . + _:n96385967b2b7476e907a67eac315eb45b1 . + "Source code of SPARQL Anything" . + . + "Valentina Anita Carriero " . + "tonalities-scriptMeiheadParser" . + "MusicBO Knowledge Graph"@en . + "Lecturer, music producer and festival director interested in finding new music."@en . + "de Berardinis, Jacopo; Meroño Peñuela, Albert; Poltronieri, Andrea; Presutti, Valentina. ChoCo: a Chord Corpus and a Data Transformation Workflow for Musical Harmony Knowledge Graphs (manuscript in progress)." . + . + "The Bell ontology represents concepts and relationships to describe bells, bell towers and bell ringers." . + _:n80cb5ff9f8f1435cb81ac399cc5109fcb2 . + "Music Historian." . + "meetups-knowledge-graph" . + . + . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 5"@en . + "Polifonia Deliverable 5.6" . +_:nb3c95e3f02454ec4ba9fc3e5551ac937b2 "2023/05/16" . + "Reconnect information on the histories and characteristics of historic organs in the Netherlands." . + "melody-software" . + . + . + "Tutorial on Meetups Output of Polifonia"@en . . - . -_:nc21e9d97582c4ff99e8a3ce0a75c7a41b2 "2023/01/13" . -_:n31dd287d5fb441c9b192d43d6ff5f30eb1 . - "sparql-anything-java" . + . + "ChoCo knowledge graph" . + . + "Marco Gurrieri " . + _:n60c3975e66a5402e96f948f5930e0d0bb2 . + "Alba Morales Tirado " . + . + "Sonia#3_StatsMode" . + "Guidelines, recommendations, and norms on how to contribute to the Polifonia Ecosystem." . + . + "Mari Wigham " . + . +_:n6326cd0ddd954d24ac3056e220372b76b1 "doi" . + "Sethus's research focuses on the description and formalization of the compositional processes at work in modal polyphony." . + . + "polifonia-web-portal" . +_:nd4e12f84271b4af997304111734b1903b1 . + "Polifonia Ontology Network (PON)"@en . "meetups-corpus" . - . - . - "Find Traditional Music"@en . - "Guillotel-Nothmann, C., Gurrieri, M., & Greentree, M. (2024). List of MEI files displayed by Tonalities App [Data set]. Zenodo." . - . - . -_:nbe9ed7842bb743308127201119bfd81db2 "European Commission H2020" . - "" . - "" . - "meetups-corpus-collection" . - "Jacopo de Berardinis " . - "MEETUPS Knowledge Graph module with data on historical meetups and related to MEETUPS Pilot"@en . - . -_:ne926d36f17ff45abbd825a6ca57a6ac2b1 . - "The SPARQL endpoint that publishes NISV linked data, including that of the broadcast concerts"@en . - "James McDermott " . - "Dalicc," . - "Jacopo de Berardinis" . - "Annotations of tune family membership for a small subset of *The Session*"@en . - . - . - . - "In collaboration with other colleagues, Sethus is preparing a book on modal theory and its application to late Renaissance compositions."@en . - "meetups-time-extraction" . - "The Knowledge Graph about Italian bells, bell towers and bell ringers." . - "The MEETUPS pilot application." . -_:n93c541d716a94804961d8b77984e6eecb2 "2022/12/18" . - "" . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 4" . - . - "A set of SPARQL Anything queries to construct the ORGANS knowledge graph." . - "a collection of tutorials to introduce users to SPARQL Anything"@en . - "Online documentation of SPARQL Anything"@en . - "The Polifonia Licences KG, containing licence information of the resources from third-parties that the project reused." . - . - "ChoCo: the Chord Corpus"@en . - "Software infrastructure for the generation of the ChoCo Knowledge Graph, which consists of parsers, coverters, and jams2rdf." . - "SPARQL Anything"@en . - "In collaboration with other colleagues, Sethus is preparing a book on modal theory and its application to late Renaissance compositions." . -_:ndffe4fd8d40749bb8e903f01c1599b75b1 "" . - "Sethus#1_ConflictingTheoreticalInterpretations" . - "" . - "Giulia Renda, Marco Grasso, and Marilena Daquino (2023). From ontology design to user-centred interfaces for music heritage. In Proceedings of AIUCD 2023. Preprint available at:" . -_:n65c8832c7e6c4e21b8931a0b1c1a13d7b2 "" . - "sparql-anything-cli" . - . - . - "link-to-the-slides" . - . -_:n88f85a5ea1bd482ab8c0670fc9aa5704b2 "" . - "Ortenz would like to have a system for visualising events (meetings of composers and musicians) in time and space in order to track musicians' careers, their overlap and intersections, gathering trends in time and space, and making emerge patterns of knowledge transmission." . - "Copyright (c) 2023 The Open University" . - "MEETUPS - Historical meetups identification"@en . + "Giulia Manganelli (UNIBO), Marco Grasso (UNIBO), Marilena Daquino (UNIBO)" . + "Sophia’s original qualifications (including her Ph.D.) were in music. She is also a practising musician." . + "CC-BY_v4" . + "Docker file of the SPARQL Anything Web Server" . + . + "Terminology"@en . + "pattern-explorations-backend" . + . + "Andrea"@en . + "Patrizia must propose safeguarding actions on some intangible practices related with bells sound."@en . + "video-DntIlJqBb9M" . + . + "Sources Cross-Analysis"@en . + "musow-licences" . + "" . + . + . + "clef-software" . +_:n92af95c286d149318a3ec7236a97cafcb1 "" . + "video-LiZQH75gRo0" . + "A specialisation of the Music Meta Ontology for folk music." . . - . -_:n93c541d716a94804961d8b77984e6eecb2 "" . - "" . - "Peter van Kranenburg " . - . - "" . - . -_:ne645bee8832142598ed339d6f80ea850b1 . - . - "the Ecosystem Component Annotation Schema"@en . - "CC-BY_v4" . + _:n92af95c286d149318a3ec7236a97cafcb1 . + _:n90eb89f53f184749b0ef46ead661bb3cb1 . + "ontology/ontology-network.owl" . + "Computational Musicologist"@en . + . + "CLEF, Crowdsourcing Linked Entities via web Form, is a lightweight Linked Open Data native cataloguing system tailored to small-medium crowdsourcing projects."@en . + . + . + "Dalicc," . + . + . + . + "Sonia likes exploring music, either finding out more about music and musicians she already knows or uncovering new interests." . + "rulebook-schema" . + "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia TONALITIES pilot"@en . + "" . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + "Jorge manages a digital library of scores. He aims at describing each score with a rich set of contextual information, although a comprehensive description is often not possible."@en . + . "Copyright (c) 2023 Jacopo de Berardinis, Andrea Poltronieri" . + _:nfe4777c0982b46358b27356f81fa6f2fb2 . + "Jorge is managing a library of music scores, and is responsible for the sub-part of the library catalog which is already digitized." . + "Sophia’s original qualifications (including her Ph.D.) were in music. She is also a practising musician."@en . + . + "Organologist, Musicologist, and Music historian." . "Simon Holland " . - "Mark is interested in understanding how Dutch folk tunes relate to other music, e.g. French court operas." . - . - "Web server executable of SPARQL Anything" . - _:ne645bee8832142598ed339d6f80ea850b1 . - . - . - . - . - "The Open Knowldedge Graph (OKG) SPARQL Endpoint"@en . - _:n81d82e9235214420baf7239a90d71984b1 . - . - "Tonalities dataset of analytical annotations" . -_:n2fbac157e5b148f8a9c8e21a527789e4b1 "TODO" . - "In collaboration with other colleagues, Sethus is preparing a book on modal theory and its application to late Renaissance compositions."@en . - "Sethus#1_ConflictingTheoreticalInterpretations" . - . - "Tonalities mockup"@en . - "Carolina"@en . - . - "Andrea Poltronieri " . - _:naf0c1ed9b4004ffe96e63a96e4a5ee7eb2 . - "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia BELLS pilot"@en . - "Patrizia"@en . - "Morales Tirado, A., Carvalho, J., Mulholland, P. and Daga, E., 2023. Musical Meetups: a Knowledge Graph approach for Historical Social Network Analysis." . -_:n754e3d40ac68406bb449bf8ee9b651ebb1 "" . - "" . -_:nd0167f3119c148f3afda63e4fdd2222eb2 "" . - "Guillotel-Nothmann, C., Gurrieri, M., Mangani, M., Ceulemans, A.-E., Freedman, R., Poullet-Pagès, F., & Filaber, A. (2024). Tonalities annotations [Data set]. Zenodo." . - . - . - "Enrico Daga " . - . - . - "Sethus#2_CreateRelevantCorpus" . + "musow-dataset" . + "Shuffle mode"@en . + . +_:n8100c839d8b24449b50a2b16f828f0d2b1 "" . + "meetups-corpus-collection" . + . + . + "Annotations of tune family membership for a small subset of *The Session*" . + "video-tQdDY2rRQHc" . + . + . + . + _:nbe6564265b0f40ccb13bc5f7a9300aaeb1 . + . + . + . + "Tonalities Meihead-Parser"@en . +_:ne0da4cee72c54d46bdeedd36e71a43b6b1 . + . + "" . + . +_:n25b4100aa91b400fa68bff246db80f51b2 "20/07/2022" . + _:nb01a0e6a0b7c4f20b718af9d3d453aebb1 . + "CC-BY-NC_v4" . +_:nb01a0e6a0b7c4f20b718af9d3d453aebb1 "doi" . + "Jorge is managing a library of music scores, and is responsible for the sub-part of the library catalog which is already digitized."@en . + . + "broadcast-concerts-knowledge-graph" . + "Apache-2.0" . + "" . +_:nca87256f27be43f6af876df927296756b2 "13-10-2022" . + . + "RAMOSE"@en . + "ChoCo software" . + "Justin Dowdy " . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + . + . + . +_:ned661bd0349e480280fdaaaca3836865b2 "" . + "David#1_MusicHistorian" . + . + "broadcast-concerts-sparql-endpoint" . +_:n90eb89f53f184749b0ef46ead661bb3cb2 "v0.8.1" . + . + "documentary-evidence-benchmark" . +_:n2a2b4ae96e8a43edaf2b11ec5342cde8b2 "v0.1" . + . +_:na6427b0adc3141a4b431c0f001d1b996b2 "2022/12/18" . + . + "The Knowledge Graph about Italian bells, bell towers and bell ringers."@en . + . + "meetups-corpus-collection" . + "Sonia#1_ExplorationMode" . + "Fiorela Ciroku " . + _:n8fa9ff257cbb4554b30eb75d02e804d2b2 . + . + . + "musoW is the online registry of music resources available on the web. It serves the musoW dataset via a number of interfaces for browsing and searching. The interface also allows editing (modifying existing records or creating new ones), searching and querying (via a dedicated SPARQL endpoint). The interface is built on top of CLEF, a LOD-native web application for crowdsourcing." . + "sparql-anything-java" . + "" . + . + . + . + "tonalities-annotations" . + "Apache-2.0" . + "Enrico Daga " . + "Folk Music"@en . +_:n4d0391f4772c40b28a90da5cf3f916a5b2 "" . + . + . + _:n90b94c1ade1e492c89f2c6a566f841ebb1 . + "" . + "Mark"@en . + _:nfb5a249d25794644b6af13b420f95cc5b1 . + "LED is an open and freely searchable database that brings together a mass of data about people’s experiences of listening to music of all kinds, in any historical period and any culture." . +_:n67d3a7ef25ed4e4589d74a3471525086b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7736486" . +_:n80cb5ff9f8f1435cb81ac399cc5109fcb1 . + . + "Conflicting theoretical interpretations"@en . . - . - . - . - "Ecosystem Annotation Schema" . -_:nd0167f3119c148f3afda63e4fdd2222eb1 "10.5281/zenodo.6637345" . - "" . + "Sethus"@en . + "WP3 develops approaches to analysing large repositories of music (tunes, songs, etc.) to identify common, meaningful patterns." . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 5" . + "BELLS Knowledge Graph"@en . +_:nec88d5ab5fdb475eb8817740827f274db1 "doi" . + . + . +_:nf921287078284951a2e744436a43dd5eb1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . + "Alba Morales Tirado " . + "This tool is part of the MEETUPS pilot and processes text from music personalities' biographies. It uses DBpedia Spotlight to identify and annotate possible entity mentions from input text. This is an essential process to identify two of the four main elements that define a meetup: people (who participated) and place (where). Along with data of time (when) the meeting happened and the event that took place (what) complete a historical meetup data point." . + "Knowledge Graph for the Cord Corpus containing 30M+ triples of professionally annotated chord progressions."@en . +_:nd4e12f84271b4af997304111734b1903b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7919970" . + . + "" . + "Thomas Bottini <>" . + . + . + "" . + . + "Laurent#1_MusicArchives" . + "" . + _:ne45ccd1fd3fe4dd09f0908e029cbf70bb2 . + "Apache-2.0" . + . + "JAMS Ontology" . + . + . + _:n67d3a7ef25ed4e4589d74a3471525086b1 . + . + "Luigi Asprino " . + . + . +_:ne45ccd1fd3fe4dd09f0908e029cbf70bb1 . + . + . + "Work Package #2: Musical Heritage Knowledge Graphs"@en . + "PySPARQL-Anything"@en . + "Irish Traditional Musician/Scholar and Ethnomusicologist."@en . + . + "CC-BY_v4" . +_:nb5d6ffdc338b4467a14a08b5aa9ee508b2 "" . + "CC-BY_v4" . + . + "Broadcast Concerts Data Story"@en . + "CC-BY-NC_v4" . + . + "sparql-anything-cli" . + "" . + . + . + . + "meetups-knowledge-graph" . + "Sethus#2_CreateRelevantCorpus" . + "" . + "ChoCo" . + "Valentina Anita Carriero " . +_:n824b956260d54c6e96592b6f32de32a7b1 . + . + "" . + "pymusicmeta" . +_:n0e0c1b6b354942bfbc3ad7e984b6378bb1 "v1.0.6" . + . + . + "bells-knowledge-graph" . + "" . + "Valentina Anita Carriero " . + "Ontology that represents concepts and relationships describing encounters between people in the musical world in Europe from c. 1800 to c. 1945." . + "Successfully plan the restoration of an organ." . + "MEETUPS: People and music: exploring their encounters over centuries"@en . + "" . + "" . + "A collection of initial user interface mockups, used as part of the the initial application requirements for building the MEETUPS pilot application interface" . + "Ortenz"@en . + _:nb2ac07a6cb5043bbb787f9d163b37456b1 . +_:nfe4777c0982b46358b27356f81fa6f2fb2 "European Commission H2020" . +_:nca87256f27be43f6af876df927296756b1 "doi" . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements GA101004746 (Polifonia) and GA870811 (SPICE)." . + "Apache-2.0" . + "" . + . + "" . + "Polifonia Deliverable 3.4" . + "Apache-2.0" . + "" . + "Knowledge graph containing data about patterns extracted using the [FONN tools](, and software for creating that knowledge graph" . +_:n92af95c286d149318a3ec7236a97cafcb1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . +_:nd7a588bc31a3451fa17620135dd7694bb1 "17/04/2023" . + "Data, metadata, statistics, annotations and interrogation APIs of the Polifonia Textual Corpus."@en . + . + "" . +_:nfc6bca2e3aa34bf6a508cb1690e67f67b1 "" . + . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746" . + "video-gMQNJOXLzKc" . + . + . + . + _:nca87256f27be43f6af876df927296756b2 . +_:n80cb5ff9f8f1435cb81ac399cc5109fcb2 "2023/01/13" . + "CC-BY-NC-SA_v4" . + . + "" . + . + "meetups-themes" . + "SPARQL Anything Documentation"@en . + "Bells Ontology"@en . + "Sonia#2_ShuffleMode" . + "Copyright (c) 2022 SPARQL Anything Contributors @" . + "CC-BY_v4" . + . + "pattern-exploration-gui" . +_:ne0da4cee72c54d46bdeedd36e71a43b6b1 "doi" . + . + "meetups-hm-identification" . + "Andrea's goal is to discover and explore sacred music written from the period of the Renaissance through the twentieth century and its unexpected links with his scholarly studies."@en . + "" . + . + . +_:nfb5a249d25794644b6af13b420f95cc5b2 "" . + . + . + . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + "Apache-2.0" . +_:nbe99f8ea68034abfb1ce535a578eddceb1 "doi" . . - . - "n/a." . - . - "Brendan#1_FindTraditionalMusic" . - . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia Work Package 1"@en . + . + . . -_:nd994f68986dd433fb580b79a7c5b24b5b1 "10.5281/zenodo.8021211" . - "Marco Ratta " . - "Copyright (c) 2023 Music Meta Contributors" . - . -_:n0e94961fc79e4c4bbc1fa8c1c9b5f738b2 "v1.0" . - . - . - . - . +_:n41ded21986ed4d42a6924bd6c3420c20b1 . + "Jorge#2_FindSimilarScores" . + . + "CoMeta Ontology"@en . + "Pattern Exploration Backend"@en . + . + . + "Harmory: the Harmonic Memory"@en . + "Ortenz#1_MusicAndChildhood" . + "Patrizia" . + "rulebook" . + "Sethus prepares a book on a specific aspect of compositional practices during the Renaissance period, and aims at finding a set of relevant references to sources to illustrate his text." . +_:nf55f1c95a85c4634a008d1857c206926b1 "doi" . + "Pushkar Jajoria " . + . + "ChoCo Creation Pipeline"@en . + "harmory-software" . + "MELODY"@en . + . +_:ne45ccd1fd3fe4dd09f0908e029cbf70bb1 "10.5281/zenodo.7919970" . + "Anna"@en . + "Root Note Detection"@en . + "Sophia is interested in understanding the social-historical reasons behind how the music was created and how it sounds." . +_:n62afffeae9d9424f9b7d728290e2dc0ab1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . + "Linka"@en . + . + "Work Package #3: Mining Musical Patterns"@en . + "Dynamic exploration"@en . + . + . + . + _:nf55f1c95a85c4634a008d1857c206926b1 . + _:n8fa9ff257cbb4554b30eb75d02e804d2b1 . + "Daga, Enrico, Luigi Asprino, Paul Mulholland, and Aldo Gangemi. \"Facade-X: an opinionated approach to SPARQL anything.\" Studies on the Semantic Web 53 (2021): 58-73." . + "Tonalities dataset of analytical annotations" . + "Lecturer, music producer and festival director interested in finding new music." . + "Apache-2.0" . + . + . + . +_:n6326cd0ddd954d24ac3056e220372b76b2 "v0.1" . + "CC-BY-NC_v4" . + . + "meetups-entity-recognition" . + "Linka is interested in finding and describing music-related data of heterogeneous types and formats from different sources. Thanks to the ability to represent diverse content, her main goal is to inter-relate music data so as to enable large scale experiments for knowledge discovery."@en . + "Musical Social Network"@en . +_:n3a69a04920df46b0aaf649bdb2f8193eb1 "10.5281/zenodo.7906320" . + . + . + . + . + . + "Tutorial on Tonalities Output of Polifonia (part 1/2)" . +_:n90eb89f53f184749b0ef46ead661bb3cb1 "doi" . +_:nd7a588bc31a3451fa17620135dd7694bb1 "" . + "CLEF"@en . + . + "Linka#1_MusicKnowledge" . + "" . + "polifoniacq-dataset" . + . + "meetups-coreference" . + "Licences Knowlegde Graph"@en . +_:nf122c861787e45a382f25b92001cc6d4b1 "doi" . +_:nac068be9563b4adc95e8eb22c85b9c25b2 "v0.2" . + "Frank#1_OrganKnowledge" . +_:nd4e12f84271b4af997304111734b1903b2 "v1.0" . + "Marco Grasso (UNIBO), Marilena Daquino (UNIBO)" . + "Documents and materials relevant to Melody software and interface"@en . "Sonia likes to explore her playlist history, find interesting statistics and patterns and see how it compares to other music listeners."@en . - "data-wanderings" . -_:nf6ccb1cec22941f7babac8012922048eb2 "2022/12/18" . - . - . - "n/a." . - . - "Enrico Daga " . - . - . - . - . - "Interlinking of collections in European digital music libraries and audiovisuals archives." . - _:n405144a5b7424d0dbfc3963f884f94b1b1 . - . - . -_:n93c541d716a94804961d8b77984e6eecb1 "doi" . - . -_:n405144a5b7424d0dbfc3963f884f94b1b1 "v0.1.0" . - . - "Sophia#2_OriginsAndForm" . - . - . - _:nc36cf7da24dc4d51be9ab55a6c862b7cb2 . - "" . - "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia INTERLINK pilot"@en . - . - "Sophia" . - "Guillotel-Nothmann, C., Gurrieri, M., & Lazzari, N. (2024). Tonalities ontologies for theoretical models. Zenodo." . -_:n51039bdddb1e4e8e8232a854cb661027b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . - "Copyright (c) 2023 Source Ontology Contributors" . - "Copyright (c) 2023 MEETUPS @ The Open University" . - "meetups-corpus-collection" . - . -_:n090fa686564a4c8bbbae6a31768d125ab1 "v0.0.1" . - . - "" . - . - . - "" . - "The PySPARQL-Anything software library."@en . - "sparql-anything-tutorials" . -_:n03078275029443bc8451cb9774792ca0b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . - . - "" . - "Serendipity"@en . - "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia TUNES pilot"@en . - "Jorge#3_DynamicExploration" . - . - . - "Sethus's research focuses on the description and formalization of the compositional processes at work in modal polyphony." . - "Patterns UI"@en . + "Paul#2_ResourceReliability" . + . + . + "" . "Source code of the Polifonia Data Wanderings Art Installation" . -_:nfd779a70de1b4703a1a838c6354c28c5b1 . - _:n355b2f1af6ed43a6a2b3e3ebc17c3e06b1 . - . - . - _:n4d2274a87f584d77a15968f47e397eb5b1 . - . - "Sophia"@en . - "Daga, Enrico, Luigi Asprino, Paul Mulholland, and Aldo Gangemi. \"Facade-X: an opinionated approach to SPARQL anything.\" Studies on the Semantic Web 53 (2021): 58-73." . - "" . - "musicbo-knowledge-graph" . - "Linka#1_MusicKnowledge" . - "Laurent's goal is to discover and explore Archives, Historical and Research Resources that deal with music in some way, for the extrapolation of content to be included in his newsletter." . - . - . - "" . - . - "Organist, Organ Builder and Musicologist."@en . - "Knowledge Graph for the Cord Corpus containing 30M+ triples of professionally annotated chord progressions." . - "Tutorial on Facets Output of Polifonia" . - _:n51039bdddb1e4e8e8232a854cb661027b1 . - _:nd0167f3119c148f3afda63e4fdd2222eb2 . - "Ralph" . - . + . + "Each concert has its own license, determine using the NISV rules for licensing. Where possible, this is a CC license. The license is stated in the triples for that concert." . + . + . + . + . + "Researcher who collaborates with the International Museum and the Music Library of Bologna"@en . + "Sethus#2_CreateRelevantCorpus" . + . + "Copyright (c) 2023 MEETUPS @ The Open University" . + . + . + . + "ChoCo" . + "broadcast-concerts-docs-melody" . + "meetups-time-extraction" . + . + "Marco Grasso " . + . + "" . + "Jorge#2_FindSimilarScores" . + "Jacopo de Berardinis " . + . + . + . + . + "Retrace the role of music in the city of Bologna from a socio-cultural perspective." . + . +_:na6427b0adc3141a4b431c0f001d1b996b2 "" . + "video-sTKGm1FK0Oo" . + "Alex Piacentini " . +_:n61dd30e894d44302ae8d8d79d11b4155b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . + . + . + "Marilena Daquino " . + . + . + "P2KG-Pipeline" . + "Tune Family Annotations"@en . + . + "Compute graph embeddings from MIDI."@en . + . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia BELLS Pilot"@en . + . + . + "Laurent's goal is to discover and explore Archives, Historical and Research Resources that deal with music in some way, for the extrapolation of content to be included in his newsletter." . + _:n7bd8bd623c724ca094880e66ee33a723b1 . + . + "Antoine Lebrun <>" . + "Alba Morales-Tirado " . + . +_:nfc6bca2e3aa34bf6a508cb1690e67f67b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . + . + "SPARQL Anything is a system for Semantic Web re-engineering that allows to query non-RDF files as-if they are in RDF." . + "link-to-the-slides" . + "deep-listening" . + "The MEETUPS pilot application." . + "broadcast-concerts-sparql-endpoint" . + _:nb5d6ffdc338b4467a14a08b5aa9ee508b2 . + "Ralph"@en . + "Jorge#3_DynamicExploration" . + "Nicolas Lazzari " . + "Carolina" . + "" . + "" . + . + . + "assets/harmory_wide.png" . + "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia FACETS pilot"@en . + "CC-BY_v4" . + . + "Alba Morales Tirado " . + . + "Slides of laboratories" . + . + "Paul Mulholland " . + . + . + . + "Cc010Universal" . + . + _:n0f8f9252252547f19905d3a58e878bcfb1 . + . + . + "Polifonia Corpus"@en . +_:nf122c861787e45a382f25b92001cc6d4b2 "" . +_:na3293a9d3b0f4b87aadb3394295ef0c9b1 . + . . - "sparql-anything-requirements" . + . + "Brendan#1_FindTraditionalMusic" . + "Polifonia-Corpus" . + "Ortenz#2_MusicalSocialNetwork" . + . + "This code takes the patterns generated by the FoNN tool in the form of pickle file and then creates knowledge graph of all the patterns found" . + . + . + "" . + . + _:n4d0391f4772c40b28a90da5cf3f916a5b1 . + . + . + "tune_family_annotations" . + . + "Cc010Universal" . +_:n6ab1c1122d2c43729161d799fcdbc681b1 . + "facets-search-engine" . + "Software, methods and user studies exploring the cross-modal interpretation of music and visual art" . + . + "Tonalities Ontologies for Annotation Models"@en . + . + . + . + . + "Enrico Daga " . + . + . + _:ne8810f2143574ee59cd49aedbaf68e3eb1 . + "video-AT-30bnqiEc" . + "This tool is part of the corpus preparation process and it is used to clean data collected from Wikipedia."@en . + "choco-software" . + _:n6326cd0ddd954d24ac3056e220372b76b1 . + "Enrico Daga " . + . + "meetups-data-cleaning" . + . + . + . + "" . + "Tonalities Annotation Models"@en . + . + "Jorge#2_FindSimilarScores" . + . +_:nb2ac07a6cb5043bbb787f9d163b37456b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . + "Jacopo de Berardinis " . + . + "" . + . + "Copyright (c) 2023 Music Instrument Contributors" . + "The Broadcast Concerts blog describes the key features of the Broadcast Concerts knowledge graph"@en . + "" . + "Marilena Daquino " . + "" . + "ChoCo Knowledge Graph"@en . + . +_:nac068be9563b4adc95e8eb22c85b9c25b1 . +_:nca87256f27be43f6af876df927296756b1 . + . +_:na6427b0adc3141a4b431c0f001d1b996b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7454360" . + . + . + "" . + "Patterns Knowledge Graph"@en . + "pattern-explorations-backend" . + "CC-BY_v4" . + "Brendan#1_FindTraditionalMusic" . + "" . + "Nicolas Lazzari " . + . + "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia WorkPackage1"@en . + "Broadcast Concerts Knowledge Graph"@en . + . + "Paul"@en . + . + . + "Paul#2_ResourceReliability" . + . + . + . + "meetups-entity-recognition" . + "sparql-anything-docs" . + . +_:ne4aa77ae6f0d4e01812d775b4fdec904b1 "European Commission H2020" . + "polifoniacq-dataset" . + "" . + . + . + . + "Source represents various sources of music-related information"@en . + "Laurent's goal is to discover and explore Archives, Historical and Research Resources that deal with music in some way, for the extrapolation of content to be included in his newsletter."@en . + "" . + "sparql-anything-python" . + . + "Keith"@en . + "Find similar scores"@en . +_:na782431fe0a34160b41f5930ded85ac0b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . +_:nf445c3107a824f0099fea1de4e71f2f5b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . +_:n0c1ae120fcef40168260b7ed093c6a42b1 . + . + "Conflicting analytical annotations"@en . +_:na3293a9d3b0f4b87aadb3394295ef0c9b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7919970" . + . + "Annotation files for the Polifonia musical lexicon in English (EN), French (FR), Italian (IT), Spanish (ES), German (EN) and Dutch (NL)"@en . + . + . + "MEETUPS - Identification of temporal knowledge"@en . + "melody-software" . + "Organ Builders"@en . + . + . + . "Jorge accesses to a part of the collection and is overwhelmed by the number of scores and their heterogeneity." . - . - . -_:nc21e9d97582c4ff99e8a3ce0a75c7a41b1 "doi" . -_:nbe9ed7842bb743308127201119bfd81db2 "" . - "Luigi Asprino " . -_:na67dd8319ff04f4798b26b040fb0f5e0b2 "20/07/2022" . - "CC_BY_v4" . - "" . - "" . - "Top level description of the ontology modules in the Polifonia Ontology Network, with pointers to each submodule."@en . - "meetups-ontology" . - . - "" . - . - "Work Package #7: Project Coordination and Management"@en . - . + . "" . - "William#1_EuropeanFolkMusic" . - "sparql-anything-python" . - "" . - "Keoma"@en . - "Amy#1_OrganTrends" . - "Pushkar Jajoria " . - "WP7 is dedicated to project coordination and management activities." . - "Sophia#3_Reorchestration" . - . - . - "Slides of laboratories" . - "A library to create Music Meta resources on the Web."@en . - "Successfully plan the restoration of an organ."@en . - . - "" . - . - "sparql-anything-docker" . -_:n5720df82a20d4f2ea9f6f4b132980dfeb1 . - "Corpora of MEI Files for Tonalities" . - "Alba Morales-Tirado " . - . - . - . -_:n4d2274a87f584d77a15968f47e397eb5b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7875353" . -_:n8079851701a94e6bb7a93b1ecbf0561bb2 "v1.0" . - "The Knowledge Graph of the ORGANS pilot" . - "This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - "TONALITIES: Influences between music tradition over centuries"@en . - "" . - "Govert Brinkmann" . - _:na0a8e1bd290f467ea0bd7986ad265edeb1 . - . - "Pianist, Organist, Priest and Theology Scholar." . - . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - . - . - . - "musow-dataset" . -_:ncf3cf90b970e44409e2e194fe8e5d24cb1 "" . - . - _:n63db5f1e3ceb4b1b8da621b03655348bb2 . + "P2KG-Pipeline" . + "meetups-knowledge-graph" . + "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia WorkPackage5"@en . + . + "Marco Ratta " . + "polifonia-corpus-web-api" . + _:na6427b0adc3141a4b431c0f001d1b996b2 . + "laboratories-slides-dutch" . +_:nbe99f8ea68034abfb1ce535a578eddceb2 "13/04/2023" . + "Sophia needs to study the instrumentation of a musical composition of the 18th century in order to organize a music festival that compares philological and modern performances and that proposes music compositions of that time with a completely new orchestration."@en . +_:n0f8f9252252547f19905d3a58e878bcfb1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . + "Music Instrument Ontology"@en . + . + "" . + . + "The Knowledge Graph about the role of Bologna in the European musical landscape."@en . + "a collection of tutorials to introduce users to SPARQL Anything"@en . +_:n93a03e3f535d492a9d61b08161cdc6deb1 "10.5281/zenodo.000000" . + "MEETUPS Identification of themes"@en . + "Sophia"@en . + "Thomas Bottini, Christophe Guillotel-Nothmann, Marco Gurrieri, Félix Poullet-Pagès. Tonalities: a Collaborative Annotation Interface for Music Analysis. Musical Heritage Knowledge Graphs workshop during the 22nd International Semantic Web Conference 2022, Oct 2022, Hangzhou, China. ⟨hal-03923731⟩" . + . + "" . +_:na3293a9d3b0f4b87aadb3394295ef0c9b1 "doi" . "clef-software" . - . - "Resources for the Polifonia Licences KG, containing licence information of the resources from third-parties that the project reused." . - "Web server executable of SPARQL Anything"@en . - "Organ Trends"@en . - . - . - . - "Jorge#2_FindSimilarScores" . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - . - . - "bells-knowledge-graph" . - . -_:n090fa686564a4c8bbbae6a31768d125ab1 "01/2022" . - "This code takes the patterns generated by the FoNN tool in the form of pickle file and then creates knowledge graph of all the patterns found"@en . - . - "Sophia’s original qualifications (including her Ph.D.) were in music. She is also a practising musician."@en . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - "Corpora of MEI Files for Tonalities"@en . - "meetups-themes" . - "Licences KG generation pipeline"@en . - . -_:nfbb1d51534324c6e864f9a47992d664eb1 "doi" . + "This is the mockup of Tonalities annotation interface of collaborative analysis" . + "Tonalities mockup"@en . + "sparql-anything-requirements" . + "Successfully plan the restoration of an organ." . + "CC-BY-NC-SA_v4" . + _:nec88d5ab5fdb475eb8817740827f274db1 . + . + "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia INTERLINK pilot"@en . + . + "" . + "IscLicense" . + "Amy#2_OrganBuilders" . + . + . + "Apache-2.0" . + . + "video-BQg0cr6V75c" . + . + _:n35b2dc33abb949d69042756890d3f756b1 . + . + "sparql-anything-server" . + "Polifonia downloader and digitiser of textual data."@en . + "MEETUPS preparation - data cleaning"@en . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + . + "A specialisation of the Music Meta Ontology for folk music."@en . + . + . + "WP5 researches and develops highly interactive user interfaces to allow scholars, musicians to access, engage with, explore, and reuse musical heritage." . +_:n25b4100aa91b400fa68bff246db80f51b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7875353" . + . + "laboratories" . +_:n454b3f233ae5416da192ac82dbe135bcb1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . + "Carolina has to prepare a conference for the anniversary of the birth of the composer Giacomo Antonio Perti and she needs to collect some informations about his career."@en . + "Cc010Universal" . +_:n4d0391f4772c40b28a90da5cf3f916a5b1 . + . + "Polifonia downloader and digitiser of textual data." . + . + . + . + . + "polifonia-web-portal" . + . + "polifoniacq-dataset" . + "Local Harmonic Agreement based on Recurrent Patterns"@en . + . + "Carolina#1_SourcesCrossAnalysis" . + "sparql-anything-docker" . + . + "SPARQL 1.1 Query Language" . + . + . + . + . + "James McDermott " . + "Enrico Daga " . + _:n60c3975e66a5402e96f948f5930e0d0bb1 . + . "Apache-2.0" . + . + . + "Mari Wigham" . + _:ne4aa77ae6f0d4e01812d775b4fdec904b1 . + "melody-prototypes" . +_:n0c1ae120fcef40168260b7ed093c6a42b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7919970" . + "Sonia" . + "Patrizia#1_IdentificationOfIntangibleElements" . + "Harmory" . + "" . + "musoW dataset"@en . + "WP6 disseminates the project results; maximizes their impact, reach and re-use; and concretely engage stakeholders from relevant sectors." . + "" . + . + . + . + "MEETUPS UI Designs"@en . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + _:nf122c861787e45a382f25b92001cc6d4b2 . + "Copyright (c) 2024 The Open University" . "Jason Carvalho " . -_:nf6ccb1cec22941f7babac8012922048eb1 "doi" . - . - "" . - . - "Mark#1_FolkMusic" . - "Cc010Universal" . - . . - "Sophia#3_Reorchestration" . - "Folk Music"@en . - "Command line executable of SPARQL Anything" . - . - "Sonia" . - "James McDermott " . - . - . -_:n63db5f1e3ceb4b1b8da621b03655348bb1 "doi" . - "A curator of the Europeana platform, William has a background in art history."@en . - "People interested in finding scores ask for some very specific criterias. Often, the resulting list is empty, or contains very few scores." . - "" . - . - "" . - "Computational Musicologist"@en . - "MEETUPS: People and music: exploring their encounters over centuries"@en . - . - "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia WorkPackage2"@en . - "An ontology to describe music metadata" . - . - . - "" . - . - "Knowledge graph containing data about patterns extracted using the [FONN tools](, and software for creating that knowledge graph" . - "meetups-coreference" . - . - . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - . - "Federica Patti" . - "" . - "Jacopo de Berardinis, Albert Meroño Peñuela, Andrea Poltronieri, and Valentina Presutti. The Harmonic Memory: a Knowledge Graph of harmonic patterns as a trustworthy framework for computational creativity. In Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023 (pp. 3873-3882)." . - "" . - "Marco Ratta " . - _:n503ee624d5c14a519bcbee72d1cecea9b2 . - . - "" . - "Copyright (c) 2023 MEETUPS @ The Open University" . - . - . - "Andrea Poltronieri " . - "Tonalities Meihead-Parser for MEI files" . - . - "Ortenz#1_MusicAndChildhood" . -_:nd994f68986dd433fb580b79a7c5b24b5b1 . - "" . - . - _:n09565af67a964a82903dc8a31cc172a9b1 . - "Andrea Poltronieri " . - "" . - . - "Find suitably similar traditional music and historical context from northern European corpora."@en . - _:n7e51106799ea4599b21527a78a8efd11b1 . - "" . - . - "DiscourseAnalysis"@en . - . -_:nc36cf7da24dc4d51be9ab55a6c862b7cb2 "" . - . - "Adamou, Alessandro, Simon Brown, Helen Barlow, Carlo Allocca, and Mathieu d’Aquin. \"Crowdsourcing Linked Data on listening experiences through reuse and enhancement of library data.\" International Journal on Digital Libraries 20, no. 1 (2019): 61-79." . - _:n03078275029443bc8451cb9774792ca0b1 . - "Pushkar Jajoria " . - "clef-software" . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia TUNES Pilot"@en . - "Music, Art and Cultural Historian"@en . + "n/a." . + . + "CC-BY_v4" . + "" . + . + . + . + "" . + "Govert Brinkmann" . + _:ne1d5bcea2877469b8b262832aa3abdf8b2 . + . + . + . + "" . "" . - . - "Nicolas Lazzari " . - . + . + "" . + . + "meetups-themes" . + "Hearing Music"@en . + _:nb3c95e3f02454ec4ba9fc3e5551ac937b2 . + "CC-BY_v4" . + . + "Successfully plan the restoration of an organ."@en . + . + . + "laboratories" . +_:ned661bd0349e480280fdaaaca3836865b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7919970" . + "meetups-coreference" . + . +_:n0c1ae120fcef40168260b7ed093c6a42b2 "" . + . + . +_:n93a03e3f535d492a9d61b08161cdc6deb1 "doi" . +_:n35b2dc33abb949d69042756890d3f756b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . + "sparql-anything-java" . +_:n32628be558ad4a279f68b37e26917ff1b1 . + "meetups-corpus-collection" . + "cre_corpus" . + "CC-BY_v4" . +_:nfe4777c0982b46358b27356f81fa6f2fb1 "" . +_:ned661bd0349e480280fdaaaca3836865b2 "13/04/2023" . + "Sethus" . + "Enrico Daga " . + . + . + . . - "Linka#1_MusicKnowledge" . - . - "ORGANS Knowledge Graph"@en . -_:nf0ad96a885f34bdb84fff64b030e92a8b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . - "This tool is part of the corpus preparation process and it is used to clean data collected from Wikipedia."@en . - "Jacopo de Berardinis " . - "" . - "musow-interface" . - . - "" . - "Source code of the Polifonia Data Wanderings Art Installation"@en . + "Slides of laboratories"@en . + "Copyright (c) 2023 The Open University" . +_:ne1d5bcea2877469b8b262832aa3abdf8b2 "2022/12/18" . + "Justin Dowdy " . + "Jorge#3_DynamicExploration" . + "Morales Tirado, A., Carvalho, J., Mulholland, P. and Daga, E., 2023. Musical Meetups: a Knowledge Graph approach for Historical Social Network Analysis." . + . + . + . + . + "video-giF-Lrgc23s" . + . +_:n8069eba8a861442fab520532742398b9b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . + . + . +_:nbe99f8ea68034abfb1ce535a578eddceb2 "v1.0" . + "Top level description of the ontology modules in the Polifonia Ontology Network, with pointers to each submodule."@en . +_:nca87256f27be43f6af876df927296756b2 "v0.1" . + . + . + . + . + . + "" . + "A. Poltronieri (UniBo), R. Tripodi (UniBo)" . + "Sethus#3_ConflictingAnalyticalAnnotations" . + "" . +_:n6ab1c1122d2c43729161d799fcdbc681b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7875353" . + "Alba Morales Tirado " . + "A benchmark for the extraction of documentary evidence, taking the Listening Experience Database (LED) as a reference."@en . + . + "Ortenz#1_MusicAndChildhood" . +_:n90b94c1ade1e492c89f2c6a566f841ebb1 "v0.1" . + "Tonalities Ontologies for Annotation Models" . + "Music Journalist and Editor."@en . + . + . + "In collaboration with other colleagues, Sethus is preparing a book on modal theory and its application to late Renaissance compositions."@en . + "clef-software" . + . + . + . + "" . + . + . + . + "Work Package #4: Musical Heritage Knowledge Extraction from text"@en . + "Keoma needs to find different types of information and data from different sources. His goal is to interconnect data between architectures and their use for sound performances, in order to proceed with protection actions."@en . + "Apache Jena" . + . + "William#1_EuropeanFolkMusic" . + . + . + _:n25b4100aa91b400fa68bff246db80f51b1 . + . + "meetups-themes" . + . + . + "Luigi Asprino " . + . +_:n60c3975e66a5402e96f948f5930e0d0bb1 . + "Morales Tirado, Alba; Carvalho, Jason; Mulholland, Paul and Daga, Enrico (2023). Musical Meetups: a Knowledge Graph approach for Historical Social Network Analysis. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings: SEMMES 2023: Semantic Methods for Events and Stories workshop ESWC 2023." . + . + . + _:n4d0391f4772c40b28a90da5cf3f916a5b2 . +_:nb3c95e3f02454ec4ba9fc3e5551ac937b1 . +_:ne8810f2143574ee59cd49aedbaf68e3eb1 "" . + . + . + "" . +_:nac068be9563b4adc95e8eb22c85b9c25b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7875353" . + . + . + . +_:n77ab84bbc5704ade81b538b970b3f8ebb1 . "ChoCo" . - "Anna"@en . - . - "" . - _:nf6ccb1cec22941f7babac8012922048eb2 . - "Copyright (c) 2023 Harmory Contributors" . - . - "Patrizia#1_IdentificationOfIntangibleElements" . - "ChoCo" . - _:ne926d36f17ff45abbd825a6ca57a6ac2b1 . - . - "Apache-2.0" . -_:nec8b4caa1b79471f98a06d94788b9bcdb1 "10.5281/zenodo.8021211" . - _:n2c7e9badb513468da3ddac4b7ed4aa4bb1 . - "Jacopo de Berardinis " . + . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia ORGANS Pilot" . + "" . + . + "Fiorela Ciroku " . + "" . + "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia FCAETS Pilot" . + . + "Carolina#1_SourcesCrossAnalysis" . + "CC-BY_v4" . + . + . + "musicbo-knowledge-graph" . + . . -_:nc8298e4b7a73445eae8d88630b8ee04bb1 "" . - "" . + . + . +_:nbe99f8ea68034abfb1ce535a578eddceb2 "" . + "Enrico Daga " . + "Patrizia must propose safeguarding actions on some intangible practices related with bells sound." . + . + "clef-software" . + "Linka#1_MusicKnowledge" . + . + "Command line executable of SPARQL Anything" . + . . - "musow-dataset" . - "Andrea Poltronieri " . - . - . - . - . - . - "Daquino, M., Heibi, I., Peroni, S., & Shotton, D. (2022). Creating RESTful APIs over SPARQL endpoints using RAMOSE. Semantic Web, 13(2), 195-213." . - . - "Marilena Daquino " . -_:n63980cb770cd4130accd18da6ff05ad2b2 "2023/05/16" . - "Tonalities Theoretical Models"@en . - "" . - . - "" . - . -_:nec8b4caa1b79471f98a06d94788b9bcdb2 "01-02-2023" . - . - "" . - "Lecturer and Researcher in Computer Science." . - . - . - . - "Tutorial on Tonalities Output of Polifonia (part 2/2)" . - "A benchmark for the extraction of documentary evidence, taking the Listening Experience Database (LED) as a reference."@en . - . - "Fiorela Ciroku " . - "Brendan#1_FindTraditionalMusic" . - . - "broadcast-concerts-docs-blog" . - "" . - "CC-BY_v4" . - "James McDermott " . - _:n0b37106d452f4e6e9fb94152ba39cc6eb1 . - "Harmory: the Harmonic Memory"@en . - _:ne32478949fc24ac697fe07060b6d90f3b2 . - "" . - . - "Valeriana is a linguist expert in discourse analysis and terminology."@en . - "de Berardinis, Jacopo; Meroño Peñuela, Albert; Poltronieri, Andrea; Presutti, Valentina. ChoCo: a Chord Corpus and a Data Transformation Workflow for Musical Harmony Knowledge Graphs (manuscript in progress)." . - "Linka" . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia CHILD Pilot" . - . - "Patrizia#1_IdentificationOfIntangibleElements" . - . - "Jorge" . + . +_:nfb5a249d25794644b6af13b420f95cc5b1 . +_:ne0da4cee72c54d46bdeedd36e71a43b6b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7377532" . + "Find suitably similar traditional music and historical context from northern European corpora."@en . + "Music, Art and Cultural Historian" . + . + . + "Providing a Web tool that enables the exploration and visualization of encounters between people in the musical world in Europe." . +_:na86e33dd9fe844ab9f63a910fa1d5ff3b1 . + . +_:n8100c839d8b24449b50a2b16f828f0d2b1 "European Commission" . + "n/a." . + "" . + "" . + "Keith#1_MusicConnections" . +_:nf122c861787e45a382f25b92001cc6d4b2 "v0.8.1" . +_:n60c3975e66a5402e96f948f5930e0d0bb2 "v0.1" . + "Tonalities Meihead-Parser for MEI files" . + "Tutorial on Polifonia Ecosystem" . + "The NISV knowledge graph for broadcast concerts. This knowledge graph contains metadata of more than 75,000 concerts broadcast on Dutch public service TV and radio. The source of the knowledge graph is the archival metadata stored at the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision."@en . . - "tonalities-theoreticalModels" . - "sparql-anything-python" . - "CC-BY-NC-SA_v4" . - . - . - "sparql-anything-requirements" . -_:n503ee624d5c14a519bcbee72d1cecea9b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7875353" . - _:n218b1a7355f44dc7a7d17c28ff05cf38b2 . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - "Successfully plan the restoration of an organ." . - "Organist, Organ Builder and Musicologist." . - "Music Historian"@en . - . - "polifoniacq-dataset" . - . - . - _:n12451b70bbf44490b2d7a852946eee7ab1 . - _:n464165d4c1b04a408bd56c0a092c008cb1 . - . - . - "laboratories" . - "Thomas Bottini, Christophe Guillotel-Nothmann, Marco Gurrieri, Félix Poullet-Pagès. Tonalities: a Collaborative Annotation Interface for Music Analysis. Musical Heritage Knowledge Graphs workshop during the 22nd International Semantic Web Conference 2022, Oct 2022, Hangzhou, China. ⟨hal-03923731⟩" . - . - . - "" . - . -_:n0e94961fc79e4c4bbc1fa8c1c9b5f738b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7919970" . - "" . - . - "Mari Wigham " . - . - "Ortenz" . - "Alba Morales Tirado " . - "Documents and materials relevant to the Polifonia Web portal (WP1.T3)"@en . - . - _:nba17ae69d8144ea29dc62af52a22b8a1b1 . - _:n754e3d40ac68406bb449bf8ee9b651ebb1 . - . -_:nd128a9c3aa4a4e77a279689d25f4190fb1 "10.5281/zenodo.000000" . - "" . - . - "Keith wants to compile programmes of music, e.g. for music festivals."@en . - . - "Enrico Daga " . - "" . - . - "" . - "Irish Traditional Musician/Scholar and Ethnomusicologist." . - . -_:n4d2274a87f584d77a15968f47e397eb5b1 . - . -_:ne32478949fc24ac697fe07060b6d90f3b2 "20/07/2022" . - "" . - "CC-BY_v4" . - "Nicolas Lazzari " . - . - . - "LED is an open and freely searchable database that brings together a mass of data about people’s experiences of listening to music of all kinds, in any historical period and any culture." . - . - "Jason Carvalho " . - "tonalities-mockup" . - "Marco Gurrieri " . - "CC-BY_v4" . - . - "Copyright (c) 2023 Music Meta Contributors" . - . - "Work Package #1: Pilots and Web portal"@en . -_:n7e51106799ea4599b21527a78a8efd11b1 "" . - "Alba Morales Tirado " . - "organs-knowledge-graph-construction" . - . - "Jorge#2_FindSimilarScores" . - . - "Laurent"@en . - "Cc010Universal" . - . - . - "" . - "Jorge#2_FindSimilarScores" . - "midi2vec"@en . - "sparql-anything-requirements" . - . - . - . -_:na344001445624165abc750f6b6b72ad0b1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . -_:n464165d4c1b04a408bd56c0a092c008cb1 "doi" . -_:nc303b7e4de8e4e9bbeee7cd791c8150db1 "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme" . - . - "Polifonia Ontology Network (PON)"@en . - "Copyright (c) 2024 The Open University" . -_:nd0167f3119c148f3afda63e4fdd2222eb2 "v0.1.1" . - "William" . - "meetups-data-cleaning" . - "CC_BY_v4" . - "List of reference administrators of repositories relevant to the Polifonia Ecosystem"@en . - "Enrico Daga " . + "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia BELLS pilot"@en . + "Work Package #8: Ethics"@en . + . + "List of reference administrators of repositories relevant to the Polifonia Ecosystem" . +_:n1af4925233d541ee87ea13281db110f5b1 "v1.1" . + . + . + "Amy#2_OrganBuilders" . + "" . + "Daquino, M., Wigham, M., Daga, E., Giagnolini, L., & Tomasi, F. (2023). Clef. a linked open data native system for crowdsourcing. JOCCH. DOI: " . + "Marco Ratta " . + . + "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . + . + . + . . - . - . - . - "Valeriana is a linguist expert in discourse analysis and terminology." . - "broadcast-concerts-knowledge-graph" . - . - "The NISV knowledge graph for broadcast concerts. This knowledge graph contains metadata of more than 75,000 concerts broadcast on Dutch public service TV and radio. The source of the knowledge graph is the archival metadata stored at the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision."@en . - "Outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia FACETS pilot"@en . - . - "musoW is a Linked Open Dataset of music resources available on the web. Data are described according to and are served online in a dedicated platform for authoring, publishing and searching."@en . - . - "Morales Tirado, Alba; Carvalho, Jason; Mulholland, Paul and Daga, Enrico (2023). Musical Meetups: a Knowledge Graph approach for Historical Social Network Analysis. In: Proceedings of the ESWC 2023 Workshops and Tutorials, Semantic Methods for Events and Stories (SEMMES)." . - . - "choco-kg" . - . - "This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746" . - "Jorge accesses to a part of the collection and is overwhelmed by the number of scores and their heterogeneity."@en . - "Sonia#1_ExplorationMode" . - . - "Ralph"@en . - "" . - . -_:nd6a129e3c5b64eb2b3def763ffb0c175b1 "" . - . - "Mari Wigham" . - "Find suitably similar traditional music and historical context from northern European corpora." . - "meetups-corpus-collection" . - . -_:n31dd287d5fb441c9b192d43d6ff5f30eb2 "v1.0" . - . -_:n31dd287d5fb441c9b192d43d6ff5f30eb2 "" . - . -_:n65c8832c7e6c4e21b8931a0b1c1a13d7b1 "10.5281/zenodo.7906320" . - . - "Alba Morales Tirado " . - "" . - "Software for harmonic segmentation and harmonic similarity computation for the creation of the Harmory Knowledge Graph."@en . - . - "Terminology"@en . - . - "Copyright (c) 2023 Music Instrument Contributors" . - "Work Package #4: Musical Heritage Knowledge Extraction from text"@en . - "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746." . - . - _:ne0af5a3a15054adaa6a75290510f5b0eb1 . - "Carolina has to prepare a conference for the anniversary of the birth of the composer Giacomo Antonio Perti and she needs to collect some informations about his career."@en . - "Introductionary video of the outputs and lines of work of the Polifonia MUSICBO Pilot" . - . - "Apache-2.0" . - . - "In collaboration with other colleagues, Sethus is preparing a book on modal theory and its application to late Renaissance compositions." . - . -_:nfd779a70de1b4703a1a838c6354c28c5b2 "2022/12/18" . - . - "Tutorial on Meetups Output of Polifonia"@en . - . - . - . - "sparql-anything-java" . - "This tool is part of the MEETUPS pilot and processes text from music personalities' biographies to find encounter types. It uses 'sklearn' and a set of Machine Learning algorithms to classify sentences according to the established type of events. The tool extracts information from one of the four elements defining a meetup: the type of encounter (what). Encounter type, along with data of the people involved (who), the place (where) and the time it took place (what), complete the historical meetup information." . - "Enrico Daga " . - . -_:nec8b4caa1b79471f98a06d94788b9bcdb2 "" . - _:nf6ccb1cec22941f7babac8012922048eb1 . - . - "Sophia needs to study the instrumentation of a musical composition of the 18th century in order to organize a music festival that compares philological and modern performances and that proposes music compositions of that time with a completely new orchestration."@en . - "CC-BY_v4" . -_:n355b2f1af6ed43a6a2b3e3ebc17c3e06b1 "v0.1" . - "Compute graph embeddings from MIDI."@en . - . - _:n66b5d211e2054fe891521047ce0c2164b1 . - "An extension of Music Meta to describe music datasets" . - "Ceol Rince na hÉireann MIDI corpus"@en . - _:nc303b7e4de8e4e9bbeee7cd791c8150db1 . - . - "" . - . + "" . + "David"@en . + "Prototypes of the web portal"@en . + . + . + "Marilena Daquino " . + . + . + . + . + "" . +_:n337e4567501a410c8d36f23fd2efc91bb1 "10.5281/zenodo.7875034" . + "Ortenz" . + "sparql-anything-python" . + "This tool is part of the MEETUPS pilot and executes the coreference resolution task. It is in charge of identifying mentions to entities in the form of noun phrase, named, or pronominal text, particularly people and places. This software supports the identification of missing entities during the entity recognition and linking task and leverages the possibility of identifying historical meetups. Furthermore, the software tool validates that these mentions refer to the a named entity and link them to DBpedia or Wikipedia resources." . +_:n824b956260d54c6e96592b6f32de32a7b1 "10.5281/zenodo.10454048" . + "Organize my digital library"@en . "Roman Chord Ontology" . - . - . + . + . + . + "LED is an open and freely searchable database that brings together a mass of data about people’s experiences of listening to music of all kinds, in any historical period and any culture."@en . + . + . + . + "A benchmark for the extraction of documentary evidence, taking the Listening Experience Database (LED) as a reference." . + . +_:n0e0c1b6b354942bfbc3ad7e984b6378bb1 "2022/06/20" . + "Valentina Anita Carriero " . +_:n449b5bb1762c49aaba90aa8bc0f3387ab1 "v2.1" . + "" . + "Tutorial on Tonalities Output of Polifonia (part 2/2)"@en . + . + . +_:nec88d5ab5fdb475eb8817740827f274db1 "10.5281/zenodo.7924618" . + _:nec7ad0c549d04f12b9986d9720422d30b1 . + "" . + . +_:ned661bd0349e480280fdaaaca3836865b2 "v1.0" . + "" . + . + "Apache-2.0" . +_:n6326cd0ddd954d24ac3056e220372b76b2 "" . + "Jacopo de Berardinis " . + "Enrico Daga " .